Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1584: The source of evil

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"What we are stepping on right now is not an ordinary planet, but a sleeping creature. This creature has no name, but it is extremely evil. When he is sleeping, it will not cause us intruders to harm." Bai Fan seemed to feel it. After being silent for too long, he even asked Pei Junlin to take the initiative to talk.

But Pei Junlin didn't say anything. He now showed a slightly nervous look, which was in line with his current state. And now that Bai Fan took the initiative to talk, Pei Junlin also knew that the other party didn't want to chat with him, but wanted to probe his current attitude to guess his mental state.

Sure enough, when he found that Pei Junlin was absent-minded and slightly nervous, Bai Fan's face showed a proud and relieved look. After all, Pei Junlin's performance is now normal.

After turning around this mountain col, a deep hole appeared in front, like a monster with its mouth open. On the surface, it looks like a mountain with a crack open, but how does Pei Junlin look at the huge white rocks in Shenzhen like a tooth of a huge creature.

But now Pei Junlin can't manage too much. After all, he still needs to follow Bai Fan on the next road. He is now cursed by humans in his palm, and he can't resist.

The demon mark Pei Junlin and Jin Ye proved that this thing is extremely vicious, once it stays in the human body, it will surely grow deep roots in the devil and become an exit from the demon world to the human world.

At that time Pei Junlin would lose consciousness and become a person similar to Luo Song before.

Entering this deep cave, he kept walking inward, but Pei Junlin found that the air gradually became moist, and some viscous liquid flowed out from the 4-week-old rock wall, just like the sputum of some kind of creature.

The feeling of nausea made Pei Junlin frown, but Bai Fan looked reconciled, watching the viscous liquid flowing on the cliff face a trace of greedy true feelings.

"Don't underestimate these things. These things are the necessary materials for refining certain pill. A small bottle of such things can be sold at sky-high prices, but you can't act rashly. Once this huge creature is disturbed, you and I will Become a snack in his belly." Although Bai Fan was a bit greedy, he warned Pei Junlin very strongly.

Even if Bai Fan didn't say that Pei Junlin had no idea about these disgusting things, even if the value was high, you would never touch it.

Continuing to walk in, after passing a throat-shaped protrusion, Pei Junlin seemed to have walked into the intestine of some kind of creature, but continued to walk inside, becoming more and more transparent.

After walking into a deep space, Pei Junlin discovered that this space was actually full of all kinds of weird creatures, the most terrifying of which was hundreds of huge bats.

These bats crawled motionless on the creeping walls, and there was a deep penetration in their mouths. These flesh and blood seemed to be absorbing the nourishment of flesh and blood.

In the center, there is a coffin covered with patina. This coffin is like a coffin casually thrown on a mass grave, but the whole is made of metal. Pei Junlin didn't think there was anything at first glance, but A closer look was surprised, because there was a foul smell from it.

This foul smell was unbearable, and even Pei Junlin closed the six senses, but this smell could still rush into his mind.

That's not simple, indicating that the taste is not something that ordinary smell can explain.

What is in this patina-filled coffin? Pei Junlin didn't know if it was the body of some kind of creature, but Bai Fan looked at the coffin with a fanatical emotion in it.

"This is the root of all evil in the legend. As long as I have it, I will become the most evil existence in this world. When I merge with her, everything will not be my opponent. Then I can In control of the universe, even a person of the emperor level is nothing in front of me, and he can be wiped out with a single click." Bai Fan has a feverish emotion on his face, his eyes are fixed on the bronze coffin, as if staring. Like my beloved lover.

But Junlin Pei couldn't hide his disgust, he didn't even know what Bai Fan brought him here.

"This is not the source of all evil at all, it can only be regarded as a small branch of the source of all evil. The true source of all evil cannot be approached at all, and even the immortal will be polluted if it approaches." Jin Ye's voice was introduced into Pei. In Junlin's ears, there was a sniffy smell.

"This place should be a fragment of the source of all evil, or just a fallen hair, but this is evil enough. Later, when the white hair uses this source of all evil, it won't hurt you when you **** your luck. , I will teach you a way to make you fight back." Jin Ye sneered, even this laughter made Pei Junlin feel a little creepy.

The effect of Qi Luck on the cultivator is too great, so Bai Fan has been sorrowing after his Qi Luck was taken away.

Now it is necessary to use the little fragments of this avatar of the source of all evil to capture Pei Junlin's luck so that he can completely recover.

If he could take away his luck from Pei Junlin, then he would not only return completely what he lost, but would also be completely lucky, because according to Bai Fan's observation, Pei Junlin's luck would far exceed the original him.

There was a huge copper ring on the side of the coffin. Bai Fan stretched out his hand and moved the copper ring almost without hesitation. At the moment when this colleague opened it, the stench made Pei Junlin unforgettable.

In this coffin lies a highly corrupt body, and the stinking smell is transmitted from the body. Pei Junlin didn't dare to look more at all, because when his eyes came into contact with this evil thing, he would feel that Dao Xin was unstable, and the realm of his whole person seemed to be going backwards.

But Na Bai Fan was not like that. She was desperately breathing the foul smell in the air, but she was happy, her whole spirit was in a crazy state. A pair of eyes stared at the highly corrupt corpse in the copper coffin, as if staring at something beloved.

Just when Pei Junlin was surprised at what Bai Fan was going to do, he suddenly bent over and kissed the corrupt corpse. For a moment, Pei Junlin's eyes widened, and the whole person seemed to be trembling slightly.

Pei Junlin seemed to be frozen, standing in the same place blankly, and even his mind was completely frozen. At the moment he was surprised, the whole face of Bai Fan got up and turned into a gray color.

He opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of gray mist from his mouth, suddenly wrapped around Pei Junlin's door.

"It's now." This year, I suddenly yelled, the chaos exuded an amazing light, and a black water dragon flew out of the chaos, instantly affecting the gray mist that was the source of evil.

"I thought it was really some fragments of the source of all evil. I didn't expect it to be an object contaminated by the source of all evil. There was a breath of corruption on this corpse. This thing is far from the true source of all evil. Hundreds of thousands of miles, there is no knotting at all, but this stinking breath is enough to deface your luck and make your fate reverse in a short time." Jin Ye commanded, that The black dragon in the painting of Wangchuan River completely envelops the foul air erupting from the source of all evil, and the other side also explained to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin could hear clearly in an instant, he finally knew why Bai Fan had spent all his time to bring himself here? It turned out to be bad luck.

However, Bai Fan really lost his blood, and even took his own mouth, sucking away the bad breath from this highly corrupt, foul-smelling corpse, and imaged himself.

Helplessly, the organ was too clever, Bai Fan completely ignored that he himself was in bad luck now, and all the destiny of heaven was completely tilted towards Pei Junlin.

It seems to be a villain and a person with the protagonist's aura, the victory or defeat between the two is self-evident. It was him who finally failed with Bai Fan's calculations, because the river of fate no longer favors him, and he is now completely shrouded in bad luck. UU reading

Bai Fan, who originally wanted to capture Pei Junlin's luck, was silly in place for an instant, because he realized that his bad breath was swallowed by a water dragon flying above Pei Junlin's head.

This Wangchuan River was originally the most filthy river in the world, and it was the foul-smelling water formed by all the dirty things in this world.

Although the source of all evil is also the most evil source in the universe, this bad breath is only a mass of aura condensed after the death of a person indirectly polluted by the original of all evil.

If Pei Junlin is really shrouded in the qi of this science, then its qi will be separated from his body in a short time, which also gives Bai Fan an opportunity to take advantage of it, but Bai Fan's organization will still fall short in the end.

Although Bai Fan lost his first opportunity, he was still a strong man at the saint level. He was immediately furious when he missed a move. He turned his palm and grabbed him towards Pei Junlin.

"At this moment! Raise your right hand!" Jin Ye shouted.

The Wangchuan River suddenly turned into a black dragon, and sprayed a dark breath toward the demon mark in Pei Junlin's palm. This group of pitch black breath sprayed on Pei Junlin's palm, causing the demon mark to light up instantly.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin felt that Jin Ye's hands were sealed, and seemed to be completing some incredible ceremony. The hands began to quickly seal, and changed directions.

Then Pei Junlin felt the center of his eyebrows, and the red blood on the center of the eyebrows flew directly from the center of the eyebrows, and then fell into the demon mark on the palm.

This pool of blood, the man is Bai Fan’s blood, now Jin Ye didn’t know what secret technique he used, but he used a mass of blood to establish a mysterious connection between Bai Fan and this demon mark, and Pei Junlin was It was completely stripped out of it. ?

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