Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 165 New Materials

There was no updated progress in the leaking incident, Ye Zhou had to re-invest in research and development. At this time, the manufacture of various parts of the engine has basically come to an end, more than 30,000 parts have been completed 90%, and the key parts have been completed. The first step is to assemble.

But it was at this juncture that he received a call from Wan Zhou.

On the phone, Wan Zhou told him a piece of good news that surprised him.

On the basis of his early delineation of the experimental direction, the Sanchi Laboratory has made breakthroughs in the research of ceramic-based fluorite reinforced composite materials. Corrosion resistance and high melting point, the density is only one-fifth of high-temperature nickel-based aluminum alloys and one-twelfth of tungsten-based alloys.

This material can not only be used for high-temperature turbine blades, high-temperature combustion chambers, adjustment/sealing sheets and other components, but also directly replace the superplastic forming process of nickel-based titanium alloys and directly use for melting and casting after adjusting the ratio of fluorite reinforcement. How to make fan blades!

Fluorescent irons do not have the plasticity defects of titanium alloys.

After receiving a lot of documents sent by Wan Zhou, Ye Zhou couldn't wait to bring the documents to the material laboratory. Of course he didn't want to overturn the previous design, but for efficiency and prudence, he always felt that if there was only one set If the scheme is adopted, it will be unfavorable to the sedan chair project.

So, after completing the full copy of the ge-9x, he wanted to try some newer breakthroughs.

Use ceramic-based fluorescent iron reinforced materials to manufacture key thermal components of the engine, completely kicking titanium alloys out of the material range!

There are two advantages to doing this.

The first point is that lighter, more heat-resistant materials can achieve greater thrust-to-weight ratios, higher combustion temperatures, and greater thrust.

Second, the anti-ablation and anti-oxidation properties of ceramic base can effectively prolong the life of the engine, reduce the number of engine maintenance, and save a lot of costs in the later stage.

No matter from which point of view, the introduction of new materials is a step that they must take. The only problem is that the engineers who have just relaxed a little will soon be forced to enter high-intensity work again.

After entering the material laboratory, the two engineers who were conducting experiments saw Ye Zhou's expression, and immediately guessed the weight of the document he was holding. Has run away in a hurry.

This can't be blamed on Ye Zhou, he must now go to Chen Hao and present his latest plan to him.

Looking at Ye Zhou's back, the two engineers sat down helplessly and started the materials that Ye Zhou sent. After they read all of them, their expressions changed completely.


One of them turned the material to the very first page in disbelief, and reread the brief word by word, staring at it, before saying:

"'s crazy. What kind of monster is this three-foot laboratory? What kind of monster is this Ye Zhou? I remember that it was less than three months after the glow iron was taken out. Have you got all the materials?"

The long-haired male engineer sitting opposite him nodded and said with the same emotion:

"Otherwise, why do you call people Ye Shen in private... Really awesome, to be honest, if he is here, if you let me go to three feet, I can do this thing even if I do it, it's just It might take a while."

"Really? Tell me in detail?"

The long-haired man cleared his throat, pointed to the experimental record in the document appendix and said:

"Look, first of all, let's make it clear that the development of cmcs materials in China actually has a foundation, and it also has a lot of policy dividends. The ceramic-based materials of Torch Electronics and Xiamen University's Special Ceramics Laboratory are considered to be relatively advanced in the world. Approved, but the question is how to combine ceramic materials and reinforcing materials to meet the engineering application requirements of aerospace heating end parts, right?"

"That's right."

The man opposite nodded, this is the reality of domestic ceramic materials, and it is not a secret.

"Okay, now the problem is coming. Xiamen University's special laboratory has never stopped experimenting on this problem, right? They have been doing it for nearly 5 years, and they have tried countless formulas and ratios. The materials they have made are still the same. No breakthroughs, right?"

"That's right! It's a matter of luck. First of all, you have to choose the reinforcement material, then the fusion conditions, and finally the ratio. Each choice is to choose the correct one from thousands of wrong choices. In total, There have to be thousands of combinations----wait, I see what you mean, how many experiments did Sanchi Lab do?"

When the long-haired man saw that the other party had understood what he meant, he nodded with satisfaction and replied:

"Twenty-six times. Exaggeration? They did it every two days on average, and it took less than 60 days to figure out the recipe. How do you say that? Luck? What a joke!"

"Look at the foreword again. Ye Zhou has already set a rough scope for the laboratory before the experiment was started. If you follow the scope he has set, there will only be about 20,000 combinations at most."

"Among these 20,000 options, 90% of them are invalid options, and a large number of those options can be ruled out after only one experiment. So to sum up, Ye Zhou provided experimenters with less than 2,000 options, and then The experimenters drew prizes in these two thousand kinds, and it took 60 days to draw the grand prize."

"Speaking of which, do you still think it's luck?"

"Seriously, if I go to Sanchi, no matter how unlucky I am, if I draw 200 times for a year, I can still get it. That's why I told me I would do it. Follow along. Is there anything he can't do with such a person?"

After listening to what he said, the man opposite opened the document again silently, and finally sighed and said:

"What can we do, even if we want to go to someone else's house, we may not necessarily like us. I heard that there are all front-line talents in Sanchi, and a bonus is given once for a project. I have an acquaintance there, and it's less than 3 months. They have already taken hundreds of thousands... The best talents in the future will continue to gather in Sanchi."

The long-haired man nodded and said in agreement:

"I also heard about it. However, I heard that the bonus was given by Ye Zhou with his own money, and all the funds allocated by the state were used to buy equipment. No wonder people are so arrogant, so willing to burn money, can it be awesome? ?"

"But having said that, we are quite willing to spend money this time, and it's not enough to be addicted to local tyrants. Before we changed it, how could this heat treatment cabin allow us to leave this chat so openly... "

Hearing his words, the man opposite suddenly realized that they were still experimenting. He waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, other people's products belong to other people. If you can't eat meat, you can drink soup. Come, bring the documents, and I will immediately organize people to arrange trial production. If the quality is stable, maybe it will be available in batches in a few days. Let's mix some bonuses too!"


While the two engineers were discussing the latest document sent by Ye Zhou, Ye Zhou also arrived at Chen Hao's office and finished talking about his plan.

The opposite Chen Hao frowned and did not make a decision immediately.

Logically, he should really respect the opinion of Ye Zhou, the chief engineer, but, from a rational point of view, he felt that this was a big step.

"Do you really want to go directly to new materials? Will there be a breakthrough plan?"

"It's not about new materials! The plan for the sedan chair remains the same. What I have to do is to prepare both hands! Anyway, I am idle!"

"...Engineer Ye, go out and see, who is idle?"

"This is a metaphor! Going back 10,000 steps, even if our goal this time is just to copy, have you ever thought about what if these old materials based on drawings get stuck? I remember our domestic high-end titanium alloys. The industry is immature in the first place. What if the production of titanium alloys cannot keep up with the production of titanium alloys in the future? Only new materials can solve this problem once and for all!”

"I know, I know! I didn't say that you wouldn't do it, I was just worried that the project team couldn't handle it, and now it's all overtime, and if there are new demands..."

"How much money do you have?"

Ye Zhou interrupted Chen Hao directly.

"According to the budget, the money is still enough now, but the problem is that the follow-up testing session is the bulk of the money. What do you want to do? Pay it all as a bonus?"

"...Am I being so big? Let's start with 200 million, including engineers and ordinary workers, more than 2,000 people in the project team, an average of 100,000 per person, enough for them to endure another month. ."

".... I'm convinced. You have the final say, anyway, you have the final decision-making power. In addition, you have to find an excuse for sending money, so just make it hard?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, then replied:

"Just hard hair!"

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