Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 584: Anti-sky pupil technique-Zixiao God's Eye!

Qishan is steep and vast.

The sea and the land are connected to form a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers, among which there are countless treasures, exotic fruits, spiritual crystals, ancient secrets, and heaven and earth ...

Huh! !!

Suddenly, a golden light shot into the sky, quickly rushed into this vast mountain range, and then the golden light disappeared, the breath disappeared, and everything was calm.

Soon after, behind the golden light's ass, four figures quickly chased after each other. These four figures were so enchanting that they exuded majestic coercion, just like the king came to the world.

"What about people ?!"

The four figures stopped in midair, and the prince Haiquan of the sea snake clan shouted coldly. They chased along all the way and even lost Pei Junlin's trace.

"He can't run, it must be hidden in the mountains nearby!"

The turtle Xuanjun of the **** turtle family also followed the big drink, and his face was unhappy.

"Look! Give a reward order immediately and use my sacred sea tribe billionaires. Even if the entire mountain is dug up, you must find the human!"

Haiquan Yi and Gui Xuanjun thundered wildly, with anger, like Pei Junlin's escape, which was a very unbearable thing for them.

"You two shut up for Lao Tzu!"

Suddenly, at this time, the angry sand desert has been suppressed, and it erupted directly. A horrible momentum erupted throughout the body, and the whole body was flickering with a throbbing electric arc, crackling.

He had a somber face, and his sharp eyes fell on the faces of Haiquan Yi and Gui Xuanjun, and he wished to kill the two guys who had not succeeded or failed.

"It's not enough to lose more than lose, whoever let you two get involved!"

The prince of the tiger shark tribe was furious and shouted in anger.

"On weekdays, the two of you like to take advantage and do some opportunistic things, so we open our eyes and close our eyes. Now at this moment, the two of you will jump out again and want to take advantage!"

"Now, now, under your persecution, the human being that prompted Pei Junlin to choose to flee directly. If it were not for the trouble of the two of you, that Pei Junlin would not necessarily run, and the king and Princess Hailianqing would be able to succeed together Slay the other! "

"Now Pei Jun is running, do you think we will find him in a short time ?!"

"How strong is that human being, don't you have a B number in your mind !!!"

Sha Huang was really angry. There was a faint arc blast in his eyes, and the anger that erupted at that moment made Haiquan Yi and Gui Xuanjun stunned directly, standing there blankly, his face sullen. Cloudy and sunny.

Although the sea snakes and the tortoises can be regarded as the first-class forces in the world of sea monsters, it depends on who they are compared with. It is a lot worse than the sea hegemons like the tiger shark and mermaids.

"Prince Shahuang, aren't we ... good intentions? I want to help you ..."

Gui Xuanjun justified his expression with an unsightly expression.

"Close your mouths, otherwise, I can't guarantee that your mouths will be torn in the next second!"

Suddenly, a cold and bitter voice sounded, and Hai Lianqing also opened her mouth, exuding a chilling chill all over her body, and there was a cloud on the face of that country-colored heavenly fragrance.

"What kind of mentality do you have, you have a clear mind!"

Seeing that even Hai Lianqing, a mermaid princess, was also angry, and finally Haiquan Yi and Gui Xuanjun no longer dared to quibble, and the atmosphere was strange for a time.

"Well, now that things have happened, we can only do our best to find them!"

The sand desert has a somber face, looking at the vast and magnificent Honghuang mountains below.

"Immediately announce a major reward for all strong men to come to this mountain range, but those who have found Pei Jun's trail will reward one hundred thousand spirit crystals. If they can successfully contain, reward one million spirit crystals!"

"If a strong person kills successfully, then on the basis of a million spirit crystals, reward another artifact, two sets of magical skills, and choose the secret fruits of the treasure!"


Hai Quanyi and Gui Xuanjun, who made a lot of mistakes, never dared to commit any violations, and immediately began to offer rewards, calling on all members to search Pei Junlin's tracks.

"Let's go and find it, though the chance is slim ..."

Hailian Qing said with a somber face.

How tricky Pei Junlin is, she has real experience. If such a strong man wants to escape, it is tantamount to haystack.

The sand shortage nodded, and the two of them fell down quickly towards the Honghuang Mountains below, and then started a full search.

But as they expected, it was too difficult to find a top powerhouse like Pei Junlin. When searching for several hours without gain, Sha Huang and Hai Lianqing chose to stop.

At this time, a large number of strong monsters have already gathered in this area of ​​flood wilderness, and they are all attracted by the amazing reward.

"We have to hurry up and resume our cultivation and raise our strength to the top. I have a feeling that we and that Pei Junlin will meet again!"

The sand barren said, Hai Lianqing agreed with this view, and the two geniuses quickly found a strong mountain peak and began to quietly restore it with precious medicine.

Pei Junlin's strength is really too powerful. As strong as they are, they must always be careful and keep their strength at the peak. Otherwise, once caught, the consequences will be unthinkable.

As for the task of finding Pei Junlin, leave it to those Siren Powers who come for the reward!

As time goes by, a wave of Pei hunting has formed in the entire area. Not only are the sea monster strong men looking for the trace of Pei Junlin, but some individuals with ulterior motives, such as the plant demon, the animal demon, and even humans, Are also trying to find.

In these years, Pei Junlin has really offended too many enemies, spreading all over the three parties. Almost all the enemies want to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find Pei Junlin, so that they will never suffer the future and be ashamed.

However, Pei Junlin seemed to be suddenly evaporating from this world. No matter how the powerful men of various forces searched, it was difficult to find traces.

Later, not only in this area, but also in many places nearby, there were strong men from all major forces, among which some conflicts would inevitably erupt.

Siren and plant and animal demon wars, Siren and human war, human and plant and animal demon wars, and then war with the monsters ...

The forces of the three parties are like water and fire. No matter which one is encountered, they will start to work if they don't agree with each other. Anyway, everyone is an enemy to each other. No matter who joins forces, whoever pits them will be regarded as capable.

The whole trial land was in a mess, killing everywhere, blood stained the earth.

Among them, when the team that belongs to humans is the most severe, maybe the Kraken was too shameless recently. The wheel war treats Pei Junlin, so aside from all the individual teams, the other teams are simply encountering the Kraken Power, and they have no hesitation. Killing ring.

But when the whole trial land was in a mess, located thousands of meters below the ground of some kind of flood-stricken and precious mountain, Pei Junlin was nourishing all the time and was fully restoring cultivation.

At the same time, he is still taking this opportunity to fully understand the original Nirvana Sutra. Since encountering the peerless geniuses of the Kraken world, Pei Junlin has also felt a powerful crisis.

There is really no shortage of geniuses in this world, and no one knows how many sea monsters have top-level hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and how many unimaginable treasures and artifacts, so if you want to cope with all the big changes, then improve your cultivation Is the root of the root.

Among the various masterpieces of mastery that Pei Junlin has mastered today, the original Nirvana Sutra is the most important. Since this Xianjia mastery can resist the supernatural powers such as Ding Haizhu, Pei Junlin has thoroughly moved his mind and delved into this. Menxian family must be out of school.

He must learn from it an invincible technique to cope with the possibilities that will change at any time in the future.

Each piece of Xianjia text that contains the truth of the road and the law of origin appears in the depths of Pei Junlin's mind. Pei Junlin delved eagerly, only feeling that each of them was profound and profound, but fortunately he is very powerful Strong, otherwise, this kind of study alone will make him vomit blood and be injured.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin didn't know how many times he had delved into the essence of one of the scriptures.

The general meaning of the Scripture is to say that everything in the world, even the spirit, and even the dharma, the magical treasures, all have life, which is the so-called 'spirituality'.

Beads are light and energetic, and magical skills are absolute!

If someone can master the spirituality of all things, then it is the master of this world, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain, life and death, all in his thoughts.

Treasures have spirits, but as long as they are destroyed, they are no longer treasures!

Grit is the most ordinary, but as long as it gives spirituality, it is the treasure!

Divine skill is the same, as long as you can find the so-called ‘spirit’, and you can destroy it all in one thought.

There is no perfect thing in the world, neither is the skill of magic, nor is the treasure of Xianjia.

Pei Junlin was greatly touched, and the whole mind image was subjected to the washing of the morning bell and trumpet drums, and continued to study. Finally, he learned the name of the Xianjia peerless school described in this Scripture, which is called the Great Extinction and the Great Revival.

A death, a rebirth, simply and straightforwardly pointed out the mystery of this fairy house peerless.

I just want to practice these two kinds of Xianjia Peerless School, and there is another premise, that is to master a pupil technique against the sky first, named —— Zixiao God's Eye!

This is an anti-sky pupil technique ~ ~ You can see through the essence of all things in the world, go directly to the origin, and also the basis for practicing the Great Destruction and Great Rebirth.

Pei Junlin devoted himself to study and practice. Soon after, his black eyes were sore and uncomfortable, with pain and tears. He seemed to be blind!

In the end, the sharp scarlet blood leaked out of the corner of his eye, and his vision was blurry. It was really terrible. If he did n’t do well, he would blind his eyes. The cost was too great!

Such cultivation, even with Pei Junlin's mind, almost flinched. After all, this was a lifelong event, but in the end he continued to choose submerged cultivation.

I do n’t know how long, suddenly, Pei Junlin, who was hiding thousands of meters underground, burst into the eyes with two substantial purple light beams, directly penetrated the thousands of layers, rushed to the outside world, forming a spectacle , Attracted the attention of countless strong.

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