Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 373 Completely Collapsed Command System

December 12, Guam.

The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has completed its final repairs, and is slowly leaving the port at this moment, and is about to rush to its battlefield.

All the crew members on the aircraft carrier are doing their work nervously, because they know that this voyage will be different from any previous one, and what will greet them is likely to be the largest and most intense one after entering the 21st century. field conflict.

However, unlike the mood of ordinary fighters, the atmosphere in the command room of the aircraft carrier was a little weird.

"...Are you sure that our target this time is Aozhou? Why are we going there? Didn't the previous information say we should go to the Western Pacific?"

It was the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet who spoke, and his face was full of confusion, because the instructions he received were so strange.

Go to a certain sea area in Aozhou, close all communication channels, and keep the communication silent on standby.

What is this for?

Even with his decades of command and combat experience, he couldn't figure out what kind of strategic significance such a deployment would bring.

"Theoretically, Aozhou is also in the Western Pacific Ocean, but I really didn't understand this order... I just confirmed it to my superiors through the joint command system, and the order I received is still the same."

Captain Roosevelt replied helplessly.

He is also somewhat incomprehensible to orders, but he can't show any abnormality of disobeying orders in front of his superiors, which makes him feel a little painful.

Hearing his words, the fleet commander frowned tightly, and then said:

"I can't accept such an order - this is obviously a wrong order, I need to personally call the commander-in-chief, and I will never execute it unless I get his personal confirmation!"

"My advice is the same. Call now to confirm, call now!"

The commander-in-chief nodded slightly, he picked up the phone, and then, two minutes later, he learned a piece of news that shocked him to the point of almost terror.

As he expected, the operational order issued through the joint command system was not to Aozhou at all, but to the Western Pacific.

Moreover, the content of the confirmation message they issued through the command system was also tampered with, and the confirmation received by the other party was also "Go to the Western Pacific"!

Under such double-ended tampering, a wrong instruction was completely implemented, and if it weren't for this call, the sender and receiver of the instruction would still be in the dark!

What exactly is going on?

The commander-in-chief and the captain looked at each other, and an extremely terrifying guess came up in their hearts at the same time.

Our own combat command system has been completely infiltrated.

Moreover, the other party even mastered the private key of its own command, and released the tampered information through the private key!

To achieve this result, there are only two possibilities:

First, the military intelligence system of one's own side has been physically conquered, and the key personnel who hold the private key are the other side's spies.

The possibility of such a thing happening is extremely low, and to explain it with the most apt case, it is as if Captain America is actually Hydra's undercover agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not at all.

But if that's not the case, then their situation is probably even more dangerous, because...

The other party is likely to have mastered some kind of rsa decryption technology, and has implanted a Trojan horse program, fundamentally destroying the encryption method on which its own survival depends!

This guess is even scarier than the first, because if this is the case, then the paralysis goes far beyond the chain of command.

In addition to the highest level of physical isolation of nuclear weapons and strategic weapons, the enemy can mobilize all its combat units without any obstacles, and even if they send a signal, they can make those weapons systems that have been automatically designed to replace the standing weapons. Out of ammo!

From missile strike targets, to combat unit battle positions, to data link systems, to satellite reconnaissance systems... Almost every link will be significantly affected.

Yes, we can indeed disconnect the data link and issue combat orders purely by radio that cannot be distorted and interfered is fatal!

Just imagine that the other side's data link system shares all the target information within a few microseconds, while one's own side has to rely on the radio to transmit one by one... Such a speed difference will make a war completely Change.

Do you still want to fight?

This question appeared in the minds of both the commander-in-chief of the fleet and the captain at the same time, but before they could come to a conclusion, they were given new instructions:

Return to Guam base on standby.

This time, the order was not twisted.


At the same time, the joint command of the entire Ugly Nation's military has become a mess.

This once claimed to be the most advanced military command on the entire planet, but now it can only rely on the most traditional telephone communication system for intelligence sharing and information confirmation.

Each combat unit constantly reported errors in command information and anomalies in the data link system, and the aggregated information made everyone in this command feel like falling into an ice cave.

Three of the six major aircraft carrier formations were set up at wrong rendezvous locations. The army received ultra-long-distance maneuvering orders for no reason. Several military airfields scrambled and landed fighter jets. My own plane in training shot down...

In a small conference room, the country's top decision-makers in the military field have gathered together. In the face of this unprecedented situation, their expressions are even more serious than when the homeland was threatened by nuclear weapons.

"...The situation is very clear, this is a Trojan horse virus invasion, but the problem is that our encryption design is not afraid of Trojan horse viruses at all."

"They can intercept our information and intercept our combat orders, but absolutely cannot rely on the public key of the combat order to deduce the private key to decrypt our information."

"We use 512-bit RSA encryption. According to experts, there is no technology on the planet that can crack this encryption, not even the most powerful computer."

"Not to mention that this crack is not a single instruction crack, but a large-scale, whole-chain crack... It's incredible."

It was a senior commander who was speaking. Before that, he had received no less than fifty calls, all of which had been directly checked with him for the accuracy of the command information, which made him a little uncomfortable. The command issued an order to stop all military activities.

Dramatically, this command, which was transmitted synchronously by radio and the joint command system, was not distorted at all, which also made them more sure that the distortion of the previous command was not a problem with their own system or personnel, but someone who implemented interference from it.

"It's nothing out of the ordinary, Ron, you know what's going on, you just don't dare admit it."

"Obviously, this is rsa decryption, and the other party has mastered this technology -- mastered this technology before us!"

"Not only in the military field, our logistics procurement has also been significantly affected. I just received news that our army has issued a PO to the supplier to purchase hundreds of thousands of individual soldier sights, and we do not need these orders at all. Soldier sights, the content of this po itself is to purchase individual medical kits!"

"If it wasn't for paper confirmation, maybe the contract would have been executed, but even if it was just that, we've been affected enough."

"The banking and financial sector has not been attacked yet, but I have no doubt that if it was really necessary, they would simply change the deposit numbers in all our banks to 0!"

"What should we do at that time? This is not a simple financial issue. If our people find that all the money in their accounts has disappeared, they will immediately jump up and rebel!"

"The domestic situation is already tense enough, and we absolutely cannot afford such a shock."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Ron was silent for a few seconds, and then asked:

"Terry, don't always look like you're high, so what's your opinion? Admit defeat? I've already ordered the cessation of military operations, how can I admit defeat?"

"The point is not to admit defeat... The point is that we have to figure out what the other party wants first."

Terry sighed deeply, then continued:

"I don't want that either, but Ron, rsa decryption technology is a more deterrent technology than nuclear weapons, you know, we've been competing with our adversaries on this for almost two decades, and now they're We are one step ahead.”

"In that case, we have no other choice."

"Think about it for yourself, what was our strategy at a time when only we had nuclear weapons in the world?"

"Now, we've swapped places with them, they have RSA decryption and we don't."

"And, if we want to escape the influence of rsa decryption, we must update the algorithm - update to a quantum algorithm! But what is the most terrible thing? Their rsa decryption, the technical basis of which is quantum computing!"

"Even if we update the quantum encryption algorithm, they still have a high chance of being able to decipher... Forget it, it's not something you and I can decide."

"Don't waste any more time, just report it directly. We need a full discussion, and all military operations must stop until the results of the discussion come out!"

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