Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 110 A Project With A Bad Name

That night, Ye Zhou called Chen Hao to explain his problem. His description of the problem was very simple, only a dozen words.

"Is it possible that a nuclear reactor exploded suddenly in a deep subcritical state without any anomalies?"

"Help me ask domestic nuclear physics experts, urgent, online, etc."

Chen Hao on the other side of the phone was silent for more than ten seconds, and then asked back:

"Do you think your problem can be solved by waiting online?"

"Of course I don't know. I said online and so on is just an exaggeration. Can't you hear it? Don't you like to use exaggeration?"

"...You have a good memory. Come on, I get it, I'll send you your question tomorrow morning and ask someone to look at it for you. Besides, I didn't assign you two nuclear physics researchers. Why? Why don't you ask them?"

"I asked, and they said they didn't know."

"...they are both relatively senior researchers in the field of nuclear physics in China. If they don't know, I doubt whether there is an answer to this question. But it doesn't matter, even if there is no answer, I will try my best to find someone for you. explained."

"Okay, thank you Boss Chen."

"...Why did you call me Boss Chen too? Did you learn from Wan Zhou?"

Ye Zhou subconsciously shook his head here, and then replied:

"No, I heard that people in the agency call their leaders the boss. Now that you are my leader, isn't it normal for me to call you?"

"...You are really going to leave me speechless this night, don't be sloppy, it's time to rest early, I've been busy with the chip for the past few days, and I finally calmed down today. Go to sleep now."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou became interested. He stopped Chen Hao, who seemed to want to hang up, and continued to ask:

"How's the chip project going now? Is it going well?"

"I'm almost finished here, basically everything is starting to go on the right track, and the next step is the gradual development. I estimate that after a while, this temporary headquarters will be withdrawn, and I will go back to my SASAC. Secretary to go."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou was delighted at first, but then frowned and found the problem.

It is certainly a good thing that the domestic chip industry is on the right track, but it is not a good thing for Chen Hao to return to the SASAC as a secretary!

He is gone. If he changes to someone who is not so good at shaving wool in the future, won't his research institute be greatly affected?

Thinking of this, he immediately said:

"Do you want to take on a new project?"

"What project?"

Opposite Chen Hao's tone was calm, as if he had guessed that Ye Zhou would say this.

"The domestic commercial aviation project, the kind of super thrust."

"How big is it? 40 tons? 50 tons?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"100 tons."

"100 tons??"

Having said that, Chen Haocai on the opposite side finally felt a little surprised.

He had known for a long time that Ye Zhou's research institute was set up for aviation, but he really didn't expect this kid's appetite to be so great.

100 tons directly? At present, the single-engine thrust of general-purpose large aircraft is only about 60 to 70, and the peak thrust of ge-9x is only 70 tons, while the domestic turbofan-20 large bypass ratio engine has only a poor thrust of 16 tons.

Are you going to get a 100-ton thrust engine? Where are you going? Pick it up on the ground?

---- It seems that it is not impossible.

I almost forgot that the young boy opposite actually had another identity, that mysterious "Suiren".

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's mood suddenly calmed down.

"The 100-ton step seems a bit big...Are you sure you can do it?"

"I'm not sure, but the 70-ton level is stable, you can try one first."

"Are there design drawings and technical drawings?"

"Almost, it still needs to be optimized, but it is basically capable."

Ye Zhou replied modestly.

"Okay, then, I'll report the information. How do I need to cooperate?"

"Just like the chip project team, unified management, unified resource scheduling, small steps and fast running, and strive to see results within half a year."

"Understood, I'll do it."

Listening to Chen Hao's natural tone, Ye Zhou was a little curious about why he was so calm, but then he was relieved.

There is nothing that he does that is not beneficial to the country. In this case, the other party has nothing to ask.

Even if he said that the design drawing was sent by the God of Fortune yesterday through a dream, Chen Hao would probably only say something like "Oh so, then thank God of Fortune for us".

After a few chats, Ye Zhou hung up the phone, and then started calling Xu Lei again to ask about the situation in the research institute and how everyone was doing on the first day of work.

"The equipment and materials are basically in place. In the afternoon, Wan Zhou and I organized everyone to get to know each other briefly, and then we all started work."

"The Star Rock project team has a kick-off meeting. I will send you the minutes of the meeting later. Their goals are very clear, and the steps are also very clear. After all, it is for the trial production of the formula, and it is not difficult for them."

"Wan Zhou is a good girl, willing to learn and active. I feel pretty good."

Ye Zhou hummed and continued to ask:

"How long does it take for Xingyan to produce the finished product?"

"The plan given by the project team is one week. In fact, according to their road signs, one or two days is enough, and the remaining time is the time they reserve for testing and optimization."

"Okay, I see. I have some other things in the past two days. The research institute will let you and Wan Zhou keep an eye on her. She is inexperienced. You can let her fight first in the early stage."

"Understood Ye Gong, it's getting late, you should rest early too."

After all, the two hung up the phone, Ye Zhou stood by the window and pondered for a moment, and finally decided to rest this evening.

If you don't want anything else, watch a movie.

Now that Chen Hao has been told about Hangfa, according to his own experience, the formation of this project team is at most within a week, and at that time, he will face an unusually new battle.

So, before that fight begins, give yourself a good rest.


At the same time, at the joint headquarters of the chip project team, Chen Hao was reporting the latest progress to his superiors in the video conference room.

The man opposite him was still the man with the star emblem, but at this time the other party was no longer a stern expression. When Chen Hao talked about Ye Zhou, his face occasionally showed a few traces of gratified smile.

"...The situation is probably like this. Ye Zhou wants to develop a high-thrust aircraft. According to him, the thrust can reach 70 tons, and the target is 100 tons."

"In addition, he should already have drawings, but he doesn't know how detailed the drawings are."

The star emblem man nodded slightly and said:

"According to his previous way of doing things, if he hadn't been 100% sure that he could make an engine based on the drawings, he wouldn't have said it so early."

"This time he may have a new surprise for us."

"Anyway, I have approved the proposal to set up a project team first, and the project will be established today, and we will communicate about the specific follow-up matters."

"You will continue to be the person in charge of the project team. Pay attention to strengthening security and confidentiality measures. Aviation Development is not a chip or something, but the research is not bad. If the outside world knows that our research has achieved results, it is very likely It's going to kill people."

"Understood, leader, you can rest assured."

"Well, I'm very at ease with you now. Go ahead."

The video hung up, and Chen Hao returned to his office.

Two hours later, a document was delivered to him.

xx commercial aircraft engine project project confirmation.

The name has not been decided, but he knows that the blank in front of the commercial is reserved for Ye Zhou to write.

He sent the message to Ye Zhou, and the other party replied in seconds.

On November 25th, the Aerospace Development Project was officially approved, but the name of the project that Ye Zhou took made him a little confused.

It's called "Flower Sedan".

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