Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 389: Qi and blood

As the patriarch of the cactus family and the four demon **** strongmen of the acacia tree rushed on their way, at this time, Pei Junlin and his eleven people reached the key point of harvest at the deepest part of the underground veins.

Because of more than an hour of digging, they finally dug into the most precious value treasure of this vein-Gaoping Lingjing!

In fact, the size of this underground vein is not very large, and the total area is equivalent to about a football field. This is the conclusion reached by eleven people after they gathered together.

However, this is enough for everyone. After all, even if they are large in number, it is impossible to remove the entire mine. Even people with artifacts like Pei Junlin have limited space, let alone It's someone else.

At the moment of excavating Gao Pin Ling Jing, everyone was thrilled, even if the equipment brought by everyone was stuffed slowly, they still had to be stuffed inside, like Xia Houping and Na Lanhao, just pack the backpack Some of the original spirit crystals in it were poured out, and instead, high-quality spirit crystals with rich energy were packed into the backpack.

The value of a high-quality Lingjing is 100 times that of an ordinary first-grade Lingjing, and the gap is larger than the gap. Of course, the best high-quality Lingjing is selected!

With the passage of time, everyone gradually replaced the first-quality Lingjing obtained with Gaopin Lingjing, and roughly estimated that everyone took at least a thousand yuan.

"It's almost time, let's withdraw! I'm afraid things will change late!"

Compared to others, Li Tianpei is calmer besides Pei Junlin.

Ye Tianxing's eyes turned red, and he heard the words disapproving: "Why are we digging some, after knowing that this time, this Lingjing vein should leave us completely and become a resource of the demon race!"

"Yeah! If you miss this village, there is no such shop. Our lineup is so powerful this time, even if there is really a demon **** mid-term strong come, no fear at all!" Zhang Pingping was extremely arrogant.

Li Tianpei had no choice but to start digging again with the crowd. After more than a quarter of an hour, the high-quality spirit crystals around the body became scarce, and it took a long time to find one or two pieces each time.

"The resources of Gaoping Lingjing are almost finished, withdraw!"

Pei Junlin said, this time he should have the most gains. Basically, each excavation is the one with two backpacks and the space ring with two. Unlike other people, he did not discard those first Spirit crystal.

"Haha! This time he really made a lot of money!"

Ye Tianxing howled constantly, with a big bag on his body, like a bloated big fat man. He had n’t seen so many Lingjings at one time when he was so big, and he was almost completely high-quality Lingjings. Head feeling.

In fact, not only Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, Luo Yan, and even Li Tianpei were full of excitement and excitement.

Looking at the four geniuses of the military department, Xia Houping joked: "Now you finally know it for yourself, why don't we people in Dongyang Tiankeng be short of spirits?"

"Since ancient times, the fastest rate of accumulation of any wealth is always plundering. Look at you now, and then think about how you used the poor points to exchange for Lingjing, eh! Do you think you were stupid before? Stupid ... "

The four members of the army had a look of shame on their faces, which made Pei Junlin smile.

For a while talking and laughing, a small team of eleven people covered their breath with mental strength and began to rush to the surface.

boom! Boom boom! !!

When they emerged from the ground, they immediately shocked the guards of the cactus family on the ground, and when they saw Pei Junlin and others one by one strange faces, all cactus families were stunned.

Because at this moment Pei Junlin and others are transformed into the identity of the demon tribe. The imprint of each person's eyebrows is even more diverse, some are peach tree demon, some willow demon, and plantain demon ... Wait, it's like a no-name army.

"Jack, what part of the forces are you, dare to break into our cactus tribe, and invade our resources ?!"

There is a strong person in the realm of the demon emperor, angrily yelled, using the language of the demon tribe.

However, without waiting for his words to fall, Pei Junlin directly uttered a cold hum, and the supernatural power of knowledge in the sea poured out like a torrent of floods, sweeping across hundreds of meters.



Under this terrible sense of power, all the demons have been struck by lightning, their mouths and noses are bleeding, their eyes are dull, and they fall to the ground, even the strongest in the realm of demons.

The powerful men below the level of the demon emperor directly shattered the soul and completely lost their breath of life. Even the demon emperor had cold hands and feet, his head was sore, his blood was bleeding, and the sight was terrifying.

This is the horror of the Divine Strong. In the face of the low-level weak, there is no need to take action at all. One spiritual force is enough to crush everything. Even the strong with the demon realm will almost die. Turn it into fish on the chopping board and let it be slaughtered.



The demons were quickly headshot. While Pei Junlin exerted his repression, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and Xiahou Pingping also used their mental strength to sweep the audience directly.

Huangfu Phoenix, Luo Yan, Baili Feiyan and others even took out their weapons and hurried forward to make up the knife, headshot some of the undead monsters. The cooperation between the two sides was seamless and flawless.

In less than two minutes, hundreds of elite members of the cactus family in the entire wilderness have been all beheaded and killed, and scarlet blood stained the wilderness.

"Let's go!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin seemed to feel something, quickly looked up, and looked to the west sky. There, I wonder when the blue sky turned into a gray one. Approaching, a faint sound of sound barriers can be heard faintly.

The crowd was horrified, they also felt it, and the breath was extremely powerful and chaotic. Obviously more than one demon **** strong, immediately pulled up one by one, unfolded fast, and left with lightning.

And just two or three minutes after a group of people had just left, the gray cloud had quickly approached, revealing five mighty figures like the mighty prison and the mighty shore.

These five people are impressively the cactus patriarch who left the acacia clan recently and the five demon **** powers of the acacia clan.

It was only very soon that the expressions on the faces of the five demon realms in the sky froze, and they stared at the **** scenes of corpses and blood in the wilderness below. Among them, the cactus chief's face was the most It was scary, and the breath became more violent and scary.


In the end, the cactus's patriarch finally erupted, and the whole body was full of demons, and even led to dramatic changes in this world, with lightning and thunder, extremely terrifying.

He shouted a roar, fell quickly to the ground, glanced at a terrible clan, and then killed Eisenlen's eyes to the open holes on the ground, and flew into the ground.

"You are guarding here, and I will go in and see!"

The Acacia patriarch turned his head towards the humanity of the three ethnic groups around him. His face was also extremely gloomy, and a very bad premonition raised in his heart. He quickly entered the deep ground.

So after almost a few minutes, a large earthquake suddenly occurred in the calm deep ground, and horrible cracks exploded from the landmarks. Countless dirt rolled violently like the waves, accompanied by a terrible evil spirit. Soaring into the sky.

what! !! !!

In the end, the two emanated an eerie figure, broke through the ground, stood a few hundred meters above the sky, and there was a radiant burst of light in their eyes, as if they were a laser, glancing in all directions.

"Human! Turns out to be despicable human!"

The roar of the cactus' patriarch resounded through the tens of miles, killing the sky, his eyes were red, and his heart was bloody.

Just deep in the veins of the ground just now, he not only found the precious Lingjing was excavated a lot, but also found the bodies of the old and second-class old ...

At his side, the acacia patriarch's face was also gloomy and terrible at the moment, killing the bite. As a strong middle-aged demon god, how perceptive they were, even if the underground veins were deliberately destroyed, they still felt human beings. Unique blood power.

In the hinterland of their demon tribe, a strong man broke into it!

Not only mining and winning treasures, but also killing many cactus people, this is absolutely unimaginable.

"Acacia patriarch, this revenge will not be reported. I am ashamed of the Supreme Lord Emperor!"

After a while, the eerie voice of the cactus patriarch sounded, and the whole body was shrouded in layers of terrible murderousness ~ ~ who wanted to choose someone to eat.

In the face of such a major event, the patriarch of Acacia did not dare to have any slackness, and immediately said, "What do you mean?"

"Judging from the breath left by the minerals and the corpse of my people's blood that has not completely solidified, I think those despicable humans should not have gone far!"

The cactus patriarch calmly analyzed: "How about this, the five of us will immediately start and search this hundreds of miles, even if they are digging three feet, we must find out these despicable humans!"

"This group of humans is simply too arbitrary, not only bullying my cactus family, but also trampling on the dignity of the supreme demon lord, they can't run !!!"

"Okay! Then we set off immediately! But it can only be divided into three directions. You and I each occupy one direction, and my tribe occupy one side! Because judging from the remaining breath, there is more than one human being. Encountered suspicious, although cut first and then played! "Patriarch of Huaihuai bitterly.

There was no opinion on the cactus patriarch, and soon five people were divided into three teams and rushed to different directions of the sky ...

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