Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1864: Dark sea

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Thinking too much is useless for Pei Junlin's current situation. At this time, the stone stele in Pei Junlin's spiritual world has become a wreck, and the ground is full of debris.

Ordinarily, in Pei Junlin's spiritual world, that is to say, there should not be free physical matter in the Pure Land of Posuo, but the fragments of this stele are real stone fragments, rooted in the Pure Land of Posuo.

Everything seemed so weird and so mysterious. Even Pei Junlin was at a loss. I don’t know what happened, but the escape from the dead this time also reminded Pei Junlin to wake up, his own spiritual soul. The world will never allow foreign objects to invade, even something as mysterious as this stone wall.

Withdrawing his spiritual power from the Pure Land of Posuo, Junlin Pei’s spirit returned to his body. He opened his eyes and looked towards the sky. Only then did he discover that a line of words appeared on the gray sky. It was a line of countdown, which means this time The time of losing contact is nearing the end.

If the return button cannot be reached within the specified time, it is likely to be left in this trial place forever. So at this time, Pei Junlin didn't care about too many aspects, using the whole body's mana to adjust the body, on the other side, Pei Junlin quickly jumped in the underground world and rushed to the nearest meeting point.

And you don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a curse before you. He knows that his points may have reached the first place this time. This is why the masters who are in the air must stop them again.

Of course, Pei Junlin is in the suspended plank road, besides the golden ancestor's hole card, now there is another person. This person just started, and his identity is extraordinary. Qi Donglai's identity in Xuankong Mountain has already been figured out by Pei Junlin. His father is a supreme elder of Xuankong Mountain.

Speaking of Donglai is the top rich second generation of Xuankong Mountain, it is not an exaggeration, because his father’s influence has already enveloped half of the country. If he receives full support from one of them, then Pei Junlin is not afraid that the people of Xuantian Patriarch will make some trouble. movement.

After weighing the pros and cons, Pei Junlin decided to return to Xuankong Mountain. Pei Junlin didn't know how this matter would be handled in the future, but he knew that even if he returned to Xuankong Mountain now, there would never be any danger.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a call from his heart. Pei Junlin, who was swept by a huge force, flew quickly towards the island, and a look of fear appeared in the supporting role. Do you want to be trapped here forever?

"Don't be afraid, it's me." A voice rang in Pei Junlin's ear, it turned out to be the voice of the sword spirit baby.

The sword spirit baby, but his brother Pei Junlin's mood instantly relaxed, but then Pei Junlin's mood was raised again, because it could not tell whether the sword spirit baby was true or false.

Pei Junlin knew that he would never just go on a whim and feel fear. The human heart is actually the most mysterious place, and the sixth sense of the person is also the most accurate place.

Since there was something wrong, Pei Junlin had a guess that this sword spirit baby was definitely not real.

The real sword spirit baby has fallen into a deep sleep, and why does this fake sword spirit baby come to lie to himself? And when he rushed to the meeting point, he came out to stop him. Do you want to keep yourself in this underground world forever?

Almost for an instant, countless thoughts flickered in Pei Junlin's heart. He thought about Li Ji's resistance, but quickly denied this idea, because the power that held him to upgrade was too strong, the powerful Pei Junlin No confidence to resist.

But if you just let the horse go and let the other party wrap yourself up instead of resisting, it doesn't fit Pei Junlin's character. He has a thought, that is to fight back at a critical moment, and now pretend not to know.

"I will take you to a place now, do you know? There is a huge treasure in this underground world, which is the dark hell. If you can completely change this dark hell, then your power will increase exponentially. "The mysterious character imitated the tone of the sword spirit baby, but never showed up, and even avoided spiritual contact with Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin has become more and more certain that the so-called sword spirit baby in front of him is a fake Xibei goods, and the real sword spirit baby is probably sleeping.

If you turn your face now, it is likely to cause the opponent's dog to jump over the wall, then the consequences are not that Pei Junlin can predict, so at this time Pei Junlin must be calm and not be able to let the opponent find any clues.

"Yes, dark hell, didn't you tell me before? Why do you say that now? Did you forget?" Pei Junlin pretended to be suspicious, and deliberately asked him.

Pei Junlin asked this, of course not to question the other party, but to dispel the other party's doubts. This is called a scheming, Pei Junlin is going to play a psychological war with the opponent.

Sure enough, the other party was fooled, Pei Junlin only raised a little doubt, and immediately let the other party dispel the doubt, thinking that he had taken it seriously.

"I told you once before, but this time I took you to see for yourself, the situation has changed, don't ask so much now." The voice said in a low voice.

The sound was indeed a simulated sword spirit baby, but Pei Junlin also knew that this sound was definitely not right. But Pei Junlin warned him in his heart that he must be calm, if not, then he will soon suffer a disaster.

Pei Junlin was encumbered by this group of forces and flew towards the island. That area was the area where the entrance to the dark **** was before. Pei Junlin didn't know what this mysterious person was going to do.

At the moment when he landed on the island, Junlin Pei froze with a sword light and suddenly fell from the sky. This was the real sword spirit baby felt, and Junlin Pei also left at this most critical moment.

When Pei Junlin was controlled before, he was secretly using his clone's spirit to contact the Sword Spirit Fort, but at the beginning, the sword spirit baby was not immediately awakened. Until Pei Junlin, you tried your best, but you were evacuating the sword spirit. The baby wakes up.

Now that the reinforcements arrived, Pei Junlin was relieved, so at this time Pei Junlin unfolded the mysterious earthen jar, and instantly enveloped himself, away from this power.

At the moment Pei Junlin left, the sword spirit baby turned into a huge sword light and swept down, seeming to split the world.

There was a muffled hum in the black mist, then the mysterious existence was injured, and the mist slowly dissipated, Pei Junlin saw a man with a hideous face.

Pei Junlin didn't know what kind of man it was, but the face of the other party made Pei Junlin feel an extremely uncomfortable feeling, because the other party's face was actually covered with tentacles!

Not only that, these savings are still creeping on the opponent's face, thinking that Pei Junlin has a disgusting feeling. And the sword spirit baby's attack had already cut open the opponent's head, and a crack appeared in the center of the opponent's face, through which the white flesh and blood could be seen.

This kind of disgusting feeling, even for the well-informed Pei Junlin, is difficult to accept for a while, because the shocking power of this picture is too powerful.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. If not, you will be confused by this old octopus." The sword spirit baby's eyebrows are erected, and his eyes are full of anger.

Pei Junlin was relieved and moved in his heart, because he never expected that the sword spirit baby would really care about himself so much. After receiving the distress message, the sword spirit baby rushed to this area as soon as possible.

Pei Junlin has always been skeptical about the eldest brother of the sword spirit baby, but now Pei Junlin's heart has fully recognized the sword spirit baby.

It looks as if the sword spirit baby is a child, but Pei Junlin recognizes the sword spirit baby from his heart, because although the sword spirit baby looks like a child in his mind, the sword spirit baby is not confused at the critical moment. On the contrary, the sword spirit baby has a very high IQ, and the sword spirit baby is still very sensitive to big things.

The appearance of a child, this is just the appearance of the sword spirit baby, UU reading, and the clear eyes and heart of the sword spirit baby are his simplicity and preciousness.

It would be completely unobjective to equate the sword spirit baby with a child completely, because the sword spirit baby's mind is absolutely far beyond ordinary people, and his mind has reached a state of returning to the basics and perfecting the nature.

In other words, the mentality of the sword spirit baby is far greater than that of ordinary people. It is very likely that the sword spirit baby is knowledgeable, but the mood is back to basics.

The octopus monster was cut open by the sword spirit baby at once, but it did not die. On the contrary, the cracked gap was creeping slowly, and finally healed slowly in Pei Junlin's eyes.

This kind of injury is fatal to anyone, but for this old octopus, it can be completely healed, which really makes Pei Junlin's eyes stunned.

This time, with the sword spirit baby standing next to him, Pei Junlin is not afraid at all, because the sword spirit baby's strength is there, even if it is horizontally hanging on the mountain, it is not a big problem, let alone the huge strange fish in front of him.

"Baby sword spirit, are you really going to fight me? But think about it clearly. For so many years, you and the creatures in the dark sea have been in peace. Are you really going to this muddy water? "The old octopus actually threatened the sword spirit baby, and the meaning of threat in his tone was very obvious.

The sword spirit baby did not show weakness at all, raised his immature face, looked at the old octopus who was saving in the other branch, and said coldly: "What is the meaning of being together? I'm afraid you are a passionate person. The reason why I haven't been there for so many years To calm down the dark sea is really not interested in you cats and dogs. In my eyes, the lives of you in the dark seas are actually the chickens and dogs in the dark. I want to kill you between raising your hands."?

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