Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 158: Energy serum

? When Pei Junlin's voice without the slightest sense of color fell, Rong Changhe and the two instructors' faces changed immediately.

The three men support each other, you see me, I see you, in the end Rongchang and know that it can't be hidden, anyway, this is not a secret, Pei Junlin will know sooner or later that there will be things about international competitions .

Especially when it comes to the fact that Pei Junlin is only responsible for the most low-level rookie students, Rong Changhe has been secretly watching Pei Junlin's face, for fear of the young real person in front of him, outraged.

After all, Pei Junlin's strength is really too strong. At a young age, he has already asked about the achievements of real people in the field of arts. This kind of practice is not to say that it is to teach rookie students, even the students who are at the top of the path have no problems.

However, the high-level Yan Huang organization arranged Pei Junlin with the rookie students. The high-level affairs are not understood, but they are afraid that Pei Junlin cannot bear the pride, because this disguise is also regarded as a kind of contempt.

Sure enough, after Rongchang and the three of them explained the cause of the incident, Pei Junlin was silent, and when the three were frightened, thinking that when they made a big disaster, they saw Pei Junlin grinning and said, "You are nervous, I just It ’s just a two-month temporary spell instructor! It does n’t matter if the professor is at the peak of his asceticism or the rookie at the beginning of the asceticism! ”

This is true. Pei Junlin has always been not interested in the so-called magic instructors. The reason why he promised Lu Qingkong to come here is entirely for the existence of the spar. As long as he gets the spar, he will After leaving the base, what kind of monastic summit, what international competitions, and what is the rookie in the early days of monasticism, what did he do with him? !!

Rongchang and the three breathed a sigh of relief, secretly persuading the cold sweat on their heads.

"It's best that Pei Jiaomin thinks this way. We have been afraid that you would get angry!"

"Right! Instructor Pei, after this week's guts training, do you have any plans?" Instructor Fang asked.

"Everyone knows that the growth of physical quality will not happen overnight, and the time between international events is so urgent. If you do not have a good plan, there is a shortcut!"

Pei Junlin was slightly surprised: "Do you have a shortcut?"

Instructor Fang nodded and said, "Yes! Instructor Pei may not have known when he first arrived. Inside our Yanhuang organization, there is a treasure named-energy serum."

"Energy serum?"

Pei Junlin shook his head. He has never really heard of the name, but it can be used in a country weapon like Yanhuang organization, and it is also robbed by everyone. It must be a treasure. What kind of baby is this energy serum?

"That is a treasure that everyone envied, no matter whether it is a martial arts practitioner or a Taoist practitioner, it is the existence of a crowded head!"

Fang instructor was obsessed with envy, and Rongchang and the other instructor had the same expression: "I have come to this base for seven or eight years, and it was only rewarded by the senior management after one meritorious service. So a small bottle of energy serum is now obsessed with that taste! "

"But it is really as good as the legendary effect of washing muscles and marrows. After taking it, the whole body will undergo a great transformation, and all aspects will be greatly improved!"

"Isn't it? The director ’s feelings about the energy serum are still unforgettable! Although there will be some pain and suffering in the early stage, but as long as the pain in the early stage has passed, the feeling of strength improvement is really cool!" Rongchanghe Also spoke.

"Instructor Pei, as long as you can get that energy serum, even this rookie this time will be a big waste, even if it is no waste!"

Hearing Rong Changhe and others described it as exaggerated, Pei Junlin was becoming more and more curious about what kind of treasure the so-called energy serum was, and decided to wait for Lu Qingkong carefully after this week's barren mountain training mission. Just ask.

If there is such an energy serum, it would save him a lot of energy. Originally, Pei Junlin was still thinking about doing it by himself, refining some elixir that can quickly increase the physical quality ...

"Okay, you guys don't have to go to the theater anymore, just go into this barren mountain and see the situation!"

"If you are in danger of being unsolved, go ahead!"

Pei Junlin commanded, because he had heard the screams of horror and the roar of the beasts. Although he didn't care about the life and death of these students, he didn't want to make a casual training. Just two months, just be patient.

Rong Changhe and the other two instructors heard that they flew into the barren mountain area, while Pei Junlin leapt into a big tree that covered the sky, sat quietly sitting cross-legged, and began to practice Otsuki Nagai.

This is the depths of the Hengduan Mountains. There are large trees covering the sky everywhere. The wooden spirit here is far more active than the outside world and is a rare place for cultivation.

Time passed quickly. It was already three days after Yihuang. During these three days, Pei Jun was sitting under the lush foliage of a large tree, motionless, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of turquoise light. Any wind blowing in the distance of a thousand kilometers is clear in my chest.

In the three days, four students of the Spellbox have been rescued by Rongchang and the three, which is equivalent to a verdict that the four students have been kicked out of the Spellbox.

But Pei Junlin knows that all of this is just the beginning. He has limited survival equipment for each student, especially food and water. The later, the more he will test one's true willpower and various aspects of survivability.

Sure enough, he expected that on the fourth day, Pei Junlin heard the sound of three signal guns, which meant that three more students had given up the hone task. So far, seven students have been eliminated!

On the fifth day, there were more eliminations, and six students gave up!

The sixth day is two!

On the seventh day, another student could not hold on and fired a flare gun!

So far, a total of 16 trainees have been eliminated, and 196 trainees are left with 180 trainees!

Simply a single special force from the special forces can complete the challenging task, but the Shufa Pavilion students eliminated sixteen, an average of two more a day, their physical fitness and willpower can be seen in general!

When these seven days of survival training, known as the Devil's Mission, ended, all the students who came out of the barren mountains were almost crying. Many of them were ragged and covered with blood, but there was more in their eyes A breath of perseverance and blood.

One student had beast claw marks everywhere on his arms, legs, and body. The wound was terrifying. He could see the intestines and the white ribs inside.

However, this student clenched his teeth, making Pei Junlin look at him.

"What's your name?" Pei Junlin put his hand on the student's chest, running Ogi's longevity formula, and injected strong vitality quickly.

"The words of the Muslim, my name is Xiao Zhan!"

The student, bearing the severe pain in his body, replied with his teeth.

"You are very good!"

Pei Junlin nodded. Under the injection of vitality, the naked eye's wounds on Xiao Zhan's body recovered at a horrible speed, and finally they closed together and began to scar.

This miraculous scene shocked everyone once again, looking at Pei Junlin one by one, full of awe.

When returning to the military base, Pei Junlin went directly to find Lu Qingkong. He needed to ask about the energy serum.

However, when he found the place, he was arrogant. A young man in his 20s informed that Lu Qingkong had left something two days ago. Pei Jun was helpless. After all, Lu Qingkong was a general and he was busy with business. It should be.

He asked Lu Qingkong's contact information. Don't look at the two people who have reached a cooperative relationship, but Pei Junlin doesn't have any contact information of each other.

Who would have thought, but was rejected by the young man without hesitation, with a sarcastical look at Pei Junlin: "What kind of big man is General Lu, who is also a small fish and shrimp like you can ask for contact information!"

"Hurry off and don't get in my way!"

Pei Junlin couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and his heart was angry. He was a mighty Shura general, and someone once dared to target him like this.

However, reading here is one of the bases of the Yanhuang organization. It is special. Pei Junlin still forcibly suppressed his inner anger, but his face became very unpleasant. He said lightly: "Since General Lu's contact information is not given, then you always Can you tell me, where is the phone booth here? "

He has been out for almost ten days, and he has not called his family once during this time. The base is closed. Unless it is a special phone, ordinary communication equipment cannot be used here.

"Boy, who are you! Do you know that this is not a place to call?"

Unexpectedly, the young man was very polite again, with a high-minded attitude: "Who is your superior? I'd like to see what department is in the bottom. Why is it that you have no rules, no Polite people! "

Pei Jun narrowed his eyes, his face became colder and colder, "I don't have a superior leader. If you have to say something, then Lu Qingkong is barely right!"

He came here only as an equal and cooperative relationship with Lu Qingkong, and there was no hierarchy of subordinates and subordinates, and he came here as an instructor. Not a call!

"Boy, you can pull enough! How dare you call General Lu's name!"

The young man noticed Pei Junlin's indifference and pride, and his face became ridiculous, and then his face became extremely cold. He reached for and grabbed Pei Junlin's chest clothes. It's extraordinary! It's a pity that I met Li Chaoran here! "

"I don't have any other skills, I like to play around with people like you ~ ~ You can be a dragon or a tiger. When you get here, you have to lie down ... ... "

"Release your hand!"

After waiting for Li Chaoran to finish his speech, Pei Junlin's voice was cold and without emotion.

"Oh, the more you say you're still getting angry, aren't you? If I don't let it go today, how can you help me?"

Li Chaoran looked arrogant. In this military base, who does n’t know the name of his mixed devil, but everyone who knows it will give him three points of face, for nothing else, besides his strength, he also has a Very scary dad.


But the next moment, with the sound of a murmuring collision, Li Chaoran, who was clutching Pei Junlin's chest clothes, suddenly changed his face, and his expression became extremely painful. The whole person was smashed like a cannonball. To the hard stone wall in the distance.

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