Today’s meeting must be criticizing Sha Zhu.
Qin Huairu’s heart is heavy.
In case Sha Zhu was fired or transferred from the cafeteria, they would not be able to support their family in the future.
“Hey, I hope you’re all right.”
Qin Huairu sighed.
Except for Shazhu, no one else had any kindness.
Although Silly Zhu was also greedy for her, at least he didn’t use any means to force her. Qin Huairu could hang her if he gave her some favors.
Like Xu Damao, Qin Huairu was very embarrassed when he wanted to give something.
Silly Zhu stuck his neck, feeling very unhappy.
He kept staring at Zhang Tie.
If Zhang Tie hadn’t called the police, would this have happened to him?
It’s all Zhang Tie’s fault!
Silly Zhu hated it in his heart.
“What are you looking at?”
Zhang Tie got impatient from being stared at, and his tone was not kind.
“Look at you.”
Silly Zhu was holding his breath, and he was not polite when speaking.
“Hey, it’s itchy, isn’t it?”
Zhang Tie raised his eyebrows.
He is now a master of Xingyiquan, and a punch to Sha Zhu can make Sha Zhu suffer enough.
It can’t be seen from the outside at all.
“Zhang Tie, I think you are really drifting, but it’s because I slipped. It’s not that you beat me.”
Silly, he wanted to teach Zhang Tie a lesson.
“Then you try.”
Zhang Tie was not afraid either.
“Silly Zhu, you’ve messed up again!”
“You still want to do something? This is the factory, do you want to be fired!”
“I can’t stand being teased for a few words, when will you change your temper!”
Yi Zhonghai walked over with a straight face, and scolded his head and face.
Silly Zhu suddenly wilted.
He knew that Yi Zhonghai had spent a lot of time and energy on him.
This time I can only listen.
Yi Zhonghai hated iron but steel: “I spent more than 50 yuan to move you from the police station to the security department.”
“I also begged grandpa to sue grandma to let the factory manager reduce your punishment, how about you?”
“You still want to fight in the factory, do you know the consequences of fighting?!”
“Master, stop scolding.” Silly Zhu couldn’t lift his head.
“It’s time for the meeting, you should do your self-criticism honestly, don’t play tricks on me.”
Yi Zhonghai taught: “When the gust of wind passes, the cafeteria will still have to be supported by you, so bear with it beforehand.”
“Understood, Grandpa.”
Silly Zhu nodded.
On the high platform, someone greeted the silly pillar platform.
Silly Zhu lowered his head and stepped onto the stage step by step.
That face was more gloomy than that of a dead mother.
“Yo, it’s not a foolWell, he is about to be commended. ”
“Maybe it’s time for a promotion. Silly Zhu has worked in the cafeteria for many years, so it’s time for a promotion.”
“Hey, Silly Zhu is getting better this time.”
Director Yang began to speak.
“We held a meeting today because there was a very bad incident of stealing collective property in the factory.”
“After verification, He Yuzhu from the cafeteria stole half a chicken from the cafeteria and went home!”
As soon as the voice fell, the workers in the rolling mill under the stage were all shocked.
Good guy, silly Zhu ate and drank delicious food in the cafeteria, and even stole half a chicken to go home.
Co-authors rely on the cafeteria to support them.
The big guys envy and hate.
Ma Hua and the others in the cafeteria looked astonished.
They guessed that Shazhu’s appearance on stage might not be a good thing.
But I didn’t expect it to be such a big event as stealing collective property.
It’s big enough to get someone fired.
Director Yang waited for the discussion to stop for a while, and continued:
“After our leadership team held a meeting to study, Comrade He Yuzhu’s good performance in the past will give him a chance to reform himself.”
Director Yang said after a while.
Shazhu’s second-level chef’s treatment was downgraded to a first-level chef for half a year.
Correspondingly, the monthly salary was reduced by five yuan.
Starting tomorrow, Sha Zhu will be in charge of cleaning the two toilets in the cafeteria for a period of one month.
The end-of-year evaluation will be cancelled, and employees will not be allowed to participate in the evaluation of rolling mills for three consecutive years.
Silly Zhu is like a frosted eggplant, withered and shriveled.
Even the voice of self-criticism was weak.
If you are downgraded for half a year, your salary will be reduced by 30 yuan.
Let’s not talk about cleaning the toilets, it’s a good job.
The cancellation of the evaluation also interrupted Shazhu’s promotion path.
Taken together, Shazhu’s loss is too great.
Under the stage, Yi Zhonghai sighed.
Stealing collective property is too serious a matter, even if Yi Zhonghai pleads, Director Yang will not let him go lightly if he wants to protect the idiot.
Otherwise, in the future, everyone will take public property back home, and the work in the factory will not be able to be done normally.
Xu Damaole grinned, beaming with joy.
Qin Huairu feels at ease.
It’s just a little less money, cleaning the toilets, and not transferring Sha Zhu out of the cafeteria.
Still acceptable.
As for the cancellation of the silly column appraisal, Qin Huairu didn’t think it was a bad thing.
If Sha Zhu gets the evaluation, he will be promoted to the post.
Whether or not she will stick to Qin Huairu at that time is not guaranteed.
Zhang Tie thinks this punishment is okay.
Enough to make Silly Zhu hurt for a while.
Just thinking about it, someone called Zhang Tietai.
Zhang Tie took the stage.
Many rolling mill workers saw Zhang Tie and discussed in low voices.
They had never seen Zhang Tie before, so they had no idea where he came from.
But the girls in the studio got excited.
“Ah, Haitang, look, isn’t that brother who cooks for you at noon?”
“Why did he get on stage? Could it be that he committed a crime?”
“He’s only on the first day of work. If he commits a crime, he will definitely be fired.”
Several girls talked about it.
Yu Haitang was worried for a while, Zhang Tie was only on the first day of work, so he couldn’t make mistakes.
Could it be that someone reported me because they filled me with food?
Xu Damao, Qin Huairu and the others also saw Zhang Tie on stage, and felt suspicious in their hearts.
Director Yang’s voice sounded.
“Comrade Zhang Tie is the new chef at our rolling mill.”
“When I first joined our rolling mill, I showed a good demeanor that I am not afraid of hardships or tiredness, have the courage to challenge, and strive for excellence.”
“According to the decision of the leadership team, Comrade Zhang Tie was exceptionally promoted to the rank of second-level chef as a reward.”
“At the same time, I call on everyone to learn from Comrade Zhang Tie, to be brave in challenging positions, and to shine brightly.”
The voice fell, and there was thunderous applause.
National Crossing: I Have an Arsenal
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