Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 404 The Beginning Of The Game

"So, where are we going now?"

Liu Shuang looked at the pick-up vehicles coming and going from outside the airport with a little bewilderment, and was at a loss for a while.

This is not because she has never seen the world or traveled far, on the contrary, it is because she has seen the world too much, and every action has a clear purpose, so when faced with such a situation, she does not know What to do.

As a veteran of the customer line, Huang Qi is much more comfortable in dealing with this kind of thing. I saw that he pondered for a while, then took out his mobile phone and opened Baidu, and typed a line of words:

"Is there any place to play in the north of the island?"

Then, he randomly picked one of the results that jumped out, and then chose the Forbidden City Museum that seemed to be the most worthwhile to go to, and then decided the itinerary.

"Let's find a hotel to settle down first, and then go for a walk. Didn't we say we wanted to investigate the mobile payment environment here? Now is the opportunity."

Liu Shuang nodded and continued to ask:

"What hotel are you staying in? What's our quota for this time? Find a better one?"

Huang Qi smiled slightly and replied:

"Xiao Liu, you still have too little contact with the front-end. Do you still need to consider the quota for a business trip of our nature? Just pick the highest-end local one."

"People rely on clothes, horses and saddles, and when they arrive at the hotel, they will find a way to rent a better car, and set up the stage first."

"It's not good..."

Looking at Liu Shuang's hesitant expression, Huang Qi explained patiently:

"Business etiquette and business practices are very complicated things. To a large extent, the success of a negotiation is largely determined when the two sides meet for the first time. Of course, we can keep it as if we were at home. Hard and simple, but that is not in line with our prudence."

"A luxury car and a high-end hotel may not be necessary, but there is absolutely nothing wrong. Compared with the huge benefits of subsequent negotiations, this cost is nothing at all."

Liu Shuang glanced at Huang Qi suspiciously, and asked hesitantly:

"That's not an excuse you made up, is it?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth is really like this. If you don't believe it, you can look at the financial reports of domestic listed companies. Their social entertainment expenses, travel expenses and vehicle purchase expenses are generally very high. This is the reason."

"Okay...then I'll let you arrange it."

After seeing Liu Shuang nodding in agreement, Huang Qi did not hesitate, went directly to the tourist reception window in the arrival hall of the airport, picked the one that looked the most upscale, pre-swiped his card to book a top-spec Lexus LM, and then booked a travel agency. The most expensive Marriott hotel in the recommended range.

The staff of the travel agency thought they were fat sheep from the mainland, and they were very attentive and recommended various additional value-added services to them.

In just half an hour, more than 100,000 soft sister coins were swiped out of his credit card, which made Liu Shuang hurt, but he himself had a calm expression.

After sitting in the Lexus, Liu Shuang finally learned the mentality of breaking the jar. Anyway, this money is actually nothing to them now. If there is really no way to reimburse it, it is a big deal to regard it as a luxury travel. .

Because the driver was there, the two of them didn't talk about work in a tacit understanding. They just talked about the next itinerary one after another. When they talked about an unfamiliar place, Huang Qi directly lowered the privacy soundproof wall and asked the driver:

"Master, what time does the Palace Museum open every day? When is the right time to go?"

Hearing Huang Qi's question, the driver was stunned for a moment, and instead of answering directly, he asked:

"You...are you from the mainland?"

"Yeah, come and play!"

Huang Qi and Liu Shuang looked at each other, both of them had puzzled expressions on their faces.

This driver's accent is not like a local, but like a northerner in the mainland.

The driver was silent for a moment, then sighed imperceptibly, and replied:

"The Palace Museum is open from 8:00 to 4:00 p.m. every day. You can go anytime during this period, and you don't have to wait in line. But if you want to see it, you'd better go early. There are hundreds of thousands of exhibits in it, and it's not that easy. You can see it all.”

"Then you really have to go early...Hey, master, listening to your accent, it doesn't seem like it's different from here?"

"It's not the accent they speak... My family speaks with a northern accent, I'm used to it, I can't change it, and I don't want to change it. In fact, this is also normal, like our generation basically There's no South Island accent like the one on TV, you'll know it if you visit here more often."

Huang Qi nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"Your parents and elders are from the north? Where are they from?"

"Fengtian people, they ran during the Liaoshen campaign. They have been running for decades...I don't know when they will be able to go back."

Huang Qi heard that his tone seemed a little sentimental, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Because he really couldn't tell whether the "go back" in the other party's mouth was "go home" or "call back".

If it is the former, it is fine, but if it is the latter, at this time, there is no need to discuss such a sensitive topic.

Seeing that Huang Qi did not answer, the driver continued to speak on his own:

"You are from the mainland, and I am also a member of the Xia Chao Club. There is no recording in this car, so let's talk about the topics that the common people want to talk about, and there should be no problem. I want to ask, now we are from Fengtian. What happened to that big plane?"

Hearing the driver's question, Huang Qi and Liu Shuang were stunned for a moment.

They never imagined that the first person they met on this island who had a real communication would be a member of the Summer Tide Club.

Is this... the ratio is too high, or just too much luck?

In their previous expectations, if they encountered a green man on the itinerary, they would simply keep silent, not communicate or discuss, and just have fun.

After hesitating for a moment, it was Huang Qi who answered first:

"Fengtian doesn't make big planes, it's COMAC that makes big planes...Fengtian makes aero engines, but it's pretty strong, and now their Qilian-2 is the strongest engine in the world. already."

"It's all public information and it's available online."

Hearing Huang Qi's answer, the driver shook his head slightly.

"It's online or online, but listening to you say it yourself is another matter. Besides, the things on the Internet are true and false, and the more you look at them, the more angry you become, even if you don't read them."

The two people in the back seat burst into laughter, and Liu Shuang couldn't help but interject:

"Master, do you have a good understanding of public opinion?"

"I don't know if I can do it? I'm also an old man. I used to follow Mr. Nancun in the past, but unfortunately I couldn't play the pen. Later, I became a worker. Isn't it unemployed, so I came out to find a driving job."

"I didn't expect to meet people from my hometown! This little brother, are you from the Northeast? I can tell from your accent."

Huang Qi nodded and replied:

"I'm from hld."

"Oh, that's not far. Next time you have the opportunity to go shopping. Where are you going to play this time? Tell me in advance, and I'll make arrangements for you."

"Uh...we're not sure about the time, so let's go to the Palace Museum first and see the specific arrangements later."

"Any business?"

Hearing the driver's question, Huang Qi did not pause at all, and said directly:

"I came here to see the supply, and I plan to bring in some high mountain tea to go back -- we open a milk tea shop and make cold brewed tea."

"That's a good business, but how can the tea here be compared to the tea from Wuyi Mountain? You are also looking for distance."

"The taste is different. There is no harm in trying more."

"That's true. If you try more, there will always be a day of success. Unfortunately, people of my generation have tried all their lives, but they still haven't found a way out. It's another year of looking north."

Just as Liu Shuang was about to speak, Huang Qi lightly held her hand.

"If you miss home, just go home and have a look? It's convenient to buy a plane ticket now. It only takes a few hours to go back and forth, so pick a weekend and go back."

The driver in the front row sighed slightly and replied:

"It's not that simple! I'm getting old and my heart is lazy. Besides, the old friends are gone, and now there are only thoughts left in my heart."

"The reason why Nianxiang is Nianxiang must be in an illusion. If you really go, it will not be beautiful."

"What you said is a bit philosophical. You are indeed Mr. Nancun's disciple."

"I'm not really a concierge, I'm just fortunate enough to have learned to write fur. There's a lot of gossip. When your hotel arrives, I'll rest in the car afterwards. If you need it, just contact me at any time."

"Thanks a lot."

Huang Qi took Liu Shuang out of the car, took his luggage into the room and closed the door, the latter couldn't wait to ask:

"something wrong?"

Huang Qi shook his head slightly.

"I don't know. Talking too little, I didn't find any flaws."

"However, when things go wrong, there must be demons. If you think about it, we can be so lucky to meet such a 'folk' on the first stop?"

"Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out, but out of prudence, it's better to have as little contact as possible."

"None of us are professional intelligence staff. At best, we have received some temporary education before coming here. We are absolutely incapable of intriguing with them. Therefore, keeping our mouths shut is the best response strategy."

Hearing his words, Liu Shuang nodded solemnly and replied:

"I actually feel something is wrong... Brother Qi, you don't have to worry about me, I know it."

Huang Qi smiled gently and said:

"Don't worry, I absolutely trust you."

"It's just that we are surrounded by wolves now, and the information revealed in every sentence may cause huge trouble, so we must be cautious."

"Okay, hurry back to your room to pack up, we'll go right away."

"Really go to the museum?"

"Of course! Don't they want to hang us? Playing with me like a scumbag, their rank is too low!"


In the parking lot downstairs of the hotel, the driver held a mobile phone in his hand, and the mobile phone had dialed a number that did not display the number.

Just as Huang Qi and Liu Shuang thought, this game has already started from the moment they landed.

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