Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 194: Repairing the plank road in the Ming Dynasty, secretly crossing into a warehouse!

The soonest updated chapter of the rebirth Shura returns!

At night, desolate like water, no fingers can be seen reaching out.

A villa in the size A, in a certain room on the second floor, a figure knelt down on the ground, shaking with sweat.

Through the light, we can clearly see that the figure kneeling on the ground, not others, turned out to be the famous Zhu Erye of the Zhu family.

In front of Zhu Zhenzi, Pei Junlin was sitting lazily on a teacher's chair, with a look of coldness on his stern face, like a high king, looking down on the ground.

"Zhu Zhenzi, everyone is a smart person, so I don't need to talk more about your words! You know better than anyone. There are countless wealthy families in the world. Before they started, they were just ordinary people. ! "

"Even so many wealthy families have not been as good as ordinary people, and some are even beggars! But why have they developed and turned into rich and famous celebrities that countless people admire, but more ordinary? People can only live a mediocre life! "

In the quiet room, Pei Jun's unhurried voice sounded.

"Because these people are good at seizing opportunities, they dare to fight and dare to do so, so-called wealth insurance, they have developed this sentence to the extreme."

"Your Zhu family has worked so hard, accumulated over the years, and spent countless hard work, and was able to put on the Jiuyin Yinsha formation. Presumably, your current master Dan Zong does not know yet!"

"The basic purpose is not for the elixir of that gentian tree? So that your elder brother Zhu Zhenting can break through the innate power of everyone's envy and awe, and gradually break away from Danzong's mercy!"

With Pei Jun coming, every time a word was spoken, Zhu Zhenzi kneeling on the ground trembled. In the end, almost the whole person collapsed to the ground. His expression was horrified and full of panic. It never seemed that his Zhu family was the biggest. Secret will be known to the outsider Pei Junlin.

Now Zhu Zhenzi very regrets why he took Pei Junlin to the remote villa where his elder brother was poisoned and killed him. He did not expect that the ancient formation method that his Zhu family had worked hard to find. Will be recognized by Pei Junlin at a glance.

How can this guy be so evil, is this ... still human?

On the teacher's chair, Pei Junlin ignored Zhu Zhenzi's extremely terrified and complex eyes on the ground, his voice with a little bit of coldness, and continued: "Since your Zhu family dare to hide from the Zong Zong to arrange this Jiulong Yinsha array, it is enough to explain, Your Zhu family is ambitious, not the kind who dares to be mediocre! "

"Very good, now I like Pei Junlin to like your ambitious characters as minions, then go to my Majesty to serve!"

"Danzong can give you the Zhu family. My Pei Junlin can give it. Danzong can't give you the Zhu family's me Pei Junlin can give it. Even my Pei Junlin can guarantee that if Danzong is destroyed, your Zhu family will be exterminated. The biggest master other than me, because apart from Dan Zong himself, you have to count your Zhu family knows everything about this Zhongzhou, and gradually control all the forces of this Dan Zong! "

"How's it going? Can your Zhu family be moved on this condition?"

On the ground, kneeling Zhu Zhenzi was panting like a cow, his body was wet with sweat, his face was cloudy and cloudy, and he seemed to fall into a huge psychological tangle, the crossroads of fate.

"Zhu Zhenzi, you know very well that I am not a good man, so don't test my patience, I will give you at best a consideration for time ..."

"Mr. Pei, I promise! I promise!"

Before waiting for Pei Junlin to finish speaking, Zhu Zhenzi, who had been kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head, and his voice was categorical.

This result made Pei Junlin very satisfied. The reason why he opposes the Zhu family has long been fancy to the Zhu family's ambitious point. He is not afraid of the ambition. He is afraid of those mediocre people who are not aggressive.

Dignified Shura warlords will never charge those useless generations. If he dares to betray, he will naturally have hundreds of ways to punish these people and let the other party regret coming to this world!

Night was getting deeper. Somewhere in the backyard of Ziding Manor, a few ghostly figures suddenly jumped out and disappeared into the dark night with no fingers.

Just out of the manor, on the dim junction outside, a vehicle that had already been parked hit a double flash. Several people walked over and pulled the car door to sit in the car.

Through the dim headlights, it was blurred to see that these figures were Pei Junlin, Li Chaoran, Julia, and Dan Dingzi who were in a coma.

The driver was Zhu Zhenzi's son Zhu Kang, and the vehicle started quickly and disappeared into the night.

A few hours later, the car had entered a relatively deserted road, surrounded by endless mountains.

Dan Dingzi, who was thrown in the back seat, became sober in confusion. The next second, when he felt the situation around him, he immediately screamed, "What are you going to do? Where do you take me?"

Dan Dingzi's exclamation awakened Julia, who had been cuddling on Pei Junlin's shoulders, while Pei Junlin remained indifferent, always closing her eyes slightly, and nourishing her all the way.

Li Chaoran, who was playing with his mobile phone, turned back fiercely, "Lao Zaomao, you disturbed Lao Tzu to eat chicken! Believe it or not, I will bury you now, and throw it away in this wild mountain!"

Dan Dingzi, who was blocked and repaired, couldn't help taking a nap. Don't look at him as Dan Zong's very senior uncle. In fact, his bones are not hard, especially when he encounters such ruthlessness as Li Chaoran and Pei Junlin. After the stubble, it was a mess.

Suddenly, he noticed the familiar terrain of the mountains around him and couldn't help but stare, "This ... this is the boundary of the Funiu Mountains, you ... are you going to my Danzong?"

Li Chaoran sneered, Julia leaned her head on Pei Junlin's shoulder again, and enjoyed this rare reliance and strong sense of security, especially the unique breath of Pei Junlin, faintly carrying a certain fragrance, there was nothing in it The smell of men's sweat makes her obsessed.

Unfortunately, no matter how tender and affectionate Julia is, Pei Junlin remains indifferent. His heart belongs only to the prince Qiong who is far away from Jinling City.

This made Julia very distressed, but helpless, it was really a sorrowful intentional flow!

Li Chaoran grinned and sneered: "Old miscellaneous hair, isn't your head bad yet? Nothing wrong, the young men are going to visit you, Danzong!"

Dan Dingzi was immediately surprised when he heard the words. The Funiu Mountains are the base of Danzong. The strong ones are like dragons. Whether it is the suzerain Dongfang Ao, the deputy suzerain, or the elder, the guard Dong Biao is a powerful real person or Congenital power can definitely make these **** gone forever.

However, Dan Dingzi's smile frozen in the corner of his mouth the next second, he suddenly saw this hazy night and his own situation, and sensitively expected something bad, which seemed to be some kind of conspiracy.

Wait, it's been so long since the incident happened in the daytime. If Dan Zong received the news that he was arrested, it should have been sent out at this moment!

Now that the people of Danzong have already appeared, and Pei Junlin is on the side and rushing in the night, isn't it ...

An unbelievable thought rose from his mind, Dan Dingzi's face changed completely, exclaimed exclaimed: "Do you want to sneak attack on my Danzong's nest ..."


In response to him, Li Chaoran's real punch, looking at Dan Dingzi who fainted again, Li Chaoran sneered and said, "I told you this old mixed hair was a visit, so how can you say that? What about? "

Just at this moment, at the end of the road, there was a huge convoy of cars. The lights were dazzling and very spectacular. They crossed the RV that Pei Junlin was riding on. There were seven or eight Mercedes-Benz S-classes.

Due to the dim sky, it is difficult to see the specific faces in the car. Only Pei Junlin, who is savvy and conscious, felt that there were several obscure and powerful breaths in the past convoys.

"Mr. Pei, the team that just passed should be Danzong!"

Zhu Kang, who drove suddenly, said, "I am very impressed with their license plate number!"

Pei Junlin, who always squinted and nourished his eyes, slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly, the whole car was bright, and he realized the details: "Are you sure?"

Zhu Kang looked nervous, but nodded surely, "I'm sure!"

The corner of Pei Junlin's mouth was slightly raised, and Li Chaoran, who was devoted to eating chicken, also shouted, "Yeah, great luck, eat chicken tonight!"

"Boss, this is a good sign! It indicates that our trip must be full. As long as I think that I can personally copy Dan Zong's nest soon, my hand will itch, no! I have to eat chicken again!"

After almost another two or three hours, at this moment, the outside sky has already been completely bright ~ ~ At the same time, the roads on which the vehicles are driving are getting more and more bumpy. I do n’t know when the car has entered a vast world. Deep in the depths of the mountains, there are trees covering the sky everywhere.

The Funiu Mountains are here!

The walking car suddenly stopped and Zhu Kang, who had been driving, turned around, looking respectfully: "Mr. Pei, Master Li, there is no way to go forward, I'm afraid we have to walk next!"

"I once followed my father once in Danzong. There was only one way to enter the mountain, and it was rugged and very difficult to walk. Ordinary people could not enter at all, and only warriors could climb it!"

Pei Junlin nodded and said it was okay. He immediately got out of the car with Julia. As for Li Chaoran, he woke up Dan Dingzi who was still in a coma. Then he got as if he was holding a chick and got out of the car.

When he saw that several people from Pei Junlin had come to the entrance of Danzong's mountain gate, Dan Dingzi had a face, as pale as a paper, and shouted harshly: "Pei Junlin, Li Chaoran, and your Zhu family, please wait! My Danzong congenital strongman and real mage will ask you to settle accounts! "

Li Chaoran raised his palm and made a stern look, and immediately scared Dan Dingzi's head to shrink, his face full of despair.

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