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"Speak of the devil, and he will appear, Kiritsugu. Those old guys are really impatient."

In the hospital of the Matou family, Shen Qiu sighed as he looked at the man with a beard, and then handed him a telegram - yes, those old antiques in the clock tower are still using such outdated things at the end of the 20th century.

But it's much better than a letter.

"With Bram Nazelle Sophialy as the investigator and Bazette Fraga Macremis as the deputy investigator, they are investigating whether there are any violations in this Holy Grail War, and whether Kenneth and Sora died in violation of the rules."

"What a familiar surname, Nazerai, Nazerai, isn't this the surname of Kenneth's fiancée? It must be her brother. After all, I remember that she couldn't inherit the family because she was the second daughter, so she married Kenneth."

When Shen Qiu thought of this, he felt a headache. He came with bad intentions.

Fuyuki International Airport.

After getting off the plane, there was no need for any signs or anything like that. In the vast sea of people, Shen Qiu saw the young man named Bram at a glance. There was no way, this was the noble of the Clock Tower, he was too conspicuous.

Blonde hair and single-lens glasses, matched with a straight suit and a cane, two rings on each hand, such an orthodox British aristocratic style, you can tell at a glance that she is a descendant of a big family in the Clock Tower.

As for the woman next to him, her dress was much simpler, dark brown suit and gray-white earrings, black gloves on both hands, hair and eyes were red, Even her mature attire could not hide her youth. She looked like just a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

Bazette, the original master of Lancer Cu Chulainn during the Fifth War, was murdered by Kotomine Kirei. She was descended from a rare mage family, the Bacteria Keeper Family, and joined the Clock Tower despite her parents' opposition.

Her family seemed to be a descendant of the Irish Knights of the Red Branch, where Cu Chulainn was, and the earrings she wore were the runes that Cu Chulainn had used before, and therefore could be used as a catalyst to summon Cu Chulainn. The reason why the people at the Clock Tower asked her to come here was probably to protect Bram. After all, a child of the Nazerai family had died here, and if the legitimate son died here again, they would face the situation of having no successor.

"Are you the representative of the Three Great Families? You don't look that old, do you? Have you reached the level of magic? Are the Three Great Families without successors?"As soon as he saw Shen Qiu, Bram couldn't wait to start making sarcastic remarks.

It's no wonder that the status of the Japanese in the Clock Tower has never been very high, and the Three Great Families, as participants in the Holy Grail War, must have the right to know about the deaths of Kenneth and Sora. It would be strange if they could show a good face.

"Mr. Bram.

Shen Qiu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

"The three great families have indeed lost their successors. The head of the Tousaka family died in this Holy Grail War. Our Matou family also suffered heavy losses. The Einzbern family has always been indifferent to worldly affairs, but——"

Shen Qiu suddenly turned around

"Please watch your words, sir. Although I have not participated in the rating exam of the Clock Tower, I have reached the level of water magic in actual combat."

Along with it came the murderous intent of the scarlet and strange three-magatama Sharingan.

Shen Qiu's murderous intent was not very strong, but it was many times stronger than that of a guy who buried himself in the laboratory and only knew how to do research every day. The momentum brought by the Sharingan also made Bram feel uncomfortable.

When Bazette saw Shen Qiu's magic eye, he immediately blocked in front of Bram, and at the same time his hands seemed to be waiting for something.

"You, you, you are going to be an enemy of the Clock Tower!"

The moment he saw Shen Qiu's Sharingan, Bram felt so suppressed that he couldn't speak. This kind of fear was something he had never felt since he was a spoiled child.

Therefore, he felt particularly angry that he was frightened speechless by a brat.

Shen Qiu smiled, then put away his Sharingan and continued to walk forward.

"I just hope that Mr. Bram can maintain the most basic respect for me, and not look down on others because of their age. After all, not far from Fuyuki, there is a girl who is only two or three years older than me and is already a magician."

Shen Qiu was referring to the fifth magician lady, Aozaki Aoko


Of course Bram knew who he was referring to. For the Magician Association, the Aozaki family was a thorn in the eye. Many magicians in the Clock Tower had studied for thousands of years but could not even see the shadow of the root, let alone magic.

As a result, Aozaki Aoko's grandfather was lucky enough to get the fifth law. What was even more unacceptable was that the family that was about to die suddenly had two extremely talented heirs.

It was simply a family favored by God.

Opening the door of the Porsche Porsce993, Shen Qiu made a gesture of invitation. After a preliminary exploration, Shen Qiu had figured out this The guy's personality.

A typical rich young master, the son of a big family, who has lived in an ivory tower since childhood and thinks that everyone around him should revolve around him. Such a guy is simply the easiest to deal with.

Combined with the fact that he is the legitimate son of the Bram family, it is almost certain that the Clock Tower is just a formality to give an explanation to the monarch. This is entirely because Kenneth's death covered up most of their firepower.

When the Fifth War broke out in 2004, without the monarch's death as a shield, Toosaka Rin, the head of the Toosaka family, was unfortunately questioned by the Magician's Association.

"���I believe you have already finished the investigation of Waver Velvet. Given that guy's personality, he has probably said everything he should have said. You should also know that I am Caster's Master."

"The masters of this Holy Grail War are Saber's master Emiya Kiritsugu, Laner's master Kenneth, Archer's master Tōsaka Tokiomi, Caster's master Imatou Aki, Assasin's master Kotomine Kirei, and Ridr's master Weber Velvet."

Shen Qiu said calmly, anyway, Weber had probably confessed everything.

"Finally, Berserkr's Master, my uncle Matou Kariya"

"Your Matou family has produced two Masters. Hum, if I remember correctly, this is a completely illegal situation, right?"

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, Bram couldn't wait to interrupt.

Shen Qiu looked at him with an idiotic look.

"Investigator, although the three families have a fixed number of participants, this does not prevent the Holy Grail from selecting its own participants to participate in the Holy Grail War. This is completely within the permitted range. I wonder if you have read the rules carefully before you came.

Shen Qiu's words left Bram speechless. After driving for more than ten minutes, the Porsche stopped at the door of a hotel.

"Finally, Investigator, this is Fuyuki City, not the Clock Tower. I suggest you change your personality a little bit.——"

"The citizens of Fuyuki City are not like the servants in your house who will spoil you like this."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

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