Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 264: Stormy sea

Within half an hour of the post posted by Pei Junlin, the number of page views had reached tens of thousands. After one hour, the number of page views exceeded 30,000, and with the passage of time, the number of visitors increased.

Until three hours later, the number of page views has exceeded 100,000, which is definitely a terrible concept, because the number of members of the entire dark web is about 500,000, that is, one fifth of people Have seen this post.

Suddenly, the dark web, which had just subsided soon, boiled again, even more hot than when the previous six billion US dollars were offered a bounty, and the number of online users increased sharply.

Everyone from all over the world who is logged on to the dark web is talking passionately, and there is only one core theme of this discussion, that is true and false!

In fact, the content exposed by Pei Junlin's post is too shocking and unbelievable!

What kind of force is that in the Sifang Building, almost everyone who knows the dark web knows that it is definitely a great behemoth, an unfathomable existence, and the fourth place in the killer list is the most direct fact.

If the Quartet has nothing to do with, it has long been replaced by killer organizations from other forces over the years. Don't underestimate this ranking. This is globally recognized and it is definitely one of the most convincing signs.

He not only brings fame, but also generates real benefits. Each year, the top 10 killer organizations receive different types of large orders from around the world, starting at $ 10 million.

And just today, the fourth-ranked Sifang Building, which is ranked fourth in the killer list, has been blatantly beaten and challenged. This is definitely a rare event since the creation of the Dark Web.

Two congenital six products, one congenital five products, two congenital three products, one congenital two products, combined with six congenital strong-level killers, were so slaughtered!

The congenital might is different from ordinary martial arts soldiers such as Chinese cabbage outside. That is where the title is true dragon. The supremacy. Every warrior who can reach the innate level represents unparalleled intelligence and perseverance. .

A strong man of this level is robbed by countless forces everywhere, not to mention that he lost six at one time, and even if the great master died six at a time, that is also a major Loss.

As a result, fierce discussions took place on the dark web as to whether the post sent by Pei Junlin was true or not. Some people said that it was false. Someone must have been making rumors. Pei Junlin couldn't have such strength even if he was stronger.

Some people are still questioning whether the photos have been PS ...

But soon, some people pointed out that the background behind the square picture of Shura Hell is indeed the Lai State Church, and the photo has never been PS!

For this reason, the two factions could not compete with each other, and at this time, a name with an ID named "Supervisor" came forward and spoke.

"Pei Junlin's remarks are true!"

Subsequently, the ID named Supervisor uploaded a few photos directly. The content of the photos is a picture of the Pei Junlin Slaughter House in Laiguo. The shooting angles of the photos are from all directions. And several more recorded videos.

At the same time, the supervisor made a statement again: "At that time, after Pei Junlin massacred the entire Quartet, he was provoked by a prince of Lai Kingdom and killed the Prince of Lai Kingdom!"

Then there is a picture of the Prince's head being placed at the gate in the royal family of Lai Guo!

When the post of the supervisory post was sent out, the original dark web was completely dead, on the one hand, everyone was attracted by the photos and videos on the post, and on the other hand, because of the ID called 'monitoring', it was very Famous, known as the existence of the dark web 'Bai Xiaosheng'!

He knows many things, and the content of each speech has never been false. Over time, it has become a very special existence on the dark web. Some people even speculate that the guy who monitors this is the intelligence staff of the dark web.

When seeing the contents of the scene like Shura Hell, many people only felt a chill straight from the soles of their feet, and among them, those short videos of only 15 seconds were most noticeable.

The content of the short video recording is really a picture of Pei Junlin killing several congenital killers in the Sifang Lou by means of thunder suppression.

"Sure, it's really true? I know one of them. His nickname is" Ghost ", but he is a conspiracy killer of gold medals! He has performed A-level missions many times!"

"I also recognized one, the man in sackcloth with a mustache, his nickname is" Spurious ", and he is good at speed, which is almost innate strength of the third grade ..."

"How is this possible? What exactly is this Pei Junlin doing? How does it look like cutting melon and cutting vegetables? One slap one, shit, this is the innate power!"

"It's really the slaughter of six innate powers! My God, is this God's means!"

Once the content of the short video was broadcast, it immediately caused another uproar. Everyone was shocked by the content of the video. It was really that the thunder means revealed by Pei Junlin was too strong. An ant, don't tell me as far as the congenital fifth grade is below!

"What exactly is this Pei Junlin doing? Is it the legendary **** of power?"

Someone suddenly raised a question and immediately caused the most intense discussion. Underground powers around the world were speculating about Pei Junlin's true cultivation. Some speculated that at least it should be a congenital eight products. Some people speculated that it was a congenital nine products. There are even some people who guess that it is the legendary power of God!

However, the speculation of the Divine Power is quickly overturned. After all, there are too few Divine Powers in the world today, and each one is a kind of ghost-ridden generation who lives in the wild mountains and the avenue of enlightenment. Implicated.

Therefore, Pei Junlin's cultivation is most likely at the level of congenital eight grades or nine grades!

When this inference was extrapolated, the strong men in all parts of the world accelerated their heartbeats again. A 23-year-old congenital eight-pin or even nine-pin super-strong, this is how much evil qualifications can be achieved!

When did China ’s martial arts world come up with such a person, the evil character came out?

At the age of twenty-three, even if he has reached the eighth or nineth grade master, he is already talented and outstanding, let alone the eighth or nineth grade congenital ...

At this moment, the strong men from all over the world are losing their voices, and many of the older generations are even more embarrassed and embarrassed. On the contrary, the Chinese powerhouses on the dark web have an inexplicable rise of glory sense.

Whether you know it or not, I just feel like I've raised an eyebrow and exhaled like never before, because Pei Junlin is a Huaxia man, this time it can be considered glory for the country!

"Oh, father! I suddenly remembered the man who rewarded Pei Junlin. If this guy knew all this at this moment, I don't know what kind of expression he was?"

"How do I think that the person who rewards Pei Junlin is actually not the actual goal of Pei Junlin, but the Sifang Building ..."

"You said, would Sifang Lou find the person who posted the reward task?"

"Hee hee, the ghost knows it! I just feel very happy now!"

"Haha! Sifanglou is so pitiful! I lost six inborn gold killers at one time. This loss is really painful ... but why can't I just laugh?"

"Don't laugh first upstairs, hold on, let me laugh for a while, haha! Sifanglou is so pitiful, manual Aite @ 四方 楼!"

"Follow the rhythm, manually Aite @ 四方 楼! You are so pitiful!"

In the forum area, someone posted a post. Some people who dared to mix the dark web are good. Almost all of them are dancing figures on the tip of the knife. Don't look at the reputation of the Quartet, but many people are not birds , Especially in the dark web forums, for a time, all of the manual Ai Sifanglou poor posts.

In a luxurious office in Huaxia Kingdom, Zhuchuan City, a young man looked at the contents of the forum, his face turned green. This person is not someone else, it is Xue Yang!

Since the release of the six billion dollar sky-high rewards mission, basically, as long as he has time, he will stare at every move on the dark web every day, looking forward to the news of Pei Junlin's death in the forum.

But just a few hours ago, he was experiencing unprecedented excitement all over himself. He was so crazy that he smashed the entire office and shouted "impossible" "this is impossible!"

The entire staff of Hongsheng Real Estate was intimidated. I wonder if this young and handsome gold boss suddenly became crazy?

Xue Yang stared at more and more @ 四方 楼 posts on the forum, only feeling an unprecedented great fear pervading his whole body. He couldn't imagine what the results would be if Sifanglou really asked him for trouble. ...

As the so-called fear comes, what happened when Xue Yang's whole body was shrouded in great fear ~ ~ A window popped up on the webpage.

"Hello Mr. Xue Yang, I am the person in charge of the Dark Web. I believe you have seen the results on the forum. I don't know how you feel at this moment?"

When he saw the content of the window that popped up suddenly, Xue Yang's entire face suddenly became extremely pale and bloodless. He had no idea that the people on the dark web found him so quickly.

He didn't dare to talk back, just sitting there in a chair, his body trembling.

"Mr. Xue Yang, I know that you are right in front of the computer at this moment. It doesn't matter if you don't answer, but we have to tell you one thing, and this time you are really annoying!"

"Just now, the person in charge of Sifang Building has found our dark web, let us tell your identity, because the loss of Sifang Building is really great this time! The biggest reason for all this is your information It ’s not true. Pei Junlin has a powerful practice that is far beyond the innate five qualities you describe ... "

"Of course, there is also a responsibility on the Sifang Building. They also made great mistakes and took the task before they thoroughly investigated the strength of the reward task target!"


As if being bombarded by Tian Lei, when he saw the conversation in that dialog box, Xue Yang felt that his breathing had stopped.

But the thing that scared him was far more than that. At this moment, the camera on his laptop suddenly lighted up, and a video chat appeared directly. His terrified expression all appeared in the lens, and the other side was dark. Can't see clearly who is a ghost.

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