Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 178 Interview With Wen Xiao

Chapter one hundred and sixty-eight hand beat is wrong

On the third day after Ye Zhou made the decision, the Public Opinion Office exerted influence on the Old Jingbao through various means, and finally allowed the Old Jingbao to make a risky decision to interview Wen Xiao.

Under the many hints from the outside world, they believe that this will be an excellent material to increase their influence, and the so-called tax evasion incident is likely to be a misunderstanding.

After all, Wen Xiao, as the project leader, has already obtained countless economic benefits. Will he care about the hundreds of thousands of taxes?

According to the idea of ​​the editor-in-chief of Old Jingbao, the other party is a high-IQ talent, and it is absolutely impossible to make such a mistake.

So after contacting Wen Xiao, Old Jingbao sent a special person to Hong Kong City. At this time, they thought it was their own decision, but they did not know that although the staff of the Public Opinion Office were behind in terms of strategy, they were playing with psychology. When the war comes, in fact, it is not lost to the West at all.

On December 30th, as the New Year's Eve is approaching, a reporter from the Old Jing Bao met up with Wen Xiao.

The location of the interview is Wen Xiao's rented apartment in Gangcheng. Unlike other ordinary migrant workers in Gangcheng, his apartment is 140 square meters in size. The downstairs is a bustling commercial area. There is no embarrassment on the ground.

And Wen Xiao's demeanor also revealed a kind of self-confidence that belongs to the superior.

Young and promising, with superior intelligence, and even financial freedom, every label added another fire to his already inflated self-confidence, and even when he faced the reporter of this old shocking newspaper, he answered faintly. A humble pity is revealed.

"...So, what do you think is the reason for your success in scientific research?"

the reporter asked.

Wen Xiao cleared his throat and replied:

"Yes, I think there are three reasons in total, and these three reasons together constitute the conditions for me to achieve such good development now."

"The first is the question of choice, which is very obvious. I often hear people say that in life, choice is far greater than hard work. If I hadn't chosen the leader at the beginning, of course I would not have achieved the results I have now. ."

"Of course, I also gave up some things in this selection process, and these things...maybe important to some of my peers, but I don't care."

"The second is of course my personal efforts. I am a very hard worker. If I am doing scientific research, sometimes I will not rest for more than ten hours. This is in line with my philosophy. I think No matter how talented you are, you still have to work hard to build the foundation."

"The third point, and I think the most important point, is decisiveness. In other words, the ability not to be indecisive or to be influenced by emotions. I know that there are many misunderstandings about me on the Internet now, and it is inconvenient for me to mention these misunderstandings here. But what I want to say is that I don't have no feelings for the land and people that gave birth to me and raised me, but that scientific research itself is a ruthless road."

"You have to make the best choice, and you have to let go of some fetters. If a scientific researcher has been kidnapped by certain emotions, he can't go far."

Hearing Wen Xiao's answer, the reporter from the Old Jing Bao nodded, and the other party's remarks could be regarded as speaking to his heart.

Scientific research cannot be kidnapped by certain emotions, and certainly neither can the media.

He has always felt that it is silly for a media person to talk about patriotism. Do you love your country and the country loves you?

It's just a meal to eat, why do you have to act so real?

After a pause, the reporter continued to ask:

"So now that we have come this far, do you have anything to say to your domestic counterparts? For example, some suggestions or opinions?"

Seemingly expecting this question from the press conference, Wen Xiao smiled confidently and replied:

"Pattern. In my opinion, what is most lacking in the domestic scientific research environment is the pattern."

"Especially in the field of aerospace, I think most of the researchers have been kidnapped by the policy. What they do is based on practical applications. If a thing can't produce results in a short time, no one will go to it at all. Do."

"This kind of orientation is actually very dangerous."

"Of course, we need application-oriented technologies and things that can directly boost the strength of the aviation industry, but is it enough to just keep your eyes on these things? Keep your head down and look up at the sky."

"I think anyone in the industry knows what project I'm referring to. Here, I would like to say to the person in charge of this project that their vision is too short."

"Don't engage in things that fall behind as soon as they are installed. If you want to engage in things, you can engage in things that are ahead and can completely change the progress of science and technology in the world."

"Is your ideal to be a research and development craftsman all your life? Isn't that right?"

"It's not the Cold War period anymore. There are not so many battles to fight, and there are not so many enemies to guard against. In this case, why can't you calm down and plan for decades to come?"

"At this point, I think the Navigator project has done a good job and is very worthwhile to learn from."

"Okay, that's all for today. Sorry, I have a date with my girlfriend later. I think that's the end of this interview."

Hearing his words, the reporter nodded quickly.

He got enough material, and what he said was intense enough. As long as he edited it a little and released it, it would definitely trigger a violent response.


On the other side of the sea, the indifferent man named Eisen was sitting in the office, listening to the analyst's report on the latest situation.

"...At present, the plan for Wen Xiao is going smoothly. He already has considerable influence and has gathered a group of public opinion audiences that can be used. Today, he accepted an interview with the old shocking newspaper, Our shareholders will review the video before it goes out, and I will submit it to you at that time.”

"In addition, the action against Baoti has been completed. Their latest batch of high-end titanium alloys for aviation has been manufactured. We have fine-tuned the element ratio. No problems can be found in this batch of titanium alloys, but the speed of metal fatigue will be faster. quick."

"According to our information, 80% of this batch of titanium alloys will enter the Liming Aviation Plant, which can meet their production and manufacturing needs in the next 4 months. Even if the project they are carrying out requires a lot of experiments, this batch of titanium alloys is enough to cover 3 more than a month."

"That is, in the next three months, all the turbofan blades they make will face the problem of insufficient durability, and they will not be able to find the cause of the problem, and will have to adjust in other ways."

"After doing this, I think their progress on the project will be significantly slowed down."

After listening to the report, Eisen nodded slightly, and then continued to ask:

"Our public opinion offensive has been successfully launched. How is the transformation now?"

"The transformation has begun, and some scholars have begun to express their intentions to us. At the same time, some domestic companies that originally cooperated with Huaxia Research Institute have also begun to turn to us for inquiries. These companies are mainly responsible for commercial aviation engine maintenance and small aircraft engine manufacturing. Yes, although the volume is not large, but this is a signal."

"After the public opinion continues to ferment, those private manufacturers in the Huaxia Aviation industry chain will spontaneously seek technical cooperation with us. At that time, we can restrict their supply channels and supply objects through civil technology patents, but this requires a relatively long time."

"Right now, the most obvious transformation is the transformation in the stock market. In recent weeks, the stock price of Huaxia Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. has been falling. If necessary, we can add another fire."

Eisen shook his head and replied:

"Don't do financial operations anymore. It's unnecessary and the success rate is extremely low. What I want to ask is, has the impact on the policy direction achieved the expected goal?"

"No. The project of the Liming Shipyard was implemented very firmly this time. I even heard that they paid wages in advance. At present, we can't see any signs of budget reduction due to the influence of public opinion as usual."

"That would be a pity. But it doesn't matter, it was just a matter of convenience. How's the plan for Ye Zhou's actions?"

"It's in progress, but it's very difficult and we need time."

"I'll give you time, but you have to promise that as long as you do it, you must let him die, otherwise, it's better not to do it!"


The analyst answered solemnly, and then Eisen waved and kicked him out of his office.

Ye Zhou......

As Eisen turned the cigarette in his hand, he read the name silently in his heart.

It is not easy to kill you, especially in China.

However, I still want to try...

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