"It's not so easy to be a grassroots cadre." Lin Shaowen curled his lips.

"I used to be a grassroots cadre." Gu Huaiwei retorted.

"Little Gu..."

Director Wang shouted unhappily.

People have forgiven you, why are you still stubborn?

"If I'm not mistaken, you used to be a cadre in the compound, right?" Lin Shaowen said leisurely.

"That's also a grassroots cadre." Gu Huaiwei glared.

"What a shitty grassroots cadre, then?" Lin Shaowen said disdainfully, "The children of the compound, who needs those little melons and dates... If you were in our street, a bag of steamed buns would beat your dog's brains out, do you believe it?"

"Old Lin, how can you talk like that? Our street is not that bad, okay." Director Wang scolded.

"It's your deputy anyway, it's up to you." Lin Shaowen curled his lips and stood up and said, "Let's go..."

"Where to?"

Gu Huaiwei asked subconsciously.

"Go and solve your problem."

Lin Shaowen walked into the study and came out with a big bag.

"Why do you need to bring things to solve the problem?" Gu Huaiwei frowned.

"Xiao Gu, what did I tell you?" Director Wang said, holding her hand.

"Watch more and talk less." Gu Huaiwei lowered her head.

"That's right." Director Wang pinched her cheek, "Don't be as careless as Old Lin, you have to learn his social skills."

Auntie and others ate for a while, and when they saw Lin Shaowen and others were leaving, they hurriedly got up. But they looked at the remaining things on the tray reluctantly. They wanted to take them, but they were really embarrassed.

Seeing this, Lin Shaowen waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite, share them."

"Hey, this is so embarrassing." Auntie said with a red face.

"Okay, take them all." Director Wang said with a smile, "I asked you to help me as a lobbyist, so I have to give you some rewards, right?"

"Oh, you bring people to apologize to me, and I will not only solve your problem, but also give you something?" Lin Shaowen said helplessly.


Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Steel mill.

Lu Hu was sitting in the guard booth chatting with a few cadres, and suddenly someone ran in.

"Minister, that girl's car is back again."

"Oh, she dares to come?"

Zhang Feng stood up angrily, "Brothers, let's just seize her car and let her unit redeem it..."

"Good idea."

Lu Hu and others' eyes lit up, and they immediately gathered people and ran out in a swarm.

"Get down and accept inspection."

Song Gensheng knocked on the car window with a stern face.

At this time, the window of the back seat rolled down.

"Should I take off my clothes for you to check?"


Song Gensheng cursed inwardly, and was completely stunned.

"Old Song, what the hell are you doing? Is that girl not cooperating? You're even rebelling against her."

Zhang Feng came over cursing, and then he became stiff.

Standing there, he dared not move, and even dared not speak.

Seeing this, Gu Huaiwei couldn't help but look back at Lin Shaowen.

A minister of the Ministry of Health has such great power?

If she remembered correctly, Zhang Feng was the deputy minister, and Song Gensheng was the section chief, right?

The two were so scared that their calves were shaking, and beads of sweat kept sliding down their cheeks.

"What the hell?"

Lv Hu had just gathered the people, and when he saw the two standing in front of the car, he couldn't help but walk over with the remaining cadres.

But when they saw Lin Shaowen with a sneer on his face, they were dumbfounded.

Several members of the security department immediately lay on the ground and slowly crawled back.

"Stand up straight."

Lin Shaowen opened the car door and got out, and everyone trembled.

"Minister... Minister, why are you back again?" Lu Hu said with a sad face.

"If I hadn't come back, I wouldn't have known that you were so powerful." Lin Shaowen said with a stern face, "You got off the car to check, is this a steel mill or a bandit's nest, Lu Hu, I'll give you three minutes, everyone come and gather..."


After Lu Hu responded, he hurried out.

"What the hell is your bad idea?" Song Gensheng complained to Zhang Feng.

"You know nothing." Zhang Feng pouted.

Three minutes later.

Everyone stood at the gate of the steel mill, more than a hundred people, very spectacular.

"Report to the minister, there should be 170 people, and 169 people are actually here, please give instructions..." Lu Hu saluted.

"Go back and stand still." Lin Shaowen scolded, "What the hell are you doing? As long as they register normally, they are eligible to enter the factory... If it doesn't work, you can just call the leader for consultation. Why are you blocking people at the door?"

"I think you are lawless, worse than bandits."...

Gu Huaiwei was quite surprised to see Lin Shaowen giving a lecture.

This man was really powerful when he scolded people.

No matter who the minister or section chief was, they all lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

"Everyone lie down on the spot and do 20 push-ups." Lin Shaowen said in a deep voice.


Lv Hu and others immediately lay on the ground and started doing push-ups.

No one dared to refute, after all, when Lu Hu and others entered the factory, they were beaten up.

One minute later.

Lin Shaowen put a bag on the ground and said with a smile, "It's cold in this weather, and it's not easy for you to stand guard... Take it all and share it."

"Thank you, Minister."

Zhang Feng was overjoyed and was about to step forward.

But Lu Hu grabbed the bag and yelled, "Don't grab it, don't grab it, it's cigarettes... Everyone has a share."

"Fuck you."

Zhang Feng opened the bag, took a pack of cigarettes, and ran towards the sentry post.

Others followed suit, grabbing things and running.

"Minister, you see I don't get anything, isn't it inappropriate?" Lu Hu said with a bitter face.

"Go to hell." Lin Shaowen laughed and scolded, "Do you really think I'm a landlord? Eight packs of cigarettes are all I have, there's not even one more..."

"Eight packs of cigarettes?"

Lu Hu and a group of security guards from the security department exclaimed at the same time and immediately ran towards the sentry post.

Everyone smokes cigarettes, but damn Zhonghua is rare.

There are less than 200 people in the security department, and eight packs of cigarettes means 800 cigarettes. Each person can get four cigarettes, and then get a cigarette box to put them in. When you need to meet someone, take it out and light one, who won't look up to you?

Looking at the noisy booth, Lin Shaowen smiled and walked towards the Human Resources Department with Gu Huaiwei and Director Wang.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the door, she saw Li Chunhua holding a mobilization meeting for everyone.

"If you have nothing to do, don't pack sweaters and arrange the report letter."

"And the Women's Federation, go to the Street Office to ask their opinions on how to deal with it."

"A street office actually reported to our factory. If you don't teach her a lesson, she really thinks we are easy to bully..."


"Cough cough cough."

Lin Shaowen coughed twice, and Li Chunhua turned around immediately.

But she completely ignored Gu Huaiwei and Director Wang, and looked at Lin Shaowen with a smile, "Didn't you go back? Why are you here again?"

"Oh, I miss you." Lin Shaowen said with a smile on his face, "Sisters don't go to my massage now. If you don't go, then I will come."

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