Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 244: Wang Ziyu is missing!

Along the way, Li Chaoran drove the car, almost speeding it to the extreme. The whole car turned into a ghost in the night, causing chaotic traffic on the streets, screaming, but two people couldn't care less about it. It's up!

In the co-pilot seat, Pei Junlin's face was somber, his whole body shrouded in a thick layer of evil spirits, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed it to Wang Ziqiong.

Unexpectedly, the call was quickly picked up, and Prince Qiong's unique voice was cold and gentle: "Jinglin?"

"Ziqiong, where are you now? Are you still in the hotel? Ziyu and you are not together?"

Immediately after the call was connected, Pei Junlin immediately posed a series of cannonball questions and asked several questions.

Wang Ziqiong was puzzled: "I just returned to the hotel. Ziyu managed to cheer up in the afternoon and said she was going out to relax, and I let her go. What's wrong?"

Pei Junlin's complexion changed again, and he secretly said, "Broken!"

Then he quickly asked Wang Ziqiong to go to Wang Ziyu's room to see if anyone had returned.

Wang Ziqiong was very intelligent, and sensitively noticed that Pei Junlin's tone was abnormal. He immediately put down his work and ran to the room next door to his younger sister. The time was not long. The answer has been revealed-Wang Ziyu did not return!

"Junlin, is there something wrong with Ziyu? Tell me!"

Prince Joan looked anxious.

Pei Junlin said in a low tone of consolation: "Zi Qiong, don't worry, maybe it's not what I think, I will call Ziyu immediately!"

After hanging up, Pei Junlin immediately dialed Wang Ziyu's phone number, but what he didn't expect was that although the call was answered, no one answered it.

Pei Junlin's bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger, and she immediately turned to Li Chaoran, who drove the car, and said, "Being aloof, aren't you all related to the magic? Immediately ask your friends to locate Ziyu's mobile phone number. Even if it ’s heaven tonight, I must find her! "

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Li Chaoran did not dare to delay. After stopping quickly, he took out his mobile phone to contact a friend at the police station.

Time passed every minute, and Pei Junlin was shrouded in a thick layer of strong evil spirit. The breath was shocking. Five minutes later, the news finally came from the police station. Wang Ziyu ’s mobile phone positioning was found. A nightclub in Huangpu New District.

Li Chaoran immediately drove to the extreme speed, galloping all the way, and finally rushed to the nightclub half an hour later.

But when the two came to this nightclub, they didn't find any trace of Wang Ziyu. After asking the waiter, it was discovered that a female customer did pull down a mobile phone, and when the waiter would pick it up When his mobile phone was taken out, Pei Junlin immediately recognized that it was Wang Ziyu's mobile phone.

All the mobile phones were dropped, and the bad premonition in Pei Junlin's mind became stronger and stronger. At this moment, Li Chaoran suddenly showed the special documents of the Yanhuang organization and asked to see all the monitoring of this nightclub.

The two came to the monitoring room on the second floor and found Wang Ziyu's figure from the monitoring. In the beginning, Wang Ziyu was coming alone, sitting there drinking drunken stomachs, and sending away several entangled customers.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran suddenly fixed their eyes, because the two of them saw a very special customer appearing in the monitoring, that is, a figure almost wrapped in clothes with a hood on their heads. There are also large masks on the face, and the whole person covers them very tightly, making it difficult to see the true appearance at all.

But when this figure inadvertently raised his head to scan the bar environment, the special coldness shot in the eyes at that moment still made Pei Junlin recognize at a glance, the person who came from the Yin Shazong!

Yin Shazong learned from Li Chaoran's words that this is one of the biggest evil factions from the martial arts world in China for thousands of years. Even with the power of the Yanhuang organization today, this evil faction is also against this evil faction. Extreme headache.

Its power is even better than Danzong in Zhongzhou and many martial art families. In the early days, it was a powerful force coexisting with the reputation of the shrine of the martial arts, the Snow Shrine, and the Western Han Dynasty Luohan Temple.

Unfortunately, the style of this sectarian door is too vicious and evil. The practitioners' practice is more famous for its wickedness. The most frightening thing is the virginity of this sectarian door, which can kill people invisible and kill. Force is very overbearing.

In the early years, if anyone dared to offend the Yin Shazong, they were either poisoned by the entire family or uprooted. The **** methods were called inhumane, which caused a great rebound in the entire martial arts circle and hanged them.

But time and again these martial arts families and the sectarian forces not only did not uproot the Yin Shazong, but they lost their helmets and armors due to the terrible poisoning of the opponent. This situation continued until the founding of the Huaxia Kingdom.

The country established the Yanhuang organization, and finally gathered the world's talents and aliens before they completely captured the Yin Shazong, and then this great evil faction that made countless people fall apart.

But only the real high-level personnel knew that when the Yin Shazong was destroyed, some fish that escaped the net escaped, but unfortunately, the children of the Yin Sha Zong were very cunning one by one. After the world, even the Yanhuang organization could not find them one by one.

I thought that even if there were still some people living in this evil faction, there would be no big waves. I did not expect that now there are children showing up and trying to take away a person with a special constitution of congenital poisonous body!

Congenital poisonous body is the most suitable body for practicing poisoning in this world. Once awakened, the practice of any poisoning is a thousand miles away, and progress is rapid!

Therefore, when obtaining the pre-conspiracy of Yin Shazong's children, Li Chaoran immediately reported to the top of the Yanhuang organization. This is definitely a major event that cannot be ignored. It may have an unpredictable catastrophe in the future martial arts community!

The senior management of the Yanhuang Organization attached great importance to it and ordered Li Chaoran to find out the identity of the Yin Shazong disciple. At the same time, he should not allow Wang Ziyu to be taken away. They would send someone over immediately.

Through monitoring, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran clearly saw that the Yin Shazong's Yinshi sat next to Prince Yu, who was drunk alone. Soon after, the two started a vague conversation.

This scene completely changed the faces of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran. Both of them clenched their fists tightly, and the bad feeling in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

Sure enough, only four or five minutes later, the surveillance video saw Wang Ziyu walking out of the bar following the Yin Shazong's Yinshi, and Wang Ziyu's cell phone was discarded directly on the bar.

"Check! Check right away! Start all the forces of the entire demon, and you must not let that mess take you away!"

After seeing the contents of the monitoring, Li Chaoran jumped directly from his chair and roared.

Judging from the time displayed on the monitor, it has been more than an hour since Wang Ziyu and Na Yinshi left, and this time period is enough for the Yin Yin to take away Wang Ziyu and leave Shencheng Modu.

If that's the case, it would be too bad!

The magic is a transportation hub to all parts of the world. The traffic conditions here are very developed. Once you go to other places, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

The angry Li Chaoran called again, and let the people at the police station drop all surveillance videos near the bar.

However, the Yin Yin was also very cunning, specially taking Wang Ziyu to select some remote places to take away, and sometimes going in and out of various crowded shopping malls. After several circles around, it was no longer possible to find any clues in the monitoring.

Li Chaoran, who was raging in anger, used the highest authority to directly make all the transportation hubs of the sea, aviation, high-speed rail, and high-speed transportation of the entire magic move and hunt the whole city.

Then the yin shazong's yin makes him unclear, but he can hang out Wang Ziyu's appearance. This is also a matter of urgency and powerlessness!

An unprecedented and vigorous city-wide search began like this. As soon as the news was released, the entire devil was boiling. Countless relevant personnel rushed to various work units.

Seeing Li Chaoran, who was about to burst into flames, was about to explode, and unexpectedly, Pei Junlin actually stole the terrible evil from his body. He walked out of the bar silently and looked up at the dark sky.

No one knows, at this moment, his heart is already like a thunder cloud over nine days, rolling in the chest and abdomen.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin screamed like a beast in his throat. The whole man boomed, his whole body exploded, turned into a black phantom, and rushed towards a skyscraper of up to sixty floors!

At a height of nearly 300 meters, his figure turned into a small black spot in the blink of an eye. When the impact reached 100 meters, Pei Junlin's toes borrowed a force in the void, and the strong mana gathered under the soles of his feet. Two rocket-like fuel cylinders rushed towards the sky again.

After two such visits, Pei Junlin's figure has stood on the rooftop of this 300-meter-high skyscraper.

Standing here, you can almost overlook the night view of more than half of the magic capital. In the cold wind, Pei Junlin was silently fighting on the rooftop. The depth of two black eyes burst into the depths of two lightning-like lightnings. Very Scary!

The evil spirits and suffocations that have been suppressed in the body ~ ~ have erupted in an all-round way, causing thunderclouds and gusts of wind hundreds of meters high.

Then, Pei Junlin bit the tip of her tongue, spit out a thick spit of blood, and started doing it!

Because he suddenly thought of Wang Ziyu, he was always wearing a protective device he had made.

Although he did not intentionally leave a clear mark at that time, there was his unique breath. At this moment, using blood as a guide, Pei Junlin directly launched a thousand miles soul-searching technique!

As Pei Jun came to play a complicated and complicated rune in the void, his scarlet blood dripped and swirled in the void, and finally turned into a blood-like six-pointed star.

The full name of this six-pointed star is the blood-shaking yin-yang hunting star, which is often used in some special venues, such as to run away from the traitors under the door. ! "

Suddenly, Xuesha Yinyang chased the stars into a light of night, and quickly disappeared into the vast night ...

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