Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1542: Refining Demon Body

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"By the way, Big Brother Pei, your cultivating mountain must have a name, just like the mountain of Senior Brother Chen Zhentian, named Qi Tianfeng. And Fang Zhiqing's senior sister's mountain is called Xueqing Mountain." Leng Xiaoyun turned the conversation away. There was a faint smile on his face.

Pei Junlin held a bonfire party on the top of the mountain. The friends who lived and died together, although they were all girls, were very talkative.

Just talking about this topic, Pei Junlin also felt very necessary, after all, he has not named this mountain until now.

After pondering a little, Pei Junlin thought of a name. She faintly looked at everyone and said in a low voice: "If you must have a name, then the mountain I'm on is called Jinling City."

Everyone was a little surprised by the name Pei Junlin took, because they didn't know what the three words Jinling City meant.

But only Pei Junlin knows that Ningcheng means his home on earth, so Pei Junlin is very affectionate for this name. Hearing this name will make Pei Junlin think of his beloved wife and prince. Joan and his parents and other family members.

"So many of you don't call me for a banquet?" A pure and graceful voice fell from the air, and a white phantom appeared in front of Pei Junlin, coming from the darkness like a fairy from the world.

This is no one else but Fang Zhiqing.

Everyone was surprised by Fang Zhiqing's arrival, because Fang Zhiqing's identity was completely different, and Zhiqing belonged to the top existence in the entire Qingniu holy place.

Ordinary people usually don't even see Fang Zhiqing in person, and don't say sitting with her drinking. But everyone here knows that the reason why Fang Zhiqing can come here is because of Pei Junlin's face.

According to the legend, the relationship between Pei Junlin and Fang Zhiqing was a bit ambiguous. Many people thought it was just a rumor, but when Fang Zhiqing really sat next to Pei Junlin, all the girls were almost silent.

There is no doubt that Pei Junlin is a potential stock, and the future growth height is completely unpredictable. None of the girls here, including Leng Xiaoyun, dared to say that they were not tempted by Pei Junlin.

But at this moment, their restless heart was surprisingly cold, because Fang Zhiqing's appearance crushed everything.

Even the pair sitting next to Junlin Pei was hiding far away at this time, with a sad look on their small faces. Compared with Fang Zhiqing, these girls, although their looks are fair, but they are really like those 9 The jade in the sky is the same as the grass on the ground.

Pei Junlin didn't feel anything. After all, this matter was still a bit embarrassing for him. On that day, Pei Junlin of the Demon World had said a lot to Chen Zhentian.

If these words were introduced into Fang Zhiqing's ears, then this matter would be embarrassing.

"I heard that you said something about me in the Celestial Demon Realm." Fang Zhiqing just sat down and said a word that made Jun Lin sweat.

Jun Pei was embarrassed, because when he was talking, many people around were doing these girls. As for why the words would reach Fang Zhiqing’s ears, Jun Pei would not investigate, he naturally knew that most of the girls present here They are all from Fang Zhiqing.

As long as Fang Zhiqing is willing to enter every information and every detail of the Heavenly Demon Realm by herself, he can clearly know every detail.

Silence means everything at this time. Once you speak, there is a risk of completely annoying Fang Zhiqing.

Pei Junlin's choice was clever, Fang Zhiqing asked these words, but did not expect to get the answer from Pei Junlin's mouth, it was just a beating.

"I know that in the situation at the time, you can understand the nonsense to stimulate Chen Zhentian, but you only have to say these words once. I don't want to hear these words from others again." Fang Zhiqing's momentum is very strong. Qiang, although his tone of every sentence was softened, it revealed an indisputable choice.

Pei Junlin's blood rushed to his face, because he could feel that Fang Zhiqing's tone was elevated, as if he had become a general under Fang Zhiqing, this feeling made Pei Junlin extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, she discovered that Fang Zhiqing was not much different from Chen Zhentian. Both of them were actually the same in their hearts, and they were both careerists.

However, these emotions were not revealed by Pei Junlin, and only calculated in his heart. The so-called being a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail is not what Pei Junlin thinks of being subjugated, but now he cannot afford to offend Fang Zhiqing in the Blue Bull Holy Land. s consequence.

If Chen Zhentian is offended, Pei Junlin can still have Fang Zhiqing's shelter, but if Fang Zhiqing is also offended, then it will have no place in the entire Green Bull Holy Land.

"Senior Sister Fang, I know about this. It was me Meng Lang that day. I can't take care of too much to survive. I will pay attention to this in the future. These words will not come out of my mouth again." Say these honestly and sincerely apologize to Fang Zhiqing.

The so-called people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and Pei Junlin also temporarily chose to give in for some things, not to mention Fang Zhiqing is actually good to him, but sometimes Fang Zhiqing's domineering attitude makes Pei Junlin a little unbearable. To read novels

Junlin Pei comes from the earth, and has never touched this kind of condescending and dying game rules, so suddenly coming to the other side of the starry sky, Junlin Pei still has something unbearable.

As the saying goes, when you go to the village and do what you are doing, when you are a monk, even if you can't bear it, Pei Junlin can only bear it temporarily.

At the end of the banquet, Pei Junlin and the other girls all left, leaving only Pei Junlin and the Geng family siblings.

Recently, Zhang Huizi has also gone out. According to the Geng family's brothers and sisters, Zhang Huizi has been missing for at least half a month.

After Pei Junlin packed everything up, he soon entered the state of cultivation, because he had an urgent need to solve.

This is a big fat benefit. If it is not digested as soon as possible, it will obviously cause covetousness from others.

At this moment, inside the golden bucket space, Pei Junlin's palm was lying quietly with a black bead. This black bead was the body of the demon lord Black Wolf, a demon-level demon, and was killed by that Bai Fan lightly.

Does the body of this demon become an external incarnation or is it used for other purposes? Pei Junlin has to plan now. After all, he already has an external avatar, although most of the **** monkey avatars are practicing on his own, but they can also play unexpected roles in many cases.

Pei Junlin sat under the enlightenment tree in the chaotic golden bucket, closing his eyes as if meditating.

Suddenly Pei Junlin opened his eyes, as if he had received some revelation, he reached out and pointed at a large black umbrella floating above his head, it was the soul umbrella.

A black mist emerged from the Soul Umbrella, and gradually condensed into a human form, and a young man with a cunning face appeared. The young man is no one else, but the old Wu Wu, the weapon of the Soul Umbrella.

Seeing Pei Junlin, Laowu immediately knelt down respectfully and kowtowed towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin felt a little speechless, but Lao Wu just couldn't get rid of this stinking problem and understood too much.

"Lao Wu, I intend to give you the body of the Demon King Black Wolf, so that you can be promoted to the level of the Demon King in one fell swoop." Pei Junlin said in a very flat tone, as if to reward Lao Wu with something insignificant.

But this fluttering sentence fell in Lao Wu's ears, but it was not conducive to exploding thunder, and it directly knocked him out.

Promoting directly from an ordinary demon to the demon king is inconceivable in Lao Wu's thoughts, like a step to the sky.

He never thought that this benefit would fall on his head, and he was a little unbelievable for a while, just staring blankly at Jun Lin's mouth open.

Pei Junlin has been observing Lao Wu's performance. In fact, this Lao Wu has been completely controlled by him. Pei Junlin is not afraid of the rebellious heart brought about by the growth of Lao Wu's strength.

In fact, there is no absolute loyalty in this world, just the level of strength. If Pei Junlin's own strength can suppress Lao Wu, he is naturally not afraid of his rebellion, but once Lao Wu devours the power belonging to the black wolf, he will be promoted to the demon king. Level, then it will be difficult to control.

But for this point, Pei Junlin had already prepared. The Buddhism practice he cultivated just restrained the heavenly demons. Taking advantage of the fact that Lao Wu has not yet been promoted to that point, Pei Junlin still has a lot of room for manipulation.

"Master, the villain is very scared. The villain doesn't actually have that much ambition. He just wants to be with his master." Old Wu Cheng lay down on the ground in fear.

Pei Junlin looked at the old crow lying on the ground like a dog, feeling a little bit in his heart. It really was the result of human nature and demons. This old crow was a strange flower in the eyes of Pei Junlin.

The so-called cleverness was mistaken by cleverness, Pei Junlin knew that Lao Wu might not be so loyal to him in his heart. Half of Lao Wu's soul comes from humans, and the other half comes from the demon. There are both human beings' concealment and courage, as well as the cunning and viciousness of the demon.

However, Pei Junlin didn’t fancy these two points. UU reading I am Lao Wu’s own ability. It seems that the Lao Wu practiced some mysterious technique before being swallowed by the Tian Desert, which made him be The controls are well organized.

The tens of billions of Heavenly Demons on the Soul Umbrella were clearly taken care of by Lao Wu, and he had never caused trouble to Pei Junlin.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Pei Junlin decided to hand over the energy of the demon lord Black Wolf to Lao Wu and let him be promoted to the demon lord in one fell swoop.

Pei Junlin stopped talking, silently chanting the scriptures. As his scriptures were recited, a cloud of light golden smoke appeared on Pei Junlin's head. This smoke continued to evolve and slowly formed a castle in the sky. And mysterious buildings.

The heavenly gods and Buddhas sat upright in these buildings, and a peaceful atmosphere spread.

This is the pure land of Pei Junlin's cultivation. At this time, it showed that he wanted to purify the old Wu, so that his inner consciousness had only absolute loyalty and never rebelled.

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