Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1841: Cave Shaman

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"It seems that in this swamp, you shouldn't take it lightly. There are powerful toxins here, and the creatures that can survive here are not waiting for you. Don't think that only you can enter here." Jin Ye again Speaking to Pei Junlin, he must be careful and not careless.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and continued to walk toward his own depths. A dark area appeared in the distance. In this area, Pei Junlin saw huge umbrella-shaped plants. These plants are huge mushrooms. The mushroom president So big.

Pei Junlin has never heard of it, nor has he seen it with his own eyes, but Pei Junlin is eye-opening here.

Some mushrooms are as big as houses, and even some huge mushrooms are as tall as several stories. However, these mushrooms did not bring danger to Pei Junlin, but the creatures living around the mushroom, which made Pei Junlin feel a strong and dangerous aura.

For example, there is a weird creature in this swamp. It looks like a spider, but it is definitely not a spider. Its legs are very long, and it must be tens of meters high when fully standing up.

Pei Junlin has also come into contact with the strength of this creature. Although it is not very strong, it is difficult to deal with because this creature has strong vitality, strong defensive ability, and the speed of escape is also very fast. Escaping from the hand, then a large number of creatures of the same species will soon be attracted to him, and maybe it will be the end of a gang fight.

So after passing through this swamp, Pei Junlin's mood gradually became less excited than before. After all, although there are no outsiders in this area, it is still very dangerous as a whole.

And in this area, Junlin Pei did not find some top mineral veins. Who made all of Pei Junlin’s previous ideas fall to nothing. Now Junlin Pei just wants to find a suitable place to make two flying swords well. .

Originally, Junlin Pei’s plan was to refine his flying sword at Jianzhong, but after the plan went bankrupt, Junlin Pei had to find another way.

If you want to practice these two flying swords abruptly, you can do it with Pei Junlin's current strength. But in this way, the linked Feijian is still ranked second and has a low success rate. If a lot of materials are wasted at that time, then Peijun needs to spend a lot of effort when he wants to re-level.

"There is a weird feeling in the area in front, you hurry over, maybe it can be suitable for you to refine the flying sword." Jin Ye quietly said in Pei Junlin's ear, but the voice was very small, as if he was afraid of others hearing it.

The surroundings are obviously terribly quiet, why does Jin Ye speak to himself in this tone? Soon Pei Junlin discovered the clue, and a giant python was entwined on a giant mushroom in the distant swamp.

The size of this python is not the most terrible. The most terrifying thing is the appearance of this python, which is not as smooth and delicate as you did when it was normal, full of some disgusting and terrifying lines.

The snake's leather bag has all kinds of ups and downs, constantly turning like a growing gear, and even producing a sore sound.

This python is like a mechanical monster, except that a pair of eyes stared at Pei Junlin coldly, without any emotion, it opened its big mouth, making the body constantly interact, and Pei Junlin could see the two teeth. Shining with fearful venom.

"I'm afraid I can't leave now, I've been eyed by this guy." Pei Junlin gave a wry smile.

This weird python should be the most powerful creature he encountered after entering this area, with a breath of saint all over his body, the strength of this python should be equivalent to that of a normal human saint.

Although the cultivation level of this python is not high, Pei Junlin knows that even if the two saints of Ming and Ming are tied together, they are far inferior to such a monster.

After all, Mowu like this, their body surface is covered by various powerful scales, possessing powerful defensive energy. In addition to this kind of creature, there is often a certain kind of terrible talent that is difficult to deal with.

"If you want to fight me, you are idiotic, because I don't want to make me look down on you." Pei Junlin pointed to the strange python in front of him, with a hint of mockery on his face.

Sure enough, the appearance of this python changed. His upper body stood upright and his eyes stared at Pei Junlin fiercely, and suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar at Pei Junlin.

This was an emotion and a way for him to express his anger, but the huge sonic energy still crushed all the huge mushrooms in the surrounding thousands of meters.

"I said I don't fight with you, that I look down on you, that's all true, because you are only worthy to fight with my hand." Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and got out of the mud behind him. A huge creature.

The appearance of a giant creature like a giant centipede egg is very different from an ordinary centipede. All creatures were monsters that had surrendered in that valley before Jun Pei.

The two monsters began to look at each other, and made various sounds to look at each other. This is the way to transmit information between such low-level creatures. The two are testing each other.

Once some kind of compromise or negotiation is not reached, then a fight will be inevitable. Obviously, the huge python did not put the weird bug summoned by Pei Junlin in its eyes, but it was summoned by Pei Junlin. This bug itself does not have any right to decide, because he is now completely controlled by Pei Junlin.

"This little snake is no small thing. Although it looks fierce, it is not very powerful. The most important thing is that this little snake once introduced a strange thing. When you kill him, he will open it. You should be able to find it in the abdomen." Jin Ye reminded Pei Junlin again.

There are also differences in the look in your eyes when you hear what Jin Ye said. Indeed, as Jin Ye said, this python's own combat power may not be strong, but it is only relatively speaking.

If I want to fight alone with this python, killing the opponent with Pei Junlin's current strength is a sure thing, but it will take a lot of time.

The two terrifying underground creatures finally fought, and soon the insect was at a disadvantage, but this time Pei Junlin did not order the rear car to be redone, but gave the insect a self-destructive order.

Compared with the big Asura King, this worm does not have any value in cultivation. What's more, this worm looks very ugly and has no active wisdom. Pei Junlin really doesn't want to put too much emotion on him.

In the past, after Pei Junlin used the Nabian Temple to poison and brainwash this worm, he originally planned to raise his head to thunder for himself in the world below.

Later, Pei Junlin found out more and more that in fact, in some areas, even if you shoot a bug to test the danger, it is of no use at all. The main thing is to do it yourself, so this bug was abandoned, just from the beginning. Make a plan.

The war between this weird worm and the python had come to an end. The worm could not be bitten by the fangs of the python, and the back pierced directly into the body. The body gradually became paralyzed and the power of movement gradually began to weaken.

Pei Junlin only heard a puff of the bug's abdomen, and a large piece of pale yellow body fluid was directly cracked and spilled over the surrounding area, and the air was filled with a foul smell.

Seeing these pale yellow liquid Pei Junlin's scalp numb, because these things are the signs of the worm's internal organs completely melted, it seems that this python is extremely vicious, especially its toxins, it can't be touched at all.

Her own bug had failed, but Pei Junlin didn't have a particularly angry and angry look on her face, because she had expected the result from the beginning.

However, the giant python stopped and did not immediately attack Pei Junlin. Instead, a crack appeared in the center of his head, and his head started to split slowly, only to see Pei Junlin's heart trembled.

After the head of this giant python was completely split, UU Reading revealed a human face, which was a human head.

Seeing this weird sight, Pei Junlin's scalp was numb, but he did not expect that there was a human head hidden in the head of this python.

It was a man with a cold appearance, and his eyes made Pei Junlin feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Humans, you are very strong. I know that if I want to fight you, my chances of winning are not high, and maybe I will die in your hands." The cold human hair made a voice that made Pei Junlin sound extremely unfamiliar.

Obviously this weird python is going to negotiate with Pei Junlin. He has the wisdom and does not want to head-on with Pei Junlin, and even ends up losing both.

"Obviously knowing that it is not my opponent, why did you come over to provoke me? You even killed my servant. Isn't this you seeking your own death?" Pei Junlin has a calm look on his face, but there is a tone in his tone Undoubtedly.

"Can you wait for me to finish talking first? Of course, my strength is indeed not as good as you, but if I really fight you to death and life, I am confident to use you as a cushion." The human head in the python's head sent out. A weird smile.

Pei Junlin couldn't tell what kind of creature the guy with the head and the snake body was. He didn't know how true or false what the other party said, but Pei Junlin knew that he couldn't retreat at this time.

Because Jin Ye had said before that the strength of this monster was not strong, but there was a strange treasure in his belly, which should have been swallowed by him.

"Since you have the ability to die with me, then what nonsense, let's do it now!" Pei Junlin didn't mean to make peace with each other at all, but made a sudden move, which was a thunderbolt method. ?

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