Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1517: Buddha Fury Lotus

The demon wanted to get into Pei Junlin's body through Pei Junlin's eyes, ears, nose, nose and even pores to steal Pei Junlin's physical power.

Pei Junlin didn't dare to neglect, for an instant he manipulated the Buddha's wrath lotus into a flame robe, wrapping his whole body. In the air, the endless demon head of the incarnation of the demon, encountering this Buddha's wrath lotus, is like a bee corpse all over the ground, falling all over the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pei Junlin flipped his palm, and the Buddha's anger lotus turned into a continuously rotating hot wheel.

The hot wheel is like a meat grinder, constantly turning the demon that has been collected into dust.

And under the control of Pei Junlin, the steamer turned wildly around and expanded continuously. And the power of that day demon is always changing, constantly being consumed, although the power of this demon is very powerful, but under the constant encirclement and suppression of Pei Junlin, it also shrinks little by little.

"Pei Junlin, do you dare to hurt me? You are not afraid that the demon king will directly tear you into this area?" That day the demon gathered in the air into a hideous and distorted face, threatening Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin remained calm, still controlling the Buddha's anger, and Lian constantly encircled and suppressed the heavenly demons. The so-called survivors should chase the poor, and Pei Junlin will never relax.

The simple delaying tactics didn't work for Pei Junlin. After a series of screams from the demon, the touch exploded and turned into endless smoke.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seemed that the demon was really dead. She lowered her head and watched the ground covered with a faint black dust.

The gray dust exudes a foul smell, which is indeed unbearable. Even the snow on the ground was dyed black by the black dust.

Seeing that the devil had died, Pei Junlin felt that the surrounding air fluctuations were too severe. In order to avoid attracting a demon-level demon, Pei Junlin planned to leave here.

Then when Pei Junlin turned around, a magical shadow appeared behind him.

"Haha, you are really naive, do you think that this simple can kill me?" A burst of laughter came from behind Pei Junlin.

Unprepared, Pei Junlin felt a pain in his head quickly, and he felt something like a steel needle penetrating into the sea directly towards him.

Pei Junlin yelled badly, but at this time he couldn't react.

Knowing that Pei Junlin and even himself will definitely be invaded by the demon, this will be a life-and-death battle in the sea of ​​knowledge, and there may be a risk of death at any time if there is trouble.

At the last moment of soberness, Pei Junlin sacrificed a mysterious earthen jar, and he got into the earthen jar to hide.

Pei Junlin hiding in the earthen jar was like falling asleep, only his eyelids were constantly turning, and his eyes were slowly turning towards the same direction.

At the moment when Pei Junlin disappeared from the place, two demon dogs galloped over from a distance. This demon dog was burning with black flames and would not even leave a footprint when walking in the snow.

The long nose is constantly walking back and forth on the ground, seeming to want to find something suspicious.

At this time, Pei Junlin can't perceive everything that is happening outside at all. Within his four seas, Pei Junlin is constantly fighting the demon.

In the four seas of Pei Junlin, there is silence, empty space like the beginning of the dark world. Everything in this space is dark and lacquered. There are two light groups that are constantly swimming, one of which is the demon, and the other is the soul of Pei Junlin.

The demon kept chasing, Pei Junlin meant to swallow Pei Junlin completely. But Junlin Pei kept pushing his consciousness to avoid the chase of this demon.

Gradually, Pei Junlin felt that in the sea of ​​consciousness, it was not his home ground, and he could only be subdued by introducing this heavenly demon into the Pure Land.

"Pei Junlin, do you think you are still my opponent when you get to this kind of place?" The demon let out a quack of laughter that day, transformed into a goldfish, and swallowed it towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't expect this heavenly demon to be so sinister and vicious that he would crash and die when he was most careless, and suddenly invaded his sea of ​​consciousness.

But now it's too late to say anything, and regret it's too late. Pei Junlin watched the demon who turned into a whale swallowed towards him, he didn't panic.

A group of brilliant rays of light lit up around Pei Junlin's body, like a candle in the darkness, quickly illuminating the surroundings.

At the moment when this celestial demon opened his big mouth and wanted to swallow Pei Junlin, a cloud of golden light suddenly, including the two air masses that came to wrap the two people, instantly pulled into a country full of golden buildings. .

This country is the most mysterious Pure Land of Pei Junlin in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and it is also the place where he condensed his Buddhism practice.

"Where is this place? How could there be such a place?" The heavenly demon was trapped in the golden bubbles, roaring constantly, and his eyes looked around in horror.

But Pei Junlin calmly used the power of willingness in this pure land to quickly restore his spirit.

Pei Junlin didn't say a word, opened his big hand, and instantly grabbed it towards the bubble. The bubble suddenly shattered, and the demon seemed to feel happy on his face that day.

But soon he knew what despair was. A big hand of Pei Junlin firmly grasped this demon, no matter how hard it struggled, it still couldn't break away from Pei Junlin's palm.

"Ah, what's going on? How did you become so powerful? What is this place?" The demon kept screaming and struggling, but to no avail.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed at the Buddha Kingdom in the Pure Land that was far away. In this way, two golden arhats walked out. The two golden arhats were bathed in light, one holding the Buddha's demon-casting object, and the other holding a crescent shovel.

The two golden arhats grabbed with their hands, and the demon was torn in half. The breath that was divided into two halves was still struggling and turned into two monsters.

Seeing this result, Pei Junlin was also extremely surprised. He didn't think there was anything special about this demon before, but now Pei Junlin finally felt that this demon seemed extremely difficult.

The general demon would be completely dead as long as it was destroyed, but it seemed that the demon would never die at all and would never die. After being torn apart, it would turn into two heavenly monsters, which is incredible.

Pei Junlin waved a golden glazed pagoda and landed, and instantly imprisoned the two heavenly demons. Among them, soon, Pei Junlin discovered an amazing phenomenon. The two halves of the two heavenly demons quickly merged into one. The appearance of the demon before.

"Haha, do you think you can really kill me? No one in this world can kill me. Unintentional and Wuxiang won't die at all." That day the demon was trapped in the glazed pagoda, but kept turning towards Pei through the window King's Landing smirked.

Although Pei Junlin was shocked, the creature like the Heavenly Demon could not judge this matter with common sense, and still asked for help from Lord Jin, but now somehow trapped the Heavenly Demon.

With a wave of Pei Junlin's palm, the glazed glass pagoda came to Pei Junlin's palm, and Pei Jun's figure flashed again, and he entered the chaotic golden bucket space.

"This demon is very unusual, even I don't know why, the average demon is easy to kill, especially when encountering Buddhism, it is like snow melting, there is no fight back." Jin Ye saw the day before he was trapped in the pagoda, and I was amazed, and I couldn't see why he came.

Since there is no way to solve this problem, Pei Junlin is not in a hurry to solve this matter. Anyway, this demon has been tightly trapped, and trapping this demon is the most precious glazed pagoda of Buddhism.

However, this glazed pagoda is not a real glazed pagoda, but the virtual reality visualized by Pei Junlin can be used for a short time.

Finally defeated, the demon did not kill the opponent, but also suppressed the opponent, Pei Junlin felt a little weak, especially the excessive consumption of energy.

A piece of pure white pill fell from the sky, and Pei Jun hurriedly reached out to catch it. These pills exudes a pungent smell, Pei Junlin stuffed it directly into his mouth without hesitation.

"That is the Heaven Demon Pill, which has refined the pure magic power of the Heaven Demon, leaving only pure mental power. After swallowing the Heaven Demon Pill, the spiritual power can be quickly restored." Jin Ye's voice sounded after Pei Jun appeared.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin swallowed thousands of Heavenly Devil Pills in one breath, and then he felt energetic. It was in stark contrast to the languid look before.

"This demon will be imprisoned here But you must be careful when you encounter a demon outside. This is the base camp of the demon, and many mutant demon will be born, and many demon have incredible. Energy." Jin Ye told Pei Junlin, but he must be careful.

At this time, Pei Junlin regained his vigorous look, full of blood and energy, and immediately wanted to do a big job. This is the hometown of the demon like **** to others, but for Pei Junlin it is a digging and can be encountered. The treasure of gold.

The Heavenly Demon Pills that these demon incarnations are full of pure mental power, especially when they are equipped to determine the cultivator, they especially need the support of this type of demon pill.

Cultivation warlocks consume the most energy, so Pei Junlin also has a special liking for Heavenly Demon Pills. He consumed thousands of Heavenly Demon Pills just now. It can be seen that the power consumption of such Heavenly Demon Pills is also amazing.

"You must catch these demon a lot and refine them into pill." Pei Junlin let out a quacking laugh, and jumped out of the chaotic golden bucket space.

Pei Junlin squeezed a drop of blood from his fingertips again, and as expected, this drop of blood was like extremely tempting food, instantly attracting countless monsters from the air in all directions.

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