Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1571: Luck

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There is no day or night, except for being able to communicate with Jin Ye, Pei Junlin is alone, most of the time Pei Junlin is in the cultivation.

He used this kind of mindless attitude to fight his inner fear, but when Pei Junlin entered the deep cultivation realm, he didn't know that a mysterious aura quietly penetrated from the depths of the fairy house.

At the moment when Pei Junlin practiced and entered deep sleep, there was a black shadow like a deep place, quietly winding around Pei Junlin, absorbing the breath in Pei Junlin's body.

Absorbing Pei Junlin's breath is not his true magic power, nor the blood qi in his body, but the mysterious and profound aura.

At this time, in the eyes of the mysterious existence in the depths of this fairy mansion, Pei Junlin was simply a big fat he had never seen before, because Pei Junlin's whole body was enveloped in a rich and indestructible purple aura.

This purple breath is not Pei Junlin's own roots or other necessary things, but the inexplicable luck.

It was the return of this purple luck, just as Pei Junlin's life had caused a huge change in his destiny, and he was able to live to death even when he encountered a disease.

At this time, the mysterious existence in that fairy mansion was greedily absorbing the luck of Pei Jun's body.

Accompanied by a little bit of purple aura, reducing the little life technique of Pei Junlin's cultivation seems to have felt this change, which caused a warning in Pei Junlin's heart, and Pei Junlin, who was in deep practice, suddenly opened. eye.

At the moment when Pei Junlin opened his eyes, two inches of golden light shone out.

At the moment when Pei Junlin saw this mysterious move, his whole person was in awe, followed by a wave of physical weakness.

Pei Junlin knew the most mysterious and evil existence in this fairy palace, and finally showed up. He has been guessing whether there is an evil existence in this fairy palace. He is controlling the situation and manipulating everything, and now everything is obtained. Confirmed.

As for what this mysterious existence needs, Pei Junlin hasn't figured it out yet. After all, the mysterious shot didn't hurt him at all. He just felt a little weak in his body. In addition, there are also some small life skills. A slight change.

"He absorbed your luck, do you feel weak?" Jin Ye's voice was full of surprise, and it was obvious that he had witnessed everything just now.

Just then Pei Junlin screamed, it turned out that this mysterious existence turned out to be because of the aura. No wonder he deliberately tricked so many monks into here, it turned out to be to absorb luck.

When Qi Luck is said to be mysterious and mysterious, Pei Junlin has always only heard his words and did not see him, and he has no idea what this thing is. With his current strength, he has not been able to cultivate, and Wang Qi technique has no way of knowing his Qi. Where is the shipment?

But now that Pei Junlin realized that he was being stared at by this mysterious existence, he really felt a little weak in his body, as if something had been hollowed out, which made Pei Junlin feel a kind of creepy.

Even the legendary little fate technique naturally has a better understanding of the mysterious and unpredictable fate than ordinary people. Hearing Jin Ye said that the evil existence in this fairy house is to absorb luck, which made Pei Junlin was shocked in his heart.

If luck is completely sucked away, then disaster will follow, because a person's good luck will be sucked away after bad luck.

Fortunately, luck is not entirely a matter of probability, but when a person is lucky, the rules of heaven will be completely toward him. The number of days will change accordingly, so that no matter what a person does, there is a great probability of success.

"Don't worry too much, he was discovered by you just as soon as he sucked a little bit. Your luck hasn't been damaged too much, and with your current strength and luck, even if you get a little bit of it, It will automatically recover soon. But in the next period of time you have to be careful, don’t give this mysterious existence any more opportunities, once it completely takes away your luck, then you will never turn back completely. The ground." Jin Ye's tone was extremely serious, and he told Pei Junlin to be careful.

When such a thing happened, Pei Junlin naturally had no intention of practicing, and he had been thinking about what the mysterious existence hidden in the fairy mansion was.

Why is this thing that can be controlled and hidden here?


Suddenly the entire Immortal Palace was shaking, and the space where Pei Junlin was located could clearly feel that the entire Immortal Palace was shaking.

The surrounding environment has always been too quiet, except for a dead silence, Pei Junlin did not notice any movement in contact, and suddenly there was a movement, Pei Junlin's first reaction was not fear but surprise.

In the desperate situation of this kind of stagnant water, the most fear is that there is no movement, even if the face is about to die, it is also a result for Pei Junlin, the most fear is the boundlessness, being trapped here aimlessly. Waiting day after day for lifespan exhaustion and death.

Along with the tremors of the Xianfu, Pei Junlin can be sure that either of the Qingniu Great Emperor or the Taiyi Sect Master has defeated the other, and at this time is about to seize the initiative of the Xianfu.

Once the emperor-level characters really enter the fairy house, Pei Junlin will finally have a way to look forward to. But let him embrace the earth lightly and enter this fairy mansion, maybe the Italian-level strength can perfectly fight the mysterious existence, so that even if Pei Junlin is freed, he can also be considered as an escape.

The shock lasted for two days and two nights. In the end, the fairy mansion was intact. Pei Junlin did not see any figures entering here. The humble Pei Junlin was a little desperate. He realized that the strength of the fairy mansion could even fight against the emperor-level characters. , And that mysterious existence doesn't seem to want that top-level existence to enter here.

In other words, this Immortal Palace selectively allows outsiders to enter here if the strength is too strong, they will be directly shut out, the strength is too weak, he can't see it, and can't enter here.

That is to say, the mysterious existence in this fairy house controls whether the gate of the entire fairy house is opened or not.

He will actively choose some cultivators with strong luck to enter here, and absorb their luck for his own use, and Xiang Qingniu Dali, a monk in the late stage of the five declines of heaven and man, is very powerful and difficult to control on the one hand, on the other hand. , It's also possible that a person like Qingniu the Great has little luck left.

Even if the Emperor Qingniu can't get in, then he has no hope of going out again. Now I start from the mysterious existence in this fairy mansion, and maybe I can have a glimmer of life.

The first thing to do is to determine whether this mysterious existence can communicate, and then you can choose to exchange terms with the other party in a certain way of dialogue, and maybe you can go out from here.

"Senior, I know what you need. If it's convenient to show up, we can talk." Pei Junlin muttered to the wall.

But after a long time not only the immortal palace stopped shaking, but even the mysterious existence did not respond at all. This could not help but make Pei Junlin's heart lost. It seems that the mysterious existence is either a monster with no will or disdain. Take care of yourself.

In short, this monster is very difficult to deal with. If you want to escape from life, there is no chance now.

What surprised Pei Junlin was the little life technique. This time all the little life techniques reminded himself that if not, Pei Junlin felt that he was very dangerous.

Feeling the magic of this little life technique, Pei Junlin began to practice more and more. And Pei Junlin consciously concealed his state of cultivation, trying to lure the mysterious existence to appear, but unfortunately for a few days, the mysterious existence had no trace.

In the end, Pei Junlin was finally impatient and almost lost his mind. His mood was so irritable that he could not practice at all, and he was bored and annoyed all day long.

"I have communicated with the spirit of this fairy house." Jin Ye's words rang in Pei Junlin's ear, undoubtedly in Xian Le Lun Yin.

Pei Junlin fell into a pleasant surprise for an instant. As long as he can contact the spirit of this fairy house, it means that he can do business with the other party.

Everything in this world is business, not because there is no price, but because you can't afford the price, everything is actually negotiable, so Pei Junlin is confident that he can get out of this fairy house.

"Don’t get me wrong, this fairy mansion’s spirit is not the mysterious thing that sucked your luck before. According to what I understand, this fairy mansion’s spirit is controlled by an extremely evil and mysterious existence, which means this fairy The weapon spirit of the palace is under control, and the entire fairy palace is not under the control of the weapon spirit." The king said to Pei Junlin in a whisper, which also made Pei Junlin feel completely cold, and fell into the abyss once again.

There was still a little hope, but now this hope seems to have been completely extinguished, and Pei Junlin has completely fallen into the darkness.

"But you shouldn’t be too panic. The spirit of this fairy palace is also in control of the existence of the entire fairy palace. Although he is now imprisoned, his understanding of this fairy palace far exceeds that of the mysterious and evil existence. With his secret help, I don't think it is very difficult for us to get out from here." Jin Ye's tone was full, full of stability, without any tone fluctuations.

I don't know when Jin Ye became deeper and deeper, and he was no longer in a collision with Pei Jun when he was on the earth, saying that brother to brother was full of laughter.

Sometimes he would even quarrel with Junlin Pei and so on, but now, Junlin Pei finds more and more that Jin Ye has become deep and bottomless, and his words have become rare.

Although this kind of golden master made Pei Junlin feel a little strange and separated between the two, it gave Pei Junlin more sense of security, because at this time, the golden master was like a mountain, let Pei Junlin trap him. Inexplicably, there was a feeling of security inside. ?

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