Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 171: Going Deep Behind Enemy Lines

After more than a month of confrontation, the public opinion war has basically come to an end, and Ye Zhou can finally find time to do his own business.

According to his original plan, in fact, this public opinion war can be fought or not, but under the promotion of the Navigator project, the opponent directly put his fist in your face, if you don't fight back, it seems that there will always be some Can't tell.

However, having said that, the matter of public opinion has been dealt with, and the next step is to start with the Navigator entity organization.

I don't know how the black-hearted secret service personnel of the Intelligence Department will force the navigator away from Hong Kong City University.

Power outage? Check fire? Check environmental protection?

Seems a little too ordinary, not their style.

Ye Zhou shook his head and left this matter to them. After all, in this regard, their methods are quite professional.

I still have to finish the plot of the last stage of Dragon Heart as soon as possible, and then get the final technology reward.

After returning to the residence, Ye Zhou took a short rest and immediately entered the simulator after drinking the refreshing strong tea.

He finally watched the plot playback of the last simulation, and then directly entered the plot simulation.

Still in that desert, Ye Zhou calmed down, asked for a sonic attack step by step, and dealt with the zalson team step by step. After entering the latency waiting period, Ye Zhou turned on the intercom and said to the bird above:

"Luanniao No. 1, I need to confirm the strategy."

"Luanniao No. 1 received, please speak."

"Can you launch an active attack to help us evacuate the air launch center?"

After a moment's pause, Luan Bird No. 1 called back.

"Refused. The International Aviation Launch Center involves multinational interests. If the threat level does not reach Level 1, we do not allow large-scale interference activities. Ye Zhou, you should be aware of this rule."

Ye Zhou nodded secretly. The purpose of their team's action this time was to directly enter the scene to confirm what the hell the other party was doing based on the vague information. Only after obtaining the information, can they initiate follow-up actions.

When everything is still unclear, Luanniao is rashly asked to intervene to strike, then this is no longer a reconnaissance operation, but an undeclared war against all relevant countries of the air launch base.

Even in this era, for Huaxia, whose strength has already stood at the peak of Blue Star, this is not so easy to bear the consequences.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"Can you directly provide portable testing equipment for component testing directly on site?"

"No, the detection equipment is large and cannot be airdropped at present. You can use the detection equipment to scan directly. We will preliminarily infer the composition based on the shape of the target, but you still need to take the sample out of the launch base."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned.

The purpose of his question is to test the materials found inside the rocket directly at the space launch base, first to find out what is inside, and after obtaining key clues, then proceed to the next step, but according to the current situation In view of the situation, it is also difficult to implement such a strategy.

Then based on the existing conditions, he can only sneak into the launch base according to the original plan.

But is it really possible to sneak into such a base?

The heart rate monitoring system is information they have not obtained before. This system directly blocks the simplest and most effective emergency response plan in the infiltration operation, and directly disables the guarantee option of the opponent's guards. What they can do, or It is to avoid the guards and complete the task perfectly, or, it can only be unparalleled in the base.

But the problem is that it takes time for the probe to enter the interior of the rocket, and it is basically impossible to avoid the sight of the ubiquitous guards during this time.

Ye Zhou can deceive the surveillance with laser directional projection, can he still deceive the guards with projection?

too difficult.

With three hours left in the scheduled action time, Ye Zhou silently stared at the air launch base in the distance, frowning.

Wen Feng, who was beside him, noticed his abnormality and asked:

"Ye Zhou, what's the matter? I feel like you're in a bad mood? Didn't you get the most excited when you were on a mission?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood, it's that I found a problem. Have you ever thought that the other party is likely to use a heart rate detection device to monitor the status of all guards online?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Wen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted. grain box

this is a big problem.

"So you're saying that our operation is likely to turn into a complete infiltration operation - hide and seek? As long as they see us, it will be a failure?"

"I'm afraid that's the case for now. We can't use any violent means, even if it's just stunned."

"Where did you get this information?"

"I guess. We have to look at worst-case scenarios, don't we?"

Wen Feng nodded, and the monsoon next to him also came over and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

Compared with the old Youtiao Wen Feng, he is a relatively new player in this unknown team. Although he has the same rich combat experience, he is often regarded as a younger brother. Of course, this is only an emotional one. Preferential treatment, when it really comes to the battlefield, no one will take care of him any more.

"Is it impossible to sneak in without contact? Judging from the structure diagram sent by Luanniao, there are still loopholes in the other party's monitoring network, and we are not without opportunities."

Monsoon asked.

"The chance is too slim, I estimate that it is less than one in ten million."

Ye Zhou replied somewhat pessimistically.

In his opinion, it is not difficult to break into such a well-defended base itself, and it is not difficult to reach the target location even after heavy monitoring. What is difficult is how to disassemble a rocket that is about to take off under the eyes of the opponent. , took out a sample of the cargo in the warehouse, and then quietly retreated.

The process of cutting the rocket must be accompanied by a certain amount of noise and light. When the distance is a little farther, these noises may not be obvious, but if they can't even handle the guards closest to the rocket, this becomes an impossible task. .

The other two people in the team have all realized the fact that the difficulty of the mission has increased after presetting the conditions for heart rate monitoring that Ye Zhou said, but no one has proposed to terminate or postpone the mission.

"If it really doesn't work, just grab the things with your hands and type them out when you evacuate?"

Wen Feng tentatively suggested.

"Don't talk nonsense, the thousands of guards in this base are all the most elite military forces in various countries, and there are even many special forces among them. You can tell me how to fight?"

"If they are really discovered, I guess it will be difficult for us to last five minutes."

"Then you have to try! Ye Zhou, don't think so complicatedly. Before entering the base, all situations are unclear to us. Only after entering can we adapt accordingly."

"Cautiousness is a good thing, but now we can't do everything, we can only try first!"

Of course Ye Zhou knew what he was talking about was the real situation, and he wasn't afraid of one or two failures. After all, he could do it all over again during the simulation.

But the problem is, he really sees little hope of getting the job done right now.

It's just a matter of trial and error.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"After entering the base later, all actions will be under my command. Let's not scatter any more. The three of them gather to sweep one target at a time."

"Monsoon is in charge of vigilance, I'm in charge of testing, and Wen Feng is in charge of guarding."

"After stunning the guards, you try to hack their heart rate monitoring and see if you can transfer the monitoring equipment to yourself."


The two answered together.

Seeing Ye Zhou's still worried expression, Wen Feng patted him on the shoulder and said:

"It's alright, it's hard to pass, there will always be a way. When will we do a mission with 100% certainty? Isn't it all done? Let's do it."

Ye Zhou nodded and lay down on the sand, and Wen Feng's somewhat desolate singing voice came from his ears again.

"Wu members change Confucian scarves on their heads, disguise themselves and head east."

"The Lintong Association once held a cauldron, and I showed extraordinary abilities in the Wanma Camp..."

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