Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 170: Karma burns the sky!

Miss Zheng?

Or the twelve elders?

Pei Jun's words are amazing. The name of Miss Zheng may be very common, but the weight of the name Twelve Elders is definitely not ordinary. There may be only one in the whole world!

That is the last twelve elders in the elders group from overseas Qinghongmen. On the same day, Pei Junlin received the news from Lu Qingkong, and did not know whether the so-called twelve elders were male or female, but Lu Qingkong said With the strength of the twelve elders, at least a congenital second product, and even close to the congenital third product, let Pei Junlin be more careful!

Pei Junlin bluntly broke through the real body, Zheng Meiling looked with a hint of curiosity: "The name is just a code name, no matter the twelve elders, or Miss Zheng, it doesn't matter! I am just curious, when did you start to recognize My identity! "

"I think the world of hidden kung fu is top-notch, and I haven't revealed anything! Unless the strength is higher than me, few people break my hidden kung fu!"

Pei Jun chuckled: "Few people do not mean no one! Even if you find a woman of ordinary identity as a companion in order to hide your identity ..."

"But you must not forget that the spirit of the innate power is not comparable to ordinary people in any aspect. This is like pearl light, placed in the night, even if it is dark at night, it is still difficult to hide its inner Light! "

Pei Junlin did not say a word, that is, under the perception of his powerful soul power, all things in this world, any ghosts and enchantments, are all dregs and nothing.

Perhaps the twelve elders' hidden skills are indeed first-class, but how can they escape his powerful soul perception? !!

From the first glance at the meeting, Pei Junlin noticed something unusual, and was completely sure after entering the ancient Shaolin later.

"Pei Junlin, I despise you!"

Zheng Meiling heard that her whole body suddenly changed. Suddenly, a vast and unpredictable atmosphere of terror erupted like a torrent of flashes. The strength of the innate power was in full bloom. It was a congenial second-class terrorist power. It was cold and biting. , Like the ice marrow in the mysterious ice of thousands of years!

"The seven elder Duan Yanchong you killed before is my closest person, and today I will definitely make you blood and blood!"

Pei Junlin's expression was calm and watery. Earlier, he could kill Master Shibai and Duan Yanchong two innate powers. Although both are one product, the combined strength of the two is close to innate. Second product, let alone now!

After the ground fire training in the Yanhuang organization's Hengduan Mountains sub-base, Pei Junlin has evolved the ghost industry fire once again. Even if it is the second congenital product, he has no fear!


At this time, Zheng Meiling standing opposite had already moved, and one shot was one of the pride she was proud of—shunt phantom, which instantly turned into three exactly the same Zheng Meiling, and almost even the breath was carved out in a mold. The whole body was surging, and came towards Pei Jun, speeding beyond the sound barrier.

As long as anyone hits Pei Junlin's body, the attack will be carried out, making people invincible.


Pei Junlin laughed a long time, not only wasn't afraid, but he was surging in war, with five fingers like a knife, cut off in the void.


The sound of booming sounds continued to the ear, and a cyan blue sword with a length of three feet appeared in the air.

It's just different from the past. At this moment, the Shura knife method has no power, and the color has become cyan!

Nothing else, this is motivated by Pei Junlin with Ogi's longevity formula. At this moment, they are in the direction of the back hills of ancient Shaolin. Here are lush, big trees, a forest of oceans, which is simply any wooden system. Holy place of law.

Ogi longevity formula is no exception. The display of Ogi longevity formula here is definitely a multiplication of power. The infinite aura of heaven and earth is inexhaustible and can be controlled by Pei Junlin!

"What a sharp knife!"

Feeling the power of Pei Junlin, Zheng Meiling's cold and aggressive face revealed a shock, and only then did she understand how her old lover would die in the hands of Pei Junlin.

However, this more and more strengthened her determination to kill Pei Junlin, she is so capable at this young age, if she is not beheaded as soon as possible, then he will surely become the queen of the entire Qinghongmen!

"Shadow Spike!"

The piercing sound of the air suddenly sounded, and when Zheng Meiling's fingers were wiped from his waist, a dark black ink dagger appeared in his hand.

The dagger is no more than three inches long, and it looks like ink, but there is no glimmer of light. It seems to be a poisonous snake hiding in the abyss. At any time, a fierce slaughter that hits and kills, and the snake is swallowed, which corresponds to Zheng Meiling's best hidden assassin!

The elders of Qinghongmen Overseas, each of the twelve elders, has pride. The seven elders Duan Yanchong, who was previously killed by Pei Junlin, is good at swordsmanship and is a master of Kendo.

The twelve elder, who is good at hiding assassins, is nicknamed "Shadow". Not only is the technique of hiding breath first-rate, but the technique of assassination is also first-class, and it is well-known throughout the world.

Since the discovery of Pei Junlin's fierce sword, the twelve elders immediately changed the combat strategy, adopting the method of Rou Kegang, the feminine posture completely transformed into a beautiful snake, walking in all directions, and the three figures changed again. Turned into six, each person's breath is exactly the same, holding a dagger, launched a stormy pear-like attack.

In this way, the two men started a thrilling fight on the edge of the cliff, and if they accidentally fell into the cliff, they did not care.

I saw the twelve elders' stormy pear-like spikes, dense as rain, each trick was insidious, unexpected, the angle was tricky, and the six figures were linked together, as if there were hundreds of thousands of figures besieging Bei Junlin together .

In the middle of the battlefield, Pei Junlin was very calm in the face of this stormy pear-shaped attack, and he turned into a blue scorching sun. His sword was like a antelope hanging on the horns, and he was free to swing, sometimes like a mighty ocean wave.

Throughout the entire mountain stream, the sound of the powerful collision of the two was echoing. On the edge of the cliff where the two of them were standing, even a large tract of rock was shaken down to a bottomless abyss.


At this moment, the green razor blade in the hands of Pei Junlin, who had been passive in the field, suddenly increased by three feet, and it was so glorious that he split the sky directly in front of him. In the course of Mars, a figure suddenly retreated and stood at ten. Beyond meters!

"Twelve elders, if you have such a skill, you still have to die!"

Pei Junlin looked indifferently ten meters away, holding the twelve elders with a dagger tightly, his voice was low, but he exuded an extraordinary confidence.

On the cold face of the elder Twelve opposite, the pupils tightened slightly: "Pei Junlin, I finally understand why Lao Qi is planted in your hands!"

"But do you think this is my strength? It's ridiculous!"

When the voice didn't fall, I saw the twelve elders suddenly sprayed a rolling black mist. As soon as this black mist appeared, it expanded instantly and infinitely, covering a land of ten meters, directly covering Pei Junlin as a whole. , The darkness in front of me, like falling into the abyss of hell.

"This name is Shadow Tian Luo!"

The erratic voice of the twelve elders suddenly came from all directions, as if it were talked by countless people, as if whispering by one person, very weird.

"But after I broke the congenital second product, I realized the ultimate art of heaven and earth, and within ten meters, the same level, I am the master!"

"There are three innate two-persons who died in this trick of Shadow Tianli. They were either killed by me or trapped alive. Which method of death do you choose!"

The strange sound came from all directions, and the twelve elders seemed to have become the master of this shadow Tian Luo, controlling everything.

In the rolling black mist, Pei Junlin was also a strange light. This was the first time he encountered the power of heaven and earth controlled by the innate power.

The reason why congenital is called the true dragon and the supremacy not only represents the enhancement of strength, but also breaks through the mystery of the power of heaven and earth and realizes the rules of heaven and earth after breaking through the innate.

With the enhancement of the realm and strength, powerful innate powerhouses can even control the power of heaven and earth, affect the magnetic fields of the surrounding heaven and earth, and produce various anomalies, which can make the opponent sink into it and cannot extricate themselves.

Pei Junlin did not expect that the twelve elders from Qinghongmen, based on the innate cultivation of the second grade, had been able to create such visions, which really had some qualifications and understanding.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met today was him ...

During the laughter, Pei Jun suddenly dissipated the cyan sword in his hand, and changed his hands to ten, with his eyes closed slightly, like the Buddha who received great freedom, Baoxiang *.

"Are you choosing to be trapped by me? Not to mention, although this method of death is time-consuming and labor-intensive, I don't care ..."

In the rolling black mist ~ ~ The twelve elders' erratic voice came again, but before her voice dropped, suddenly, the voice changed the tone and issued an incredible scream: "This is impossible!"

I didn't know when, Pei Junlin's whole body began to bloom with a turquoise flame. This flame was very weak at first, but a few breaths had turned into a blazing flame, which wrapped Pei Junlin's whole person into it.

Under the blazing fire, the original black mist was shrouded in all directions by Pei Junlin. It immediately seemed that Dongxue encountered the scorching heat and quickly melted.

At the same time, the terror of the twelve elders came out from the black mist, which seemed extremely anxious and terrified.

No matter how she controls this black mist to dodge, it is difficult to escape the pursuit of the flame dragon. Whenever touched by the flame dragon, the black mist will be less and less, and the sound of piercing chirps will continue to sound in the air. The red-hot soldering iron was put into cold water.

"Ghostly and futile, **** is always empty! The karma is burning, the ghosts are gone!"

"Twelve Elders, you are the first person to be fortunate to have tasted the power of the evolution of the Nether industry fire. You are dead enough!"

Pei Junlin's voice of no sorrow and joy resounded, the voice did not fall, the fire dragon suddenly swooped in midair, and directly burned the remaining black mist into nothingness. Heaven and earth regained light.

After the flames disappeared, Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes and looked at the empty cliffs in front of him, looking like a sea, calm and waveless!

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