Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 362: Main City of Ravaged

In a remote alley not far from the city's main house, Pei Junlin, the monk who abstained from the monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Bailifeiyan, Leng Shuangshuang and others met.

"Pei Junlin, you ... aren't you in the ape city, why did you appear here ?!"

The unbelievable voice emanated from the mouth of Huangfu Fenghuang, and the others also looked inconceivable. It was really incredible for Pei Junlin's sudden appearance.

"You can show up here, why can't I show up!"

Looking at the shock of a group of people with wide eyes, Pei Junlin was very satisfied. The reason why he came over was to surprise this group of guys. The goal was obviously achieved.

However, the situation was urgent, and he no longer teased everyone and directly said, "Well, everyone, don't talk nonsense, do you want to rob the city's main government?"

"Pei Junlin, you are here exactly, we really do!"

Jie Xun monk said: "You are a strong god, you can just help us stop the guy in the sky from the early days of the demon god, so that a group of us will have more confidence in looting the main city!"

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "It is certainly no problem to intercept the strong in the early days of the demon god, but I want 50% of this looting!"

"50%, lying down, Pei Junlin, when was your heart so fierce?" Bai Lifeiyan stared directly.

Pei Junlin said silently: "How much is 50%? But the demon **** is strong, otherwise you will intercept each other and I will sack the city's main house. At that time, I will only occupy the success of the sack!"

"You know, this trip to the city of the apes, I haven't got a Lingjing yet!"

Leng Shuangshuang was surprised: "Are you so miserable this time?"

"Really fake? Haha!"

"We've already made a lot of money this time around. You can find out if we look at the backpacks that we have!"

Just when Pei Junlin's words just dropped, Huangfu Phoenix, Jieyun Monk, and Bailifeiyan successively widened their eyes, and then did not hide their inner gloats and joys, all inexplicably excited.

Because they rarely see Pei Junlin eating so much, it seems that it is really wise to force them to participate in this operation. It is very refreshing to see Pei Junlin eating this picture. It's all worth it!

Hum, what about the powerful gods, they haven't lost to them innately ...

"Pei Junlin, there are too many of us, and you alone will take 50% of you too much, at most 40%, can't be more! Everyone has dinner!"

In the end, the monk said so, and other military strongmen nodded with approval.

Seeing this, Pei Jun could only sigh and said, "Well, let's achieve 40%!"

At the same time, he was muttering. He did not get Ling Jing this time, but he got a more precious life. The spiritual fluid really did n’t know this group of short-sighted guys. What would be the truth after learning the truth of the facts? Look reaction.

"Our time is very limited, at most only five minutes, otherwise, a large number of demon gods will rush to the rush, I will take the lead, and you will pack the results behind you!"

Pei Junlin finally clapped the road. After speaking, he had stepped out of the alley and walked directly towards the gate of the main city hall.

"The city's main capital is heavy and must not be trespassed!"

At the gate, there were several demon emperor-level strong men yelling loudly, with a high-minded look.

This is the current status of the demon tribe. The powerful demon tribe can always scold the enslaved bottom demon tribe.

But before the arrogant gesture on the faces of these demon emperor strong men revealed, a sharp sword awn has fallen from the sky, as fast as lightning, directly cutting the eloquent demon emperor strong man in half.

The blood was like running water, which stained the gate and ground of the city ’s main government. The guards around them were stunned, and then each one changed his face and shouted, "Humans! Humans are coming! Enemy attacks! Enemy attacks!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin incarnates into a real Shura. His face is cold and moodless, but the Qinghong sword in his hand is as fast as lightning, like a sickle harvesting wheat, constantly harvesting the lives of the demon emperors.

In just a few breaths, the six demon emperors originally standing at the gate of the city were all killed in a pool of blood.

The monks who have just walked out of the alley, monks, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others saw their eyes shrink, one after the other. They also saw Pei Junlin's shot after entering the gods for the first time. However, they did not expect that they were so strong. .

It feels like killing the demon emperor is like a leek in the field, without any pressure, which makes them very irritated. After getting back more and more, no matter what the price, they must also step into the land of the gods. idea.


At this time, the demon **** power in the air had erupted in horror, killing Pei Jun, his face full of cold and cold intentions, his eyes were like a knife.

"Human, you are seeking your own way!"

Pei Junlin was not afraid, and laughed loudly, rising into the air, and the Qinghong sword in his hand was as bright as a scorching sun, fighting directly with the strong man in the early days of the demon god.

"Whose of us is dead is not certain. Today, Pei Junlin will kill the third demon **** strong!"

Amazing energy collisions exploded in mid-air, and the vast aftermath of energy swept across a thousand kilometers, terrifying the demons of the demons below the city, and many ordinary demons fled in panic.

The monks and other monks who have already launched an attack and broke into the city's mansion and started massacre and ransacking heard the loud shouting of Pei Junlin in the air, and the original excitement disappeared, one by one replaced Expression.

What they just heard, this guy Pei Junlin has beheaded and killed two strong demon realms!

The strong in the realm of monsters and gods is not just random Chinese cabbage, not to kill anyone who wants to kill. When the strong in this realm, whether it is a demon or a human, the vitality is powerful and terrible.

Pei Junlin has actually beheaded and killed two demon **** powerhouses, even if they are both in the early stage. This time, the credit is really huge, but they are still complacent about the Lingjing they got ...

With a particularly complex emotion, the attack in the hands of a group of people suddenly doubled, one by one, as if they were incarnations to become gods of killing, wherever they were, there were constant demons who fell to the ground.

This city is just a small and medium-sized demon city. The strongest is the beginning of a demon god. There are not many strong people in the demon realm in the city. Elite opponents.

This was almost a slaughter. A group of human strongmen who turned into killing gods. Wherever they went, they were pushing all the way, with countless deaths and injuries.

Soon a group of people broke into the real city-lord's mansion, some rushed to the place where the city-lord's residence was located, some people chose to find the treasure house of the city-lord's house, and some people became interested in the various artifacts made by the city-lord's house ...

The situation really looked like a locust crossing the ground, leaving no leaves, and a ransack called a clean!

In the sky, the strong man who saw the scene of the demon **** in the early stage of this scene was almost mad. He tried to get rid of Pei Junlin several times and rushed into his own city main house, but was dragged by Pei Jun's death. go away.

Not only that, because of his distraction, Pei Junlin's horrible sword qi almost cut his body in half, and his body was already bloody.

Roar! !! !!

In the early days of this demon god, a roar and a trembling sound came from the back of his hair, which directly transformed into a huge elk, a streamlined bodybuilding body, a straight neck, two dark glowing antlers, and clear muscles on the limbs. The long legs are truly a handsome deer in the middle of the war, and they are extraordinary.

Pei Junlin's eyes lit up. He had been devoting himself to killing the enemy before, and he really forgot to see what the demon **** power was in front of him. At this moment, he found that he was an extraordinary elk, and his eyes suddenly lighted up.

After a long day and a night of exhaustion, he suddenly developed a strong sense of hunger, only to find that the haraz in his mouth could not be controlled.

This elk meat is the best in the world. It is very delicious!

The meat is more delicious than any **** ape family, even better than snake meat!

The elk who has just turned into a body is a little dim, and the human looks strangely in front of him ... what is it? Saliva! !! !!

Suddenly, the demon **** strong was directly angry. This horrible human dared to stare at him and drool, what did he think of him? Food? !!

"Human, you are dead today!"

"I just sent a signal just now, and soon my demon tribe will come in large numbers, not only you, all of you, you have to die today!"

The answer was a matchless sword light that almost cut off his neck.

Pei Junlin sneered: "It will take you to get to the strong of your demons!"

"Soul Soul Sealing!"

Pei Junlin began to use powerful spiritual power ~ ~ In an instant, the powerful spiritual power in the sea of ​​knowledge erupted, creating an invisible wave that swept across a tens of meters.

The demon **** power opposite was impacted by this invisible force. Suddenly, his eyes were stunned for a moment, but he felt that the soul was beaten hard by some terrible force, and the soul was shaking.

"What taboo technique is this ?!"

The demon **** strong is terrified, but he is indeed a powerful demon strong, who has quickly gritted his teeth when he realized that it is not good, and his whole body energy is violent, and he is quickly awakened from the terrible pain.

However, the battle between strong men often depends on a moment, a thousandth of a second error, enough to make him regret his life.

By the time the demon **** was awoken, everything was too late, and I saw a mighty, unmatched sword-mangling that had already arrived.

In order to kill in one hit, Pei Junlin directly used the nine-level mantra of swordsmanship!

The power of this sword is far more than any other time. Even under the situation of full defense, this demon **** might not be able to stop it with confidence, let alone now!

Full of furious roars, rang through the void, and then there was the explosion of terrifying energy. The horrible aftermath of the sword energy caused the energy changes in the sky and the sky above the main city hall, and ripples appeared in the void.

This sudden and violent blow also shocked the demon clan in the main city hall and the entire city below. All eyes were gathered in the void, and then all the demon souls trembled, and the sound of wailing came out!

What did they see? !!

Lord Elk City Lord, even the terrible human, cut off his body with a sword, and the whole sky was filled with blood and rain!

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