Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1996: Source of rule

Pei Junlin seemed to feel something in his heart. He gradually realized that this bottle might be a universe or a source of rules, just like a generator of rules.

Along with the rules in the bottle, Pei Junlin felt a lot of life aura around him, converging towards this world, and then the willow trees in Jiang Taixu's hand began to grow wildly, after a crazy breath of life poured in. The shape of this section of wicker is also changing.

This is a miracle of life. Pei Junlin has never seen such a magical sight. Since Jiang Taixu can turn people into beasts, it is not surprising that a willow tree can be turned into a person. Pei Junlin couldn't understand this magical power that uses the power of rules to transform matter, but it didn't delay Pei Junlin's careful observation of the whole process.

During the whole process, Pei Junlin didn't even blink his eyes, but he still couldn't understand the mystery. Between the light and shadow, Pei Junlin saw something, but also missed some things. There are many things that Pei Junlin does not understand. , There are even some things that Pei Junlin can’t see, just like people in two-dimensional space-time cannot see people in three-dimensional space.

In such a confused process, Pei Junlin gradually discovered that his sister-in-law, Prince Qiong, seemed to slowly rebirth his body in a cloud and mist, and was recast by willow trees.

When she saw a young girl appearing in front of her, Pei Junlin couldn't believe her eyes, because judging from some details, it was simply a clone of the little one, Wang Ziyu.

But this is just a body, and there is no predestined body in it, which means that there is no consciousness in it that still looks like a tree.

When Pei Junlin carefully explored with his spiritual thoughts, he was shocked. The girl in front of him was icy muscles and bones. The fairy jade color was his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu, but there was also some human breath in the weather, but his body structure and There are some differences between ordinary human beings, which makes Pei Junlin a little confused.

"It takes seven days, and it takes seven days to resurrect. This body requires you to take care of it in these seven days. You must remember that there will be some catastrophes within these seven days, which requires you to use great wisdom and great strength to resolve, otherwise The process of resurrection will be difficult." Jiang Taixu repeatedly told, as his voice fell, his body began to slowly become faint and disappeared into the woods.

This place is called Baiguilin, and the material everywhere has the opposite structure to the real world, so when Jiang Taixu’s voice disappeared in place, Pei Junlin felt that the ghosts in the entire forest were deep and strange. It was his sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu, who carried him in front of him, but at this moment, Wang Ziyu closed his eyes tightly as if he were a sleeping princess.

Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart that he had to grit his teeth and sustain the seven days. Once the seven days passed, something special would appear.

Although the sister-in-law Wang Ziyu did not really die, the damage to his soul is undoubtedly equal to the reversal of Yin and Yang. During this period, he will inevitably encounter some punishments by the rules of heaven. At this time, Jiang Taixu's departure was regarded as a kind of avoidance by Pei Junlin.

People have the character of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Jiang Taixu has helped Pei Junlin so much, so naturally he doesn't want to drag him into the water. Moreover, after the cultivation has been achieved, Jiang Taixu's city has become incompatible with Heaven's Dao. There may be special reasons for him to escape at this time.

At this time in the woods, apart from the sound of falling leaves, there was only the sound of King Kong interrupting beside him. Pei Junlin was sitting next to Wang Ziyu and began to portray formations around him.

This is the first time Pei Junlin really saw Wang Ziyu after his farewell on the earth. See Wang Ziyu before him. Don’t let Pei Junlin think of the happy and sweet time that his beloved wife, Wang Ziqiong, used to be together. , Profession has become a cloud of smoke, and now I don’t know what happened to Wang Ziqiong in his love!

So in any case, Pei Junlin must be ready to face everything. In these seven days, even if he exhausted his efforts, he had to completely keep his sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu, as long as Wang Ziyu could wake up, perhaps he could solve the mystery of the year.

The formation that Junlin Pei must first set up is some simple defensive formations, but these simple and plain formations are not simple. After all, Junlin Pei's attainments in formations have reached the point where he has reached the peak.

The formation is only a psychological line of defense for Pei Junlin. If he is really in danger, Pei Junlin knows that it is absolutely impossible for him to resist these risks in this area.

Pei Junlin was also observing the vitality flow in his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu's body. He found that these days or at these moments, the structure of Wang Ziyu's body was still changing.

Turning a tree into a person is an extraordinary means of good luck, but Pei Junlin is the young man who has seen the whole process.

This is a means that is destined to be jealous of Heaven, so Pei Junlin feels that Jiang Taixu's words are not unreasonable. It is absolutely possible that the seven days will be punished by God. If it survives, it is likely to give Wang Ziyu a chance. If it can't survive, then everything will stop.

Nothing happened on the first day, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief, and when dawn came the next day, some hope rose in Pei Junlin's heart.

Something happened to me at noon the next day. A snow-white deer appeared in the woods, and stood in the forest in the distance to peer at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't know if this was a good sign, but he always felt that there must be some connection between this incident and some recent events, but Pei Junlin couldn't make it clear.

Of course, this was only the first sign. On the third day, the thing of being Yi finally happened. The surrounding space was twisted for no reason, and some whirlpools began to appear.

When these vortices began to appear, there were no signs of bad things, but on the fourth day, these vortices finally began, and large-scale monsters gushed out of them, constantly attacking Pei Junlin's location.

When Pei Junlin looked towards the sky, a black whirlpool appeared in the sky. In this whirlpool, there seemed to be countless hobbies of dead souls. Only at this time Pei Junlin felt a hideous breath, the breath of this bone spirit exuded. With a huge suction force, it seemed that he wanted to take Wang Ziyu's soul away from it.

I was afraid of losing what I got. I finally found his sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu. Naturally, Pei Junlin would not easily take Wang Ziyu's life from these things again.

The real counterattack has begun. Pei Junlin is like an unsentimental killer, relying on the sword in his hand to guard everything. A sharp flying sword began to spread around wherever he went, and the monsters burst into pieces.

Pei Junlin truly did not move his eyes and heart, and his whole person was one with his own sword spirit!

Taking a step forward, Pei Junlin's body slowly floated in the air, and when it fell, the speed was incredible. Pei Junlin was like a god, with a world-renowned posture, and stepped forward.

The sound of muffled thunder came from the sky, and the powerful pressure in Pei Junlin's body radiated toward the surroundings. At this moment, all the lives in the entire forest were extinguished at this moment.

And there is a pavilion in the depths of Baiguilin. In the pavilion is Na Jiang Taixu. At this time, Jiang Taixu is sitting in the pavilion. The wine glass in his hand is slightly surprised. An elderly man stood behind him.

"Master, this person seems very difficult." The old man's body was hidden in the darkness, and only one head appeared, but a strange smile appeared on his shriveled face.

Jiang Taixu's appearance is magnificent, except for a silent ring, there is no groove, but at this time, his eyes have become very strange, like a glass flower that has become a triple overlap.

If Pei Jun were here, he would be surprised, because the legendary saint was a double pupil, but now this Jiang Taixu turned out to be a triple pupil. That's amazing, because there are three pupils in one eyeball. This is not something that ordinary people can do. Jiang Taixu's identity is destined to be extraordinary.

"Of course this person is not ordinary. If not, how could I spend such a huge amount of effort to help him? It really depends on him whether I forge a good relationship today or not in the future." Jiang Taixu looked at Pei Junlin. Direction, let out a sigh.

The old man behind him heard Jiang Taixu say and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He looked in the direction of Pei Junlin together, as if the woods in front of him couldn't know him at all. look.

"This person can really be able to bear the strength. Does the master think of him that way? From the eyes of the old slave, although this person has some outstanding points, he is also ordinary. Although he can be called a genius, he is also It's not uncommon." The old man seemed a little uncomfortable when he heard Jiang Taixu team Pei Junlin's evaluation so high.

Hearing what the minion behind him said, Jiang Taixu didn't argue with Zhi, because this was the habit of the superior, and he wouldn't just argue with the inferior.

"If you had my vision, then you would have become me a long time ago, and you won't show people in this posture." Jiang Taixu just smiled faintly and took a drink from his glass.

The old man behind him quickly walked out of the darkness and filled the glass that Jiang Taixu had drunk.

"The master is right, the old slave's vision is definitely not as good as the master's, so the master can cultivate to such a level, there is no one before, and no one will come after." The old slave seems to know that if he speaks too much, he will lose. Some of the things he said before are a bit too much. So at this time, there was a look of horror on his face.

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