Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1560: Skew frame

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Don't say that this is an indomitable treasure containing ancient secrets, even if it is an ordinary thing, Pei Junlin will not hand it over at this time.

He Pei Junlin has never been an obedient person, let alone being persecuted, doing anything against his own mind.

Pei Junlin had anticipated that Chen Zhentian was here to pull the frame, and he didn't even bother to cover up.

"Senior Brother Chen, you have not figured out the matter yet, so you are eager to turn your elbow away. If you are like this, how can we let the brothers of the Blue Bull Holy Land trust you?" Pei Junlin didn't raise his eyelids, obviously waiting to see Chen Zhentian This big brother.

Chen Zhentian was naturally secretly angry about Pei Junlin's refusal to give face and listen to greetings. But in front of outsiders, he can't do it too ugly. If he shoots at Pei Junlin at this time, he will take his name.

"Since you don't listen to my advice on this matter, then you should act according to your own methods. Anyway, I'm standing here, and outsiders don't want to bully you." Chen Zhentian immediately made an appearance of defending Pei Junlin.

However, there is also an overtone in his words, that is, she let it go and let Taiyi Immortal Clan do it casually.

"I'm leaving now, whoever stops me, I'll turn my face away. Don't blame me for not making it clear beforehand." Pei Junlin put on a posture of hob meat, and slammed a fist to the left, just listening to the explosion, the whole formation Law collapsed.

Pei Junlin suddenly suspected the formation of the two Taiyi Immortal Gates, and made it clear not to give the opposite side.

The two disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, who are usually respected in the martial sect, even if they go out, they are always eager and admirable. They are respected no matter where they go.

Where did you experience such a frustration and be provoked by Pei Junlin face to face, not only did not give face, but also broke the formation and wanted to go away. This is simply to hit the entire Taiyi Immortal Gate face to face.

"You are so courageous." One of the men spread out his five fingers with his big hand and instantly turned into a small whirlwind.

Suddenly, Jun Pei came to the whole body, flying sand and rocks. This group of condensed winds resembling a golden storm shrouded in an attempt to completely trap Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin did not dare to neglect, this was the unique method of Taiyi Immortal Sect, Taiyi Golden Light.

Chen Zhentian's eyes were open and closed. He didn't expect two ordinary Taiyi Immortal Clan disciples to have such a method. It seems that these two people have hidden their strength.

Many people onlookers exclaimed that the strength of Taiyi Immortal Gate was fully revealed at this moment. If ordinary people can't escape the envelope of this golden light, once trapped, they can't escape.

If you want to escape, then all the flesh and blood must be left behind.

Residents were trapped in this golden light, and immediately felt shaky, the surrounding scenery became blurred, and fierce shouts came from their ears.

I can feel that the voices of many people close at hand are distorted, and I hear some messy language in my ears, and I can't hear them clearly.

I really want to find out from this group of golden light, that is also a dream, this Taiyi golden light does not give anyone any chance to come back, it is so strong and domineering.

There was even the power of rules in the golden light, and small robbery thunder fell.

Pei Junlin moved his mana around his body, and a layer was really enveloped.

He was not in a hurry to run the wind vortex, and a vortex flew from the center of his eyebrows and began to spread around. This Taiyi golden light was drawn into the whirlpool of wind, causing the whirlpool to carry a hint of golden aura.

The whirlpool of the breath of the wind whirled continuously, counteracting the pressure of the golden light of Taiyi. Pei Junlin finally stabilized his footsteps, the blood qi in his body no longer churned, and the pores no longer tingled.

But now Pei Junlin has a concern that he can't play dead flesh with this Taiyi Immortal Clan disciple. A little carelessness will hurt the other party, and the conflict will be intensified at that time.

Fighting is neither a retreat nor is he in a dilemma now. Although Pei Junlin can break the Taiyi Golden Light, he has not yet thought of how to deal with the next steps.

If it really fought with the people of the Taiyi Immortal Clan and even died, then it has no intention of being in the Blue Bull Holy Land in the future, and it will not be able to gain a foothold.

Pei Junlin could directly see that the Blue Bull Holy Land would definitely not offend the Taiyi Immortal Gate for the sake of sheltering him. This is reality.

He can only be bullied and can't fight back. This feeling of aggrieved makes Pei Junlin almost explode. When did he experience this kind of bird air?

The Taiyi golden light seemed to feel that Pei Junlin's internal resistance was becoming more and more arrogant, and the endless storm power swept in, piercing Pei Junlin's skin like silver needles.

Pei Junlin's whole body blood energy flew out from the pores like golden silk threads, forming a net to be absorbed by a Taiyi golden light.

Where is the means of the immortal sect, it is simply the means of the magic way to plunder people's vitality, it is extremely evil. Even the demon head of the Demon Sect did not dare to be so arrogant, Pei Junlin was so angry that his teeth creaked.

Unbearable, no need to endure Pei Junlin's fist, suddenly hit the golden light with a punch, and instantly exploded the golden light. This is the method of the Great Demon Gate, breaking the palm of the extinction, and the power displayed by Pei Junlin's current strength is even more amazing, a breath of destruction and destruction, permeating everything.

Although this Taiyi Golden Light was fierce and domineering, it was of course invincible by the means of the magic door and the means of the emperor level, and it was instantly destroyed by Pei Junlin from the inside.

Seeing Pei Junlin break free from the golden light, the two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples were directly dumbfounded.

"This treasure is a virtuous and capable person who flew out of the fairy mansion and learned that your Taiyi Immortal Gate is so overbearing. Are all the treasures in this world written with your Taiyi Immortal Gate's name? Today I will speak Put it here, if the Taiyi Immortal Sect repeatedly pushes me down, don't blame me for the killer." Pei Junlin is to make a list of the consequences first and then the soldiers. It would be better for these two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples to retreat.

"You still dare to kill, give you ten courage, do you dare to move me?" The two disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect stared, and they were all overlord.

This Taiyi Immortal Sect disciple has always been arrogant outside, and has never encountered an opponent. At this time, Pei Junlin is just a small green bull Holy Land disciple, and they are naturally not afraid.

Even if Junlin Pei has some strength, but Chen Zhentian is here, even if Junlin Pei wants to do it, he can't get over the big waves.

Pei Junlin only used one move to let the two disciples in front of it know how powerful it was and did not dare to act rashly.

This can also be said to be famous in World War I. Not only Taiyi Immortal Sect, but also the two people looked timid. Even the outsiders who didn't need to watch had heard Pei Junlin's name.

Pei Junlin found that the women around him began to pour out those who supported him on the face. The people he admired were actually dissatisfied with the Taiyi Immortal Sect in the interior.

After all, some of his people usually act too arrogantly. The eyes of the masses are discerning, and everyone knows what kind of people they usually look like at Taiyi Immortal Gate.

Pei Junlin actually didn't need to explain Pei Junlin's mouth, many people can see the reason at a glance.

However, the human heart cannot influence the major events on the battlefield, especially since some people occupy an absolute advantage on this grassland, no one dares to speak casually.

"It's still the same sentence. Either leave the protection here, or you can take action against the two of us. It's up to us Taiyi Immortal Sect. When the other core disciples come, can they kill you?" The disciple of Yixianmen, who could not be regarded as Pei Junlin's opponent, didn't do anything with Pei Junlin, but changed to verbal threats.

"The thing is mine, why should I stay?" Pei Junlin said in a gloomy tone, furious.

Chen Zhentian watched all this silently. Pei Junlin, who was waiting for him, couldn't bear to make a move. When the time comes, he will not intervene, but will watch Pei Junlin introduce him as the following ordinary disciple in the past two years.

At that time, the situation is out of control, then Pei Junlin will undoubtedly go to a dead end, and all of this is what Chen Zhentian likes. U U Reading

He Xuren Pei Junlin had already seen the situation clearly, he would never kill casually, but in fact these two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples were too arrogant, and Pei Junlin would not let them go.

To kill these two people face to face, Pei Junlin had too many methods, and he was able to hide from the sky.

There are 30 million heavenly demons in the Soul Umbrella, the biggest of which is the powerhouse of the Demon King level is Lao Wu. After Old Wu Tun died of the demon body of the Demon Lord Black Wolf, it has almost merged in the past few days, and now he has successfully promoted to a Demon Lord level demon.

In the human world, there is no space for the existence of the demon. Once the sky does not enter the human world, it will undoubtedly cause disasters, but Lao Wu is an exception, being brought in from the demon world by Pei Junlin.

A devil-level demon invading the consciousness of human beings, it is like entering one's own door, simple.

Moreover, the invisible and invisible heavenly devil could not see Pei Junlin with his eyes or with his spiritual sense, nor was he afraid of leaking information. Pei Junlin secretly directed Lao Wu to invade the sea of ​​consciousness of two Taiyi immortal disciples.

In less than a moment, the two disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect suddenly began to kill each other as if they were convulsed. They drew their swords in full view and slashed at their companions.

A sword light flashed across the arms of the two of them and they were cut off, and all of this happened between the electric light and flint, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

"Well, these two disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, could it be that they were controlled by the monsters of the Demon Sect?" Pei Junlin singled out these things as the consciousness of the Demon Sect demon invading people.

At the moment when Pei Junlin spoke, one of the Taiyi Immortal Clan disciples directly inserted his hand into the opponent's heart, while the other disciple grabbed the opponent's neck and pulled his head abruptly.

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