Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 325: 13 families

At this moment, the entire manor was silent, and only fear was in the air.

Today, Pei Junlin ’s large-scale killing ring really frightened the entire O'Brien family. No one expected that Pei Junlin would be so powerful and at the same time his courage was too big to kill. Even Ron the Great Swordsman, who came to the Holy See, beheaded and killed.

Looking at Pei Junlin's icy eyes, many members of the O'Brien family were frightened together and shivered.

"Pei Junlin, I told you long ago, Belin is not here!"

In the end, Lawrence spoke with restrained restraint.

Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow: "Oh, where did she go? You call and call her back, just say it's an old visit!"

Lawrence was furious: "Pei Junlin, don't bully people too much! Even if this time my O'Brien family really did something wrong, what do you think you have killed so many of us?"

"even if……"

Originally, Pei Junlin, who still had a little temperature on his face, heard the words, and became directly bitter and cold. His fingers suddenly flashed out of the lightning and grabbed them away. Suddenly, an O'Brien's child screamed in horror and screamed. Pei Junlin grabbed the palm of his hand, like a chicken, holding his neck.

"Pei Junlin, what are you doing? Hurry up and let go!"

All O'Brien's members were shocked and yelled to let Pei Junlin let go of the child.

There was no emotional fluctuation on Pei Junlin's face: "It is now up to this time, you group of miscellaneous people have not even admitted their mistakes, let alone! In this case, I would like to see how long you can stiffen!"

The voice didn't fall, and Pei Junlin's fingers were suddenly hard, and only a click was heard, and the young man directly crushed his throat and threw it to the ground.


An exquisitely dressed beautiful woman screaming in pain, it was her baby boy.

Pei Junlin was unmoved. At this moment, he completely moved the fury of Shura. The former Shura warrior completely returned to his heart. The attitude of ignoring life is like crushing a few ants, cold and ruthless.

"This is only the beginning. From now on, as long as the Belle **** does not return, I will kill you every ten minutes. I ’m going to take a look at Pesura. Is your mouth hard or my method more ruthless!"

Pei Junlin's ruthless voice resounded through the whole manor again.

"Pei Junlin, don't bully people too much!"

Lawrence roared, and the face of the O'Brien's homeowner was completely livid: "Don't you really think that my O'Brien family is bullied, let me tell you the truth, my O'Brien family is one of the 13th Mafia family First, if you dare to kill my O'Brien family butcher today, you will endure the endless chase of the remaining twelve families of the entire Mafia, believe it or not ?! "

Oh? !!

Pei Junlin finally showed a touch of surprise: "Thirteen Mafia families?"

Lawrence raised his chest proudly: "Nothing wrong! My O'Brien family is just one of the famous Mafia thirteen families!"

"Pei Junlin, you have n’t heard of the burning of Emperor Gang. You should have heard the name of the Mafia! I believe you should know something about this power, and I urge you to take it before you can stop it now. Hand, otherwise, not only you, the family behind you and all your friends and family will be dragged by you and step into death ... "

"Then if I kill all of the so-called thirteen families?"

After waiting for Lawrence to finish his speech, Pei Junlin suddenly interrupted, with a very indifferent tone.

Lawrence, who had always been shouting, seemed to be directly killed by a duck in the neck of his owner, almost drowned by his own saliva, and his face was difficult to believe: "Pei Junlin, you are ... too arrogant!"

Lawrence didn't know how to use words to describe his mood at the moment, ridiculous? Anger or fear?

Being able to become one of the veterans of the Mafia's thirteen family, the O'Brien family has always regarded this as an unparalleled glory, because the three words of the mafia are really too rich in gold. The dark web of the international underground world can be ranked sixth.

This organization has a fascinating presence throughout Europe. In the past, they threatened others. They never thought that one day they would be threatened by others. This is simply ridiculous!

Pei Junlin stared coldly at Lawrence's angry face, and said lightly, "What? You don't believe it?"

"The mafia may be really powerful, with power all over Europe, but what about that, the reputation you are targeting is almost from ordinary people, but is Pei Shura the ordinary person? Will you be afraid of your threats? It's ridiculous! "

"You are also members of the martial arts community in the West. You should be clear that your strength has reached the point where I am waiting. Ordinary firearm bullets have long been useless, which has irritated me. Do n’t say 13 families, even 30 families. You can assassinate all of you! "

Pei Junlin's killing words shocked all the members of the O'Brien family, one by one uneasy and full of fear.

I just feel that this young man from the Eastern world is just a demon, which is too scary!

"Also ..."

At this moment, I could only hear Pei Junlin and continue: "What did you just say that after the O'Brien family was destroyed, the other twelve families will retaliate with me. I would love to see a family perished, so they can share this delicious cake! "

"Lawrence, do you think I might say this big?"

After Pei Junlin's last remarks ended, all members of the O'Brien family changed their faces completely, because some of them had previously secretly notified other families in the country of interest, but this time has passed, but these people have None of the information came back, and their message seemed to sink into the sea.

Although the Mafia's thirteen largest families are all over Europe, there are still three or four in the country of interest. Now there is no reply from any one. This is definitely not good news.

Lawrence's face had already become cloudy, and even William O'Brien, the earl, who had slowed down in the crowd, had a dark and terrible face and clenched his fists.

"Pei Junlin, what do you want?"

In the end, Lord Earl William had a somber face and gritted his teeth.

The so-called situation is stronger than people. Now the powerful strength that Pei Junlin possesses is not really comparable to the O'Briens, so they have to lower their proud heads.

"I already said, let Belian that **** come back! Belin? O'Brien won't come back today, and I, Pesura, will kill you O'Brien every ten minutes!"

"Oh, I almost forgot that ten minutes should have arrived. Who should I choose to kill now?"

When Pei Junlin was talking, he dropped a pair of eyes without any feelings on a group of members of the O'Brien family.

Watched by his horrible eyes, all the young children in the O'Brien family couldn't help screaming in horror, holding their bodies one by one and shrinking back, for fear of being picked by Pei Junlin.

At the same time, finally, members of the O'Brien family could not stand this fear, and started yelling at Lawrence loudly, so that he could quickly return Belin's bitch, because all this was the scourge of Belin's bitch. They were big Some people are innocent. How can they be involved?

In this world, no one is not afraid of death. Under the stimulus of life and death, no one can sacrifice her life for the lives of others, not to mention they are really innocent.

Looking at the embarrassing faces in front of him and the bitter scolding, Lawrence was so angry that he was going to explode his lungs, but did not know how to vent. After all, this incident was indeed caused by his baby daughter. Yes ... um, no!

Lawrence's body suddenly trembled. He remembered that at first his baby daughter agreed to cooperate with Kinglin International. The last person to stop was his father William. It was precisely because of his father's resolute stop that caused this scene. Uncontrollable situation.


The screams full of panic suddenly sounded, Lawrence suddenly looked up, and then the whole person was about to crack, and Pei Junlin even caught his baby son Ou Li.

Although Ouli O'Brien's cultivation is good, how could he be Pei Junlin's opponent? At this moment, he was also used by Pei Junlin to hold his neck directly with his hands in a very insulting gesture, as if small Chickens are average, hanging in the air.

"Father! Save me! Save me! I don't want to die!"

Master Ou Li is really scared. He has no blood. He is still young and has a lot of time to spend. The beautiful life has just begun. How can he not fear death?

"Pei Junlin! Stop it for me!"

Lawrence was furious and bloody, and saw that the baby son was arrested. He seemed to have gone crazy, and a terrible horror erupted all over his body. He flew towards Pei Junlin. His cultivation has already reached a level. A-level awakening.

However, in the face of madness Lawrence, Pei Junlin patted it like a fly, and Lawrence screamed and fell on the ground dozens of meters away. His whole body was blood, and the bones did not know how many were broken. .

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Pei Junlin's cold and bitter voice sounded slowly, and the next moment, he prepared to crush Master Ou Li's neck in his hand.

"Pei Junlin! Stop now, I'll tell you who is behind the scenes, please, ~ ~, let my son go?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd, knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly.

This is a blond lady, who looks like a ripe peach, exuding a seductive look, her skin is white and dazzling, and she is Lawrence's wife, Freena.

Pei Jun narrowed his eyes, stopped his motion, and said lightly, "Who is it?"

Flenna suddenly lifted her head, and on that noble and pressing face, with an unprecedented resentment, hatred with her fingers and fell directly on William O'Brien, loudly: "It is him ! William O'Brien, it is he who firmly prevents our O'Brien family and Kinglin International from cooperating! "

"Mr. Pei, he is the real culprit! My son and baby daughter are innocent. If this old thing were to stop it, now my O'Brien family has already successfully cooperated with Junlin International!"

The whole manor was suddenly dead, everyone's eyes fell on the face of William O'Brien in the crowd.

Being watched by so many people at the same time, William O'Brien's old orange-skinned face, his muscles beating wildly, never seemed to think that he would be betrayed by his daughter-in-law one day.

"Well, aren't you ... Zhao Feihuang?"

However, the unexpected thing is not over yet. At this moment, Prince Qiong, who is always standing behind Pei Junlin, suddenly falls on the face of the woman behind William O'Brien, his expression full of suspicion ...

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