Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 295: Goal-Dongyang Tiankeng

In the following period, the entire training base entered a wave of learning again.

Perhaps stimulated by Pei Junlin, every young genius worked very hard, going around the clock in places like gravity chambers, spirits, and simulated helmets, especially the top heavenly pride.

The result of this result is that the innate strong men of the older generation cannot produce any slackness and catch up, otherwise, it is too shameful!

In such a rigorous and tight learning environment, unknowingly, it took more than half a month to pass.

During this time, Pei Junlin was not idle. In addition to practicing in the gravity room every day, he stayed in the spirit * and deliberately studied the [primitive Nirvana] in his mind.

The more study of this Xianjia Peerless School, the more magnificent, boundless, vast, vast knowledge, Pei Junlin did not even dare to touch it, otherwise, if one is not careful, he will lose his blood. .

On this day, when Pei Junlin was delving into the spirit, a harsh alarm sounded suddenly in the peaceful camp, and the sound suddenly shocked everyone, and a rush of figures came from all directions and appeared on the playground.

Pei Junlin also rushed to hear it, and at a glance, he saw the highest part of the playground. The shepherd **** stood there with the mighty shore and the whole body exuded a sense of astonishment.

Behind him, there are also many elite strongmen in the military, one by one with strong breath and glory.

When everyone came, the shepherd on the high stage made a loud voice.

"You guys, I'm sorry to announce one thing to you, your short learning career is over!"

"It was originally planned for two months of training, but now only one and a half months have passed!"

"Because, just now, we received information from Dongyang Tiankeng. On the other side of the Tiankeng world, the demons are gathering a large number of troops. It seems that they are about to start a new round of the Tiankeng war!"

"This time in the Tiankeng War, the demon tribe used a large number of demon king-level solid forces in an attempt to adopt human and sea tactics, which greatly weakened the energy of our divine powerhouse, and thus beheaded. Let them succeed! "

"All of you, you are the most elite talents in my country, the hope of the martial arts community, the pillars of the country, it is right to provoke great responsibility for this!"

"I know that the announcement today made many people feel hasty and not ready, but what about it?"

"If you want to be a true strongman, the battlefield will always be the best place to train. At the same time, the battlefield is also a place where a warrior can improve his strength and experience the fastest! You can only use the sword and sword in your hand to kill one. Only the demons can use their blood to wash their bodies and grow stronger! "

"I'm asking you here, can you be confident and return in triumph ?!"

"Can you have the confidence to strive for a peaceful and peaceful country for our children and grandchildren, countless Chinese children ?!"

The shepherd's back sang iron and steel, and the sound was loud and thunderous, straight into the deepest part of each soul.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Below, the sounds of the 296 congenital powerhouses shook through the clouds, spreading their voices for a hundred miles, and everyone's blood bloomed like spirit.

On the high platform, the shepherd looked cold and grim, and his backbone was as straight as a sword: "Very well, now I will give you all five minutes. After five minutes, everyone will take a plane, the target is Dongyang Tiankeng!"


The moment the shepherd's words had just fallen, all the powerful men rushed into their camps quickly. In less than three minutes, everyone had packed everything and gathered on the edge of an armed transport plane.

After everyone arrived, with an order, everyone started boarding, and soon, with a huge roar, the armed transport aircraft rushed into the vast sky of the East ...

After almost two and a half hours of travel, the plane finally landed, and everyone in the cabin began to disembark. They just walked out of the cabin door, and the scene in front of them shocked many people.

What I saw was a huge military fort base, full of live ammunition, soldiers in three steps, one post, and five posts and one whistle. In the tight wire grid, there were many weights that can only be seen on movies and television. Class firepower.

F-20 bombers, enemy fighters, air defense equipment, etc. In addition, various weapons such as tanks and rocket launchers are everywhere, and the air is filled with a smell of gunpowder. This is true. battlefield.

Many soldiers still had blood on their bodies. It seemed that just after coming down from the battlefield, their fortitude was strong. Pei Junlin and other powerful men came along the road, and everyone's emotions became uncontrollable.

There are a lot of strong here. One strong can be seen everywhere, and the spirit of blood is as straight as the sky, but in addition, more ordinary soldiers.

They were not warriors, but they held spears, blood on their bodies, and struggled on the front line.

At this moment, everyone realizes what is truly great. These ordinary soldiers are more worthy of respect than the strong who have a strong self-protection. If these struggles are not on the front line, Regardless of life and death, the soldiers who defended the country, where the rear is peaceful, the people live and work in peace!

Perseverance is as strong as Pei Junlin. At this moment, an inexplicable heart is boiling, and I can't wait to set foot on the battlefield immediately, fight the blood, and kill all the wicked demons, and then return to the peace on the earth!

"I'm Muyu Peak. I'm leading the 296 congenitals and returning to the team!"

At the front, the cold-looking shepherd will take out his passport and give it to the guard soldier.

Even if the soldiers know the shepherd, they will be meticulously inspected. After the inspection, they will stand upright and pay a standard military salute: "Welcome, welcome to the team!"

"What about Cai Shen?"

The shepherd will ask.

"Cai Shen has now entered the tiankeng world! One soldier and one soldier monitoring the demon tribe at any time!" The soldier replied meticulously.

"Has it reached such a crisis?"

The shepherd will whisper, and next moment, turn his head and shout loudly: "Everyone, follow me into the sky pit immediately!"

The powerful men behind them were shocked. Even if it had been expected that one day they would enter the Tiankeng, but they did not expect it to be so fast. They just entered the Tiankeng just now. Many of the strong were in a special mood. Complex, hesitant, upset, excited, hesitant ...

"Everyone, bring me all the modern equipment and give it to the guard soldiers!"

"In the tiankeng world, there is no signal and no network. These things are all waste products. Not only that, once they are obtained by the demon, they will expose many of our human secrets!"

Yan Qingshan yelled, and everyone handed over all the communication equipment in the military backpack, and then followed the pastor, followed a certain distance, and came to the foot of a majestic mountain.

Pei Junlin stared at the majestic mountain, and the black eyes flashed deep. This mountain turned out to be a powerful matrix formed by powerful magical powers. The power is enough to destroy the existence of a powerful god. It's really strong!

At this time, the shepherd **** in front of him held up a shiny jade charm in his hand. The moment the jade charm was injected by Zhenyuan, a bright light burst out, covering everyone.

"Matrix! There is a huge matrix here!"

Everyone whispered that they wanted to stop the demon tribe. A powerful formation method is absolutely terrible and no less powerful than a powerful weapon with terror.

After a group of people passed through the formation, the world in front of them suddenly changed again. It was a huge playground full of icy cold, and the entire playground was surrounded by buildings. Made of steel.

On this huge playground, countless people are constantly shuttled and busy at this moment. Among them are the warriors, the military soldiers, many of whom are blood, lying on stretchers and receiving timely treatment. Or maybe they are eating food silently, and their face is stained with mud and blood.

The people here are even more miserable than those wounded soldiers outside, but again, the momentum contained in the body is stronger, and almost everyone has an insidious and **** taste, which is from the corpse blood The momentum that can only be experienced by people in the sea.

Seeing the sudden appearance of more than 300 teams, on the huge steel playground, no matter what warriors were doing, they silently stopped their movements, and then waited to feel the powerful momentum of this team, and someone raised their hands. salute.

Gradually, more and more people raised their arms and their backbones were straight.

"It must win!"

"It must win !!!"

Someone started to shout, followed by countless others shouting, and finally the roar almost pierced the barrier of the formation.

With such a **** scene, I could n’t help letting everyone in the team that Pei Junlin was in was emotionally excited, something in his throat seemed to be stuck, but he couldn't spit out any sound, and his eyes were slightly moist. At the end, everyone could only use the same Military salute, respond to the same slogan!

"It must win!"

"It must win !!!"

Crossing the steel playground ~ ~ The team stood in front of a huge portal. The edge of the portal was shining with colorful lights, and deeper there was a bottomless black hole.

When everyone saw this huge portal, the same thought emerged in their minds at the same time-the space tunnel!

Going through this space tunnel is definitely the real world of tiankeng!

On both sides of the portal, two innate strongmen were guarding.

After seeing that Mu Shen was waiting, the two innate strongmen said nothing and immediately raised their hands to salute a straight military salute. Mu Shen will return the ceremony, then turned and looked coldly, "Through this space tunnel, you will be in the tiankeng world! When entering this space tunnel, everyone is relaxed and don't have any resistance! "

The voice has not fallen, and has taken the lead in stepping into the space tunnel.

The team was silent, taking turns in turn, stepping into the space tunnel, disappearing quickly!

PS: The real Da Gao chao is coming, everyone will wait and see!

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