Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1973: Void

Void turbulence in the usual sense actually refers to some areas with complicated spaces, like scraps of clothes or inner linings of clothes, where the rules are messy.

Cultivators often encounter great danger when entering it. These areas are collectively called spatial turbulence, because these areas have no stable space and change anytime and anywhere, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

The so-called Void Turbulence is actually quite different from the real Void World. For example, the piece of Void in which the distance is located is the Real Void World.

The four big things in this world are all empty, with many mysterious things, that is the most mysterious and weird place in this universe. If you compare the entire universe to a building under the sun, the void is like the shadow of the universe. It is a virtual existence, but it contains a lot of things.

If ordinary people want to stay in the void, they need strong energy support, because in the void there is only void energy, no aura, and no other energy.

The void world is icy cold and boundless, and filled with a concept of nothingness. When ordinary people enter here, not only will they suffer tremendous physical torture, but they may not even be able to withstand it spiritually.

But at this time, Pei Junlin has huge energy support. In his chaotic golden fight's internal world, because Pei Junlin has control of the rules now, energy is not a problem for Pei Junlin, and it is stored in the warehouse of the mechanical race. Many void spaceships, these voids use special formation forging materials and are very sophisticated.

It is not impossible for Pei Junlin to use these void spacecraft to travel in the void. A silver big river was released by Pei Junlin, and it was revealed in an instant, but this void spacecraft has a very similar appearance to ordinary ships. The big difference is that in the shape of the void spacecraft, it is actually like a flying saucer.

When Pei Junlin saw the space-time spacecraft, he immediately summoned his banner. On the seventh, it was a mechanical spaceship that Pei Junlin had acquired, but at this time, it was compared with the real mechanical civilization. It pales in comparison.

However, Pei Junlin is preconceived or the spaceship No. 7 already has feelings, so at this time Pei Jun plans to upgrade and transform the No.7. With the help of thousands of wisdom from the mechanical clan, Pei Junlin's transformation of No.7 was completed in a blink of an eye. .

The transformation of No. 7 is actually very simple. As long as the No. 7 is combined with some void spacecraft, the two are merged into one, and it is completely completed, so the whole process is not complicated.

When Pei Junlin saw the brand new spaceship flag in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed. Not only was the machine clan super smart, but also his appreciation of beautiful things made Pei Junlin amazed.

Originally the shape of No. 7 can’t be said to be experience, it can only be said to be ordinary, but now that No. 7 has been transformed, it gives Pei Junlin a very sci-fi feeling. Even if it is just for appreciation, there is also a breath of art. Come.

There was a turbulent flow of void everywhere, and the number seven controlled by Pei Junlin began to shuttle in the void. The void is not completely void, there are many voids in this void, and there are also some void creatures in the mainland.

Most of the void creatures are terrifying, but it is difficult to encounter the void creatures here. After all, there are very few void creatures. Encountering these void creatures is like winning a lottery ticket, which is incredible.

When the spacecraft controlled by Pei Junlin had you in the entire void, just half a month did not allow Pei Junlin to encounter any void creatures, so in the following time, Pei Junlin had already let go of courage.

A thick void rope was in the void, and Pei Junlin’s spacecraft 7 almost ran into it. However, the residents were highly vigilant about this matter, because these void ropes absolutely thought they couldn’t make it through. Soon. , Pei Junlin felt a breath locked himself.

Pei Junlin was surprised and shocked from the beginning, to the panic and fear now, because the void creatures are very difficult to deal with, and the void creatures encountered this time seem to be more difficult to deal with. This is a creature similar to an octopus. But the body is between nothingness and reality, constantly waving tentacles.

This is a set of voids. The size of the octopus is infinite. Pei Junlin doesn't know how big this void is, how big the octopus is. From a distance, this void octopus is like a translucent phantom, constantly waving tentacles.

Pei Junlin wanted to turn around and escape, but he knew that it was too late now. It was impossible to be stared at by this creature and want to escape, so the most important thing at the moment was to figure out how to deal with the other party.

The so-called crisis and danger will inevitably have opportunities. After Pei Junlin forced himself to calm down, he quickly came up with a plan in his heart.

Regarding the void creatures, Pei Junlin only heard the sound but did not see it. In some classics, Pei Junlin has examined the power and horror of XCMG plants, but in real face-to-face dialogue with these void creatures, Pei Junlin is still the first. Times.

Although Junlin Pei forced himself to calm down, when facing this kind of void creature, he still felt a kind of awe from the inner mind, it was a kind of awe of the unknown, not to say that Junlin was greedy for life and fear of death.

This void octopus doesn't seem to be eager to take down Pei Junlin's money, it seems to be silently observing this sudden human being.

When the opponent was observing Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin was naturally also observing the opponent's outrageous void creature, which really put too much pressure on Pei Junlin's heart.

And at this moment, a thick tentacles entangled towards Pei Junlin's location. The void creature carried a force of void all over, and when this force enveloped it, Pei Junlin knew that a big battle was inevitable.

The No. 7 spacecraft opened the hatch in an instant, and a figure flew out from it. Pei Junlin punched a golden fist in the air, and slammed it over.

Pei Junlin's move is called a draw from the bottom of the pot. This punch used to hit the tentacles that were entangled, but shot the body of the void creature!

Sure enough, Pei Yulin plastic punched out, the void creature immediately returned to the teacher to rescue, the tentacles shrank, and went back to cover the whole body, but Pei Junlin sneered in his heart, a sword light flew out of his back, and suddenly beheaded. Get out.

However, this sword light penetrated the void, but the octopus's body did not cause any damage to the opponent. This is a void creature and does not have a real body, so the suction power of the flying sword is not too great for these void creatures. The role of.

Pei Junlin’s move didn’t work, he immediately adjusted his strategy and launched a mental attack. Pei Junlin’s eyebrows showed a golden light, and this golden light gradually condensed into a golden flying sword in the air. This is completely transformed from spirit to substance.

This set of flying swords asked and entangled the void creature. The void octopus was really frightened and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Pei Junlin’s mental attack instantly melted into the void god’s artifact, destroying the opponent’s spirit. This was the first time Pei Junlin had taught the void creatures, but it went smoothly. The void octopus’s body began to disintegrate and gradually disappeared into nothingness. In situ, this is leaving a cloud of blue energy!

This is void energy, which can be used to refine storage. The ring is also very precious. Pei Junlin puts out his hand and put it away without wasting it.

A battle came fast and went fast, Pei Junlin quickly calmed down, and at first he didn't have a grasp of these void creatures.

But after a battle, Pei Junlin also had a preliminary estimate of these void creatures. The strength of these void creatures is very strong, and for some inaccessible opponents, these void creatures are simply terrifying.

But their greatest sorrow was that they encountered Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin dismissed a mental attack. For these void creatures, the most feared was a mental attack.

When Pei Junlin’s powerful mental attack enveloped him, the void creature had no ability to fight back, and was destroyed in the blink of an eye. Pei Junlin re-entered the spaceship No.7 and began to make a second in the void turbulence. Trips.

Pei Junlin shuttles in this turbulent flow of void. In fact, another purpose is to find some void garbage. The so-called void garbage is not real garbage, but fragments of some top treasures. Wars often erupt in the human world. For example, some top masters, the battle between them often breaks the void.

Fragments of some top treasures will fall into the void at this time, but if the meaning is ordinary treasures, they will slowly disintegrate when entering the void, and will eventually be assimilated by the void, but some top treasures are not. The same, UU reading www. their fragments entering this area can be permanently retained.

The reason why Pei Junlin is interested in traveling here is actually the biggest goal of Pei Junlin. It is not just that Pei Junlin has been exploring all the way. The world of the void is too huge. It is really difficult to find some treasure fragments here. It's hard to say, or it's a needle in a haystack.

Just when the spacecraft controlled by Pei Junlin was about to go home, suddenly a figure infiltrated Pei Junlin’s Yanlong Pei Junlin. Before he could react, suddenly a huge force tore it over, and the entire spaceship No. 7 It turned into ruins in an instant.

It was a meeting that knocked Pei Junlin's spaceship No. 7 into ruins, which made Pei Junlin's monstrous anger instantly rise, and what he saw just now was real. The person who shot was a young man in a yellow shirt.

This young man was wearing a coat similar to a cassock, and his head was flowing, his appearance was ordinary, even if he was thrown in a crowd, he would not recognize him.

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