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"Baguazhang: Rescue the Heaven!"

After seeing the huge earth dragon and fireball rushing towards him, Harrier Eagle did not dodge but showed a confident smile.

He quickly used chakra to stimulate the acupuncture points all over his body, and his hands danced up and down. A semicircular blue barrier appeared in front of him. The seemingly powerful earth dragon bomb and fireball could not move forward after hitting the blue barrier.

Finally, they had to disperse and disappear into chakra.

"How is it possible!"

Seeing that his strongest technique couldn't even touch the opponent's body, Rope Tree felt that his eyes were about to fall out of his head. The Earth Dragon Bullet Technique, as the strongest technique he had mastered, couldn't even touch the opponent's body!

"How about it, now you understand the huge gap between you and me, ants."

At this time, Harrier Hawk, no, Hinata Kiyokawa felt a sense of joy rising from the bottom of his heart. At this time, he finally found the feeling of being regarded as a genius in the past. It should be like this. Compared with him, those ninjas in the same ninja school can't even catch up with his back.

"This is the benefit of following Danzo-sama."

Hinata Kiyokawa, who had put away the Kaiten, looked at the pale-faced Kobayashi Ruri and Senju Nawaki with disdain. Kaiten is a powerful absolute defense technique that he, as a member of the branch family, had no chance of learning.

However, after being recruited by Danzo, he was not only able to learn the secret technique of Kaiten that was not passed down by the main family, but also the highest palm technique that was higher than the sixty-fourth chapter of the Eight Diagrams.

As a student of Senju Tobirama, Shimura Danzo, one of the top leaders of Konoha, had resources that were beyond his imagination.

"You are Hinata Kiyokawa, right? There is a faint crescent-shaped mark on your neck. What exactly is the reason for you to be so mad at us?"

Xiaolin Liuli bit her lip as she looked at Hinata Kiyokawa in front of her, then pulled out a kunai and held it tightly in her hand. She has excellent insight and can remember things that seem insignificant to others.

"How stupid! Do you think the eagle in the sky would have a problem with something like you who is not even as good as an ant on the ground? You think too highly of yourself, you are the last one!"

These merciless words came out of Hinata Kiyokawa's mouth. Yes, that was the feeling, the feeling of being above others but the other party being helpless, the feeling of being regarded as a genius! It was so refreshing!

Just like what a classmate in the class said before, with his strength, he could have graduated from the Ninja School long ago, so why didn't he choose to graduate?

It was definitely not because of such a stupid reason as"in order to consolidate my foundation."

Because in the Ninja School, he was at the top of the group!

Most of the students in the Ninja School were civilians. His identity as the"second son of the Hyuga branch family" who was looked down upon in the eyes of the main family became a"descendant of the superior" in the Ninja School!"

I am despised by the main family, but in the ninja school, I will be called a"genius" by teachers and classmates!

In the ninja school, I am regarded as a symbol of superiority by the common people. As long as I wave my hand easily, someone will come to be his lackey and do anything for him. If

I see someone I don't like, I will beat him up and the teacher will not say anything, because he is a genius, and the teacher dare not provoke the big family in the village, Hyuga Kiyokawa. For the first time in his life, Hyuga Kiyokawa, who has always been suppressed by the main family in the family, felt the feeling of"superiority". In the ninja school, he is the one who is treated preferentially everywhere.

However, the appearance of a person broke his beautiful life.

Uchiha Aki!

The last one of the damn Uchiha clan, I don't know what kind of shit luck he had to awaken the Sharingan, and I don't know Who taught him such a powerful physical skill?

In the battle with him, he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

What a joke, what a joke! On what basis! How could a last-place member of the Uchiha clan beat him, and beat Hyuga Kiyokawa who was known as a genius!

When he thought of this, Hyuga Kiyokawa felt the blood rushing up all over his body, and his face became ferocious.

From that day on, everything changed. The class teacher looked down on him, and the civilian ninjas who were with him also lost their respect for him. What made him even more crazy was the accusations and punishments from within the family. He stood in the courtyard in thin clothes in a temperature of more than ten degrees for three whole nights.

But the answer from the main family was:"Compared to the dignity of the Hyuga clan that you lost outside, this is just a punishment that is not worth mentioning."

When he walked on the street, those students who used to surround him and those who had been bullied by him would often point fingers at him and whisper to each other, and then burst into laughter.

Just when his mental will was almost going crazy, a ninja wearing a complicated animal mask found him. When Mengshan followed him all the way, he saw the person who even the head of the clan had to be respectful to.

Shimura Danzo.

Hinata Kiyokawa had seen him several times beside the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. His right eye was always wrapped in a layer of white bandage, and the whole person exuded a terrifying and powerful aura.

"Follow me, I can make you extremely powerful, and allow you to personally complete the revenge on Uchiha Qiu."

Shimura Danzo said with his back to him.

"And you need to pay me.....My eternal loyalty......"

After the"Bird in a Cage" curse from the main family, he was also cursed with the"Tongue Eradication Seal" by Shimura Danzo, which meant that his life no longer belonged to him. Both Shimura Danzo and the main family could deprive him of his life at will.

But he didn't care!

"Don't come over here. If you dare to attack me, the Senju clan will never let you go!"

After seeing the increasingly approaching Hinata Kiyokawa, the desperate Senju Nawaki finally took out his trump card - the Senju clan came to try to stop Hinata Kiyokawa's actions.

"Oh, the Senju clan"


Danzo-sama ordered that during the execution of the mission, you don't have to care about the other party's identity, he will take care of it afterwards, so he has no worries at all.

"Bagua·Empty Palm!" ps: Please subscribe and spend..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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