Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 232: Belin O'Brien

When Wang Ziyu's sharp problems fell, Pei Junlin, who was having breakfast, almost spit out the food in his mouth.

This is simply intentional, let him go to death, not to mention that Belian's face is not as beautiful as Wang Ziqiong, even if it is really more beautiful than Wang Ziqiong, his dignified Shura warrior, what kind of superficial lust? Senior? !!

Looking at the prince Qiong who was still elegant and drinking soup, Pei Junlin could not help but picked up the chopsticks, and gave the little aunt sitting opposite him a ruthless, directly knocked Wang Ziyu shouting pain, raised his hand to cover it Head.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at the painful Prince Yu. "What do you think?"

Wang Ziyu immediately opened her lips, but did not know how to answer this question.

Wang Ziqiong gently spit out two words: "Deserve it!"

Wang Ziyu immediately raised her pink lips in anger and looked at Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong with aggrieved faces: "You ... you two bullied me alone, and I ... I will go back and tell my parents!"

In such a noisy atmosphere, after breakfast, Pei Junlin picked up a magazine and lay at the floating window, while looking down at the busy ants like ants below, enjoying this rare relaxing time.

Not far away, the two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu picked up their notebooks and started to deal with some chores at work. Junlin International now has assets of up to 100 billion yuan. Although Wang Ziqiong has already delegated as much power as possible, things that need to be handled every day Still countless.

At about nine o'clock, the door bell rang suddenly. Wang Ziyu went to open the door, and Pei Junlin lying on a bamboo chair heard a kind of lively noise, followed by the footsteps gradually.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong looked up, and immediately felt bright, and they saw four distinctive features, outstanding in temperament, with long legs and tall figures, as if the beauty of an international supermodel was walking towards them. Come.

The four beauties, Pei Junlin, all knew each other. It was the four great beauties of Lin Xian'er, Belin, Eva, and Talisa. If you add the Prince Yu followed by them, there are five.

These five, each one can be regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, especially Lin Xian'er's impatientness, Wang Ziyu's youthful, the elegant and noble of Miss Belian, the charming of Eva, and the coldness of Talisa ...

And the five big women, with an average height of about one meter seven, walk together, and indeed have a sense of vision of an international supermodel, which is amazing.

This still does not count the Prince Joan sitting on a stool, her unique and unique temperament, and the intellectual charm that inadvertently radiates from the office at this moment, it is even more brilliant.

Even with Pei Junlin's strong and steady heart, he couldn't help thinking of himself as an ancient king at this moment, and looked at the six beautiful and different temperament beauties with the eyes of inspection.

The final conclusion was that his wife, Prince Joan, was even better. The unparalleled temperament and the perfect face of the goddess made it impossible to pick out any flaws.

In particular, there is a more important point. Perhaps it is because of his long standing at the high position and in charge of the fate of thousands of people. Wang Ziqiong also has a sense of majesty from the superior, and his aura is very strong, just like an ancient queen. Mother instrument world!

"Mr. Pei, Miss Wang, we meet again!"

Miss Belin walked in first, spoke first, spoke a proficient Chinese language, and at the same time Lin Xianer also greeted Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. The two are allies and the people of Jinling City, so the relationship is more natural Cooked.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong stood up and shook hands with each other in accordance with the etiquette of Huaxia Kingdom.

"Miss Belin is polite, come! Please sit down!"

Wang Ziqiong greeted the crowd, and then asked his sister Wang Ziyu to make a pot of fine hair.

"Mr. Pei, Ms. Wang, I came here to visit the two of you today. Presumably your sister has already greeted you in advance, so I'll open the door!"

After seated, Belin said, with a refreshing style in her mood.

Pei Jun was silent, and Prince Qiong motioned for Miss Belin to ask.

"That's it. At the reception last night, I witnessed the grievances between the two and the Kuhn Bruce family. I don't know how to describe my feelings about the failure of your cooperation. Regrets ... but more Is a joy! "

Belin said, "Why do you say that?"

"Because the Bruce family can provide the conditions for King's Landing International, my O'Brien family can also give them, and maybe they can be more favorable!"

"In the country's luxury industry, not only the Bruce family is the only one. If the two do not believe it, you can ask Miss Xianer that she is my good friend and knows what my family does! "

Pei Junlin and Prince Qiong looked slightly surprised. Both of them did not expect that today, Miss Belian came to visit in person, but she sought cooperation.

"Without fairy introduction, Miss Belin, I know a lot about the power of your O'Brien family!"

At this time, Wang Ziqiong suddenly said, his voice was not ill, like a few treasures.

"The O'Brien family is the earliest leader of Italy's involvement in the luxury industry. As early as 70 years ago, the O'Brien family has started to create its own brand!"

"At present, there are three luxury brands under the family name. The well-known versace (Versace), (Gucci) and prada (Prada) belong to the O'Brien family with assets of more than 50 billion euros, which is the most Italian Well-known luxury leader! "

"The overall strength of the O'Brien family is even more than that of the Bruce family, but in recent years the family has been operating improperly, resulting in a slight decline in market share."

"At the same time, I have also investigated the children of the O'Brien family, but the only thing that puzzles me is that there is very little introduction about Miss Belian in the official information, and the photos above about you and yourself There are no small differences, and I didn't recognize them for a while last night! "

Prince Jong said here, showing his apology, and then continued: "Before I contacted the Bruce family, I also sent my subordinates to contact your O'Brien family, but they were turned away by your family. ! "

"Miss Wang, I'm sorry for the wrongdoing of the people below the family!"

Miss Belin stood up, put her hands on her chest, bowed slightly, and was graceful and noble.

Seeing this, Wang Ziqiong quickly reached out and held up his hand: "Miss Belin is polite. I just talk about it casually. From ancient times to now, in which family door, there are always such people who are not perfect!"

"Listening to Miss Belian's words, do you want to take the initiative to cooperate with my Kinglin International?"


Miss Belin nodded affirmatively: "My O'Brien family has developed a new product in recent years. It is not yet on the market and is looking for the best partner."

"If Junlin International is willing, I can speak to your family and fight for the general agent of Huaxia Guo, the new product of O'Brien, to give you all rights to Junlin International!"

On the side, Pei Junlin, who has been quietly listening to the audience, raised his eyebrows slightly, and the general agent of Huaxia Country. Even if he is a commercial rookie who doesn't understand anything, he knows that this is definitely a rare piece of fat.

However, he heard Wang Ziqiong once said that Junlin International's main goal now is to go global and continue to sell domestically, even if it is the products of the famous O'Brien family, it seems to be in the limelight!

"Miss Belin, I'm very moved by your opinion!"

Sure enough, at this moment, Wang Ziqiong said: "However, you should have misunderstood the intention of my Kinglin International. The reason why we cooperate with the Bruce family is not to simply want to represent a certain product, but our most important thing. The goal is to go international! "

"The content of our cooperation with the Bruce family is that the two parties represent each other's product under one another's name. Of course, nowadays, China Huaxia has always been out of disadvantage in the luxury goods industry. It does not have its own strong brand, so it is about We will compensate for this condition! "

When Prince Joan's words fell, the whole room immediately quieted down, and Eva, Talisa and even Lin Xian'er who were sitting aside were all shocked by Prince Qiong's magnificent goals. Obviously they all underestimated Junlin International. Intent ~ ~ Wang Ziqiong's ambitions are very high. Nowadays, the eyes are not limited to domestic, but international. It is hard to imagine that this will be a goal set by a woman in her twenties.

At this moment, the atmosphere was temporarily stagnant, and it mattered a lot. Even if Belian had a lot of weight in the O'Brien family, she didn't dare to decide such cooperation without authorization.

When the conversation became rigid, suddenly, Pei Junlin, who had been a visitor, opened his mouth. His pair of black eyes fixedly looked at Belin's face and said, "Miss Belin, if I say I can cure you, Can you also complete the cooperation between the two?

what? !!

As soon as Pei Junlin's words fell, everyone was wondering, but found that the faces of the original elegant and noble Miss Belian and Talisa revealed a touch of excitement and excitement.

"Pei ... Mr. Pei, are you taking this seriously ?!"

As a result of her excitement, the elegant and noble Miss Belin's words became stuttered, and with a pair of big beautiful eyes, she burst into a burning light.

Peer Junlin, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled indifferently under the eyes of everyone's amazement. A pair of dark eyes were intriguing, staring at Belin's eyes and saying, "My Pei Junlin's words have always been It's all a spit and a pit, never babbling! "

"Besides ... even if I don't speak out, will Miss Belin let me go?"

Many people heard this expression dazed, only feeling more and more chaotic. Only Miss Bellein and Talisa had narrowed pupils, especially Talisa, the female bodyguard, and her pupils became dangerous. Needle-shaped.

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