Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 297: cruel!


The high trumpet sounded through the sky of the entire battlefield. On the plains more than twenty miles away from Overlord City and Black Gold City, the two armies had gathered in less than a quarter of an hour, showing extremely high combat. effectiveness.

There are black soldiers everywhere. On the human side, there are probably more than 50,000 troops on the side, and the number of troops on the side of the demon is similar. The entire battlefield is filled with the iron blood of the Jinge Iron Horse.

The number of more than 100,000 troops came together, and the power of the blood that radiated was enough to scare ordinary people, and their heart rate was reversed and died!

This is the first time that Pei Junlin has seen the war between humans and demons on the earth. Its sharpness is not worse than the race war of thousands of worlds. In fact, the current scene is also a race war. There is no right or wrong in the war. Some are just winners and losers.

Weak meat and strong food, in the level of war between races, more fully play.

At this moment, the three hundred innate strongmen with Pei Junlin are all integrated into the crowd of people, and they are not inconspicuous. Every strong man from the north of Tiannanhai or the martial arts sacred place and the hermit family clenched. The weapon in his hand showed a complex complex of trembling, nervousness, excitement, and anxiety.

Because even if they are innately powerful, but this is the first time they have participated in such a large-scale racial war. Since it is a war, it will definitely die, and no one knows what their fate will be next.

In the air of the black army, the twelve Divine Powers headed by General Cai Shen and General Mu Shen, like the soldiers below. At this moment, they are the divine powers, and they look extraordinarily dignified, everyone explodes. Out of terror, holding weapons.

Those weapons are all magical instruments, emitting powerful mana fluctuations of varying degrees. It is difficult to encounter a real magical instrument outside, but here it is not rare. Except for those who are strong in the realm, those from the hidden world Families, martial arts holy places, and the innate powers of the major forces are almost all staffed.

Pei Junlin was also worried that once fighting, his top magical instrument Qing Hongjian would be a little conspicuous, but he didn't expect it to be more conscientious, even if the level of the magical instruments held by these strong men was not high, many were junior, top Most of them are intermediate level, but it also proves that there are still a lot of magical instruments on the earth. It is not as rare as before. The magical instruments are very rare. The result is only for ordinary warriors.

There is no unnecessary nonsense. When the army of the two sides is assembled, as the two different horns sound, the war immediately erupts, and humans and demons like ants are already on the bar!

On the side of the demon tribe, as stated in the knowledge class, many demon tribe have transformed into the appearance of human beings, with the mark of their own body flashing at the center of the eyebrows. The number of demon gods floating in mid-air is up to an astonishing twenty. It is almost twice as human.

In addition, in the army below, there are some low-level goblins that have not yet transformed their energy, and all of them show their bodies. At a glance, black snakes with thick thighs are crawling all over the place, their eyes are cold and they spit out snake letters. In addition, there is a gray giant rat that is almost one meter tall, with sharp teeth in its paws and extremely cold light in its small eyes.

Immediately after the war broke out, black snakes spit out snake letters, and fled their tails and walked up the ground very fast. Those golden squirrels also squeaked as fast as electricity.

These are the lowest-level little demon and big demon among the demon clan. When the strength reaches the demon king, they have the ability to transform, one by one, into humans, holding arms in their hands and galloping on the battlefield.

boom! Boom boom! !! !!

In mid-air, the first to make direct positive contact is of course the divine power among humans and the demon power among the demons. Since ancient times, soldier-to-soldiers will be the truth that will be the same as the eternal truth of war. The same is true for racial battles.

Otherwise, if you kill one, you will be completely out of order. Your strong man killed our weak people, and we will do the same. In the end, all of the injured are the weak low-level species, which is completely undesirable.

In the battle between the powerful gods and the demon gods, both sides are fighting in the air, and as far as possible, no innocent is involved. Of course, the occasional energy aftermath kills some ants.


There were shouts of shouts everywhere, whether it was the older generations or the younger generations. When the war broke out, they all became red-eyed and turned into killers, holding each hand tightly. There are various types of weapons, such as magic instruments, and alloy weapons dispensed by the state, which cannot be used. One by one, iron is cut like mud.

The black wind snakes and golden rat on the ground were chopped into two sections, but the same, on the human side, some soldiers were quickly entangled by the amazing black wind snakes, and they broke their arms. , Neck, head.

Some soldiers were pierced by the sharp golden claws, their sharp claws pierced the flesh, and they fell unwillingly into the pool of blood.

From the very beginning of the battle, blood was already flowing on the battlefield. At the tragic moment, there was a scene of killing everywhere.

Pei Junlin was holding the Qinghong sword. He did not use mana power. He just waved the Qinghong sword with pure physical strength. Wherever he went, the amazing sword was like cutting wheat. He would bring several black wind snakes and golden armor nearby. The rat was cut into pieces.

In the process, I have to mention that the Black Wind Snake is more tricky than the Golden Rat. At some times, it cuts off the body, but you can pay little attention to it. The remaining half of the body with the head in the Black Wind Snake will be Rising from the ground, biting your body with poisonous teeth.

All of the fierce toxins are numb all over the body and must be dealt with in a timely manner; otherwise, they will be very toxic and have no medicine to save!

Pei Junlin was slaughtered like a wheat harvest, and soon attracted the attention of the demon emperor level power of the demon clan. Not far away, several incarnations were in the form of human beings, and the demon with a small snake or a mouse mark on his forehead. The emperor strong, after looking at each other, approached like a swift heart, the next second, three demon emperor-level strong men broke out with horrific blood power, and joined forces to kill Pei Junlin.

These are the three monsters whose strength is almost equivalent to the innate fourth and fifth grades. They are considered elite powers. Together, they are powerful enough to make the strong side of the six instincts of the human side suffer instantly.

But Pei Junlin just smiled sneer at this, Qing Hongjian broke into a crisp sword sound in his hand, the sword was so violent, full of strength and strength, directly collided with that one.

With this blow, the powerful sword-qi counterattack force directly caused the three demon-level strong men to go backwards and hum, making everyone feel as if they were hit by a mountain, and their internal organs were greatly hurt. Drilling.

"Well, Azaka, Naka! (The enemy is strong, transformed!)"

One of the Golden Emperor's monster emperor shouted, using the language of the demon tribe, but before his voice fell, suddenly, a cool feeling came from his neck, and then he saw himself gradually becoming a body. Body.

After the transformation of any demons, they will be transformed into their original appearance.

When the two Black Emperor Demon Emperors saw this, their faces changed completely, and they roared suddenly, and suddenly changed into two huge pythons that were dozens of meters long and thick like a bucket. The whole body was so enchanting that they floated in the air. Shaking the amazing giant tail, smashing fiercely towards Pei Junlin!

Its horrific energy fluctuations attracted the attention of many strong men on the battlefield. Later, whether it was the human side or the demon side, he saw Pei Junlin holding the Qinghong sword, and in a thunderous posture, he simply cut the two incarnations. The demon emperor power of the black wind snakes of the body, chopped into a pile of minced meat, and a rain of rain began in the sky.

In the distant void, there are strong powers of the demon race and demon level. At first glance, when you saw the three demon emperor realms who were falling beside Pei Junlin, they could not help but change their faces slightly. It was the human side. The strong man couldn't help but yell excitedly: "Good kill!"

Pei Junlin killed three strong powers of the demon emperor in a row. This is definitely a big credit. Although the power of the demon clan is much more than humans, he is not a rotten cabbage on the ground. He lost three powers of the demon emperor. It can also be considered a small injury.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

At this time, some nearby monster emperor strongmen also noticed this scene, could not help but leave the weak opponent, and flew forward. This is a golden emperor monster family, the demon on that body is more than before The three demon emperor powerhouses are even richer.

Pei Junlin held the Qinghong sword in his hand, smiled coldly, and the powerful mana in his body was operating. He made sounds like rivers and lakes. Based on his current practice, pure physical force was enough to kill all opponents below the congenital Liupin.

However, the crisis at this moment, a delay of one second is likely to kill the warrior or soldier on the human side. Therefore, Pei Junlin temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​honing the power of the flesh and used the power to kill the enemy.

At this moment, the Qinghong sword infused with mana blooms the power that belongs to the top-level instruments, and the whole body is green and flourishing. Like the blue scorching sun, when the demon emperor has not responded, Qinghong The sword had passed through the body at an indescribable speed, and the sword trembled, which was an excitement from seeing blood.

On the opposite side, the demon emperor of the Black Wind Snake family, incredibly lowered his head and looked at a transparent hole in his chest. It seemed that he had never thought of his powerful practice, and before he shot it, he would be caught. People pierced the heart directly!


The sound of a huge fall, the dust rolling, the body of the demon emperor fell to the ground, and at the moment of the fall, it turned into a giant golden kangaroo with a little golden light on its fur, and its sharp claws and teeth were especially attracted. Eye-catching.

Only when Pei Junlin saw those Xu Jinguangs did he realize that he seemed to have neglected to collect the killing results, and immediately swiftly moved the sword. The Qinghong sword in the air, as the arm instructed, quickly chopped off the four golden rats Claws and teeth in the mouth ~ ~ As for the three demon emperors who were just beheaded, the two black emperor demon emperors have been completely abolished, and the most valuable snake skin has also become The pieces, but the meat tasted good, but it was obviously not the time to collect them, and Pei Junlin had to take away the claws and teeth of that golden rat again.

"Pei Junlin, save me!"

Just after collecting the booty, Pei Junlin suddenly heard someone calling his name in the distance, and when he looked up, he found that Lin Tu Yao, who was dozens of meters away, was full of blood and was attacked by the two demon emperors. Dangerous.

"court death!!!"

Pei Junlin's black eyes blinked, and Qing Hongjian once again issued a crisp sound of the sword, swiftly moving like electricity, flying directly across a distance of tens of meters, piercing the brains of the two demon emperors, as if A round of scorching sun and blue rainbow sword is extremely eye-catching at this moment.

"Yu ... Yu Jianshu !!!"

The **** Lin Tu Yao widened his eyes as if he had seen something incredible.

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