Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1938: Biao

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

"This is not an ordinary tiger, this is the legendary tiger! If he can make them expect him to have this big willow tree on his back, it will naturally not be a problem." Although the **** cow looks simple and honest, sometimes The mind is still very fast.

Pei Junlin suddenly grabbed his hands forward, and the golden palm went out to grab the tiger in his hand. But it was clear that Pei Junlin had underestimated the strength of this tiger. The moment he caught it, the tiger's nerves instantly disappeared in place.

The transfer speed of this golden tiger is too fast, Pei Junlin has no way at all, and the **** cow also throws out the axe in his hand.

The two axes deformed into a rope in mid-air. They wanted to entangle the tiger. Unfortunately, the tiger was not restrained at all. After the lotus seeds were entangled, the tiger succeeded in one shot.

The Tiger cast aside his eyes from a distance, staring at Pei Junlin and others with gleeful eyes, and even a hint of mockery. Pei Junlin and others can only stare, but they have no way, because the strength of this tiger is too strong, they have no way at all.

Just when Pei Junlin was waiting for others to be helpless, Yun Yao suddenly walked down, and the Jiaoweiqin in his hand made a ding-dong sound. Accompanied by the sound of the piano, the tiger calmed down and revealed a trace of confusion.

You were so surprised. Seeing this flying tiger walk over step by step, he actually lay down at Yun Yao's feet. Seeing such a strange sight, Pei Junlin felt like he was dreaming.

Youth stopped Yun Yao, and the tiger stood up and followed Yun Niang's side, as well-behaved as a pug. Yuyao jumped up first, followed by career Pei Junlin and Da Hei Niu, and the three of them jumped on. Behind the back of the tiger, Yun Yao commanded the tiger to fly again.

With this set of tigers, Pei Junlin certainly has the ability to fly, and although the big willow tree is very lethal and almost indestructible, the speed of encountering this tiger is not in the slightest.

With this tiger mount, Pei Junlin and the others hovered in mid-air. Suddenly a branch entangled towards Pei Junlin and the others, and the tiger only dodged the attack of the willow tree branches just a little sideways.

The big willow tree's tools are still going on, seeming to lock Pei Junlin and the others, but the back of the tiger that Pei Junlinxing and the others are riding in flashes and moves, and the big willow tree is not allowed to get close at all.

"But continue to play with fire here, or leave here far away?" Pei Junlin dressed in a **** cow and Yun Yao asked for advice.

The unanimous opinion of the two people is to quickly escape from this area. After all, this big willow tree is too terrifying, it is simply a life harvester, and countless sacred beasts turned into mud under his trampling.

But being caught by this big willow tree, even just seeing this hellish scene, the psychological endurance of ordinary people can't bear it at all.

But before Pei Junlin suddenly looked at the huge towering tree, the three of them were afraid of hurting the towering tree to save their lives, but it was time that Pei Junlin spotted the wild alien beasts that had escaped and stood. Under this big tree, he started to flee without even taking it.

Pei Junlin gradually understood that these wild alien species surrounding this big tree seemed to seek shelter, but although this big tree was very large, it did not show any signs of life fluctuations, and it was similar to the big willow tree that would move. In comparison, although this big tree is larger in size, it doesn't have that kind of strength.

But everything has exceptions. It seems to feel the call of life breath. The big tree that Pei Junlin energy hid before seems to be awakening. With a rumbling sound, the branches of this big tree began to tremble, and then at Pei Junlin Waiting for people's horrified eyes, the big tree seemed to have recovered.

The soil under the feet turned over the two big roots of the big tree and began to creep slowly. With the exclamation of Pei Junlin and others, the big tree actually started to move.

It is a big tree that can walk, which makes Pei Junlin and the others horrified, but this big tree does not seem to be from the evil side, but it blocked the big willow tree, and soon the two trees were fighting. together.

The fight between two big trees was the first time that Pei Junlin saw this earth-shattering scene in his life. Pei Junlin and others watched it with gusto, but at this time Pei Junlin discovered that the big willow tree had absorbed a lot of blood from the wild beasts. , The body is growing rapidly.

It turned out that this big willow tree took the initiative to kill these beasts in order to absorb the nutrients from their bodies and use them to strengthen themselves. Seeing that these two big trees were fighting against each other dimly, the beasts fled away and watched all this.

The branches of the willow tree were entangled, and the big tree where Pei Junlin and others were hiding in an instant, the body was completely entangled. The battle between the two trees seemed to have been divided, and the big willow tree was finally occupied. Got the upper hand.

I don't know why Pei Junlin suddenly had a strong impulse, he wanted to help the big tree that sheltered himself and others before. Pei Junlin didn't know the shape of the big tree and the leaves, but he could feel the awe-inspiring righteousness in the big tree's heart.

Sometimes the trees are divided into good and bad, especially this kind of wild and exotic big tree, in the ancient times, the number can move around like an animal, and it also has wisdom, which Pei Junlin had never thought of.

But in the end Pei Junlin decided to do it. He couldn't watch the two trees split the victory and defeat. By that time, he would undoubtedly be overwhelmed again, so at this time Pei Junlin put Yunyao and Big Black Bull together. After being in a safe place, he began to ride the tiger under his crotch and quickly rushed towards the willow tree.

With this flying tiger Pei Junlin, he was as powerful as a tiger. His speed was so fast that he arrived in front of Daliushu in the blink of an eye. At this time, most of those who were fighting their opponents wholeheartedly were completely unaware of it.

A piece of flame fell on the body of the big willow tree, and as expected, the great flow was quickly ignited. The flames began to soar very quickly, and the big willow tree's celibacy was shrouded in flames, and Pei Junlin was surprised at seeing his method succeed.

The unhappiness did not last long. The big willow tree twisted around a gust of wind and the cold wind directly extinguished Pei Junlin's flame, and it was too late when Pei Junlin planned to start a second time.

Da Liushu was in his heart, Pei Junlin couldn't get close at all. Even if he was willing to help the good tree fight, it was too late. Now most of them have no chance in the companionship after they become vigilant.

After failing to figure it out, Pei Junlin was upgraded to a level, and he could not attack with flames. Then he attacked from the soil. Pei Junlin disappeared in the same place. When he reappears, he has already appeared underground. At this time, the two The big tree is using its roots to fight.

The roots of a tree with Xu must be cut off, which can cause fatal damage to the big willow. After Pei Junlin came to the ground, he started to urge the flying sword, using the power of the thirteen swords of the sky, cut off several huge roots in the blink of an eye!

Maybe your plan is simple and neat, without any muddle, and caused fatal damage to this big willow tree at the moment you shot it. After several roots were cut, Pei Junlin discovered that a crystal clear liquid was flowing from the place where he was based. .

There is a huge amount of energy in it, and the degree of purity is astonishing. After Pei Junlin reacted, he began to collect the sap from the big willow trees.

Pei Junlin was still cutting tools, and most of the ground on the ground issued an angry roar. She wanted to turn the paper into the ground to attack Pei Junlin, but it was too late. His opponent was a big tree. The tree has issued a fatal attack towards her, and the battle between the two trees has entered a white-hot state.

The difficulty was originally in a state of balance, but the appearance of Pei Junlin broke this balance, making this evil big willow tree into an unprecedented situation.

Pei Junlin once again shot and continued to cut underground. Most of the body's strength with no basis in the roots quickly withered, and another big tree found a chance to issue a fatal blow. UU read for an instant. , The big willow tree's body was torn apart.

The big willow tree failed. Its body split and completely formed sections of amazing trunks. These trunks fell to the ground and took roots, vainly wanting to continue to resurrect, but Pei Junlin could not give him this opportunity.

The pale flame fell, and the wild fire began to burn the big willow tree. The branches of the big willow tree continued to twist and squirm, seemingly unwilling to fail, but there was no way. Facing the flames of Pei Junlin, this big willow tree quickly turned into dust in the raging flames.

After going out of the big willow tree, Pei Junlin gradually calmed down. When he turned around to look for Yunyao and Big Black Bull, he found that the two were being besieged, and a group of prehistoric alien species were making the final charge.

Pei Junlin was really angry at this moment. He was born and died on the front line to eliminate the big willow tree, and these wild and moving beasts in the back attacked his friends in turn, which made Pei Junlin unacceptable.

A sword light flashed across the heads of several wild beasts, and their blood spilled all over the ground. At this time, it was not a time when the heart was soft and the rain broke down. They all began to chop and cut three sword lights on the Tiger's body, and the lights continued to flicker.

Pei Junlin came back to see Yunyao and the **** cow, only to find that the two of them were scarred, and Pei Junlin was even more angry. The reason why he stayed to fight the big willow tree was actually to save these wild beasts. But at this time these wild beasts not only didn't appreciate it, but attacked their friends!

This is the real reason for Pei Junlin's anger. At this time, Pei Junlin no longer has any notion of soft-heartedness. When he backhanded to slaughter these beasts, he didn't feel anything at all. ?

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