Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 315: Race against the demon **** strong!

At this moment, listening to the familiar voice, Pei Junlin, standing on the edge of the cliff, somehow rose up with a sense of grandeur and pride.

See if there is, this is the grandeur and domineering of my dignified Chinese man, four people dare to declare war to the 10,000 army of demons, and the momentum is so magnificent and atmospheric!

At this moment, Pei Junlin still doesn't know where the found person is the dead bald monk. Maybe it's because the other person is bald that he can be discovered so easily!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin seemed to think of something. With a thought, he summoned his unused mobile phone from the space ring for a few days, and quickly turned it on. Fortunately, there was a half grid of electricity!

Since his mobile phone entered this world of pits, he shut down because it is not needed at all, but at this moment Pei Junlin wants to use the mobile phone to record the scene in front of him and keep it as a precious memory.

He never thought he was a good person. As he practiced along the way, he was destined to be full of mischief, swordsmanship, and good people will never get good rewards. Pei Junlin has been in the thousands of worlds for more than 300 years, which is the most real experience and experience.

However, since entering the Tiankeng world, his thinking has gradually been changed. He has seen too many ordinary Chinese soldiers, using his weak flesh and blood to fight in the forefront, using flesh and blood. Founded an unbreakable fortress, and now has the Guotai Min'an of Huaxia State today!

Pei Junlin didn't know if he was infected, but at this moment, he couldn't just watch the brother who was born and died with him was killed by the demons, so he stood up without hesitation!

And the facts did not disappoint him. The person who could make such a move was not just Pei Junlin. Xia Houping and Na Lanhao who seemed very unreliable at ordinary times were at such a dangerous moment. Do not hesitate to come forward, which makes Pei Junlin feel a strong pride!

Turning on the mobile video recording function, Pei Junlin aimed the camera at himself and the thousands of monsters still in a daze behind him, and laughed: "Na Lanhao, Xia Houping, I squeaked the words! I can't find you , I ca n’t shoot you with mobile video recording! "

"Haha !!!"

In the far east and northwest directions, two loud laughter came at the same time, followed by two figures rising into the sky and appearing in the camera, although they were just two fuzzy little black spots!

"In the ancient times, the five heroes of Langya Mountain were not willing to be captured and jumped off the cliff. Today, my three brothers also imitated one or two. In this way, even if they are dead, they are not allowed to leave their names in history. Value! Haha!"

"Amitabha, somehow, and I, I !!! We are four brothers !!!"

At this moment, at the lowest part of the cliff, a roar of a lion roar suddenly came from afar, and the monk obviously had heard the movement above, instead of escaping alone, he started to roar.

"Yes! It's four! Four brothers! Haha! Brothers, I'll take a step!"

The words didn't fall, Nalan leaped violently, and a heel flew down the cliff under a kilometer, followed by Xia Houping.

"Grandchildren of the Clan, come and kill your grandpa!"

Xia Houping also dived with a carp and jumped down a kilometer-high cliff, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Pei Junlin aimed the camera at the dozen or so demon emperors and wind demon gods in the sky, laughed loudly, and flew upside down.

The moment the three of Pei Junlin jumped off the cliff, the wind demon **** almost exploded in the sky, his whole body was trembling, and the amazing blackness covered the sky, which could turn a demon **** strong into this state. Can be considered very rare!

If today, let the four humans Pei Junlin just escape under his eyes, then the name of his wind demon **** will become the laughingstock of all demons, laughing at the existence of big teeth.

"Kill! Kill them for this seat !!!"

Under the extreme anger, the roar of the wind demon **** roared suddenly over the entire black mist cliff, shaking the whole black mist cliff.

He had been played by that human before, but if he was escaped again this time, he wouldn't be able to pass this level!

Therefore, at the moment when the roar command was filled with anger, the figure of the wind demon **** had turned into a black line, and chased directly toward the cliff where Pei Junlin jumped, because he recognized that Pei Junlin was the one who framed him. Abominable human!

Huh! Huh! !!

Just as the wind demon **** moved, more than a dozen demon emperors in the sky quickly divided into three groups, and quickly chased towards the cliff position where the three people Nalonghao, Xiahouping and Nalanhao jumped.

Huh! !! !!

The wind in my ears is cold and cold. If the knife is cutting, the sky is empty, Pei Junlin is speeding, and the powerful mana under his feet is constantly erupting, as if stepping on two hot wheels, pulling a long in the sky. White air waves are instantly a distance of 100 meters.

Suddenly, thunder and thunder followed behind him, and a burly figure with a sky full of anger appeared all over his body, his eyes staring at Pei Junlin, who was running at a fast speed ahead. The eerie voice came: "Human, you can't run! "

Hearing that familiar voice, Pei Junlin almost scolded her mother, lying down, but they were four people, why did you choose Lao Tzu!

Pei Junlin completely forgot that when he was in the underground passage, it was the wind demon **** he framed, which caused the wind demon **** to be entangled by the gold swallowing beast, and he almost couldn't get out!

However, now is definitely not the time to complain, you must rush to escape!

This is on the site of the demons. Even though Pei Junlin has always had a strong confidence in himself, he dares not to toss. Who knows when there will be another demonic **** strong, and he will be real by then. Ruined!

"You have the ability to catch up with Lao Tzu!"

Pei Junlin had a depressed mood in his heart that had not yet spread. He heard the voice of the wind demon **** and immediately turned his head to taunt. He used the language of the demon tribe.

Even if you are a strong demon god, his speed is not bad. If you want to catch up, how can it be so easy!

Hundreds of meters away, the wind demon **** saw and heard Pei Junlin's provocative words and smiles. His whole body was almost uncontrollable, his speed soared sharply, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Pei Junlin was startled, and quickly accelerated as well. In this way, the two people dragged up in the void, leaving two long white air waves in the void.

Pei Junlin absolutely remembers the direction of Hei Jincheng, so he will never run there. He is not a fool. Hei Jincheng is the real base camp. There are more than a dozen demon gods stationed there.

For this reason, he even deliberately spared a position farther than before, in order to avoid the power of the Black Gold City.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Pei Junlin and Feng Yaoshen chased and fled. They had run hundreds of miles. After seeing Pei Jun, who was still alive and living in front of him, seemed to be able to make energy never end, Feng Fengshen's face was completely gloomy Come down.

He found that he still underestimated the abominable human in front of him, and the other person ’s foundation of cultivation is extremely solid. He has not consumed his internal energy for such a long journey. Such a person is definitely a genius among human beings, and he cannot leave it!

One thought fell, a savage color suddenly appeared on the gloomy face of the Wind Demon God, a roar, the whole body was covered with black mist, and I saw a thick one hundred meters in the thick black mist. The whole body was huge. Black boa constrictor.

The lantern-like icy eyes, and the snake letter that spit out, made people shudder and scared the timid.


At the moment when the wind demon was deified into a body, he saw his long tail flutter in the air, detonating the air, forming a vacuum zone, the speed soared, and it directly closed the distance of hundreds of meters.

The monstrous anger caused Pei Junlin, who was running in front of him, to stand upright, and turned his head to look behind him, his pupils tightened sharply.

"Human, you must die!"

"Dead to death, you're going to die! Your whole family will die!"

Pei Junlin yelled, and at the same time, a pair of lacquered black eyes also showed a ruthless color, and sternly said, "Do you think you will use the power of your destiny? Lao Tzu!"

In his speech, Pei Junlin summoned Qing Hongjian suddenly, with a flush of red halo appearing on his pale face, and then slammed the blood containing the sperm of his destiny on the blade of Qing Hongjian.

Buzz! !!

Stimulated by the destiny, Yuan Hongjian suddenly issued a crisp sound of swordsing ~ ~ Jianguang Chongxiao.

"The world is infinite, the world is vast, hey!"

Pei Junlin flicked his sword with both hands with lightning. The Qinghong sword in mid-air turned into a streamer and appeared at his feet, and instantly dragged Pei Junlin's figure towards the sky. The speed was like the same aurora, blinking in hundreds. Beyond meters!


The wind demon **** who has been chasing behind him is really going to be mad at this moment. The huge snake body is constantly shaking in mid-air, causing a great change in this round place, and the energy of the world is boiling.

He really despised this human, not only was the other cunning, but also the chassis came out, and it was beyond his expectation again and again!

Looking at the little black spot that is farther and farther away, the wind demon **** is unwilling to find that his speed can no longer catch up with the other side, so angry that he is going crazy, and the huge snake tail is constantly bombarding the surrounding sky and will be below The collapse of one of the big mountains has caused an earthquake of dozens of miles!

A few hours later, the overlord city ahead was faintly in sight, and Pei Junlin, who was galloping across the sword, walked along the pale paper-like face, finally showing a smile.

When Pei Junlin approached the Overlord City, he had already seen the walls, covered with dense figures, and the unspoken bloom of the strong breath. Obviously, the human strong men in Overlord City had sensed the black mist. The huge movement over the cliff was kept outside the city.

The power of Divine Power is very strong, and the perception is terrible, far superior to the innate power.

"It's Pei Junlin that kid!"

Long away, when the shepherd **** sees Pei Jun flying from a distant imperial sword, he has already made an excited shout.

Excited expressions appeared on the faces of a powerful godhead in the surrounding area. Among them, the expressions of Nalan Yunkong, the Master of Deception and Xiahou Gong were the most volatile.

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