Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 174 Stars Fall Like Rain

As if responding to Ye Zhou's words, as soon as his voice fell, billowing smoke billowed from the base, and several variable-propeller helicopters took off, and then swept straight towards the three of them at an astonishing speed.

Ye Zhou tore off the already cumbersome invisibility mask, no longer cared about the bullets behind him, and just ran with the two of them.

The battery of the exoskeleton was already hot under the continuous high-power operation. The vibration from the fan of the cooling system made Ye Zhou feel a little numb, but at this moment he couldn't think about it at all, he just wanted to finish it in the ground team. Break through the blockade before the encirclement.

As long as they can break through the enemy's line of defense, then no matter how many chasing soldiers are behind them, they still have the ability to let go.

But if you are trapped in the middle, there is really no hope of surviving.

A few jc-90s are not enough to change the tide of the battle, and they may even be hit for breaking into the air defense identification zone.

The rate of descent of the Golden Crow is too slow, and it is impossible to bomb with high-risk items in the base—they are all carrying super-high-yield bombs, and once they are fired, half of the base will be lost.

The only way is to reach the evacuation point as soon as possible, and then quickly evacuate under the suppression of jc-90 air firepower.

The sound of the three people's gunfire has gradually become sparse. They are interspersed and dashed on the slopes of the various dunes, avoiding bullets from all directions. From time to time, bombs that fly from nowhere are exploding, but fortunately, none of them can. Hit accurately.

However, according to this trend, they are afraid that they will not be able to reach the evacuation point.

"Ye Zhou, this can't be done. The three of us can't make it through. Their vehicles are too fast to catch up."

Wen Feng's voice came from Ye Zhou's earphones. Unexpectedly, at this time, the other party's voice actually revealed a calmness.

"If you can't run, you have to run, so what can you do? You don't think you can buy us time by staying by yourself?"

" I seem like such a retarded person?"

The continuous huge physical exertion made the three of them a little tired. After taking a few breaths, Wen Feng continued:

"I mean, we have to figure out a way to shoot down their helicopter first. They're driving us towards the ground team, and I think they're trying to catch them alive."

"You hit a hammer, did you bring armor-piercing bullets?"

"I still have two grenades."

"Refused. Continue to run! According to the route plan, we still have a 4% chance of breaking through, so we can't give up!"

However, as soon as Ye Zhou finished speaking, the number on the headset turned to 0%.

The evacuation route was completely blocked.

Their speed is simply too slow for the enemy's vehicles.

At this time, several people had returned to the previous lurking location, Ye Zhou immediately directed the two to erect a folding bunker, intending to temporarily block the enemy's bullets and wait for the air support of jc-90.

But what he didn't expect was that on the sand dunes, there was a third kind of gunshot that did not belong to them or the enemy.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound of the gunfire, and was surprised to find that the dozen or so hairs tied up by him had woken up, and were now fighting back at the encircling enemy with their guns.

Among those hairs, there were even several who had been stripped of their equipment by Ye Zhou before, and at this time they didn't even have time to put on their clothes.

Ye Zhou's heart moved, and he shouted over there in Mao language:

"Thank you! Our enemies want to block the entire space with antimatter, don't believe their conspiracy!"

"Suka is not listed! I don't believe them, and I don't believe you! Your account will be reckoned when it's over!"

Hearing the other party's reply, Wen Feng scolded a little funny:

"Fuck, these scumbags, it's obvious that they were the ones who plotted badly first!"

"Don't care if it's a plot or not, let's talk about it if you can survive!"

Maozi's firepower is known for being simple and rude at all times, and their 12-man zalson team carries far more heavy firepower than Ye Zhou's three-they even have three squads of light. Machine guns and no less than 5 individual multi-purpose missiles.

With their fire support, the speed of the enemy's encirclement slowed down significantly. After two salvos of missiles, the helicopter that had approached was shot down in an instant, and a sound of "Ulla" sounded in the distant positions.

"Awesome, these hairs... Ye Zhou, should we continue to break through?"

"Break out and they will be able to hold on for a while. The encirclement has basically been completed. Now we will die if we bite the bullet. Stay where we are, at least we still have cover."

As Ye Zhou spoke, he locked several key targets with the fire control radar, and then killed one by one at a super long distance.

There are not many bullets left. In the breakout that lasted only ten minutes, their bullet consumption has reached an astonishing 700 rounds per capita, and the barrel has been hit a little red. If it is not for the cooling system, it is still powerful. The gun should be out of the way.

Wen Feng has also started to slow down the rhythm of his shooting. He stood up a little and tried to lock on the machine gunner down the hill, but the probe, which was less than 10 centimeters away, shot directly over the bunker and shattered his gun. With his left arm, the impact directly threw him out of the cover.

"Fuck! Monsoon, suppress the fire!"

Ye Zhou swooped towards Wen Feng, pulled him back into the bunker by pulling his legs hard, and then hurriedly checked his wounds, trying to bandage him with emergency hemostasis.

The snow-white bone stubble was exposed to the air, the blood had dyed the entire ground red in just a few seconds, and the torn muscles exuded a faint burnt smell, which made people feel sick.

Wen Feng frowned, and the muscles on his face couldn't stop twitching, but the words he said still contained a hint of mischief.

"Don't bother, I have turned on the emergency hemostasis function of the exoskeleton, and I won't die for a while."

It was only then that Ye Zhou noticed that the air pump at the connection of the exoskeleton on his left shoulder had started to run, the air bag was accumulating against his armpit and shoulder, and the speed of blood jetting on his left arm had slowed down significantly. glutinous rice

"Don't die here, if you die here, this mission won't be perfect."

Seeing Wen Feng's state, Ye Zhou's heart calmed down a little. He took out the medical gel directly from the equipment box and squeezed it onto Wen Feng's arm.

The gel quickly solidified, sealing the entire wound like glue, and Wen Feng's blood loss stopped immediately.

Ye Zhou helped Wen Feng to sit up, and the latter started shooting again with a gun in one hand.

However, the number of enemies was simply too many, to the extent that the number of people who appeared on the same screen exceeded the number locked on by Ye Zhou's fire control radar.

In the blink of an eye, Monsoon was also hit by bullets.

The location of his injury was also on his left arm, Ye Zhou immediately realized that the enemy really seemed to want to capture the three of them alive.

Because Maozi's side had already started to attrition, two of the 12 zalson team members had been reduced under Ye Zhou's nose, and one of them seemed to be seriously injured.

No, if there is no more support, we can't hold on.

Ye Zhou turned on the intercom and shouted to Luan Bird above:

"Luanniao No. 1, please confirm the support situation immediately! We will not be able to last any longer!"

no respond.

Ye Zhou looked at Monsoon who was taking care of his wounds and felt helpless after waves of frustration.

Two players, lost two arms.

If you continue to fight, the enemy will lose patience sooner or later, and at that time, the loss is life.

But in their options, there is no surrender.

Ye Zhou took the last grenade handed by Monsoon and hesitated for a few seconds before finally throwing it out.

The enemy was already approaching within a hundred meters, and Ye Zhou's firepower was completely insufficient to suppress their advance. Under the cover of armored vehicles, it would probably only take less than half a minute for those people to rush up and capture them alive.

Ye Zhou turned on the intercom again, but before he could speak, an unfamiliar female voice came from the earphone.

"Hello Ye Zhou, this is Luanniao No. 2."

"Please keep your current position and do not move."

Ye Zhou looked at the sky in surprise, there was nothing there.

However, he also knew that there was definitely something there.

Wen Feng, who also heard Luanniao No. 2's reply, suddenly laughed.

"I know what they're going to do. Ye Zhou, do you know?"

"Don't give a damn, you're dying, you know?"

"Don't worry, I can't die... In this situation, I don't dare to explode, and I can't save it. It seems that only Luanniao 2 can solve the problem..."

"Ye Zhou, you forgot? Luanniao No. 2 has the only full-range gravity strike system."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, his eyes turned to the sky again.

A small cluster of flames was descending in their direction, and then grew larger and larger.

When the cluster of flames almost fell on top of Ye Zhou's head, what looked like a missile in front of the flames, and had no missile shape at all, exploded, and then plunged into the sand in front of the three people's bunker with a loud noise.

It was a giant shield.

All the attacks were blocked by the giant shield. Wen Feng, who was beside him, stood up and looked at the sky, as if he was expecting more things.

He hummed his lyrics softly.

"... Burning incense and paying homage is not respectful, I will repay your kindness in the next life.

The members of the army have all kinds of hatred in their hearts, be bold and go to Hushan..."

In the middle of singing, he suddenly stopped his mouth, threw away the gun in his hand, pointed to the sky and said to Ye Zhou:

"Look, after passing Zhaoguan, we have passed Zhaoguan again."

Ye Zhou looked in his direction, and in the low sky not far away, countless flames were falling towards the direction of the space launch base.

Smoke and dust billowed on the ground, but no explosion occurred.

The enemies who were still attacking were all stunned. Like the three of Ye Zhou, they looked up at the higher sky.

There, more gravity rods with thrusters were descending, and the targets had gradually extended in their direction from the base.

The sky is full of flames.

Just like, the stars fall like rain!

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