Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 379: Tragic!

On the battlefield filled with smoke, the thunder was rolling, the thunder burst, the visions were repeated!

The shepherd bathed the whole person in a thick layer of golden light, and a shocking momentum erupted throughout his body. The breath of life was surging, forcing the weaker ones to step backward.


However, of course, the strong must be fearless. For example, when the two strong monsters are strong, when they see that there are strong people in humans who choose to break through in battle and march to the top of the gods, at this moment, the two strong monsters are killing Stronger than ever.

Because the influence of a strong monster in the realm of the demon **** is really too big to change the pattern of a tiankeng battlefield, no matter how strong, there will not be a strong man in human beings to break through in this critical situation.

The two powerful monsters at the peak of the demon gods are so mad that they will kill the herding **** who is breaking through in an attempt to let the fetus die and interrupt the breakthrough of the herding god.

"Everyone, try your best to stop them! Give the shepherd God time to break through!"

At this moment, Kong Sheng was also crazy. A spear in his hand was dancing like a dragon, and a terrible meteor spear burst out, piercing the void, and entangled a peak of a demon god.

At the same time, all human powerhouses are crazy, one after another, they have terrible potential, trying to intercept the same crazy monster powerhouse, one side is guarding the other side is trying to destroy, and the battle becomes extremely fierce in an instant.

Among them, the battle against another demon peak strongest was the most fierce, because the demon peak is too strong, and even the late stage of the realm is not an opponent, all you can do is try your best to block.

A strong man in the late stage of human divine realm, rushed up without fear of death, was blown out by the vomiting blood of the demon peak strong man, and his bones were broken.

Fortunately, the vitality of the strong man in the late stage of the kingdom of God is extremely amazing. This kind of injury seems to be very serious. In fact, it can't hurt the root. Soon, the human strong man began to block again.

"Get out of this seat !!!"

Continuous and endless blocking, the killer of the demon **** peak climbed to the highest point, directly transformed into a towering peach tree, revealing the body, hundreds of branches swaying in the air, seemingly soft branches For a moment, he was transformed into a weapon of the gods, breaking through the void, and with the power of Thunder, within a hundred meters, he could not approach.

At the same time, his leaves were also weapons. The branches were shaking gently, and the rain seemed like the leaves could be transformed into countless sharp shadows. Cut through the void, the rain like pear blossoms, making people busy.

This is the horror of the plant-based monsters. Although they are bloated, they have weapons all over their bodies, which is more difficult than the animal-based monsters in some ways.

Huh! !!

The violent sound of breaking through the air blasted, and a branch in the void was enough to penetrate the gold cracking steel and stabbed the body towards the herding **** who was breaking through, like a poisonous snake, making all the powerful men's faces change dramatically.

"Peach tree demon, I have a guard here, you don't want to hurt my fellow human beings!"

Suddenly, a **** figure fluttered into the air, and appeared directly in front of the pastor. This is an old man with a lot of white hair and a robe, similar to the ancient Wushu Taoist priest. Look like.

The old man was covered in blood, and apparently had gone through a fierce killing. The blood on his body did not know whether it was the demon or his own, but his momentum was full of sharpness and strength, and his strength was also strong. By.

In the face of the terror branches from the sky, the old man had no fear of any color, holding a blood-stained sword, and when the sword light danced, the true power of terror broke out, directly breaking the countless branches.

And he was shocked by the terrible power on the branch, vomiting blood in his mouth, and stained his robe.

"Attentive !!!!"

The human powerhouses in the surrounding Xihua Tiankeng couldn't help but exclaim when they saw the old man injured.

This thoughtful man was a strong man recruited by the country in his early years. He has always served in the military and has made great contributions. He is highly respected on weekdays. Now in distress, many strong faces have changed!

However, the thoughtful general did not care about his injury, but instead gave out a cheerful laughter of a heroic Ga Yun. The golden light constantly appeared, and scarlet blood was mixed in it. He changed from passive to active. Attacking the peak power of the peach tree demon.

"Haha! Lao Dao has lived ninety-nine years in his life, and he has been used to life and death, and he has long regarded life and death as faint!"

"To be able to burn the last power for the human beings of our planet at the end of this life, that is the honor of the old way!"


As Zhou Daochang's words fell, his body, which was hitting in mid-air at a rapid speed, completely turned into a golden scorching sun, the light shone for hundreds of miles, dazzled, and flew towards the famous peach tree demon.


"Attentive !!!!"

This scene made countless strong people exclaimed because they had seen that Chief Minister Zhou was preparing to use the most intense way to stop the peach tree demon who was the peak of the demon god.

What is the most intense way to be a warrior? !!

The answer is, of course, self-detonation. If a strong man in the late stage of Divine Realm explodes with his heart, the power that erupted in an instant, even the strongest one at the peak of Divine Realm, can be hit hard.

At this moment, the hearts of all human beings are twitching fiercely, watching Zhou Daochang's old face full of decisiveness and the indomitable spirit, for the sake of mankind, be generous!

At the same time, the peach tree demon at the peak of the demon **** changed his face instantly. He was also very aware of the power of a human being in the late stage of self-destruction. Even he did not dare to shake the sharp edge of that moment. It was so ugly that he yelled at the lunatic, and lightning pulled back.

"Haha! What **** monster **** is at its peak. In front of Lao Tzu, all his mothers are weak chickens!"

Seeing that he was scared off the peach tree demon, Zhou Daochang issued a loud and loud laughter, the golden light on his body became more and more dazzling, the true strength of the whole body began to burn, the whole person became a burning rocket, the speed soared again, Unlimited access to the peach tree demon.

In the end, under the eyes of countless eyes, Zhou Daochang shouted through the sky, "Long live human! Long live the earth!"


The inexplicable blast of words, which exploded in mid-air, filled the sky with golden light all over the sky. At this instant, everyone was shocked, whether it was a demon or a human, and looked up at the golden light. Bright sky.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt an immense expanse of spiritual power overwhelmingly. Numerous soldiers were smashed by this horrible shock. The blood swelled on the spot, vomited blood, and the eyes were hard to hide. Fear and awe.

Strong! too strong!

This is simply not the power that human beings should have, it belongs to the gods and Buddhas!

But the eyes of many human soldiers are full of sorrow. They just heard everything in the air just now, knowing that all this was the self-destructive power of a powerful man in the late stage of the divine realm.

what! !! !!

At this moment, a terrible anger came from the void. It was the sound of the strongest man on the peak of the demon god. He was injured by the power of the thoughtful long self-explosion. One arm was blown with flesh and blood, revealing the white bone scum. .

This is the terrible self-explosion of a powerful man in the later stage of the gods. If the peach tree demon evades in time, the injuries will be more serious. However, these injuries are not much for the strongest gods in the kingdom, and they will soon be reborn. It's just that the majesty lost can't be found!


Suddenly, the mighty spirit of coercion came, and the shepherd who had been bathed in the bright golden light in the distance suddenly issued a beast-like roar: "Break for Lao Tzu !!!"

Although he was at the critical juncture of breakthrough, he was still very clear about the external situation. He knew that there was a man in the late stage of Divine Realm, and in order to give him enough breakthrough time, he chose to explode!

This huge price has made the shepherd's heart full of anger and killing, and the unprecedented accumulation of emotions directly drives the strength in the body and severely impacts the level of the pinnacle of God.

Finally, with a clear crackling sound in his mind, the shepherd will feel that he has broken into an unprecedented realm, and it feels as if he rushed directly from some kind of abyss to the place closest to the sky, whether it is spiritual Force is still physical or vision, and has gained an unprecedented breadth.

The shepherd will really want to experience this wonderful feeling ~ ~ but soon he will bite the tip of his tongue with a strong will, and break free from that wonderful feeling.

When he opened his eyes and regained consciousness, the shepherd's body immediately burst into a terrible spirit of coercion and killing, roared, turned into a streamer, and flew wildly towards the peach tree demon.

Today, he must let the thoughtful man who blew himself up for revenge and revenge, so that the dead can rest in peace. Even if this peach tree demon cannot be killed, the other party must pay a heavy price!

"Kill !!!"

The successful breakthrough of the shepherd will immediately dispel the original sadness on the human side. All of them will turn their grief and indignation into strength and kill the monsters without fear of death!

The killing intention of human beings was released to the extreme at this moment, whether it was the pinnacle of Divine Realm or the ordinary soldiers, they raised the long knife in their hands and fiercely slashed at the demons!

The battle can be described as a kind of brutality. The entire battlefield is stained with blood, and broken limbs are everywhere. This is especially the case when the shepherd will be the most crazy. After breaking through the peak of the divine realm, his strength is qualitative. Change, even the peach tree demon beaten one by one, the momentum is invincible, invincible!

And while all human warriors and soldiers are killing wildly, in another battlefield on the edge, the genius of the military headed by Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others, as well as Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyue Monk and others The battle has also reached an intense stage.

They also clearly noticed the thoughtful self-explosion and the breakthrough of the pastoral god, and their hearts were also greatly impacted, especially that Pei Junlin was still trapped in the dungeon cage of the day by the four strong demon gods. Stimulates everyone's heart.

Killing continues, blood is flying, this is bound to be a war between you and me!

Shura, the rebirth

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