Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 198: Danzong Treasure

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Under the building of the three-story small tower, Pei Junlin and his steps stood here.

I looked up and looked up. There were three large characters on the door plaque with hook silver strokes, Cangsong brushstrokes-the square tower!

四 This square tower is built on the cliff. There is no other way except the entrance road. The three faces are all cliffs. People standing on the edge of the cliff will have soft legs and blurred vision.

Perhaps it is too confident for the upside-down of Rohan's formation by Yin and Yang. There is no guard around the Quartet Tower, or the grandfather or sweeping monk who guards the treasure in some novel bridges. , A person can be worthy of an army!

Quietly around, no wild bird was seen.

"I didn't expect that the magnificent treasures of Danzao are only three-story pagodas in this area?"

超 Li Chaoran said, looking disdainful.

Pei Junlin smiled: "The three-story small tower is already very good. Have you seen any forces that have piled up a whole three-story pavilion with books alone?"

I am afraid that there will be hundreds of thousands of books. I am afraid that there are not so many classic books in the entire Huaxia Kingdom. Of course, useless scrap books are not included in this list.

Dan Dingzi, who looked bleak behind him, looked up again. It seemed that he had never thought that Pei Junlin had entered the tower before he knew what was inside.

During the conversation, Pei Junlin had flung his sleeves and squeaked, and the closed door opened in response.

"Hey, I'll take a look, what's so good in the famous Danzong treasure!"

超 Li Chaoran rubbed his hands in excitement and rushed in first. Julia was also excited, but unfortunately she had a miserable look at Dan Dingzi. There was no way to be as brazen as Li Chaoran.

When Pei Junlin and Julia entered with the miserable look of Dan Dingzi, they could hear the footsteps of the pedalling upstairs, and after a while, they saw Li Chaoran's angry face running downstairs, The dark clouds in the eyebrows were rolling, and the spirit was pressing.

"Old miscellaneous hair, how dare you lie to your grandpa me!"

Li Chaoran stepped forward, holding a hand around Dan Dingzi's neck, and held the other side up like chickens, ducks, and geese: "The whole three floors of the tower are all **** books, and there is no treasure in farts One, say! Where is the treasure? "

Dan Dingzi's face rose red, and his legs were kicking in the air. Both palms held Li Chaoran's arms vigorously, trying to open his fingers like iron clamps. Unfortunately, he was not Li Chaoran's opponent in his heyday. Not to mention that the whole body is now sealed, it will soon be more air and less air.

"Aloof! Alright, let go quickly, you misunderstand Dan Dingzi!"

Pei Junlin yelled and said, before his voice fell, he suddenly saw his hands, and distantly faced the wall of the empty hall somewhere away: "On!"

A mana blasted out into the wall, and a magical scene suddenly appeared, and I saw that the wall, which was like a substance, was rippling like water from the air, like a calm water level. With this ripple, gradually A portal appeared out of thin air.

In this scene, Julia was stunned, and Li Chaoran was stunned first, and then immediately dropped Dan Dingzi in the air to the ground, and patted his head annoyed: "Look, look at my pig brain, why did you forget this? What's the matter! "

"Danzong is a gathering place for strong monks, there are strong masters who are proficient in spells everywhere, and some magical tricks can't be more normal!"

Pei Junlin smiled and nodded, regarded as approbation, and then stepped into the portal.

Behind him, Li Chaoran and Julia followed closely. When the two stepped into the portal, they were stunned. As far as they could see, they saw a huge attic full of small medicine pavilions. It is seven or eight meters high, like a honeycomb, one layer after another.

In the air, there is a strong medicinal scent everywhere. Open these medicinal pavilions, there are dense and precious medicines everywhere, ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Cordyceps sinensis, Huangjing, Xuelian, velvet antler and so on.

Even many treasured medicinal materials, Li Chaoran and Julia, couldn't remember their names at the moment. The oldest ones were centuries-old medicinal materials, or some precious medicines, or ordinary medicinal materials would not be eligible to be collected into this attic.

This is a huge treasure house that cannot be described by numbers. It is hard to imagine the various precious medicines here. It would be amazing if it could be made into elixir.

Pei Junlin released the powerful consciousness to the extreme, covering the entire building, while sniffing quickly, thereby judging all kinds of cherished herbs.

Suddenly, an insurmountable surprise appeared on his face. It is very rare that such emotions can appear on Pei Junlin's face.

Because of these smells, he unexpectedly discovered several treasure treasures that are famous in thousands of worlds, and two of them are seeds of treasure medicine.

However, the people of Danzong should not know it, but just stranded in each of the medicine cabinets and placed it as a special medicine.

You know, even in the thousands of worlds, treasure medicines are very touching and worthless, which is even higher than the value of elixir.

In the thousands of worlds, the levels of drugs are sealed as elixir, treasure, magic, and more advanced holy medicine, these four levels!

Nowadays, the earth is known as an invaluable elixir. It is only the starting point for cherishing medicine in thousands of worlds. Treasure medicine and divine medicine are the top medicines. As for the higher-level holy medicine, it can really bring practitioners' rebellion. The change of the sky asks the true way of life.


Pei Junlin's figure stood up, his footsteps went up in the air, his posture was flowing, such as walking on a ladder, and his figure stopped in the top floor of the attic, and then quickly opened one of the medicine pavilions.

Suddenly, a whole plant withered and the water ran out, like the dried weed's medicinal materials came into view. Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes burst into the light, quickly grabbed it, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, his expression became more and more excited.

"Can't be wrong, it is indeed withered grass, a kind of precious medicine!"

Pei Junlin murmured in his heart. Although this withering grass has lost its medicinal power due to the erosion of time, only the one-tenth of the medicinal power left behind is comparable to a true elixir. One of the indispensable main medicines for making Baodan.

It is such a dead grass alone. Pei Junlin's trip to Danzong is enough to make a lot of hair, not to mention that he also senses the breath of three other precious medicines in his sense and smell!


Between thoughts, Pei Junlin wrapped the medicine cabinet in his hands with force, shouted Li Chaoran under the sound, then threw it gently, and then his figure kept flying, again flying towards the medicine containing treasure medicine. Court.

In the same way, Pei Junlin opened one of the medicine cabinets. This time, what appeared was a dark seed, which was not large, only the size of a longan, but the moment when he started, it was very heavy, and there were dozens of them. Jin, as if some special heavy metal inside.

Pei Junlin took a closer look at his eyes, and at the same time, his consciousness bloomed. For a moment, he faintly heard the sound of the avenue of some morning bells and twilight drums. The dark seeds on the dark seeds appeared dimly, like a tree-like root. Lightning.

"Seed of the Thunder Tree"!

Pei Junlin clenched his fists silently and shouted in his heart. He also felt the vitality that was not completely cut off. If this seed has enough nutrients to cultivate, maybe it can really grow into a thunder. Treasure tree.

The thunder tree is a treasure that is famous in thousands of worlds, because the fruit it contains contains the purest power of lightning in the heavens and the earth. It is definitely the holy product of all the exercises of thunder system. Encounter is beyond demand.

Unexpectedly, such a rare seed appeared in Danzong's treasure. It was really worthless. Pei Junlin directly probed into his own pocket. Since then, the seed of this thunder tree has become him. Of personal belongings!

Then he continued to search. Soon after, he found an equally wilted flower in a medicine cabinet. The water was lost, and his fingers didn't even dare to collide. With a slight touch, the petals on the top turned into powder.

"The longevity of marigold flower, the biggest effect of its flower is that it can make people rebirth, it is a holy relic of refining elixir like jade muscle regeneration dan, which is enough to enhance the efficacy of jade regeneration dandan."

Pei Junlin's message appeared in front of his eyes. This time, he didn't dare to be reckless, but carefully controlled the mana, wrapped this slap-shaped Marigold flower withered, and carefully held it in his hand. On the palm ~ ~ Looking at this delicate and fragile marigold flower petal in the palm of his hand, Pei Junlin suddenly misses similar space instruments such as Qian Kunjie and so on. If there is such a space instrument, it is not necessary Be careful!

In regret, Pei Junlin opened the last medicine cabinet that exudes the flavor of precious medicine. This time it was still a seed in the eyes, the size of a pea, and the whole body appeared dark red, as if it had been soaked with blood.

Pei Junlin was a little sceptical about this last seed. At first glance, it seemed to be a seed of a treasure medicine, but it was faint and somewhat different. His consciousness turned out to be ineffective for the first time. He couldn't tell where it was. In the end, he didn't even know the name. Simply put it away and talk about it!

He has received three valuable medicines. Pei Junlin is very satisfied with this harvest. His original goal was the elixir gentian, but at this moment, his thoughts have become more indifferent.

But this is only the case. This time, the elixir gentian is an imperative for him, because he has great use!

裴 Just as Pei Junlin's thoughts fell down, suddenly, once again, lightning fast, one finger, one finger, and one soft drink in his mouth: "Oh!"

The original quiet attic shuddered violently, and a huge beam of light sprayed out from the ground, connected to a night pearl hanging from the top of the attic.

Below him, Li Chaoran and Julia were at a loss, wondering what Pei Junlin was doing, but Dan Dingzi's face changed drastically at this moment, and a deep despair appeared in the eyes!

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