Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1726: Break the fortress

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Pei Junlin did not show any look of surprise, because all of this was in his calculations, because all of this was precisely deduced before Pei Junlin.

Therefore, after hearing the result at this moment, Pei Junlin's expression did not change much.

In the next step, Pei Junlin will cross the demon's defense line and rush to Tianyun Xingyu, and he is not alone, but Marshal Silver Fox assigned him a legion, and the leader of this legion should be General Camo.

There are tens of millions of cultivators in the entire Tiannan Star Territory, and it is impossible for all the troops to rush to the Tianyun Sect. Moreover, the strength of the Tianyun Sect is far, and it does not need tens of millions of cultivators to participate.

Therefore, Pei Junlin had already guessed that there was a great possibility that General Kamo accompanied him to the Sky Cloud Star Territory to settle this matter.

It's just now that it's just over for the time being, it's also a huge difficulty for Marshal Silver Fox to mobilize a corps. The entire battle was planned by Pei Junlin, and the strength of every soldier and clan had reached its limit, so Pei Junlin was naturally an insider.

So at this time, Pei Junlin did not force it. He and Marshal Silver Fox reached an agreement to return to the Sky Cloud Star Region by himself, and then General Kamo led the Corps to follow up as reinforcements in the subsequent time.

Without further ado, Pei Junlin quickly left Tiannan City all the way north and hurried towards Tianyunxing.

Pei Junlin's speed along the way was very fast, but he also saw the cruelty of a lot of wars between demons and human races. Although on the whole the Demon Race is now in a state of defeat, it will not happen overnight if the Demon Race is to be completely eliminated. It is foreseeable that the battle may continue for a long time in the future.

A black flying saucer-shaped aircraft whizzed past in the sky, and many demons had already recognized it. This is what they hate to gnash their teeth.

Just half a year ago, this dish-shaped aircraft caused a huge panic to the Demon Race. Once all demons saw this kind of aircraft flying in the sky, they felt fear in their hearts.

Pei Junlin is sitting in the cockpit at this time, but this aircraft No. 7 does not need to be controlled by Pei Junlin himself, because now a powerful tool spirit has been generated inside the No. 7.

The reason why such a powerful tool spirit was produced in such a short period of time is entirely dependent on the spirits of the two saint-level powerhouses. After the death of the two saint-level powerhouses, the soul was collected by Pei Junlin and trained into a pure soul liquid, and this soul liquid was the best material for nourishing the spirit of the device.

Especially the soul of a saint-level powerhouse, after being refined by Pei Junlin, it is completely injected into the spirit of the device, which can allow the spirit of the device to spawn tens of thousands of years of Taoism overnight.

The two saint-level powerhouses have made the No. 7 instrument spirit reach the point of maturity. Although it is far less than the Jin Ye, it is far beyond the ordinary aura.

If the shape of the No. 7 weapon spirit is a bit weird, Pei Junlin deliberately did it. It looks like the little weapon spirit of No. 7 is like a small robot.

Wearing a bamboo dragonfly hat on top of his head, he can fly around in the spaceship very cute and cute.

The device spirit of No. 7 drove the entire No. 7 and quickly rushed to the last checkpoint. This was the last checkpoint for Pei Junlin from Tiannanxing to Tianyunzong.

This is also the last fortress of the demons, and has not yet been breached, but at this time the troops are already seriously insufficient. A large number of troops were drawn to the front line to resist the attack of the human coalition, while the back of the demons was extremely empty.

Pei Junlin relied on the speed and strong defense of Superman No. 7 to get here all the way, but facing this last demon's fortress defense line, Pei Jun still dare not care.

After all, this is a fortress managed by the Mozu painstakingly. Not all of it is cast indestructible with a black metal material, and there are also a large number of Mozu power stationed in the city.

To pass through Pei Junlin from this last fortress will undoubtedly have to pay a huge price, but time does not wait for me, Pei Junlin has been waiting for half a year, and he can't wait too long.

After a delay of one minute and one second, Pei Junlin was unable to determine whether Yun Yao was safe, so returning to Tianyun Sect was Pei Junlin's most urgent desire now.

"On the 7th, prepare to accelerate, prepare to release all the energy, today is a fight for life or death." Pei Junlin said towards Qi Ling.

At the moment Pei Junlin gave the order, a **** umbrella directly sprayed out of the spaceship and unfolded directly in the air with a bang, and countless black phantoms were released from the **** umbrella.

Millions of demon heads plunged into the city below in the blink of an eye. These demon are invisible, and they will confuse every demon cultivator according to Pei Junlin's will.

This is one of Pei Junlin's methods, using the large number of heavenly demons in the soul umbrella to shake the opponent's military heart. Of course, this is only the most basic method, which can only confuse some ordinary Demon Clan cultivators. As for the power of some Demon Clan powerhouses and the power of Demon Clan, ordinary Heavenly Demon can do nothing in a short time.

Pei Junlin has a second method, which is the powerful firepower of No. 7 and the hidden ability of the mysterious earthen jar.

Now the entire spaceship is shrouded in a misty light. Looking from a distance in the air, only a dash of shadows can be seen, and it is not clear what it is.

But Junlin Pei knew that even a mysterious earthen jar could hide all the breath, but once it got close to this fortress, it would definitely not escape the eyes and ears of some powerful demons.

But with Pei Junlin's order to accelerate, the entire No. 7 spacecraft moved forward quickly, dragging a long blue arc behind it.

The demon cultivators sent by Junlin Pei have already worked. A large number of demon monks turned a deaf ear to Pei Junlin’s arrival and did not respond at all. The cultivators of the demons standing on the wall also dozed off during the day. Some people lay in bed and fell asleep.

However, when Pei Junlin flew over the fortress, a powerful momentum rushed into the sky. Pei Junlin saw that a big hand made of dark clouds slammed towards the seventh.

"Good coming." Pei Junlin yelled.

Immediately after that, Pei Junlin's whole body drilled out the seventh, and suddenly pushed forward, a **** cloud appeared in the **** cloud above the seventh, and the sky-based power in it was instantly released, and the purple-red lightning was like the end of the day. He slashed towards the big hand made of dark clouds.

This is exactly what Pei Junlin's funeral is to rob the thunder pond with heaven.

You must know that Jun Lin's current strength is only a real king realm, only equivalent to a commander of the demon clan. After so many days of observation, Pei Junlin has summarized the weakness of the demons. They are afraid of thunder and lightning, and the most feared is the sky thunder.

The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Pond was released by Junlin Pei, and it was like a group of red clouds in the sky, with blood-red lightning in it, continuously spraying out from it.

The blood-red lightning formed a chain and entangled toward the demons below, and the big demon hand composed of dark clouds was also directly disintegrated by the thunder in the air.

In the first confrontation, Pei Junlin got the upper hand, which made Pei Junlin feel confident.

Originally, Pei Junlin thought that there must be a top demon **** in the demon clan's fortress defense line here, but now Pei Junlin found that he might be wrong, because if there is a great energy to cheer up again, it is impossible to have not shot just now.

The **** hand that was condensed before was actually a bluff, without any attack power at all.

Therefore, Pei Junlin almost immediately judged that the inside of the entire Demon Clan’s fortress was already empty, and it was very likely that he was singing the empty city plan, and it was easy for him to want to cross this canyon at this time.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly ordered No.7 to accelerate, and fired all the energy cannons to launch an overwhelming bombardment towards the city below.

In fact, Junlin Pei has not been idle these days. When he was in Tiannan City, he collected a large amount of top crafting materials, and all of them were integrated into the aircraft number 7.

Moreover, some of the formations have been greatly improved by Junlin Pei, and many rough formations have been refined and refined by Junlin Pei, making the current combat effectiveness of No. 7 soaring more than ten times. UU reading

Even if his original master, Master Bao, stood in front of No. 7, it might not be possible to recognize No. 7, because the appearance of No. 7 was not only changed beyond recognition by Pei Junlin, but even many key formations were changed. Pei Junlin specially modified it.

The whole number seven turned into a cloud of smoke, rushing toward the other side of the canyon. Pei Junlin's heart beat faster and faster, because he knew this was a critical moment, once he rushed over, everything suddenly became clear.

But at the last moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a huge force restrain him, and the entire aircraft No.7 was captured.

Pei Junlin saw a person who looked very strange, and the purple crystal on the center of his brow was the first time Pei Junlin saw such a pure crystal.

This was a man who was suspended there. He didn't see any movement, and completely imprisoned Pei Junlin.

Her eyes seemed to be filled with magical power. Looking towards Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin's heart trembled at the moment of eye contact with the other party.

He was struggling, trying to break free from the vortex of the opponent's eyes. Pei Junlin felt that these eyes seemed to be able to **** his soul in, but he had no power to resist, because his entire body was imprisoned, and his thoughts and even his flesh were completely frozen.

Pei Jun is fighting, he is using the last trace of will to mobilize the power of the whole body, he will fight the last trace of strength with this mysterious demons in front of him, and will definitely not catch it with his hands.

Because Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart that he was fighting not only for himself, but also for Yunyao. If he delays time, Yunyao, who is far away in the Sky Cloud Sect, is likely to be really bad. ?

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