Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1873: Inhumane

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Tiandao's will has found a small wound here, he was out of anger, Pei Junlin was able to sense Tiandao's emotions.

The will of this great world is far more fearful, calmer, and more majestic than the will of other worlds, as if it were the original will of this world.

When Pei Junlin felt this will of heaven, the whole person felt as small as a grain of sand in the vast universe. At this time, Pei Junlin deeply sighed that human beings are too small compared to this world, even if they have cultivated. The master of the legendary realm is still an ant in front of the will of heaven.

The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog.

At this time, Pei Junlin could clearly feel the ruthlessness and indifference of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the vast emotions were infected, making Pei Junlin's whole person a little more clear.

Although Pei Junlin is now far away from the location of the Hanging Mountain, it does not mean that it is directly safe. Dao's will that day is vast and unpredictable. If you continue to stay in this area, you may encounter unknowable dangers, but Pei Junlin really wants to Staying here, after all, the entire Xuankong Mountain is a huge cake, even after being destroyed by the will of Heaven, I am afraid that the entire Xuankong Mountain will be enough to be eaten by one person.

At this time, you need a bit of adventurous spirit. If it is an ordinary person, the probability will soon be far away, but Pei Junlin is not like this. He uses the mysterious earthen jar to hide in the void, only revealing a gap, looking into the distance The sky over the vast hanging mountain.

As the saying goes, the sky has eyes, Pei Junlin really saw that a huge eyeball appeared in the sky, the eyeball looked down on the earth, and a vast and merciless emotion enveloped the entire Xuankong Mountain.

The endless thunder method is still going on, and a large number of Xuankong Mountain disciples have suffered an extinction disaster. Whether it is men, women, young and old or some top masters, all will be turned into fly ash under this kind of disaster.

The rumbling sound lifted up a large morning mist, and a tall figure suddenly appeared among the mountains of the hanging mountain, standing there like a sky pillar.

This is a person, but the business is extremely huge. He sits there as if he is fused with a mountain. In order to be one, its upper body is a human form, but the lower body is completely fused with that mountain, as if he is the mountain and the mountain is he.

When Pei Junlin saw this scene, he was so surprised that he was dumbfounded, which surprised him too much. There is a top-level power in Kunshan, Pei Junlin is naturally not surprised, but what surprised him is that the life form of this super-evolved body has been integrated with the mountain.

Could it be that the limits of human cultivation are infinite? Could human beings cultivate to become hard rocks, then they will eventually lose their will, and their life span will naturally be the same as that of heaven and earth. Is that meaningful?

Pei Junlin's surprise was not that this person was painted as a mountain, but the meaning of human cultivation. Her mind was spinning fast, and an emotion washed through Pei Junlin's Taoist heart!

That tall figure, standing up to the ground, the will to meet the heavens, did not fear Pei Junlin at all, seeing the stone man rushing to the sky with a fierce punch, unexpectedly wanted to fight the will of heaven and earth.

"It's a pity that Stone Man hasn't become fully embodied in the confrontation between his strength and the will of Heaven. It's just a man's arm as a car." Jin Ye sighed.

Pei Junlin's mind only had the image of the indomitable, he did not expect that there should be such a strong in the entire Xuankong Mountain, this kind of powerful level is far beyond Pei Junlin's imagination, this should be the top evolutionary body , If not, it would definitely not be so strong.

The dull rumbling roar was like thunder shaking between heaven and earth, Dao Will seemed to be angry that day. It was like an ant fighting an elephant, causing the elephant to roar.

Pei Junlin saw the shocking scene, only the poet's unyielding will was left in his eyes, the heavens sent thunder punishment, and the purple light enveloped the world.

Immediately after that, Junlin Pei felt that his divine consciousness was shattered by a powerful force. He was unable to detect what was happening in that area. An aura of chaos and extinguishment enveloped him, making Junlin Pei's whole person struck by lightning.

Pei Junlin was not able to participate in this level of battle, and even felt hurt at the first glance. Pei Junlin didn't escape, he could only feel an unyielding will rushing into the sky, and the Dao's will that day had disappeared.

It wasn't that he was shocked by the unyielding will of the stone man, the will of the heavens disappeared, and half of the entire Xuankong Mountain was in ruins, but even the lifeblood of the Xuankong Mountain was miraculously preserved.

Pei Junlin carefully looked at the scene of the doomsday, and his whole person was shocked inexplicably. He stayed in the class and didn't know what to say. All this shocked Pei Junlin too much. Seeing all the phantoms, he was struck by lightning.

With his own strength, the stone man actually withstood the pressure of the will of the heavens, and fought hard with the principles of the heavens with a peerless and independent posture, and finally left half of the lifeline for Xuankong Mountain.

This result was unexpected by Pei Junlin. He thought that the negative of Xuankong Mountain was just a certain thing, but the final development made Pei Junlin’s eyes hit. At this time, Pei Junlin’s eyes fell on the tall mountain. It's just that the original towering towering into the clouds, towering up, like the high mountains of an iron tower, there are only bare half of the ruins left.

A sorrowful emotion passed over, making Pei Junlin stand on the spot with a blank look on his face. To become such a super evolutionary body, he has paid unimaginable hardships. Their lives are calculated according to the epoch, and they have survived. The five decay of heaven and man did not have the will of the way of heaven, which made Pei Junlin feel a kind of sadness in his heart.

The cultivator competes with the heavens for fate, every step is not easy, it can be said that every step is shocking!

Just as Pei Junlin was slowly regaining his spirit, suddenly a milky white brilliance fell from the sky, covering the entire Hanging Mountain.

Pei Junlin knew that this should be a shot of Xuankong Mountain's background. At this time, the shot completely enveloped the entire Xuankong Mountain, once he recovered his vitality.

The Xuankong Mountain's vitality was greatly injured, and the happiest person was the Heavenly Soul Palace. At this time, Pei Junlin could feel the surrounding shadows, and there was a primordial spirit spying around, and he should be a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace.

Moreover, the master was hiding in the dark and did not make a move. At this time, seeing the scene of Xuankong Mountain, Pei Junlin could feel a gloating mood in the air.

"I'm afraid there will be a big battle here soon, and you may be implicated if you stay in this area." Jin Ye reminded Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin can't talk about how much hate he has for this hanging mountain, let alone what feelings he has. At this time, seeing the disaster in the hanging mountain, Pei Junlin felt a trace of sadness in his heart. After all, the former supreme great teacher angered him. With the will of heaven, he was knocked down to earth.

The saying that man will conquer the sky now seems so funny, the way of heaven cannot be violated, and man must follow the trend.

But Pei Junlin has a special emotion more and more. There is also a rebellious emotion in his eyes, but at this time it is extremely deep.

"Stay here and take a look at the surroundings. I am afraid it will be difficult for these people to move me." Pei Junlin smiled coldly on his body with carelessness.

This time he is a blessing in disguise, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Even if he is a saint-level powerhouse, he can't go through a round in Pei Junlin's hands and can be choked to death at any time. Although Pei Junlin is only the strength of the saint's initial level, he has integrated physical The power has crossed to the realm of legend.

Even the general masters of the legendary realm are not enough to see in front of Pei Junlin, so Pei Junlin is not afraid, so he chooses to have a battle around, only some top powers do not take action, he is not dangerous at all.

Moreover, in general sect battles, masters of the power level will never take action. This is affirmed by Pei Junlin. After all, if a master of power level takes action, then the stars will sink and the land will be destroyed.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule of the Supreme Masters, that is, the top super evolutionary body cannot be shot casually. This is also an unspoken rule established by everyone.

The general powers do not take action, UU Reading Pei Junlin is not afraid of the fighting around him at all, he wants to see how the Tianhun Store will take action this time, and get into trouble.

This time Xuankong Mountain has suffered a heavy loss. Half of the country has been destroyed. In the end, if it were not for the top power, it would enter the will of heaven at the expense of itself. I am afraid that the hanging mountain at this time has become a piece of rubble. .

However, this time the top of the suspended mountain has passed this catastrophe, and it is still unknown whether it will be able to fully recover in the future. The Heavenly Soul Palace will definitely take the opportunity to plunder some wealth at this time.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin gradually felt an emotion surging around him. It was some Heavenly Soul Sword masters who were about to move, but the white light seemed insurmountable, which also made some masters of Tianhongdian, at this time a little restrained.

Pei Junlin passed his divine thoughts out, and immediately felt that countless divine thoughts in the surrounding air were intertwining information to each other. With Pei Junlin’s current strength, he was infinitely close to the legendary realm, so the interaction between these masters Divine Sense is transmitted, it is easy to be intercepted by Pei Junlin.

The information passed by these people, Pei Junlin knew clearly that Pei Junlin had obtained a lot of useful information in an instant, for example, this milky white mask should be a time-space mask supported by a powerful person!

For example, this time the Heavenly Soul Palace decided not to fall into the trap, but just to watch the changes, which surprised Pei Junlin. After all, according to the information Pei Junlin knew, Heavenly Soul Palace and Xuankong Mountain had been fighting each other for dozens of epochs.

Would such a top-level supreme master let go of this opportunity to fall into trouble? But Junlin Pei quickly figured out the joints in it.

The so-called mourning soldiers must win, something happened in the hanging mountain, and it was obviously on the verge of extreme danger. ?

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