Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1969: Old nest

Text Chapter One Nine Sixty Nine

There is no need to think about it at all, this place should be the home of those mechanical races.

Pei Junlin sneered after seeing the large number of spaceships parked here. These mechanical creatures caused a big disaster, and they thought that the sky was wide when they fled here, but he didn't know that Pei Junlin had already caught up here.

Pei Junlin wanted to shout that Grandpa is here, but he felt that there was something wrong with this way of appearance, so he resisted it. Several huge spaceships in the distance had just moored in the dock. Pei Junlin saw light and shot from it. , The fluctuation of energy is amazing.

But this little movement doesn’t bother Pei Junlin. He didn’t take it personally. Instead, he said to the dumb King Kong beside him: “You go and do damage. If you can do more damage, do as much damage as you see. Fight and kill at the sight of people. Remember the Sanguang policy."

Pei Junlin just verbally moved the dumb King Kong behind him, but suddenly started, and the pig body suddenly flashed with an energy rune. Pei Junlin felt an energy cube floating above King Kong's head, which was the one that was previously fused by King Kong. Energy Rubik's Cube, at this time, the positive energy Rubik's cube is constantly rotating, and the runes in it are constantly permuting and combining, and a stream of energy is gathered from the void.

Before Pei Junlin had time to be surprised, he saw King Kong soaring into the sky like a soaring cannon, and then fell into the distance. His body had grown thousands of times larger. The huge King Kong body was astonishing, and he punched a spacecraft. , Instantly cut the spacecraft from interruption into two pieces.

This huge movement was like stabbing a hornet's nest, which immediately caused turbulent waves. Countless robots flew out of the huge fortress, began to pile up in the air, and gradually formed a huge robot.

I just saw this scene and did not go forward to fight, but continued to destroy according to Pei Junlin's previous instructions. In the blink of an eye, several huge spaceships were smashed into ruins by King Kong.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin exclaimed in his heart, this King Kong looked dull, but he didn't expect to be cruel and cruel at the critical moment.

When Pei Junlin saw that King Kong shot as if he had taken out gunpowder, he was secretly refreshed, but at this time Pei Junlin also knew that he was hiding in the dark and could not show up. After all, he wanted to use King Kong to attract firepower, and once he had King Kong, he could not deal with it. His opponent, he will appear.

Pei Junlin's strategy was quite right. It was precisely the weakness of these mechanical tribesmen. These mechanical tribes hid deeply, especially some of the mechanical tribe leaders, who were afraid of their heads and tails, and the rabbit head and rabbit brain did not dare to come out to fight.

At this time, Pei Junlin asked King Kong to take action, and King Kong's limited strength was likely to cause a strong backlash from these mechanical tribesmen. At that time, Pei Junlin could naturally take action to clean up everything.

The main purpose of her coming here is actually very simple. The first point is to make a fuss with the mechanical clan, and to teach them a deep lesson is not to rob the family and destroy the clan.

Of course, Pei Junlin also depends on his mood completely. If these mechanical races are stubborn and stubborn to the end, then he doesn't mind coming to an extermination to wipe out the mechanical races from the universe.

However, Pei Junlin also adheres to the principle of punishing the past and treating illnesses and saving people. After all, every race has some people who look up to the stars and some people who are kind. Just kill, or gouge out those abscesses.

The main purpose of Pei Junlin is still for the powerful master. This human master is trapped in the poisonous hand of the mechanical clan. A top human master is inferior to a pig and dog in the mechanical group, and he is kept in captivity by the mechanical clan. When you get up, you can put it on the operating table for research at any time. This is a shame to the human race and a huge waste.

There is actually only one main purpose for Pei Junlin to come here, and that is to kill the machine race and save this human race's powerful level master. After all, for Pei Junlin, a pioneer of humanity like this is worthy of respect, she Naturally, I would not stand idly by when I encountered this incident.

At this time, the battle on the field had already progressed to a degree of fierce heat. Pei Junlin saw the constant change of the shape of King Kong in the distance, and unexpectedly a barrel appeared from the wrist according to his imagination, and it flew from it. A missile came out, blooming all over the planet, and exploding in smoke everywhere.

Pei Junlin was also completely stunned when he saw this scene. The appearance of this King Kong was only formed according to his imagination. He did not expect the imagination to be so full. This King Kong was designed completely according to his imagination.

Pei Junlin thought that King Kong's dumb combat power was limited, but now Pei Junlin was completely stunned. The King Kong's combat power was more than limited, and there was simply no upper limit.

One of King Kong's hands was exuding golden light, and a punch came down, and the whole earth was trembling, and the huge shock wave appeared rippled and scattered towards the surroundings.

Those thousands of mechanical clan masters flew to the sky in an instant under the attack of King Kong. The mechanical clan members of the friends disintegrated directly, and some turned and fled.

According to Pei Junlin's estimation, these mechanical people should have their own wisdom, but they also know how to escape and will not fight to death.

When King Kong continued to destroy, as expected, the situation that Pei Junlin had anticipated appeared. A master with blue armor and bone spurs appeared. This is a mechanical tribe. He played with a strong momentum and held it in his hand. With a long bone whip.

There was a blue electric arc flashing on the edge, and the mechanical tribe man waved the whip in his hand, and electric arcs were formed around, forming a large net and shrouded towards the King Kong.

Pei Junlin shook his head, his face was completely disappointed, he could conclude that this mechanical clan master was not worth his shot, and King Kong could solve the opponent as long as he shot easily.

Sure enough, the world's martial arts can only surpass the speed and strength of King Kong, which is almost comparable to Pei Junlin, only to see King Kong turned into a welcome. When it reappears, it has already appeared behind this mechanical tribe, and suddenly punched here. The back of the clan of the mechanical clan grabbed the opponent's energy core.

This scene looked a bit tragic, but also a little tragic, and Pei Junlin felt a little sympathy for these mechanical tribesmen when he saw this scene. The robots themselves are not strong or their combat effectiveness is not strong, but they have all kinds of abilities to study the rules of the universe, their wisdom is very high, but fighting is their shortcoming.

If the King Kong is allowed to continue like this, then these machines will be destroyed. The race is only a matter of time. Only one King Kong can completely destroy the machine race.

Pei Junlin felt that such a killing was meaningless, at least for these mechanical races, the results were enough, and their entire race had already paid a huge price.

The destruction of King Kong continued, but Pei Junlin appeared. Her appearance really caused fluctuations in the surrounding energy field. The soil on the ground gradually cracked, revealing an underground fortress in the shape of a crystal.

The door of the fortress opened on its own initiative, and a mechanically synthesized voice was transmitted. This was a divine communication, and Pei Junlin felt the deep fear of the other party.

A mechanical tribe wearing a golden armor walked out of the bunker and knelt on the ground, looking at Pei Junlin with a begging look.

These mechanical tribesmen are very smart, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and they know how to continue to resist Pei Junlin like this, and their living space is completely compressed.

If you continue to resist blindly, it is only a matter of time before the entire machine race is destroyed. This powerful man in front of him is the strongest opponent their machine race has encountered in tens of millions of years.

This opponent was the calamity they hit, so the mechanical tribe recognized that some of their leaders had held an emergency meeting, and finally unanimously decided to surrender to this human man.

Pei Junlin didn't speak to communicate with the other party's spirit, and it was just a cold one. It followed the huge elevator of the bunker down to the bottom and came to a huge round table-shaped conference room.

This conference room is not big. Being the masters of these six mechanical races, these mechanical races have different gods, and there is even a head of the mechanical race sitting at the top, it looks like a blue brain.

Pei Junlin is not surprised at this scene. There are too many strange lives in the There are too many miracles bred in the universe, so at this time, Pei Junlin behaves very calmly.

"The machine race recognizes that the machine race is willing to bear all consequences, and the machine race is willing to satisfy you." Several heads of the machine race continued to send out their spirits, exchanged goodwill, and surrendered to Pei Junlin.

When Pei Junlin saw this scene, he just sneered in his heart. He knew that these mechanical tribesmen had completely succumbed. They were not surrendered on the surface but convinced. Because of some surrender, Pei Junlin could see it from their spiritual thoughts. Out.

Death is not because these mechanical tribesmen succumbed, but they were born to worship the strong. In their minds, the strong are used to worship. Once they know that they are defeated by the mechanical tribe, these people will soon choose to surrender.

The people of these mechanical races are not cartilage, but they are already very sane. The robots are very intelligent. All their thinking forms and all behavior patterns are all based on absolute rationality, just like a computer program.

Once the opponent's strength reaches a certain level, all the mechanical tribesmen will flee first, and if they fail to escape, they will surrender. Moreover, the mechanical tribes are very good at calculating. They will calculate a procedure, a set of surrender procedures.

So they calculated this set of procedures in advance, and even said that the entire surrender ceremony was a rehearsal.

"I don't have much interest in you mechanical tribesmen, I only have two. The first leader who launched the war and launched aggression against the head must die." Pei Junlin said coldly, his voice flashing in this cold meeting. In the room, the entire conference room was silent.

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