Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 344 Long-Term Production Reduction


Ye Zhou has been busy with the quantum computing six-nose project and the gene editing project to increase production. He has delayed the new simulation, but he is not in a hurry.

In the last simulation, in fact, the original intention was to explore the simulation plot of the laser first. Now that you have a general understanding, it is the most appropriate choice to complete the simulation at one time when you have a little more time.

The key task now is to gather all our energy to deal with this food crisis and defeat the enemy's last offensive in the non-military field.

As long as this food battle is over, the four areas where the enemy originally dominated will all fall into a disadvantage—or at least the balance of power. Then, when the quantum computer rsa of the Six Noses Project is superimposed, the future of Huaxia will be solved. Within a few years, the development space can be put into a great deal.

According to the plan that Chen Hao arranged for him, today is his weekly rest day, but he does not intend to rest, but intends to use the spare time of this day to sort out all the problems at hand, so as to meet the soon To come, the explosive development period of Huaxia technology field.

However, just as he turned on the computer to start working and grooming, a video call interrupted his thoughts.

It was Ye Lan who called.

There was a slight smile on Ye Zhou's face. Since his younger sister started the postgraduate course, she has less contact with him, but she can basically maintain the frequency of communication two or three times a month.

The content of the conversation between the two was actually very simple. It was nothing more than some short-sighted parents, complaints at school, the work of Ye Lan's financial project team, or some interesting non-confidential things about Ye Zhou himself.

Such exchanges always gave Ye Zhou an inexplicable sense of security.

He once explored the source of this sense of security, and with the gift of a "decision maker", he quickly concluded the reason.

The so-called sense of security is actually his sense of solidity as a "human".

Since I started to enter the core decision-making circle, the things I have come into contact with have become more and more high-level and grand, and every decision I make and every suggestion I put forward affects thousands of people. This leads to more and more detachment from the perspective of individuals when looking at problems.

To sum up in a simple sentence, when I make a choice, what I consider is not the "people" factor, but the "people" factor.

This is probably an improvement, but it also comes with risks.

That is, he will become more and more indifferent, and the pursuit of the ultimate cost-effectiveness will become more and more intense, and even sometimes, he will have some extreme utilitarian ideas, and this kind of thinking will make his " The original intention" gradually distorted.

When a person no longer pursues the most fundamental original intention, but puts "interests" first, such interests will eventually slide in a wrong direction.

Maintaining the basic attributes of a "person" is the most effective way to avoid this risk.

Therefore, even when he is the busiest, he never rejects communication with his relatives, because every communication will make him take a step in the direction of "human", thereby neutralizing him as a "decision-making machine", "" The negative impact of technological machines.

After putting away his slightly messy thoughts, Ye Zhou picked up the video, and Ye Lan's cheerful face immediately jumped out of the screen.

"Brother! You're busy, why haven't you answered the phone for so long?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"No, I happened to be typing on the computer, and I took the last paragraph before I typed it... Is the school holiday today?"

"What kind of vacation is there? I can't have any vacation now. I'm either studying or doing projects every day... I haven't slept in for a long time."

Ye Lan's voice on the other end of the phone revealed a faint sense of exhaustion, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be in a bad mood from the picture.

"If you're tired, take a break and take a rest. Don't wear yourself out--I've been forced to rest by Chen Hao now, one day a week."

"Actually, the effect of this is quite good. After that, the work efficiency will increase. There is a reason why the 8-hour work system plus weekends is a rule."

"I see... I will definitely rest tomorrow. Brother, I have something to ask you today, do you have time?"

Ye Zhou did not answer directly, but asked:

"About what?"


"Grain? Has your project team started to get involved in the field of grain? Futures or spot?"

Ye Zhou is actually clear about the layout of financial means on the grain market, but he has never put too much energy into this. First, he is not a professional, and second, special commodities like grain actually depend on financial operations. It is less sexual and is not the main strategy in their plan, and does not need Ye Zhou to understand it.

However, since Ye Lan asked herself, it meant that the actions in this area began to have a connection with her own layout.

As for what the connection is, it depends on what Ye Lan is going to say next.

"Futures. Brother, let me ask you first, do you know the connection between the spot price of grain and the futures price?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, he replied:

"I can probably understand that. Grain futures have a stronger hedging property than other futures types, so they are delivered more frequently - that is, most traders are not for speculative arbitrage, but to stabilize costs. This statement does not mean wrong?"

"That's right."

Ye Lan nodded and continued:

"Commodities such as grain are different from other commodities. As you said, most of the positions will be delivered, so the impact of futures prices on spot prices will be greater."

"Our project team has been following the price trend of indica rice and wheat for a month, and now we have noticed a very abnormal situation."

"It stands to reason that if our opponents want to raise the price of the spot, then the futures price should also rise, because if the market expects the price of grain to fall in three months, traders will tend to sell their stocks. , which would immediately cause spot prices to fall.”

"It's a very simple supply and demand relationship -- it's backtracked from the data, but it's accurate."

"A drop in prices in the future means that there will be sufficient supply in the future, and if the supply is sufficient, there will be no room for the spot price to rise."

"The rationale is that, but the problem is, it's the opposite now."

"Spot prices are rising, while futures prices haven't moved much or are even slowly falling."

"We can't figure out the reason for this. The project team has already reported to the superior, and then I thought that there might be news from you here, so I stopped by to ask you."

After hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Zhou frowned slightly.

This is indeed a new situation that I have not noticed before, but what does this situation represent?

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"So your question now is that our opponents are clearly manipulating futures prices, but in the opposite direction?"

"That's right! That's it!"

"We even suspect that the opponent's internal division has begun, because their strategic direction in the spot market and futures market is opposite - but in fact, it is absolutely impossible for a split to occur at this point in time."

"So I just wanted to ask you if there is some information that we didn't get that caused the discrepancy."

Ye Zhou frowned and asked rhetorically:

"When did this start to happen?"

"It's the last week or so."

"Have you communicated with the General Technical Office?"

"Communication, the project team has issued an early warning to all relevant departments, but no feedback has been received for the time being."

Hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, and then replied:

"I know the situation, but I can't answer you, and I can't think of what caused this situation."

"You guys continue to follow up according to the reservation plan. I will go to Chen Hao for a meeting later. After the meeting is over, we will provide you with relevant information according to the situation."

"Before this, you just need to follow the project team, don't make judgments rashly, and avoid affecting their decision-making, understand?"

"I know, don't worry."

Ye Lan on the other end of the phone nodded solemnly, and after a few more chats, Ye Zhou hung up the phone.

Afterwards, he immediately called Chen Hao, and after listening to his description, instead of being surprised, the latter smiled helplessly and said:

"Engineer Ye... We have already tried our best to reduce the burden on you. I didn't expect you to find work for yourself."

"We are aware of the situation you mentioned, and we have a plan to deal with it."

"Well, I'll come over later and talk to you in general. But you don't have to worry about it later, don't add work to yourself."

Ye Zhou hummed and replied:

"I'm worried that this thing will have an impact on our technical layout."

"No, you are wrong."

"It's not that this thing has an impact on our technical layout, it's our technical layout that will affect the other party's strategy."

"That's why this time we're emphasizing the importance of the technology to increase production."

"Because from the very beginning, the cards played by the other party that the price skyrocketed in a short period of time were all illusions."

"What they're really trying to do is reduce global food production for a long time."

"This long-term, our expectation is, more than 2 years."

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