In a small apartment near the Georgia Institute of Technology, an old man was writing on the balcony with a brush that was particularly unfamiliar in this country.

His name is Teng Jian, an expert in the field of thermal power. Since he came to this country 20 years ago, he has been a visiting professor at the Guggenheim School of Engineering. During his teaching period, there are countless students under him. Going to maturity, each one is quietly promoting the development of world aviation technology with its own strength.

Today is an ordinary day for him. He is approaching the age of retirement. The research and teaching work in the school has long been idle. All he has to do every day is to practice calligraphy after getting up and go to the hospital for routine examinations. And therapy, a walk on campus, and then back home for a less-than-heavy dinner.

But today is another day that is not so ordinary. What he wrote on the paper is a little different. Even several times, the tip of his pen stayed for too long, smearing thick ink on the rice paper.

Teng Jian sighed, put down the pen and turned back to the living room. His son Tengfei had already prepared breakfast for him.

"Dad, let's eat. After eating, I'll take you to the hospital. Don't take a walk today. Your students will come over for dinner in the evening. Let's go to the supermarket to buy food together."

On the table are light white rice porridge and a few non-irritating side dishes.

"I'm tired of eating this every day. I really want to eat hot and sour noodles."

Teng Jian is from Shucheng. Before he got sick, he always liked spicy food, but at this time, he obviously couldn't bear such spicy ingredients.

After listening to his words, Tengfei replied with a smile:

"Dad, you are so old, don't be like a child, eat it, we have to leave quickly after eating, I still have a bunch of things to pack, and I have to go through the formalities later."

"Eat, eat! Eat your head! What procedures can you do? I'm 30 years old, and I don't even have a girlfriend. Do you think I can eat?"

Teng Jian stared at his son and taught him a lesson, but the latter just smiled and didn't answer.

This is how my father is. He was obviously married in his thirties, but when he talks about him, he doesn't feel bad at all.

If only my mother was still alive, she has always been an open-minded person and should be able to understand her own thoughts.

I just haven't met the person I like, so what's the rush?

Thinking of this, Tengfei helplessly shook his head secretly, and pushed his father's favorite salted duck eggs in his direction.

After a simple breakfast, the two got into the old SUV and drove towards the hospital together.

They bought this car several years ago, and it's in a state of tatters now, but every time they want to replace it, it's always inexplicably tossed up, so it's been dragged to this day. A corporate executive is still driving these two broken cars that do not fit their identity.

When he got to the hospital, Tengfei contacted the doctor who had made an appointment and took his father to the consultation room.

The doctor's name is Fan En, and he is their acquaintance. After 20 years of getting along, he has added a layer of friendship to the acquaintance. Every time he sees Teng Jian, he has to half-truly blame him. The content is nothing more than that you should not smoke, drink tea, and sleep too late, and Teng Jian just listened, with a very good attitude, but he never changed.

But this time, he gave a rare nod.

"Understood, Fan En, you old guy, every time I come here, you will be nagging for half an hour. Don't worry, from today onwards, I promise to listen to you."

"No smoking, no tea, going to bed at nine o'clock every day. I just don't know, how does this affect my illness?"

Fan En glanced at Teng Jian in surprise, then laughed and joked:

"Jian, you are finally afraid of death. To tell you the truth, maintaining good living habits does not do your disease any good. This is what really works."

As he spoke, he picked up a packaged syringe from his hand. The package of the syringe had the letters "car-t" printed on it.

This is the legendary anti-cancer drug. The price of each injection is as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars. It claims to be able to solve all cancer cells with one injection, but in fact, its effect is not so magical.

It only has a good effect on leukemia and lymphoma, and is mainly used for relapse after systemic treatment. However, in gastric cancer like Teng Jian, the treatment effect is not ideal. It can only maintain the cancer cells at a relatively low level. The level of Teng Jian's chemotherapy can only have a long enough recovery period.

Tanaka However, this effect was enough - at least he did survive for twenty years.

"Okay....Since I spend so much money every year for injections, why do you still want me to change the habits that make me happy?"

"Because I want you to live longer, Jian, no one will deny longevity. The longevity that money can buy is very little in this world. I assure you, if you are not sick, you will absolutely Will be the healthiest of my friends."

"...If I hadn't gotten sick, we probably wouldn't have been friends at all?"

"That's not necessarily true. You Chinese people believe in fate. In fact, I also believe that this is probably a kind of fate."

While talking, Fan En pushed the injection into Teng Jian's body. After the injection, he thoughtfully helped him organize his clothes.

"The next injection will be half a year later. Although I really want to make more money from you, to be honest, Jian, I really hope that one day I won't have to see you in the hospital."

"...Are you expecting me to die?"

"I'm looking forward to your recovery! Why are you always arguing with me so much?"

"Okay...not anymore. Goodbye, old friend, I'm leaving."

Teng Jian slowly got out of the hospital bed, and Tengfei, who was waiting beside him, helped him put on his shoes and walked out of the consultation room slowly.

Fan En, who was behind him, glanced at the two of them inexplicably, and finally shook his head and started to pack up his utensils.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Teng Jian's state today, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


After leaving the hospital, the father and son drove silently to a cemetery where Teng Jian's lover, Tengfei's mother, was buried.

The two did not bring flowers, but sat quietly on the bench in front of the tombstone, watching the woman in the photo talking.

"I'm afraid I won't see you when I go back this time. I don't know if this place will be abandoned in the future."

"It shouldn't be. I've paid for it for decades. When it's really deserted, I'm afraid we're gone, and it's not our turn to worry."

"Can't you speak better? You are young, where did you learn such words?"

"Isn't that what I learned from you?"

"I didn't teach you that! Go, tear up the picture."

"...Father, that photo is embedded in the tombstone. How can I tear it up for you? Do I have to smash my mother's tombstone?"

"...Forget it, let's go, go home."

"Don't look twice?"

"Look, your mother might be reborn early, it's just a thought."

"Look, look, you have the nerve to ask who I learned to speak with?"

A rare smile appeared on Teng Jian's face. He slowly walked out of the cemetery. When he reached the entrance of the cemetery, he suddenly stopped, looked back in the direction of the tombstone, and whispered. :

"If you haven't reincarnated, then follow me and go back together."

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