Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1942: Red mist

The first ninety-two chapters of the red mist

"Have you noticed? The front looks like a map of Pingchuan, but many places are covered by a substance." The **** cow stared and wanted to look into the distance. It's a pity that there is a lot of mist there, and you can't see it clearly.

In fact, Pei Junlin has noticed that blood-red object a long time ago. You can obscure people's sight, and even the divine mind can't penetrate it. This is also the thing that Pei Junlin is most worried about now that the big ship enters the red mist. In the area, Pei Junlin discovered that the river was at a loss.

It is impossible to see clearly at a distance of more than one meter, even if it is a divine mind, it can only be explored at a distance of five meters around it reluctantly. Lu Yuan has completely lost its effect here, and even the power of divine consciousness has been greatly compressed.

Divine Sense is equivalent to a cultivator’s second pair of eyes. It can help the cultivator find out the surrounding crisis, but now everyone has lost their eyes and finally became blind in an instant, so panic is inevitable in the heart.

Under Pei Junlin's suggestion, everyone boarded He An, and after putting away the big silver ship, Pei Junlin and others embarked on a land trek.

Pei Junlin is still not idle on the way. He practices Buddhism every day, forging his body, and at the same time expelling the evil spirits accumulated before.

Immediately after entering the fog area, Pei Junlin was no longer so at ease. This area was difficult to survive and was perilous, so Pei Junlin did not dare to be too careless.

Sure enough, after walking hundreds of meters forward, everyone encountered the first danger. There was a sound of wriggling footsteps in the black fog, and then a thick bug rushed out of the fog. When it came out, the worm seemed to have mutated, exuding a violent breath.

As soon as the worm showed up, Pei Junlin moved his hand and a magic spear appeared in his hand and swept toward the worm.

But then what surprised Pei Junlin happened again. The bug opened its mouth, revealing its mouth full of fangs, and suddenly bit the Hunshi Demon Spear. The sharp teeth crunched, and even bit the Hunshi Demon Spear. Hold on.

The body strength of this insect is astonishing. The moment the insect bit the Hunshi Magic Spear, the **** cow rushed up with the axe and stomped the axe towards the insect's head, but there were no scars left. under.

Pei Junlin frowned, and a set of white light flew out from behind him. A white light flashed on the worm's head in a different place, and a stench radiated out, making people unbearable to hear it.

Well, the sharp flying sword decapitated the worm, but the doubt in Pei Junlin's heart did not dissipate. He was observing the worm silently. Judging from the body structure of the worm and some other positions, the worm should be It belongs to the prehistoric alien species.

But an ordinary worm turned out to be so powerful, it surpassed Pei Junlin’s psychological expectations. He carefully observed the worm and found that the orange's epidermis and many places have undergone subtle changes. The worm’s body is on the surface. There seems to be a series of runes steadily flashing.

It is with these subtle runes blessings that these insects have become invincible and invulnerable. Even a saint-level powerhouse, if you don’t use flying swords, you just want to use ordinary weapons. It's still a bit difficult to kill this bug.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the red mist, only to realize that these weapons were not simple. The mist was like little runes floating in the air.

Pei Junlin's eyes ejected golden light and looked in the surrounding space, but soon, Pei Junlin found something different. For example, these mists become suspended particles after being magnified countless times. These particles are not dust particles, but small rune strings.

This kind of mist should be called rune artifacts that can change the structure of the human body after being inhaled. No wonder the creatures in these red mists are so powerful.

Fortunately, from the beginning, Pei Junlin and others were prepared. Pei Junlin had predicted that the red object was not simple, and it was very likely that toxins would be inhaled to the body and cause some poisoning, so the three of them closed their mouths from the beginning. Nose, did not inhale this mist.

It seems that there is really foresight now, or else they will become such monsters like these insects. They lose their minds, and although their bodies have become strong, they are meaningless. The result can only be said that life is better than death.

"If you need to move forward, you need to be careful to see if these bugs are not there. If you accidentally inhale these mists, you will become such a monster. Be careful." Pei Junlin turned towards Yunyao and Da The black bull said.

The three of them are masters of comprehension, and a mask is formed around the body. This mask can isolate such mist, so as not to be inhaled into the body, and even if it touches the skin, this is the safest way.

Having reached this point, Pei Junlin wants to return to the Great Thousand World, he must use the portal in the Kunlun Temple, so he has no retreat, he must bite the bullet and go forward, but the next life and death is unpredictable. When you encounter a smooth road, you still need to look at luck.

"The next road will certainly not be too easy. The three of us must be on guard at all times, and at least one of us must be fully focused." Pei Junlin whispered.

The situation is very critical. It is not just these situations that only the eyes can see. Pei Junlin feels the other most important threat, which is the loss of body energy.

If it is in an ordinary area, the flow in the body will not be lost casually, because at this stage of cultivation, the human body is like a steel bar, and every drop of energy in the body is finely controlled, unlike the first. The extensive control of the festival cultivator is being lost anytime and anywhere.

At the stage of Pei Junlin's cultivation level, the use of energy has reached the top level. In other words, the energy Pei Junlinmei inhales the body will produce full efficiency.

The energy that is poured into the body by Pei Junlin will not be lost casually, and it can even be imprisoned in the body forever, even if it is taken and used.

I was in the red mist, Pei Junlin felt that everything was different. It was like entering a huge suction hole. After entering this area, the energy of the human body would be lost quickly. If it is not replenished, Then the person will be completely sucked up.

Although most people can't feel the energy of the body in a short time, as they continue to deepen, the energy loss of the body will accelerate. If there is no successful supplement method, it is impossible for people to live out of this mist.

Pei Junlin tried the tree of life. Sure enough, the tree of life in the void can still absorb energy without hindrance. This established the basic plate of Pei Junlin in this red mist, and in this mist, Pei Junlin merged. They won't die here completely because of energy loss, but the other two are different.

Whether it is Yunyao or Big Black Bull, the energy reserves in their bodies cannot be used for too long. Based on the current loss rate, Pei Junlin estimates that in at most three days, the two of them will lose their bodies. All the energy in it.

It is terrible for a cultivator to have no energy. Once the energy or spiritual energy in the body is exhausted, it will be very difficult for the person to turn over. At that time, he will not only be unable to use various attack methods, but use self-protection and even walk and sit Sleeping has become a problem.

Pei Junlin calculated the pill inside his chaotic golden bucket space. These pill can continue to provide energy and can keep the energy of Yun Yao and Da Hei Niu from losing, which is already very good.

With the supplement of the medicine pill, it is not to sit back and relax. After all, you will encounter various monsters in the depths of this red mist. For example, the previous bug has become very strong because of its mutation strength. Pei Junlin is worried that he will encounter it later. To more powerful creatures, that would be troublesome.

A dull roar came from the fog, Pei Junlin desperately used his spiritual sense to probe, but he always found any trace.

The danger was discovered at the first time and the scope of the investigation was increased. Pei Junlin decided that the route of the three people showed a triangular range, ten meters apart from each other. UU reading

In this way, the three people can check each other's situation with their spiritual thoughts, and they can also continue to expand the scope of exploration by ten meters. This way, the range of early warning is greatly increased. Once they encounter risks, they will soon Can react.

The way that Pei Junlin chose to walk through was quickly verified. When he continued to move forward, Pei Junlin found that everyone had walked into a stone area with towering stone pillars. It was not known whether it was man-made. It was still naturally generated, and it was not long after Pei Junlin and others entered the stone forest that monsters attacked and killed it.

This time, the person who first discovered the monster was not Pei Junlin. It was Yun Yao's moment when he discovered the monster, Yun Yao made an issue, and then according to the previous agreement, the three quickly began to move closer to the middle position. .

After the monster rushed into the encirclement, he discovered that there were three prey, surprised and happy in his eyes. When the monster observed three more prey, these three prey were also observing the monster.

I stared at the monster coldly, and a bit of surprise appeared in his eyes, because the shape of this monster is too peculiar. This monster is in the shape of a wild boar, but the surface of the body is not covered with pigs. The bristles are thorns like steel needles.

Even this wild boar has undergone some kind of transformation after the red fog transformation, and its strength has become extremely powerful. At least Pei Junlin feels that this wild boar is like a fierce tank, and there is a fierceness all over his body breath.

Pei Junlin, the wild boar head, and the others uttered a call, and then rushed over. This is what Lang Ben Dolphin said suddenly.

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