Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1888: Abyss Ferry

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin never expected Zhang Lei's mind to be so deep that he had brought himself here for so long before telling the real secret.

It's just that the benefits that Pei Junlin has gained this way are enough. For example, the previous honey swallowed a lot of mineral veins, and these honeys contained a huge amount of metal elements.

Using these honeys to make a medicinal pill, then it is likely to sell for a good price.

Pei Junlin heard a buzzing sound in his ears. When he turned around, he saw a bat flying towards him. This bat was the size of a slap, but its speed was very fast, like a beam of light, in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin didn't move a sharp sword and flew out, and the bat split in half instantly. Zhang Lei looked at Pei Junlin with a little shock, because Pei Junlin's behavior just now made him feel shocked. In Zhang Lei's mind, although Pei Junlin was very strong, he was not so strong.

But the speed of the bat just now is not to say that it is someone else, even he himself may have difficulty reacting, but Pei Junlin is different, with a calm expression on his face from head to tail.

"Let's go ahead. No one has come in this vein for a long time. As for what the huge pet egg you mentioned is, no one knows. Let's go and see it." Pei Junlin went to the side. Walking forward, there was a magical induction in my heart, and Pei Junlin couldn't tell this induction.

"It turned out to be a large metal vein, which contained a kind of cosmic dust. This cosmic dust is equivalent to the top metal called Tianshuo gold. This kind of material is used to forge top-notch materials, and even anger is very popular and hard. Incomparable, and has a certain element of affinity." As he walked in, he explained something strange to Pei Junlin.

Of course Pei Junlin couldn't listen attentively. He also remembered this road. Zhang Lei must have been here before and had already walked once, so there is probably no danger in this road.

Unexpectedly, there were only two or three kittens along the way, and creatures living in the Kangdao. Some of these creatures had become monsters, and some could only reach the level of two or three spirit beasts.

"Are you sure it's a huge pet egg?" Pei Junlin repeatedly asked Zhang Lei for confirmation, because he didn't want to run for nothing.

Zhang Lei nodded, but quickly shook his head again, with a look of fear on his face, but in the end he said to Pei Junlin: "I haven't seen exactly what that thing is, but what I can tell you is , That thing is absolutely extraordinary. Let's just go forward, this dome is not my own, everything depends on fate, maybe you got it."

After listening to Zhang Lei’s words, he nodded on average. Zhang Lei is very fair in speaking and doing things. Before, Pei Junlin thought Zhang Lei was an unscrupulous person, but now, with more and more contacts, Pei Junlin finds that Zhang Lei is actually Still have some ideas.

This person is not righteous, whether it is to be friends or make some transactions, it is quite reassuring.

Continue reading up along the veins, Pei Junlin soon discovered that there was a deep abyss lying in front of him. After seeing this abyss, Pei Junlin was shocked, because this abyss should not be here logically.

Pei Junlin had observed that the mountain was not big when he was outside the veins, but for the supporting role leveling, the distance traveled by himself and Zhang Lei has exceeded the largest area of ​​the mountain, which means this There is a cave in the belly of the mountain and it is very likely that you have entered another world. If it is not, it is impossible to explain why the space inside is so large.

There is also the mysterious huge abyss in front of him. Pei Junlin also feels incredible. According to previous estimates, there will never be such a big abyss in the belly of the mountain, like an eggshell containing a house.

"The huge pet egg should be on the opposite side. It is a giant python, we must be careful." Zhang Lei's eyes showed a look of excitement, it was obvious that he wanted to get a battle pet.

Pei Junlin did not speak. He followed Zhang Lei. He knew that Zhang Lei definitely had a way. After all, Zhang Lei is not a person who likes to brag. If this person is not sure, then he will not do anything. Since this thing has been done. , The explanation is very sure.

The deep abyss has awakened the memories of Pei Junlin's past. This abyss is the same as the abyss that Pei Junlin has seen before, and seems to be connected to each other on all planes.

Pei Junlin has a feeling that everything in the abyss in front of him is not false. It should be completely connected to those abysses he saw before. The picture of the abyss that he saw for the first time, Pei Junlin is vivid in his eyes, as well as the mysteries. Pei Junlin’s creatures are deeply memorable.

These pictures are like being branded in Pei Junlin's mind, which he will never forget. When the golden carriage that he once rode appeared in the abyss, Pei Junlin remembered the mysterious creatures he had seen.

"The abyss is very deep, how did the two of us get there?" Pei Junlin's face was full of doubts.

At this moment, Pei Junlin noticed that Zhang Lei's expression on the e-commerce company had changed, his eyes gradually enlarged and his pupils shrank into a line, as if he had seen something that surprised him.

When you turn your head and look at Zhang Lei’s line of sight, you find that there is a glow in the distance illuminating the entire abyss. When you look closely, Pei Junlin is also shocked. It is a carriage, and it must be pure silver. The carriage emits a silver-white glow.

The golden carriage shape far exceeds the silver carriage, but Pei Junlin’s heart throbs, because Pei Junlin doesn’t understand what is the relationship between the silver carriage and the golden carriage, only knowing that there must be some of them. contact.

"What the **** is it? You can actually walk in this abyss." Zhang Lei sighed with wide-open eyes.

At this moment, Pei Junlin's body is stiff. Seeing all this, he can't even spread the atmosphere. He seems to be frozen. When the silver carriage arrives in front of him, Pei Junlin's body is still stiff.

At this moment, the curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, revealing a bright white hand. It was a woman's hand, half opened the curtain, and then stopped.

Pei Junlin felt her lips dry and her whole body was tingling, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. Seeing this picture again gave Pei Junlin a feeling of shock and shock. Her destiny was connected to the golden carriage. There were countless times. Tsing Pei Junlin had imagined such a scene, but he never expected to see the mysterious carriage again here.

"Why are you pulling the carriage? Although it is strange, it shouldn't scare you like this. This is a hospital. It is indeed amazing. I heard that some planes will be soon. The silver carriage should be the size of a certain plane. If you can, let's avoid it. If we are seen by the great power, we will kill the two of us at will." Zhang Lei was calm and not too surprised, watching the silver carriage gradually disappear. In the distance, Zhang Lei withdrew his gaze.

Pei Junlin breathed out a long breath, and did not say anything surprising in his heart like Zhang Lei, naturally it is not easy to share with others, especially with people like Zhang Lei.

"This should be another space or a connection between spaces. If it is not, there is no such huge space in the middle of the mountain." said Zhang Lei, who is open by Jun Lin.

Zhang Lei nodded, and did not speak this time. He followed him with Pei Junlin. The two of them walked along the edge of the cliff. Gradually, Pei Junlin discovered that Zhang Lei’s route was planned. Obviously Zhang Lei should know the crossing. The way to cross this abyss.

"Look at what it is, do you recognize him?" Zhang Lei took out a dark leather bag.

I don’t know what kind of leather it is made of, and it emits a strange smell. Pei Junlin opened the bag and immediately saw the **** inside. I didn’t know what kind of **** were made. UU Reading exudes a musky smell.

"What is this for? Can it be eaten? Does this have any effect on our actions today?" Pei Junlin asked a series of questions.

Of course Pei Junlin is not a fool. Zhang Lei took out these strange **** at this time. Obviously these things should be related to this, so Pei Junlin asked.

"You are right. This thing is about whether we can cross this dark abyss. I have studied some documents and found some secrets from some ancient books. This kind of medicine is made by myself. The process is very complicated, so I won’t repeat it to you one by one. But there is one particularly magical thing, which is very difficult to get, and it took me a lot of money to get it.” Zhang Lei spoke mysteriously, covering up. Yan did not disclose any useful information to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin listened to these words in his ears, his face was as usual, and there was no expression.

Zhang Lei is very smart. He will definitely say what information he should say. Since Zhang Lei doesn’t say it, it means that some of the key things are one or two people Zhang Lei doesn’t want to tell him. Even if Zhang Lei doesn’t say anything about the current relationship, Pei Junlin will Feel nothing.

After all, although the two had cooperated several times, they did not owe each other. Zhang Lei should have something confidential, so Pei Junlin did not speak.

"The things I showed you are the key to our journey through this abyss. Don't you want to know the ingredients?" Zhang Lei couldn't help but feel a little intolerable when he saw Pei Junlin's face as usual.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at Zhang Lei and said: "Brother Zhang Lei, you and I have cooperated several times. Don't I know you yet? If you tell me something, I will listen."?

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