Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1870: Big stallion

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and wanted to ask Qi Donglai, but suddenly saw the sly look in Qi Donglai's eyes and suddenly he had no interest in speaking.

Although Pei Junlin's body has been destroyed, there is only a soundtrack left. Although there is only a soul, Pei Junlin's strength is still very strong.

A golden palm of the palm suddenly grabbed towards Qi Donglai. Qi Donglai had a look of astonishment on his face, but soon her face began to grow bigger because Pei Junlin squeezed its body.

He squeezed Qi Donglai's body hard, and directly smashed the surrounding areas filled with blood mist, Pei Junlin threw the activation directly to the ground like a rag, with an angry look on his face.

This time being calculated by the people of Xuankong Mountain, Pei Junlin's inner anger is naturally conceivable, but this time Pei Junlin wants to imagine how to retrieve his undead body.

As soon as he stretched out his hand to grab a section of the soul, it appeared in the hands of Pei Junlin, and it was the original soul that came from it.

The strips of brilliance entangled like three needles piercing Qi Donglai's body. One of the thorns in his eyes was absorbing Qi Donglai's primordial power, and the other two were drawing Qi Donglai's memories.

Pei Junlin quickly grasped some key information. It turned out that the initiator was Qi Donglai's father. From the very beginning, he fell into a big pit, and was secretly calculated by this old guy, step by step to introduce himself into today's desperate situation.

After clarifying the twists and turns, Pei Junlin gradually calmed down. Now there are two paths before him, the first is to recover the body directly and escape.

Of course, there is a second option, which is to regain his undead spirit, but this is a bit difficult. After all, Qi Donglai's father is a strong man, far surpassing Xuantian Patriarch in the entire Xuankong Mountain.

Such a character is definitely not something Pei Junlin can deal with. If you want to use the sword spirit baby, it is ok, but Jingdong has too many things.

Pei Junlin was in a dilemma for a while. After all, if he stayed, he would have to take a lot of risk. If he left, it would be tantamount to losing his undead body that he had worked so hard to practice until now.

"Of course you need to use strategy. If you are head-on, the other party can crush you to death with a single finger, but you might as well start with Qi Donglai's skills and sort out some key information that may help you take shortcuts." The voice came into Pei Junlin's ears, and then he reminded Pei Junlin not to be impulsive.

The two have been together for a long time, and naturally have a deep understanding of each other. For Pei Junlin's behavior, Jin Ye is naturally familiar with the road.

At this time, it means that Pei Junlin is facing a major life decision again. At this time he is hesitant, Jin Ye will naturally come out to show Pei Junlin the way.

Whenever one person makes a decision, it is always better than two people to discuss it. At this time, a word from the Lord Jin gave Pei Junlin a feeling of empowerment.

Pei Junlin instantly strengthened his belief that he wanted to regain everything that belonged to him. People absolutely cannot retreat at this time, let alone cowardly, so at this time Pei Junlin is strong.

He sat in the void and used the mysterious earthen jar to hide his breath. At this time, Pei Junlin began to look up the memories of Qi Donglai bit by bit.

Sure enough, **** was old and spicy, and Pei Junlin soon discovered some clues. From Qi Donglai's memory, Pei Junlin really found some secrets about Qi Donglai's father.

However, these secrets were hidden deep in memory by Qi Donglai, and Pei Junlin discovered it by accident. A person’s memory is vast, and there are many and complicated information that needs to be processed. If I want to find useful information from a person’s memory, I have found a needle in a haystack.

Pei Junlin spent ten years in order to sort out Qi Donglai's effective memory. In the past ten years, Pei Junlin has spent a lot of energy combing through the information about the activation and memory, and finally found some secret and useful information from it.

However, this information is far from enough for the current Pei Junlin. There are many things in which Pei Junlin needs to be sorted out again.

It is very interesting to spy on a person's memory, but if it is too late, it is a torment for Pei Junlin, this guy is simply a big stallion.

In Qi Donglai’s memory, there are too many things about women, and there are so many inappropriate scenes in them, which makes Pei Junlin feel sick. Human scalp numb.

Later, Pei Junlin simply skipped some ceramic skills in this area and went straight to sort out the information, but even if it was to deal with this part of the information, it was still a vast sea of ​​smoke for Pei Junlin.

But fortunately, Junlin Pei has a time capsule, and the tree of life can extract energy infinitely. In these two aspects, Junlin Pei has no scruples in terms of time or energy. It took a full thirty years. Pei Junlin sorted out the memory completely.

"The father in Qi Donglai has a fatal weakness, that is, they have to go to a place to continue their lives every once in a while! If they can't reach this special place, then he will soon suffer from disasters. ." Pei Junlin had a cold smile on his face.

According to current speculation, there are still legendary masters above the saint level, and Qi Donglai's father should be a legendary master.

The division of strength in the entire Daqian world is not the same as Pei Junlin originally recognized. What is the strength of this legendary master? Pei Junlin is still a little knowledgeable now, only knows that he is very strong.

It's like that Patriarch Xuantian just reached the Great Perfection period at the level of a saint, and he can be called Patriarch. Pei Junlin didn't know how powerful a master like Qi Donglai's father was in the legendary realm. He only knew that this old guy had lived for almost 120,000 years.

The so-called 120,000 years is actually an era.

Pei Junlin doesn't know how long it can last, but he knows that once it reaches an epoch, it will decrease and the world will be catastrophic. The so-called end is the legendary five decay of heaven and man. At this time, even the masters of the legendary realm can hardly resist.

Qi Donglai's father is named Qingzi Zushi. The biggest secret of this old guy is that the five decays of heaven and man have reached the third stage, and the aging of the body has reached an irreversible point.

If you want to continue to survive, you must bathe your body with water from the fairy pond. The so-called water from the fairy pond actually counts some energy from the fairy world.

These energies are extremely strange, able to rejuvenate and gradually revive the corrupted body, but every once in a while, they have to use this kind of water to bathe.

In the entire Xuankong Mountain, there are not many people who have such treatment, Qi Donglai's father has such treatment. As long as Pei Junlin seized this opportunity to sneak attack, he might be able to kill this legendary master on the spot.

From Qi Donglai’s memory, Pei Junlin learned an important secret, that is, once the five decays of heaven and man come, the body is extremely weak, and characters like Qingzi Zushi, in the most weak period, the strength is not enough for the real king. Half of the master.

This is a big opportunity. Once you seize this opportunity, there are still many things that can be accomplished in the future. Therefore, Pei Junlin not only wants to kill this old guy, but also wants to get some great benefits from the opponent.

In fact, Pei Junlin also knew one thing, that is, why did Qi Donglai's father make such calculations? In fact, it is because of his own body. The spirit of immortality is actually very difficult. Without certain opportunities, it is impossible to develop such a body.

That Qingzi Patriarch had captured such energy and had to integrate it into his body first to fight against the five decays of heaven and man, which was understandable. However, when he broke ground on Tai Sui's head, Pei Junlin was disgusted, so this breath must be vented.

Pei Junlin drove the mysterious earthen jar to make his body move quickly in the void. Pei Junlin came to the depths of the Xuankong Mountain. UU reading here is a secret place, ordinary people simply It is impossible to enter here.

A large formation is constantly running, blocking Pei Junlin’s path. To enter it, you must break the formation, and you must be unconscious. If there is a trace of vitality fluctuations, it will be soon Someone will come to inspect.

Pei Junlin's accomplishments in the formation are far from reaching the peak, and he is mostly at the level of the formation master. With Pei Junlin's current strength, it will take at least ten years to break this formation.

This time the time capsule came in handy again. Only then did Pei Junlin know how defying the time capsule was. He was able to press the pause button of the time instantly. This is absolutely an extraordinary existence.

Opening the time capsule Pei Junlin once again spent ten years to decipher this formation. This time Pei Junlin’s achievements far exceeded the usual expectations. It took less than 7 years before Pei Junlin was broken. This formation.

Pei Junlin began to increase the frequency of his body, his soul buzzed, and when the number of vibrations was exactly the same as the wave of the formation, Pei Junlin quietly merged into the light yellow curtain.

Just like penetrating a layer of water waves, Pei Junlin easily got into the formation. However, it took him seven years to calculate the vibration frequency of the formation simply as Pei Junlin's calculation. It is difficult for the average person to decipher this formation even if it is one hundred and one thousand years. .

After entering this formation, Pei Junlin was determined, because after coming to this area, Pei Junlin felt the rich aura here.

Although Pei Junlin is now the body of the primordial spirit, after he came to this area, he immediately felt that the aura of heaven and earth here was completely different from ordinary places. ?

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