Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 270: 0 billion US dollars of gambling (below)

"Do not!!!"

At the moment when the dice fell, Li Feng, who had always been calm and calm, was also unprecedentedly morbid, making a roar!

At such a critical moment, any small mistake is absolutely not allowed to occur, otherwise, even that kind of loss, even Li Feng, is a little hard to bear!

However, it seems that God is joking on purpose. What are you most afraid of and what do you come to at some time? Just a moment ago, when Li Feng unlocked the dice, his arm suddenly became numb, and then ... The top dice.

clang! clang! clang!

At this moment, the sound of the dice falling on the table seemed to be magnified hundreds of times. Every gently rolling collision was attracting the hearts of countless people, and everyone's eyes stared at the Dancing on the table.

Finally, the dice exhausted, and finally no longer tossing, the numbers above appeared!


Turned out to be a number five!

After seeing the numbers displayed on the dice, many people finally breathed a little sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not one. Although the distance between five and six was a little bit worse, it was not the worst ending.

However, at this moment, Li Feng's face was unprecedentedly ugly. For a real master, such a gap is enough to affect the outcome of the entire gamble.

He couldn't help but carefully recall the moment when his arm was numb just now, it felt as if someone had suddenly clicked on the pit, but how could this be possible?

Standing beside him is Yan Gao, who is at the top of the path, and the entire Xiangjiang area is famous for his powerful skills. Who can attack him under Yan Gao's eyelids?

There may be only one answer!

Suddenly, Li Feng's lacquered black eyes spewed a cold chill, and Pei Junlin, who was sitting there staring across from the table, was on the cruise ship. I am afraid that only this guy can break through the high level of this monastic peak. Energy!

"Pei Junlin, are you secretly calculating me ?!"

Li Feng's voice almost squeezed out from the teeth. The words fell, and the audience was quiet. The men and women who watched the crowd were confused. I wonder how Li Feng could say such things?

Yan Gao was also stunned, and then it seemed that something had changed in his face!

If it was Pei Junlin who did n’t know that the ghost had shot before, did it not mean that Pei Junlin was stronger than he thought?

"Li Feng, you are a grandfather of the fragrant Lijiang family, almost belong to the top male brother of Huaxia Kingdom. What can you say, what you can't say, don't you teach me?"

Opposite the gambling table, Pei Junlin's face became cold. Suddenly, the temperature around the entire gambling table dropped sharply, causing a lot of people to feel a total stunned and confused.

"In the past, there was a woman named Shi Ya who had her mouth closed and her face was still swollen. She lost two teeth. For your sake, I ’ll give you a chance. Take back what you said immediately, otherwise don't blame me for making you ugly! "

Pei Junlin's voice was cold and bitter. When the words came down, Shi Ya was the first person to look ugly. Seeing all around him looked like monkeys, Shi Ya couldn't wait to get into the ground and disappear. Pei Junlin's hatred is deepening.

At this moment, Li Feng's face became more and more ugly. He did not have direct evidence to prove that Pei Junlin cheated, and made him make a mistake, but how could he breathe this breath so easily?

He is a diligent child of the Li family. He has hundreds of billions of assets. Even if he cannot practice martial arts, he has a decisive position in the Li family. He is very much liked by some elders and is also respected by the outside world. Numerous beautiful women are vying for investment. Take a hug.

For the first time in my life, I have suffered such a large loss for the first time, but I have no ability to retaliate. This is definitely the greatest shame for the children of the Li family!

"Master, hold back! We are not his opponents!"

At the ear, Yan Gao's voice suddenly came into my ears: "Even if we really lost this time, the cruise ship reached us directly in Xiangjiang. By then we will be ..."

Li Feng's gaze flashed, and after taking a deep breath, he forcibly pressed down his monstrous anger, his voice was cold: "Sorry, I'm out of order! The gambling continues!"

Pei Junlin just put away the momentum, but the observation of Li Feng was three points deeper. This guy is deeper than the imaginary city government, and he is very able to control his emotions. Fortunately, this guy only has no brain power, otherwise, it is really difficult Entwined opponent.

After a short dispute, the gambling game continued. After Li Feng made a mistake, it was Pei Junlin's turn to take the shot.

Soon, when Pei Junlin patted the dice on the table, it was exactly the same as before, five six, leopard!

Hearing the low-pitched voices from all around, Li Feng's face was gloomy and watery. He already expected that he should be defeated this time. The opponent's cultivation was stronger than his side, and his gambling skills were also superb. Wait until you return to Xiangjiang before planning!

In fact, as Li Feng expected, the fifth game ended quickly. Although Li Feng performed well, he still lost, causing a boo in the entire chess room.

This is a gamble involving 10 billion U.S. dollars. It was simply lost and many people said that it was difficult to accept.

On the contrary, the two protagonists of this luxury gambling game are very calm.

"10 billion dollars, I lost!"

Li Feng said to Pei Junlin: "However, I don't have so much money with me, and I can't get so much money on my company account at once!"

"You can rest assured that you will be in Xiangjiang in a few more hours, and I will of course pay you back!"

Pei Junlin nodded, indicating no problem, and then Shi Shiran stood up and walked out of the chess room. Su Youning followed closely behind them. Wherever the figures passed, the crowded crowd quickly let the way go and voted. Infinite envious eyes.

After the two disappeared completely, there was still a lot of discussion in the chess room, and it was hard to hide the shock in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng and Yan Gao also left and returned to their room.

Immediately upon entering the door, Li Feng's always calm face was completely gloomy. Deep in his eyes, a heartbreaking cold light sprayed out. Even the eyes of Yan Gao, the strongest monk in the path, were somewhat palpitated.

"Uncle Yan, start all the relationships in my family. I need to know all the information about this Pei Junlin! Quick! Quick!"

"Also, Shi Ya, Wu Bing, and Yu Hua, you three immediately called your respective homes and exaggerated Pei Junlin's injuries to you. I'd like to see how good this Pei Junlin is and can leave me. Xiangjiang area! "

Li Feng's eyes flashed with a vicious light, which was the opposite of the gentle and elegant impression.

"Even if he is a congenital power, there is only a congenital power, and my Xiangjiang area is not without, I will see if he can get out of my Xiangjiang area!"

"In Xiangjiang, it was Dragon who had to hang me up, and it was Tiger who had to lie down for me!"

"US $ 10 billion, huh, Pei Junlin, I'd like to see if you have that skill!"

In the room, Wu Bing, Yu Hua, and Shi Ya who heard Li Feng's instructions all showed strong resentment on their faces, and soon began to call.

As for Yan Gao, he also picked up his mobile phone and started using powerful network resources ...

At this moment, on the other level of the cruise ship, Pei Junlin was walking with Su Youning, and Su Youning, who was behind Pei Junlin, was still sullen.

Within half an hour of the gamble, Pei Junlin actually won a huge figure of 10 billion U.S. dollars, which subverted Su Youning's outlook on life.

Her Su family can also be regarded as a wealthy group, with a family property of more than 10 billion yuan. This is something that her ancestors and grandparents have earned with little effort and hard work. For this reason, I haven't known for several generations of efforts.

But now? !!

She saw with her own eyes that in just less than half an hour, Pei Junlin earned a huge figure of 10 billion US dollars, which is more than all the assets of her Su family.

Is it true that her Su family is getting more and more backward?

Or is the world so crazy that poverty limits her imagination!

Su Youning was unclear about her thoughts, only feeling the buzzing in her head, which caused her to look forward to the magnificent shore, which was unattainable.

At this time Su Youning suddenly understood why her good girlfriend star Lin Xianer and the grand pearl of the Lin family would like this married man. Such a man is rich and has a force value, which is almost the white horse prince in the dream of all women. Her heart, which has been silent for many years, suddenly bounced!

At this time, Pei Junlin, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and followed Su Youning, who was not in the back of her mind, caught off guard. He slammed into his body and made a cry.

Pei Jun turned around in surprise and looked at Su Youning, who was covering her forehead, with a helpless expression: "I'm still in a daze when I walk, is your room 606?"

Su Youning was sober, and nodded quickly: "Yes! Right!"

Then quickly pulled out the room card from the bag and swiped to open the door: "Mr. Pei, please!"

Because Pei Junlin was temporarily cut in line ~ ~, there was no room on the cruise ship, coupled with the upcoming arrival of Xiangjiang. At the invitation of Su Youning, Pei Junlin simply came to Su Youning's fixed room. Here, take a short break.

With a hint of excitement, after closing the door, Su Youning warmly entertained Pei Junlin sitting on the sofa and asked whether he wanted to drink tea or drink, or wine

Pei Junlin whispered red wine casually, and then looked at the layout of the room at will. After a while, Su Youning came with red wine and two crystal glasses, and sat opposite Pei Junlin. The two chatted while drinking.

After talking about some common trivia, Su Youning suddenly showed a touch of worry.

"Mr. Pei, the cruise ship will arrive in Xiangjiang in more than two hours. Do you really want to recover the $ 10 billion bill?"

Pei Junlin raised his eyes with a smile: "Why? Can't you? Since ancient times, debt repayment is justified, and gambling account is also money, of course, it must be repaid! Otherwise, how can those casinos or anything survive?"

"Of course I know!"

Su Youning quickly explained: "I mean that Xiangjiang is the home base of the Li family. The power of the Li family's consortium is well known. I am afraid that this 10 billion US dollars is not so important ..."

In fact, Su Youning did not say a word. Even if the Li family's consortium has more money, 10 billion US dollars is not a small number. How could he obey? !!

Moreover, Pei Junlin also hit someone, I'm afraid he will make a fuss about it!

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