Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 307 We All Want It

The next day, Ye Zhou attended the meeting of the day according to the reservation plan. At the meeting, discussions on three major directions lasted for a full 8 hours. In the context of these two events in the emergence of gene editors, all application details have to be reopened.

This meeting has been regarded as a turning point in the style of the official meeting for a long time since then. At the meeting, experts and scholars from various fields, market strategy analysts, and official decision-makers quarreled and attacked without mercy, just for the sake of That can't go wrong.

All those who attended the meeting knew that any compromise other than truth at this time would lead the country into an abyss that would be difficult to turn around.

A meeting that should have been mainly reporting, the style has completely changed.

"...So, my point of view is still that the laser problem can be put aside for a while! Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and now we have begun to face the impact. In the next two to three months, the international Grain merchants must rely on the current wheat price fluctuations to take action on our grain market!"

"According to the information we have received, AMD has already started operations in Yindu. They are absorbing the existing wheat stocks in the Yindu market at all costs. This process should last about a month."

"They are holding a huge amount of money, and the premium even exceeds the market average by as much as 10%!"

"After completing the purchase of stored wheat and draining the potential of the Yindu grain market, they will immediately start the Yindu grain market."

"We don't know yet what approach they will take, but what is certain is that they will definitely use the Yindu market as a springboard and then attack us."

"This kind of operation is not a once or twice. In the currency war that year, they also started from Southeast Asian countries, and then turned to attack us with the power after the victory!"

The speaker was an expert in the field of agriculture. His expression was stern. He slapped the table violently every time he said a word. The water in the teacup on the table had spilled a lot, and the attendant on the side had to help him wipe it again and again. once.

Hearing his words, a man in a military uniform stood up opposite.

"Old Liu, I know what you're thinking! But the question is, what you're talking about is what may happen in the near future. What does it have to do with the technology application we're discussing now? Far away can't quench the thirst in the near future!"

"You want to engage in agricultural genetic engineering, and you have to develop improved seeds. The payback period is at least one year. Can you deal with the impact you said within two months?"

"On the contrary, if we start laser now, relying on our existing technology, it will only take a few months at most - of course, it depends on the technical documents we actually get later - at most only need In a few months, we will be able to achieve a large-scale rollout of laser technology."

"Including weapons, including anti-missile systems!"

"That's the real deterrent!"

"Power comes from the barrel of a gun. As long as the barrel of the gun is strong, are you afraid that there will be no food?"

"Then you mean to fight?"

The agricultural expert asked sharply.

"I'm not talking about war! I'm not a battlefield commander, how do I decide whether to fight? I mean, we must have guns in our hands! I ask you, there's a gun and a bag of bread on the ground right now, You stand face to face with your enemy, do you choose the gun or the bread??"

"You're stealing the concept! We can choose guns, but the enemy already has a gun! Do you expect us to have an extra gun so that we can grab the bread from the opponent's hand? Not such a good thing! "

"But at least we have a better chance of winning! As long as we have a better chance of winning, they have to think about how to get along with us, and we can get food through pressure!"

"You think of the ugly country too simply. They are still the world's largest military power, and they cannot be deterred by a laser anti-missile system!"

"Old Liu, this is not your major. You don't understand the meaning of laser anti-missile missiles at all!"

"Then you don't understand the current breeding technology, the gene editor is already available, as long as we are given a month to learn, the first generation of seedlings will be available soon. We won't need a year, only five months at most. !"

"Five months and then? Can you plant it on a large scale right away? Can you turn seedlings into food right away?"

"Fuck you! Even if you get a laser, can you build an anti-missile system right away?"

"I can do it! A whole set is not enough, at least a few independent systems are still possible, how about you? You can do it?"

"Then he can still promote the experimental field!"

"You promote shit. It's June. When you get out the seedlings, the planting will be over. What are you promoting?"

"Bah, you forgot Hailan, didn't you?"


Seeing the smell of gunpowder getting stronger and stronger, the man in the Zhongshan suit sitting in the middle quickly raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After a pause, he said:

"The reasons for both of you are correct, but it's impossible to quarrel like this, because neither of you can convince anyone."

"I'll give you a brief summary."

"Food is the most important thing, there is no doubt about this, but in the short term, we can't significantly increase grain production and completely change the world's food pattern through technical means-in the short term, I mean within half a year."

"Laser is less important than food, and a lot less, but in the short term we will be able to apply it and produce results."

"Your dispute is mainly about this point, right?"

The two who were arguing before nodded in unison, so the man in the tunic continued:

"Then it's now clear what we're trying to solve, and I've boiled it down to two hypotheses."

"First, if we apply laser technology first, with the current preparations, can we deal with the upcoming price war of international grain merchants."

"Second, if we do agricultural genetic engineering first, with our current military strength, can we contain the military pressure that the other side may increase."

"As long as one of these two problems can be solved, then our direction can be determined."

"I currently have reservations on both issues. On this one, I would like to hear Sui Ren's opinion first."

Speaking, he turned his attention to the screen, where there was only darkness, but everyone knew that this screen without any image display represented the country's strongest voice in the field of science and technology.

The meeting room suddenly fell silent, and everyone was looking forward to the answer from "Suiren".

Ye Zhou flipped through the records in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he asked:

"I want to confirm one thing first, can we carry out two projects at the same time? Can we support it in terms of resources and funds?"

"No. There are too many projects underway recently, and our financial pressure has almost reached its limit. Of course, we still have some reserves, but I don't recommend using the reserves directly on these two projects-- -- not meeting our preset level of importance."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded silently.

The man's statement is right. For a country, development is a necessary thing, but how to develop and at what pace are the big issues.

If all financial resources are drained at all costs, explosive progress may be achieved in a short period of time, but in the long run, the damage to the entire economic environment is almost irreversible.

It's a tough choice, and the worst nightmare of choice phobias.

At this moment, he really felt the pressure faced by a decision maker.

Because every decision you make affects not just yourself or the people around you, but hundreds of millions of people in the entire country and even the entire world.

It takes a great man to make the right decision every time under such pressure.

Ye Zhou sighed quietly and said:

"From the information I have, genetic engineering, especially agricultural genetic engineering, should consume relatively little resources in the application process. Can you give me a rough figure? This project needs to be done in a short time. As a result, how much will it cost?"

"The human resources required by the two projects do not overlap, so theoretically, as long as the funding issue is resolved, there are no other obstacles to compatibility between the two projects."

Hearing his words, a middle-aged man next to the man in the tunic opened his mouth and replied:

"Our preliminary estimate is that it will cost about 4.6 billion. However, the problem is here. We cannot provide the 4.6 billion fund by releasing water, because once this money enters the market, it will have a negative impact on the entire economy. The whole body is affected.”

"We can only mobilize from the original pool, and we can't add water to the pool."

"What if this pool could have provided the 46 billion funds?"

Ye Zhou's eyes lit up, he seemed to see a new idea.

Just like the idea of ​​the establishment of the General Technical Office, official resources are always limited. If private resources can be introduced, it will form an important supplement to this project.

"You mean to let private capital get involved in the food sector? It's impossible. We don't allow such a high-risk thing to happen in such a fundamental area of ​​the country."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Of course not."

"However, what I mean is not to directly put private capital into the food sector, but to replace resources."

As soon as his words came out, the experienced decision makers in the venue immediately understood what he meant.

Yes, in a country, all walks of life are like empty buckets, and official resources are like a pond. The water in the pond is limited, which bucket to be distributed and how much each bucket needs to be distributed. After precise calculation.

The problem they face now is that the pond is running out of water, but new buckets keep popping up.

There are generally only two solutions, either filling the pond with water or introducing a new pond.

This new pond is what Ye Zhou calls private capital.

However, some buckets cannot be filled with water from private capital, but there must be water in this bucket, so what can we do?

The answer is obvious.

From the buckets that have been filled with water, give water to the new buckets, and then use the water from private capital to fill the gaps in these buckets!

There are actually many such buckets filled with water.

Tourism, liquor, mutual entertainment, real estate, commercial department stores...

In fact, most of these buckets can be filled with private capital, but it was not done in the early stage due to factors such as income, rate of return, and market management.

If you follow the idea of ​​"Suiren"......

Then, this will be a comprehensive resource optimization configuration, and there is only one direction of optimization:

Concentrate all resources and strengths on areas that are truly fundamental and closely related to national life!

The man in the tunic nodded solemnly, and then said:

"It's a big problem, and a good one."

"This concludes today's meeting, and the conclusion has come."

"Re-allocate resources and concentrate on big things."

"Whether it's genetic engineering, or laser technology, or other key technologies that are coming, we want them all."



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