Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1703: Marshal Silver Fox

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Pei Junlin was not talking, he knew that the discussion with Hongyu would only make his thoughts more and more chaotic, and it would be useless.

The plan for the present is to find a powerful person who speaks effectively and can protect General Kamo. This is the most useful thing.

"Think about it carefully, what kind of good friends does General Camo have or the leaders who appreciate him?" Pei Junlin said while looking at Hongyu.

Pei Junlin is now basically determined. If you want to rescue General Kamo, you must never use strong means to detour, from the upper level.

"You said that I remembered it. General Camo does have an old friend who is also his old superior, but he seems to have been discharged from the battle recently, and he is not in the city." Hongyu remembered this one. Things brightened up.

But he quickly shook his head, and said angrily: "At this moment of life and death, any feelings are unreliable, such as those old men of Camo Focus. Do they dare to stand up and speak for General Camo? Who else is there besides me Hongyu?"

Hong Yu squeezed her fists, with an angry expression, Pei Junlin felt that this girl was a little silly and cute.

"I just heard, I didn't really see the two of us. Let's go out and find out. What's the name of that person?" Pei Junlin asked Hongyu.

"That is the silver fox commander. She was the Bole who discovered and promoted General Kamo back then. She was so kind to General Kamo." Hongyu said a name to Pei Junlin as he recalled.

Pei Junlin's eyes brightened, knowing about this, the big thing is obvious, and when people are in trouble, they often go to the people you have helped, and they will definitely be unexpectedly disappointed.

But if you go to those who have helped you, there will be unexpected gains, Pei Junlin almost immediately targeted this silver fox commander.

"You continue to hide in the sewer, remember that you must not come out without my permission or without my return." Pei Junlin told Hongyu.

This time the girl was also obedient, and took the initiative to enter the sewer according to Pei Junlin's instructions.

"What do you do? Wouldn't you be discovered by them when you went out?" Pei Junlin was caught by Hongyu's sleeve when he was parting.

Seeing Hong Yu's caring look, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a warm current in his heart. Not long after the two met, he met a down-to-earth female man.

"Who knows me besides you in this city? In this city, no one knows me except you know me. Even if I walk on the street, no one can recognize me. "Pei Junlin shook his head and said towards Hong Yu.

Hongyu patted his forehead with his hand, with an annoyed look on his face: "It's just too stupid. I can't figure out such a simple reason. No wonder you dislike me. Okay, I'll be here waiting for you. If you don't come back I have been hiding here."

Pei Junlin nodded towards Hongyu, and then left this area. Soon Pei Junlin came to the street, but Pei Junlin did not ask casually. He went to inquire about a commander's information in this city. May be caught as a spy.

Pei Junlin's first thought was to spend money to buy news, but this might also arouse people's suspicion, so Pei Junlin finally decided to stay on hold and go around the city.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's eyes must be because he saw a short man with a stack of maps in his hands.

Recently, there are many outsiders in the Heavenly King City. I am afraid that this network map is such a huge city for these outsiders, accommodating billions of people, and maps are really necessary.

"Does this friend need a map? This is not a simple map, but a very clear and more three-dimensional map of the organ. As long as you sink your divine consciousness into it, the entire city will be on paper and let you be on the scene This is not an ordinary map. This is the painstaking work of Master Baoyu. You will know if you buy one." The short man saw Pei Junlin looking towards him, and immediately felt that the business had come to the door, and he hurried towards Pei Junlin came over.

A street vendor needs to have this kind of vision. As long as someone looks at it, you can tell which of these people is the correct customer.

Obviously, this short man was very accurate, and immediately knew that Pei Junlin had the intention to buy, so he moved towards Pei Junlin.

"Is it such a magical map? Let me take a look." Pei Junlin was about to take the maps from the opponent, but the man smiled, shook his head and said: "These are not maps, these are collections of Fengwuzhi Come as a memorial. The real map is here, you see."

The short man yanked from his waist and pulled out something similar to a jade pendant, but with a rough shape.

Based on the fact that you took a divine sense in your hand, Li Ji made Pei Junlin exclaim for a while. After the divine sense was immersed in the jade pendant, Pei Junlin immediately showed a complete three-dimensional map.

And with the progress of the gods, all the details in this city are at a glance.

"How about? This kind of map is advanced, this is created by Master Baoyu." The man said proudly.

Then the man kept mentioning the so-called Master Baoyu, Pei Junlin became interested. He smiled at the man and asked, "Who is this Master Baoyu?"

"You are a foreigner, I don't know Master Baoyu, he is one of the top figures in the city of Heavenly Kings, and even Chengdu has to give him three points of face. This Master Baoyu is a master of organs. He not only invented energy weapons, And also invented a kind of energy armor, which can greatly reduce the death rate of soldiers." The little man's saliva flowed across his face with expressions of arousing words.

Only then did Pei Junlin realize that the organ master he had always admired was named Baoyu, and it was this guy called Master Baoyu.

Pei Junlin secretly thought, if you have a chance, you must get to know this person. There are actually many similarities between the formation and the mechanism. This master Baoyu’s accomplishments in the mechanism are almost the highest, so he will probably give himself a lot in the formation. Inspired.

But Junlin Pei also knew that he had the most important thing to do right now, and he couldn't delay it, so he was going to visit the Master Baoyu. This matter would be postponed.

"This map is really delicate and complicated. It is a wonderful workmanship. I am afraid that only the immortals in the sky can make such a map." Pei Junlin deliberately voted his favor, exaggerated and flattered, listening to the little one. The man with a comfortable look all over his face.

"Of course, the conservation ambassador is the person I admire the most. I have to follow his footsteps in my life, even if I can only see her back, I'm satisfied." But the man was full of pilgrimage expressions. Obviously, the admiration for Master Baoyu was already deep in his bones.

"But is this map? I read it carefully. There are still many places that I can't see for a while. If you add another search function, it will be amazing." Pei Junlin said deliberately.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the little man showed an angry look on his face.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Master Baoyu is not good. I just want to ask, where is the residence of Master Silver Fox? I can't find it on this map for a while." Pei Junlin quarreled Xiao Xiao Brother's man asked pretendingly.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin's inadvertent words did not arouse the man's alertness, but enthusiastically guided Pei Junlin's location on the map.

"By the way, did you have anything to do with Marshal Silver Fox's mansion? The Marshal Cloud Service just returned home in triumph. Are you his subordinate?" The little man showed awe-inspiring expression on his face.

There was joy in Pei Junlin's eyes, he already knew the information he wanted to know from the little man's mouth. This is called stepping through iron shoes and finding nowhere to be found. You can't get any effort to get it. I didn't expect to get information in such a simple way.

And this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Marshal Silver Fox just returned home in triumph and won a big victory. He is now at the stage of welcome in the city. If Pei Junlin comes to Zhaohe, he would have a That's not me, nor a subordinate of the marshal, I'm just an ordinary citizen, but my admiration for the silver fox marshal is like a continuous river. This is his triumphant return. I have prepared a generous gift. , Want to go to his house. "Pei Junlin said, shaking his head.

"I'm afraid you don't even know where to open the door. You, a Bai Ding, want to see the great marshal. It's impossible." The little man showed a mocking look on his face, but it didn't arouse any alertness.

Pei Junlin didn't talk too much nonsense to the other party, he had already got what he wanted, and after buying the map in a hurry, Pei Junlin quickly left.

According to the guidance on the map, Pei Junlin quickly shuttled through the city. Soon Pei Junlin came to a huge house. In front of this house, Pei Junlin saw a large number of silver armor soldiers guarding the city. .

Obviously, a top-level figure like Marshal Xiang Yinhu is likely to be assassinated by the demons, so the monks on the human side are also very vigilant, almost guarding them day and night.

"Who? Don't come close." When several guards saw Pei Junlin approaching, they immediately issued a warning and drew out their weapons.

Pei Junlin had already put on the card at this time, and General Mo presented his armor, which looked like an ordinary monk army.

"I am General Kamo's subordinate, I have asked Marshal Silver Fox to report important things." Pei Junlin said solemnly.

But after Pei Junlin finished speaking, the two guards pushed her away with indifferent expressions: "We don't understand what you are saying. You should get out of here now and don't allow anyone to approach."

Pushed by these two guards, he stepped back several times, looking extremely embarrassed. ?

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