Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Three Hundred And Fifty Fifth Package Delivery Not Package Pick Up

Yindu, an air force base.

Helder silently packed his luggage. He never imagined that the battle that should have happened would end at such a rapid speed.

He expected that the other party would carry out large-scale electromagnetic interference, and also proposed corresponding countermeasures, but he did not expect that the anti-interference ability of the Yin side would be so fragile.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by pulling a few more fixed lines, setting up a few more high-power signal transmitters, and switching between different communication frequency bands.

Of course, it can't be solved by just a few advanced armored vehicles and a few fifth-generation aircraft.

Therefore, he has completely lost the meaning of staying here.

When he received a phone call from his superior, he was not surprised by the follow-up arrangement at all, but felt a little distressed----500 music was not too much, but it was enough to go to a bar by himself to have a good time.

After thinking for a while, he put down his half-packed luggage and walked to the next door, took out the first and said to Mir, who seemed to have just taken a shower and was smoking a cigarette leisurely:

"Okay...Although we didn't stay for a week this time, this ending counts as a loss for me. Come, give you the money, I'm willing to admit defeat."

Mill reluctantly smiled and shook his head, and replied:

"Forget it, you lost, and I didn't win either. Seriously, we are all old fritters on the battlefield, but no one thought their response methods would be exaggerated to such an extent, did they?"

Helder nodded slightly, sighed and said:

"We have always been very vigilant about their electronic countermeasures technology, but who would have thought that their technology would have developed to this level in just a few short years -- it's still a space-based platform. Is it even more exaggerated than the Murmansk-bn system of Maoxiong?"

Mir frowned and replied hesitantly:

"I don't know, the anti-interference ability of the Yin side is not easy to judge, but it should not be that terrible. If we encounter it, we can still have certain countermeasures-in short, it is not easy to deal with."

"After I go back this time, I will find a way to make suggestions to my superiors and develop equipment and tactics specially designed to deal with rabbit electromagnetic interference."

"It's really scary to become blind before going to the battlefield like this. To be honest, I can kind of understand the feeling when Iraq was hanged and beaten by us in the past."

Helder nodded solemnly and said in agreement:

"Isn't it...I've been thinking about this since yesterday. If we don't improve, one day, they can crush us with technology that is a generation older than us."

"Mass electromagnetic shielding this time, what about next time? Crack generators? Or Skynet virus? I even feel like they could hack our military network and intercept our operational information..."

Mir threw away the cigarette butts he had already smoked, looked at Held solemnly and said:

"Crack generators....sounds sci-fi, but I suspect that with their abilities, it's not impossible to do it. As for the Skynet virus...intercepting our combat intelligence doesn't count. Too difficult technology, the key is decryption. Do you think it is possible for them to make rsa decryption technology?"

"...if there is, then we're really in big trouble. Hopefully not."

"I hope not."

The two looked at each other, and there was an unconcealed worry in their eyes.


Huaxia, the imperial capital.

A regular media discussion is underway. Reporters from different media in various countries have raised various questions. However, because of the current international events, most of the questions are related to food and the war of Yin Ba.

These two topics are actually the same topic, but those Western media seem to have deliberately downplayed the connection between the two. Instead, they have repeatedly asked questions from the perspective of so-called human rights and international responsibilities, trying to seize the loopholes in the answers of relevant personnel in China, so that After going back, make a big fuss.

But the person in charge never gave them this opportunity. No matter what questions they asked, the answers were always stable, showing their attitude and never going beyond the bottom line. They were even more cautious in choosing words and sentences, and they wanted to intercept ambiguous sentences. Articles are also not feasible.

This situation made a reporter named Dick very anxious. He originally came to participate in this discussion to find fault, but now it is almost over, and his colleagues have almost asked the problem of finding fault, but But it didn't work at all.

It seems that there is only one way to do it.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand, and after waiting for a few minutes, the person in charge called his name.

Dick stood up, coughed first, and then asked:

"Mr. Zhao, we have learned that the shadow of the Huaxia fighter jet appeared in this yin-ba conflict. I would like to ask, does this mean that you are involved in this conflict?"

The person in charge on the stage evoked a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He fully understood what the other party was doing.

Involving oneself in this conflict through this kind of talk, and then using international public opinion to hype it, no matter what the final goal is, it will definitely be detrimental to oneself.

You can choose not to answer this question, but in such an occasion, facing such a question, if you don’t answer, you will feel guilty.

The thought of the person in charge changed, and a few seconds later, when Dick just put down the microphone, he opened his mouth and replied:

"As far as we know, the f-16, Mirage 2000, F15, and Mirage 3 fighter jets appeared most in this conflict. These kinds of fighter jets are from the Ugly State and the Fa State respectively. So I would like to ask, does this mean that the two Is the country involved in this conflict?"

"By the way, f-16 fighter jets appeared in both camps in the conflict. For this, I would like to ask, does this mean that your country is fighting a new civil war on someone else's territory? ?"

There was a burst of laughter from the reporters in the audience, and the expression on Dick's face froze, but quickly recovered.

This answer was very witty, and it basically blocked the question he had planned to ask. However, the reporter who had been working for so many years did not only have the advantage of running fast.

After a pause, he continued to ask:

"You have a good understanding of the local situation. I would like to ask, what is the source of this information? Is it credible?"

This question is full of pitfalls. If the person in charge has a credible answer, he can immediately go back and compile a report with the title "China has first-hand top-secret military information on the conflict between Yin and Ba, suspected of being the manipulator behind the conflict."

And if the answer is not credible, then he can change the angle and question the spokesman for spreading unverified information and deliberately provoke the situation.

According to normal logic, no matter how you answer, there is no way to escape the trap he set, but he obviously underestimated the strength of this kind-hearted person in charge.

I saw the other party took a sip from the water glass with the same expression, and then replied:

"All our information comes from international public information. As for the credibility of the information source, it is not us, but the relevant news media that should answer."

"Actually, I am equally curious about your question."

"How on earth did our journalist friends from some media obtain this information in such a short period of time?"

"However, curiosity is curiosity, and we will not ask them this question, because if it is raised, it needs to be answered."

"It just so happens that you have also raised this question now, so we will also sincerely give you a suggestion."

"Why don't you go there and see for yourself?"

"We will deliver."

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