Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1827: Seek cooperation

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin turned into a stream of light as soon as he flashed, and instantly rushed towards the space in front of him. His speed was very fast. In this empty underground world, Pei Junlin was like a gust of wind.

At the same time, in other places, these trial disciples in Xuankong Mountain had already dispersed them in groups of three or five, searching everywhere, and encountered some underground demons such as Rakshasa Shura. , Have started the battle.


A stray wind blew several disciples so they couldn't open their eyes, and they shrank together, their faces a little pale.

"How can the yin wind underneath be so cold? It's like a steel needle, it's uncomfortable. If you hold up the energy shield, then the law's consumption is like a leak." A disciple was miserable. , The whole face became bitter gourd.

He was in the same team, and the other people looked unsightly. One of the girls said: "This underground world is indeed the lair of the demon door. The demon is full of rules here. It is extremely unfriendly to our ordinary cultivators. Have you noticed that? The power of many supernatural powers has been weakened by at least 40% here."

There was a scream in the distance. It turned out that a disciple hadn't noticed, but Shura, who was exuding silver all over his body, grabbed his neck and instantly tore his throat.

This Shura was shining with silver light. It was a beautiful woman with long silver hair. She was tall and had a pair of silver wings on her back. If she only relied on her appearance, she would surpass many human beauty. Especially the figure, bulging forward and backward, standing proudly, almost made some male disciples of Xuankong Mountain feel a little uncontrollable.

At this time, this silver Shura was besieged by more than a dozen disciples from all over Kunshan, but this Shura was fierce and hot, and he never gave in and let out a roar.

"This is the underground Shura King, not an ordinary Shura. His strength is comparable to the peak of the Spring King realm, and his physical strength as a demon is far more powerful than our cultivators. Try not to fight him in close quarters." The man said to the people around.

It was a **** male disciple, because seeing this Shura's handsome appearance, he was lost in a moment, and he was instantly inserted into the heart with his hand, and the entire chest cavity was torn away.

Two helpers died one after another, and the remaining few people saw their strengths weakened, but when facing the Shura King alone, these people actually felt fearful.

One of Xuankongshan's disciples didn't say anything. He turned around and left his comrades directly. The rest of them suddenly lost control. Suddenly, King Shura tore a hole and began to kill the Quartet.

For a time, the entire underground world was full of screams, and at this moment a ray of light flashed. It turned out that Jun Pei came to him and wandered here unintentionally and saw a king of Shura killing all around.

Although Pei Junlin didn't think he was a disciple of Xuankong Mountain, but it didn't matter if he met him and helped them cook. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a big golden handprint, and suddenly suppressed the silver King Shura.

King Shura seemed to feel a bit of threat and wanted to escape, but where would Pei Junlin give him this opportunity? It was the tower of **** in Wuzhong, suddenly emitting a breath of ancient times, the majestic light shrouded it, this silver head Shura was included in it instantly.

Pei Junlin did not stay too much to kill this King Shura, but wasted a breath of Pei Junlin. Even the disciples of Xuankong Mountain didn't even see what Pei Junlin looked like, they saw a light flashing. , The Shura King suddenly disappeared.

For the rest of their lives, the disciples of Xuankong Mountain looked at each other, not knowing what happened just now.

"It should be an expert who saved us, I don't know if it is our disciple of Xuankong Mountain." A look of surprise and fear appeared in a woman's eyes.

When the other male disciples heard this girl's words, their complexions were a little ugly. They were all disciples who had entered the trial. Why are others so strong and the gap so big?

"It's definitely not the person who entered the trial this time, and the strength is basically the same. How can such a top-level expert appear?" Someone said unconvinced.

Some people were dissatisfied and some retorted. Someone immediately said, "What you said would be funny. If it weren't for the people of Xuankong Mountain, who would be idle, and just let us come when nothing happened. Could it be that the people of the Soul Palace failed that day? He is really a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace, I am afraid that the souls of the few of us have been drawn out of the body and suffered the pain of soul refining."

Hearing this person's rebuttal, the remaining few people stopped speaking silently, and their emotions were once decadent. Come to get rid of the satisfaction and enter this underground world, want to slaughter the devil, slaughter the Quartet, and make contributions, knowing that they encountered a huge setback just after entering here, a dozen teammates can't even deal with a king of Shura.

"Our strength is not bad. We just lack actual combat experience. We are just talking about soldiers. This time so many people have died. In fact, we don't need to do this at all." A young disciple stood up with a long sword in his hand, his ribs almost completely broken. The body was almost torn apart, but he did not die in a breath.

When talking about these few days, a roar suddenly came not far away, and the entire underground world that was almost turbulent was trembling, and at this time Pei Junlin was confronting this mysterious underground creature.

The extremely strange-looking creature looked more like a centaur to Pei Junlin. The creature holds a long long knife in his hand, and the long knife is wrapped in the flame of the saint.

A demon at the level of a demon general, Pei Junlin was watching carefully.

"Humans, you broke into here, don't you know what the result was when facing you?" The centaur **** demon even vomited.

Pei Junlin showed a relaxed look on her face. She didn't expect that the demon of **** would have learned the language of humans. This was indeed an unexpected thing.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was uncertain, the demon suddenly moved his hand, and the long knife in his hand suddenly drew a semi-circular fire circle in the air, and the billowing flame enveloped him without a trace of temperature.

The flame was very cold and icy, but the long knife slashed on Pei Junlin's body, but it made Pei Junlin still.

Pei Junlin grabbed his backhand, grabbed the long knife and twisted it hard, with a click, the intestinal tract of this **** creature was directly scratched by Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin turned around and reached out to grab the handle of the knife, and suddenly grabbed the opponent's weapon, and smashed it with his backhand.

With a click, half of the head of this **** creature was directly collapsed by Pei Junlin, and one eye was also bloody.

Just your series of operations is not ruthless, with extremely rich combat experience, and will not be chaotic when facing danger. This demon who made him was like a schoolboy in front of Junlin Pei, and his mother didn't recognize him even after being beaten up.

I was severely smashed by Pei Junlin. The demon didn't suffer any fatal wounds on my head. Instead, after losing the weapon, I waved my fists and roared at Pei Junlin.

What this demon played was a set of punches that were extremely vicious and vicious. It will be a creature of the demon general level, but it is not enough to see in Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin gently stepped on his feet and rippled out.

After this monster-level creature encountered these ripples, his body floated like a leaf, and the power on his body was wrapped in a gentle force like a mud cow entering the sea, and he couldn't get it out at all.

Pei Junlin stretched his hand forward, and the big hand on the side instantly penetrated into the body of this demon, with a click, the body of the demon was directly torn apart by Pei Junlin.

After this membrane was torn apart by Pei Junlin, it turned out to be solid without any organs. Pei Junlin just took a look and knew that this demon was not a real demon but a false demon.

There are two types of demons. One is true demons. The steamed buns are just like human beings. They are flesh and blood, but they are monsters of heaven and earth that are born from devouring demonic energy.

Void demon is like this kind of demon attack in front of us with the appearance of demon race, but without any internal organs and organs, it is just like a nihilistic creature.

This kind of monster is also born by adhering to the devil qi of heaven and earth, bred from nature, and is not passed down from generation to generation using blood genes.

Raising his hand to kill a monster at the level of a demon general, Pei Junlin looked at his waist card and unexpectedly added 10,000 points.

Just when Pei Junlin was about to clean up the battlefield, a silver light suddenly shot out from the darkness. Pei Junlin was taken aback by the ray of light, and escaped as soon as he stepped away.

A man walked out of the dark, dressed in red, and half of his face was covered with runes, which was very strange.

"Not bad, Xuankong Mountain unexpectedly has a top powerhouse like you entered here this time, it seems that there is a good show." The person stared at Pei Junlin lightly, not feeling embarrassed by the sneak attack just now.

On the contrary, he opposes Pei Junlin, and the gap between the two is less than ten meters, which shows that this person is extremely confident.

"What do you mean? You want to attack me? I don't have many points now. What's the use of killing me?" Pei Junlin shook his head, not angry.

Instead, you smiled and walked out of the darkness, looking at Pei Junlin with one eye and said: "It's a frank person, we two can cooperate with each other. I will reveal to you the position of some of the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Palace, and you will tell me Provide some people in the Hanging Mountain with their coordinates so that both of us can benefit from each other."

Jun Pei was stunned, but he didn't expect this person to say such a thing.

"You mean to let me be a spy." You asked, with a smile.

"Of course I am too. If you are willing to do it, the two of us will conclude an agreement now." The man stared at Pei Junlin as if he was not afraid of Pei Junlin's rejection. ?

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