Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 266: Masquerade

When Pei Junlin stepped down from the top of the cruise ship, he was greeted by a strange and surprised look. It was really an exaggeration when he lay on the top of the cruise ship alone at this late night. After the temperament and appearance of the dust, many ladies, ladies, and * couldn't help but have their eyes brightened and whispered so handsome!

This scene, in the eyes of some other male friends, could not help but feel a little unpleasant.

"Sir, I think you are very face-to-face, please show me your ticket!"

The two Kong Wus were powerful, and the security with their eyes on them stepped forward, showing the alertness.

Pei Junlin shrugged innocently: "I don't have a ticket!"

As soon as this word came to an end, the two security guards immediately tightened their muscles, and then heard Pei Junlin continue: "But I can make up the ticket!"

"I'm sorry, sir. Please take a walk with us. We cannot be held responsible for such things!" A security officer was kind.

Pei Junlin nodded indifferently. Now that he has taken a ride with others ... Well, it is a ride, so simple cooperation is still possible.

"Pei ... Mr. Pei, are you?"

Just as Pei Junlin was about to leave with the two security personnel, a sudden voice of horror came from the crowd.

Pei Junlin looked up in surprise, then saw a beautiful woman in a long white dress with an elegant and dignified temperament, looking at him with a look of astonishment, a look of shock.

"You ... Su Su Ning of the Su family?"

Pei Junlin also felt that the beautiful woman was a little familiar, and she thought of it immediately. The dignified and elegant woman in the crowd was the Qian Jin Su You Ning of Jinling City's jewelry new Su family, and Su You Ning's father's name was Su Denglin.

The Su family in Jinling City and even the whole Jiangbei area can also be regarded as a big man with a face and a face, and have a lot of assets. When King Lin International relocated, that same day, Su Denglin brought Su Youning.

Pei Junlin is still impressed by this dignified and elegant woman. Although he is not beautiful, after all, he also likes to appreciate some beautiful things, and naturally, beauty is one of them.

"Mr. Pei, you really are!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin also recognized her, Su Youning had always been dignified and elegant like a child, and then quickly spoke to the two security personnel and explained: "Two brothers, this is my friend, I can use my Assurance of identity, he has absolutely no problems! "

"As for the ticket, I helped Mr. Pei!"

Su Youning seems to have a little face here. Both security personnel knew her. He couldn't help hesitating after hearing the words, and finally nodded in agreement.

Su Youning immediately thanked the two security brothers with eager expressions.

"Okay! Alright! Everyone is gone, the prom inside will start soon!"

Brother Anbao shouted, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only a few people.

Su Youning was full of excitement: "Mr. Pei, why are you here?"

But she was very clear. At this moment, she was about the same age as her, and even younger than her, had terrible energy and force. When Kinglin International moved to Jinling City on the same day, all the tycoons and wealthy men in the northern region arrived.

Her Su family is also one of the most prominent figures in the Jiangbei area. She runs the jewellery industry and is known as the nobleman in the jewellery industry. However, she is inconspicuous in the crowd and does not even say a few words.

As for Su Youning himself, not to mention, I'm afraid Pei Junlin doesn't remember her ...

But what surprised Su Youning was that Pei Junlin could even call her name in one go. This is definitely a great encouragement and excitement for Su Youning.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at the elegant and elegant woman at the front of her eyes, shook her head and sighed, "I, I just went to Lai Guo and made a lap, but I didn't expect to delay my return flight. I just saw that the cruise ship marked South Korea to Xiangjiang. , Simply set up a rider! "

Hee hee!

Su Youning was teased by Pei Junlin's funny remarks. It seems that Pei Junlin, who has always been very cold, has such a humorous side.


At this time, there was a light cough, and then a tall, delicate, beautiful and **** woman came to Su Youning, and looked at Pei Junlin's face with curiosity and impunity, and then said: "You Ning, aren't you going to introduce me to this handsome guy? Are you going to eat alone?"

"Sister Shi Ya, hate it! What do you say?"

Su Youning's face was reddish, and she did not dare to look directly into Pei Junlin's eyes. After a while, she looked up and introduced, "Mr. Pei, this is Miss Shi Ya from Xiangjiang!"

Then he introduced to Shi Ya: "Sister Shi Ya, this is Mr. Pei Junlin! You should have heard of Mr. Pei's name, and Junlin International is his."

"Junlin International, just a few days ago, was very popular, and photographed the land of Modu?"

Shi Ya showed a touch of surprise, immediately as if thinking of something, a pair of undisguised contempt flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

"I heard that at that time, the land was photographed by Junlin International based on some unknown relationship behind it. The local forces of the magic capital Yang Family and General Manager Feng Feng both voluntarily withdrew!"

The last yin and yang tone of Shi Ya immediately made the original good conversation atmosphere stiff. Su Youning frowned slightly, for fear of Pei Junlin getting angry, and quickly said: "Mr. Pei, Sister Ya, the prom inside is about to begin, we Just go in! "

In this regard, Pei Junlin just smiled slightly and didn't talk much. She stepped into the cruise ship. As for Miss Shi Ya, she was already one step ahead, with a strong attitude of pride, twisting her plump hips and sending out high heels. The crisp sound disappeared.

Su Youning was slightly restless: "Mr. Pei, don't mind, Sister Shi Ya's personality is actually a bit straightforward, she ..."

Pei Junlin smiled and shook his head: "What do I mind? If I have to be angry about such a trivial matter, then I will always be angry!"

"By the way, I always forgot to ask, are you going to South Korea?"

Su Youning nodded, and then sighed slightly: "Recently, my company's performance has declined a bit. It should be because the market in the Jiangbei region is saturated, so I wonder if I can go abroad to find some partners and open up channels ..."

"Isn't it smooth?" Pei Junlin said.

Su Youning nodded and sighed, "It is really hard for domestic production to export abroad! The ugly appearance of those guys from abroad, let alone disgusting!"

Pei Junlin also has some understanding of this point. The simplest example is that the time when Prince Qiong and Italy were in cooperation not long ago. It was also a long-term ups and downs. Finally, he took the opportunity to rescue Belin O'Brien, and then he turned around.

In recent years, Huaxia Country has developed too quickly and has encountered great international resistance. Some countries with red eye disease naturally do not want to make China strong. Therefore, they have developed a variety of low-level methods and wantonly vilified them. Many people in China favor the ocean. The result is naturally self-evident.

Between the two, they have entered the cruise ship. This is the seventh floor of the cruise ship, and the ball is held here.

Although it is a cruise ship, the interior decoration is no less than the five-star hotel outside. It is unusually magnificent, luxurious and noble, and the light dotted with crystal lights is dazzling.

This cruise ship is a travelling cruise ship. It contains not only Chinese people, but also people from other countries. People from South Korea, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and some European and American countries have most of them. Qian traveled on such a luxury cruise ship for vacation.

After Pei Junlin and Su Youning talked about laughing and smiling across a heavy corridor, a melodious sound came to the face, and the dance had already begun.

However, what unexpectedly happened to Pei Junlin was that he found that the men and women dancing on the dance floor, in addition to being **** and enchanting or elegantly dressed, each had a mask on their faces, some of which were lace butterfly eye masks. Some are golden masks on half the face, as well as masks of animals such as foxes, dogs, tigers, bears, etc. Almost every man and woman covers most of the faces, making it impossible to determine their identity in a short time.

One word couldn't help but quickly emerge from Pei Junlin's mind-a masquerade!

He has heard about some men and women in high society for a long time, and he likes to play some special games, such as masquerade, ghost festivals, etc. The purpose is to seek excitement, I did not expect to encounter it today!

For a while ~ ~ Pei Junlin actually aroused some interest, took a spot and sat down, and said to Su Youning who came over, "This kind of dance is very special. If you like to play, go Well, just sit here and take a look. "

Unexpectedly, Su Youning quickly shook her head: "No! I don't like this type of ball, Mr. Pei, I'll sit here with you!"

Pei Junlin didn't say much when he heard what he said, and concentrated on it to appreciate it.

But it was not long before the two sat down. On the dance floor in the distance, suddenly four or five masked figures left the dance floor and walked towards the two. Three men and two women. Pei Junlin recognized that one of them was leaving. The Miss Shi Ya behind them.

In a short time, Shi Ya has changed into a very **** and enchanting dress with diamonds, the skirt just covered the hips, and the upper body is a suspender bandeau, which does not hide the white and seductive gullies. With each action , Crisp **** are trembling, two **** straight long legs, even more glittering under the light.

A scent of incense rushed towards the face. A group of Shi Ya had appeared in front of Pei Junlin and Su Youning. Under the mask, a pair of eyes emitting different colors of light were exposed.

"You Ning, sit here and watch what's the point, come and dance together!"

Shi Ya greeted Su Youning warmly. As for Pei Junlin, she was ignored by her.

Pei Junlin was as if he hadn't seen this. He continued to admire the group dancing on the dance floor, but he felt sensitively that all these people's bodies exuded a strong hostility, even if there was a mask to cover it Very strong.

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